typclass task Haskell flip and fold - haskell

I have this function.
reverse :: (Foldable t, Applicative t, Monoid (t a)) => t a -> t a
reverse ls = foldr (\l r -> r `mappend` pure l) mempty ls`
and now I should turn it into this:
reverse::(foldable t, Applicative t, Monoid (t,a) => t a -> t a)
reverse = foldr (flip _____ . _____ ) ______`
I have no clue, I didn't even know that I can leave out the argument (ls) in the
ls = Foldr ... equation.
So I have no argument for flip and no funktion for the point operator.
Flip need 2 arguments and one funktion, I dont see any argument maybe mempty.
The dot notation needs 2 funktion and one argument. Maybe i am wrong.
reverse::(foldable t, Applicative t, Monoid (t,a) => t a -> t a)
reverse = foldr (flip _____ . _____ ) ______`

Short answer
reverse = foldr (flip mappend . pure) mempty
Long answer
I think you don't understand one main point - you can apply any function to arguments "not right away".
For example, you can write this:
f = (+) 5
So, function (operator) + has type Num a => a -> a -> a, but it doesn't mean that when you want apply + you must use two arguments at once. In the example above you defined new object which is function of adding 5.
One more example:
g = head . tail
Although (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c, you don't have to pass the last parameter right away. So function g has type [a] -> a.
Lets' return to your task:
(\l r -> r ``mappend`` pure l)
Rewrite this function:
(\l r -> mappend r (pure l))
(\l r -> flip mappend (pure l) r)
(\l -> flip mappend (pure l))
(\l -> (flip mappend . pure) l)
flip mappend . pure
And you can rewrite
reverse ls = foldr (flip mappend . pure) mempty ls
reverse = foldr (flip mappend . pure) mempty


Recursion scheme in Haskell for repeatedly breaking datatypes into "head" and "tail" and yielding a structure of results

In Haskell, I recently found the following function useful:
listCase :: (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listCase f [] = []
listCase f (x:xs) = f x xs : listCase f xs
I used it to generate sliding windows of size 3 from a list, like this:
*Main> listCase (\_ -> take 3) [1..5]
Is there a more general recursion scheme which captures this pattern? More specifically, that allows you to generate a some structure of results by repeatedly breaking data into a "head" and "tail"?
What you are asking for is a comonad. This may sound scarier than monad, but is a simpler concept (YMMV).
Comonads are Functors with additional structure:
class Functor w => Comonad w where
extract :: w a -> a
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
(extendand duplicate can be defined in terms of each other)
and laws similar to the monad laws:
duplicate . extract = id
duplicate . fmap extract = id
duplicate . duplicate = fmap duplicate . duplicate
Specifically, the signature (a -> [a] -> b) takes non-empty Lists of type a. The usual type [a] is not an instance of a comonad, but the non-empty lists are:
data NE a = T a | a :. NE a deriving Functor
instance Comonad NE where
extract (T x) = x
extract (x :. _) = x
duplicate z#(T _) = T z
duplicate z#(_ :. xs) = z :. duplicate xs
The comonad laws allow only this instance for non-empty lists (actually a second one).
Your function then becomes
extend (take 3 . drop 1 . toList)
Where toList :: NE a -> [a] is obvious.
This is worse than the original, but extend can be written as =>> which is simpler if applied repeatedly.
For further information, you may start at What is the Comonad typeclass in Haskell?.
This looks like a special case of a (jargon here but it can help with googling) paramorphism, a generalisation of primitive recursion to all initial algebras.
Reimplementing ListCase
Let's have a look at how to reimplement your function using such a combinator. First we define the notion of paramorphism: a recursion principle where not only the result of the recursive call is available but also the entire substructure this call was performed on:
The type of paraList tells me that in the (:) case, I will have access to the head, the tail and the value of the recursive call on the tail and that I need to provide a value for the base case.
module ListCase where
paraList :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -- cons
-> b -- nil
-> [a] -> b -- resulting function on lists
paraList c n [] = n
paraList c n (x : xs) = c x xs $ paraList c n xs
We can now give an alternative definition of listCase:
listCase' :: (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listCase' c = paraList (\ x xs tl -> c x xs : tl) []
Considering the general case
In the general case, we are interested in building a definition of paramorphism for all data structures defined as the fixpoint of a (strictly positive) functor. We use the traditional fixpoint operator:
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
This builds an inductive structure layer by layer. The layers have an f shape which maybe better grasped by recalling the definition of List using this formalism. A layer is either Nothing (we're done!) or Just (head, tail):
newtype ListF a as = ListF { unListF :: Maybe (a, as) }
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
nil :: List a
nil = Fix $ ListF $ Nothing
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons = curry $ Fix . ListF .Just
Now that we have this general framework, we can define para generically for all Fix f where f is a functor:
para :: Functor f => (f (Fix f, b) -> b) -> Fix f -> b
para alg = alg . fmap (\ rec -> (rec, para alg rec)) . unFix
Of course, ListF a is a functor. Meaning we could use para to reimplement paraList and listCase.
instance Functor (ListF a) where fmap f = ListF . fmap (fmap f) . unListF
paraList' :: (a -> List a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
paraList' c n = para $ maybe n (\ (a, (as, b)) -> c a as b) . unListF
listCase'' :: (a -> List a -> b) -> List a -> List b
listCase'' c = paraList' (\ x xs tl -> cons (c x xs) tl) nil
You can implement a simple bijection toList, fromList to test it if you want. I could not be bothered to reimplement take so it's pretty ugly:
toList :: [a] -> List a
toList = foldr cons nil
fromList :: List a -> [a]
fromList = paraList' (\ x _ tl -> x : tl) []
*ListCase> fmap fromList . fromList . listCase'' (\ _ as -> toList $ take 3 $ fromList as). toList $ [1..5]

