Network bound transformation and threading - apache-spark

I am trying to use a REST API to enrich data I have in a spark dataframe. The REST API isn't built by me and requires a single input at a time (no batch option). Unfortunately the REST API latency is slower than I would like so my spark applications seem to spend a lot of time waiting for the API to iterate over each row. Although my REST API has higher latency, it does have very high throughput/capacity which does not seem to get fully used by my spark application.
Since my application appears to be network bound, I was wondering if it would make sense to use threading to help improve the speed of my application. Does spark already capable of doing this internally? If using threads does make sense, is there an easy way to accomplish this? Has anybody successfully done this?

I’ve encountered the same problem when fetching data from a blob storage.
Below is a small self-contained dummy example that I think you can easily modify for your needs.
In the example you should be able to register that it takes a lot longer to construct df_slow vs constructing df_fast.
It works by making each worker process a list of rows in parallel, instead of processing one row at a time sequentially.
You might be able to just swap the slowAdd function with your own Row transforming function. The slowAdd function simulates network latency by sleeping 0.1 seconds.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
from pyspark.sql import Row
# Just some dataframe with numbers
data = [(i,) for i in range(0, 1000)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["Data"], T.IntegerType())
# Get an rdd that contains 'list of Rows' instead of 'Row'
standardRdd = df.rdd # contains [row1, row3, row3,...]
number_of_partitions = 10
repartionedRdd = standardRdd.repartition(number_of_partitions) # contains [row1, row2, row3,...] but repartioned to increase parallelism
glomRdd = repartionedRdd.glom() # contains roughly [[row1, row2, row3,..., row100], [row101, row102, row103, ...], ...]
# where the number of sublists corresponds to the number of partitions
# Define a transformation function with an artificial delay.
# Substitute this with your own transformation function.
import time
def slowAdd(r):
d = r.asDict()
d["Data"] = d["Data"] + 100
return Row(**d)
# Define a function that maps the slowAdd function from 'list of Rows' to 'list of Rows' in parallel
import concurrent.futures
def slowAdd_with_thread_pool(list_of_rows):
thread_pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100)
return [result for result in, list_of_rows)]
# Perform a fast mapping from 'list of Rows' to 'Rows'.
transformed_fast_rdd = glomRdd.flatMap(slowAdd_with_thread_pool)
# For reference, perform a slow mapping from 'Rows' to 'Rows'
transformed_slow_rdd =
# Convert the rdds back to dataframes from the rdd's
df_fast = spark.createDataFrame(transformed_fast_rdd)
#This sum operation will be fast (~100 threads sleeping in parallel on each worker)
df_slow = spark.createDataFrame(transformed_slow_rdd)
#This sum operation will be slow (1 thread sleeping in parallel on each worker)


Spark: problem with crossJoin (takes a tremendous amount of time)

First of all, I have to say that I've already tried everything I know or found on google (Including this Spark: How to use crossJoin which is exactly my problem).
I have to calculate the Cartesian product between two DataFrame - countries and units such that -
val units = A.groupBy("country")
.withColumn("AVR", $"grade" / $"point" * 1000)
.drop("point", "grade")
val countries ="country").distinct()
val C = countries.crossJoin(units)
countries contains a countries name and its size bounded by 150. units is DataFrame with 3 rows - an aggregated result of other DataFrame. I checked 100 times the result and those are the sizes indeed - and it takes 5 hours to complete.
I know I missed something. I've tried caching, repartitioning, etc.
I would love to get some other ideas.
I have two suggestions for you:
Look at the explain plan and the spark properties, for the amount of data you have mentioned 5 hours is a really long time. My expectation