Is it possible to fold <*> in haskell?

I want to realize something like
fun1 f a_ziplist
for example
getZipList $ (\x y z -> x*y+z) <$> ZipList [4,7] <*> ZipList [6,9] <*> ZipList [5,10]
f = (\x y z -> x*y+z)
ziplist = [[4,7],[6,9],[5,10]]
To do this, I want to recursively apply <*> like
foldx (h:w) = h <*> foldx w
foldx (w:[]) = w
but it seems impossible to make <*> recursive.
Let's play with the types in ghci, to see where they carry us.
λ import Control.Applicative
The type of (<*>)
λ :t (<*>)
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
The type of foldr:
λ :t Prelude.foldr
Prelude.foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Perhaps we could use (<*>) as the function that is passed as the first parameter of foldr. What would be the type?
λ :t Prelude.foldr (<*>)
Prelude.foldr (<*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> [f (a -> a)] -> f a
So it seems that it takes an initial value in an applicative context, and a list of functions in an applicative context, and returns another applicative.
For example, using ZipList as the applicative:
λ getZipList $ Prelude.foldr (<*>) (ZipList [2,3]) [ ZipList [succ,pred], ZipList [(*2)] ]
The result is:
I'm not sure if this is what the question intended, but it seems like a natural way to fold using (<*>).
If the ziplist argument has to be a plain list, it looks impossible. This is because fold f [a1,...,an] must be well typed for every n, hence f must be a function type taking at least n arguments for every n, hence infinitely many.
However, if you use a GADT list type, in which values expose their length as a type-level natural you can achieve something similar to what you want.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, GADTs #-}
import Control.Applicative
-- | Type-level naturals
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- | Type family for n-ary functions
type family Fn (n :: Nat) a b
type instance Fn Z a b = b
type instance Fn (S n) a b = a -> Fn n a b
-- | Lists exposing their length in their type
data List a (n :: Nat) where
Nil :: List a Z
Cons :: a -> List a n -> List a (S n)
-- | General <*> applied to a list of arguments of the right length
class Apply (n :: Nat) where
foldF :: Applicative f => f (Fn n a b) -> List (f a) n -> f b
instance Apply Z where
foldF f0 Nil = f0
instance Apply n => Apply (S n) where
foldF fn (Cons x xs) = foldF (fn <*> x) xs
test :: [(Integer,Integer,Integer)]
test = foldF (pure (,,)) (Cons [10,11] (Cons [20,21] (Cons [30,31] Nil)))
-- Result: [(10,20,30),(10,20,31),(10,21,30),(10,21,31)
-- ,(11,20,30),(11,20,31),(11,21,30),(11,21,31)]
In general folding (<*>) is tricky because of types, as others have mentioned. But for your specific example, where your ziplist elements are all of the same type, you can use a different method and make your calculation work with a small change to f to make it take a list argument instead of single elements:
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
f = (\[x,y,z] -> x*y+z)
ziplist = [[4,7],[6,9],[5,10]]
fun1 f l = getZipList $ f <$> traverse ZipList l
It's even possible to achieve this with just Data.List and Prelude functions:
fun1 f = map f . transpose
To do this, I want to recursively apply <*> like
foldx (h:w) = h <*> foldx w
foldx (w:[]) = w
but it seems impossible to make <*> recursive.
I think you're getting confused over left- vs. right-associativity. danidiaz reformulates this in terms of foldr (<*>), which is quite useful for this analysis. The documentation gives a useful definition of foldr in terms of expansion:
foldr f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 `f` (x2 `f` ... (xn `f` z) ...)
So applying that to your case:
foldr (<*>) z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 <*> (x2 <*> ... (xn <*> z) ...)
Note the parens. <*> is left-associative, so the foldr expansion is different from:
x1 <*> x2 <*> ... <*> xn <*> z == ((... (x1 <*> x2) <*> ...) <*> xn) <*> z
Let's think also a bit more about what foldr (<*>) means. Another way of thinking of this is to rewrite it just slightly:
flip (foldr (<*>)) :: Applicative f :: [f (a -> a)] -> f a -> f a
Types of the form (a -> a) are often called endomorphisms, and they form a monoid, with composition as the operation and id as the identity. There's a newtype wrapper in Data.Monoid for these:
newtype Endo a = Endo { appEndo :: a -> a }
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
mempty = id
mappend = (.)
This gives us yet another way to think of foldr (<*>), by formulating it in terms of Endo:
toEndo :: Applicative f => f (a -> a) -> Endo (f a)
toEndo ff = Endo (ff <*>)
And then what foldr (<*>) does, basically, is reduce this monoid:
foldrStar :: Applicative f => [f (a -> a)] -> Endo (f a)
foldrStar fs = mconcat $ map toMonoid fs
what you have is equivalent to zipWith3 (\x y z -> x*y+z) [4,7] [6,9] [5,10].
it's impossible to foldl the <*> (and you do need foldl as <*> associates to the left) because foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a i.e. it's the same a in a -> b -> a, but when you apply your ternary function on first list of numbers, you get a list of binary functions, and then unary functions at the next step, and only finally, numbers (all different types, then):
>> let xs = map ZipList [[4,7],[6,9],[5,10]]
>> getZipList $ pure (\x y z -> x*y+z) <*> (xs!!0) <*> (xs!!1) <*> (xs!!2)
>> foldl (<*>) (pure (\x y z -> x*y+z)) xs
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: b = a -> b
Expected type: f (a -> b)
Inferred type: f b
In the first argument of `foldl', namely `(<*>)'
In the expression: foldl (<*>) (pure (\ x y z -> x * y + z)) xs
>> :t foldl
foldl :: ( a -> b -> a ) -> a -> [b] -> a
>> :t (<*>)
(<*>) :: (Applicative f) => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- f (a -> b) = f b
The answer by chi addresses this, but the arity is fixed (for a particular code). In effect, what that answer really does is defining (a restricted version of) zipWithN (well, here, when used with the ZipList applicative - obviously, it works with any applicative in general) for any N (but just for the a -> a -> a -> ... -> a type of functions), whereas e.g.
zipWith7 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h) ->
[a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e] -> [f] -> [g] -> [h]
(in other words, zipWith3 (,,) [10,11] ([20,21]::[Integer]) ([30,31]::[Int]) works).

Is it possible to implement foldl/foldr using unsided fold?

By unsided fold, I mean a hypothetic primitive fold operation for associative operators that, does not guarantee any ordering. That is, (fold + 0 [a b c d]) could be (+ (+ a b) (+ c d)) or (+ (+ (+ a b) c) d).
Given that this operation is fusionable, highly paralelizable and universal, I've thought in including it together with map and concat as the only list primitives for my non-recursive minimalist language. I've managed to implement most list functions with it, but not the sided folds foldl/foldrthemselves. Is it possible?
If you have fold and map that is universal. The slogan here is foldr is made of monoids In fact, the standard haskell typeclass Foldable implements foldr and foldl in just this way
The trick is that the set of endomorphisms over a set forms a monoid under function composition with the identity function as the identity.
Note though that foldr and foldl are inherently sequential. So, this trick has to give up any parallelism you have in your implementation of fold and map. Essentially, the encoding of foldr into foldMap is the encoding of a delayed sequential computation into a potentially unordered one. That is why I encourage the use of foldMap over foldr when possible--it supports implicit parallism when that is possible, but is equivalent in expressive power.
EDIT: Putting everything in one place
We define the set of endo morphisms over a
newtype Endo a = Endo { appEndo :: a -> a }
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
mempty = Endo id
Endo f `mappend` Endo g = Endo (f . g)
then in foldable, we see the definition for foldr
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t) z
this uses foldMap which has type Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m (where t is the collection we are folding over, we can pretend it is a list from now on giving Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m and is equivalent to
foldMap f ls = fold (map f ls)
where fold is the monoid fold. If you have a unordered fold called fold' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a then that is just
fold = fold' mappend mempty
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t) z
= appEndo (fold (map (Endo . f) t)) z
= appEndo (fold' mappend mempty (map (Endo . f) t)) z
= appEndo (fold' (\(Endo f) (Endo g) -> Endo (f . g) (Endo id) (map (Endo . f) t)) z
which can be further simplified to
foldr f z t = (fold' (.) id (map f t)) z
and dropping the unecessary parens
foldr f z t = fold' (.) id (map f t) z
which is what Daniel Wagner gave as his answer. You can implement foldl in a similar way, or via foldr.
foldr f z xs = fold (.) id (map f xs) z
For example, in ghci:
*Dmwit Debug.SimpleReflect> let foldr' f z xs = foldb (.) id (map f xs) z
*Dmwit Debug.SimpleReflect> foldr' f z [w,x,y]
f w (f x (f y z))
*Dmwit Debug.SimpleReflect> foldr f z [w,x,y]
f w (f x (f y z))

How to define foldM using foldr/foldl (if it is possible)?

I wanted to make a generic function that folds over a wide range of inputs (see Making a single function work on lists, ByteStrings and Texts (and perhaps other similar representations)). As one answer suggested, the ListLike is just for that. Its FoldableLL class defines an abstraction for anything that is foldable. However, I need a monadic fold. So I need to define foldM in terms of foldl/foldr.
So far, my attempts failed. I tried to define
foldM'' :: (Monad m, LL.FoldableLL full a) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> full -> m b
foldM'' f z = LL.foldl (\acc x -> acc >>= (`f` x)) (return z)
but it runs out of memory on large inputs - it builds a large unevaluated tree of computations. For example, if I pass a large text file to
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= foldM'' idx 0 >> return ()
-- print the current index if 'a' is found
idx !i 'a' = print i >> return (i + 1)
idx !i _ = return (i + 1)
it eats up all memory and fails.
I have a feeling that the problem is that the monadic computations are composed in a wrong order - like ((... >>= ...) >>= ...) instead of (... >>= (... >>= ...)) but so far I didn't find out how to fix it.
Workaround: Since ListLike exposes mapM_, I constructed foldM on ListLikes by wrapping the accumulator into the state monad:
modifyT :: (Monad m) => (s -> m s) -> StateT s m ()
modifyT f = get >>= \x -> lift (f x) >>= put
foldLLM :: (LL.ListLike full a, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> full -> m b
foldLLM f z c = execStateT (LL.mapM_ (\x -> modifyT (\b -> f b x)) c) z
While this works fine on large data sets, it's not very nice. And it doesn't answer the original question, if it's possible to define it on data that are just FoldableLL (without mapM_).
So the goal is to reimplement foldM using either foldr or foldl. Which one should it be? We want the input to be processed lazily and allow for infinte lists, this rules out foldl. So foldr is it going to be.
So here is the definition of foldM from the standard library.
foldM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
foldM _ a [] = return a
foldM f a (x:xs) = f a x >>= \fax -> foldM f fax xs
The thing to remember about foldr is that its arguments simply replace [] and : in the list (ListLike abstracts over that, but it still serves as a guiding principle).
So what should [] be replaced with? Clearly with return a. But where does a come from? It won’t be the initial a that is passed to foldM – if the list is not empty, when foldr reaches the end of the list, the accumulator should have changed. So we replace [] by a function that takes an accumulator and returns it in the underlying monad: \a -> return a (or simply return). This also gives the type of the thing that foldr will calculate: a -> m a.
And what should we replace : with? It needs to be a function b -> (a -> m a) -> (a -> m a), taking the first element of the list, the processed tail (lazily, of course) and the current accumulator. We can figure it out by taking hints from the code above: It is going to be \x rest a -> f a x >>= rest. So our implementation of foldM will be (adjusting the type variables to match them in the code above):
foldM'' :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
foldM'' f z list = foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return list z
And indeed, now your program can consume arbitrary large input, spitting out the results as you go.
We can even prove, inductively, that the definitions are semantically equal (although we should probably do coinduction or take-induction to cater for infinite lists).
We want to show
foldM f a xs = foldM'' f a xs
for all xs :: [b]. For xs = [] we have
foldM f a []
≡ return a -- definition of foldM
≡ foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return [] a -- definition of foldr
≡ foldM'' f a [] -- definition of foldM''
and, assuming we have it for xs, we show it for x:xs:
foldM f a (x:xs)
≡ f a x >>= \fax -> foldM f fax xs --definition of foldM
≡ f a x >>= \fax -> foldM'' f fax xs -- induction hypothesis
≡ f a x >>= \fax -> foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return xs fax -- definition of foldM''
≡ f a x >>= foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return xs -- eta expansion
≡ foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return (x:xs) -- definition of foldr
≡ foldM'' f a (x:xs) -- definition of foldM''
Of course this equational reasoning does not tell you anything about the performance properties you were interested in.

Are these two combinators already available in Haskell?

I need binary combinators of the type
(a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
or maybe
[a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
(though this would just be the foldr1 of the first, and I usually only need to combine two boolean functions.)
Are these built-in?
If not, the implementation is simple:
both f g x = f x && g x
either f g x = f x || g x
or perhaps
allF fs x = foldr (\ f b -> b && f x) True fs
anyF fs x = foldr (\ f b -> b || f x) False fs
Hoogle turns up nothing, but sometimes its search doesn't generalise properly. Any idea if these are built-in? Can they be built from pieces of an existing library?
If these aren't built-in, you might suggest new names, because these names are pretty bad. In fact that's the main reason I hope that they are built-in.
Control.Monad defines an instance Monad ((->) r), so
ghci> :m Control.Monad
ghci> :t liftM2 (&&)
liftM2 (&&) :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
ghci> liftM2 (&&) (5 <) (< 10) 8
You could do the same with Control.Applicative.liftA2.
Not to seriously suggest it, but...
ghci> :t (. flip ($)) . flip all
(. flip ($)) . flip all :: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
ghci> :t (. flip ($)) . flip any
(. flip ($)) . flip any :: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
It's not a builtin, but the alternative I prefer is to use type classes to generalize
the Boolean operations to predicates of any arity:
module Pred2 where
class Predicate a where
complement :: a -> a
disjoin :: a -> a -> a
conjoin :: a -> a -> a
instance Predicate Bool where
complement = not
disjoin = (||)
conjoin = (&&)
instance (Predicate b) => Predicate (a -> b) where
complement = (complement .)
disjoin f g x = f x `disjoin` g x
conjoin f g x = f x `conjoin` g x
-- examples:
ge :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
ge = complement (<)
pos = (>0)
nonzero = pos `disjoin` (pos . negate)
zero = complement pos `conjoin` complement (pos . negate)
I love Haskell!
I don't know builtins, but I like the names you propose.
getCoolNumbers = filter $ either even (< 42)
Alternately, one could think of an operator symbol in addition to typeclasses for alternatives.
getCoolNumbers = filter $ even <|> (< 42)
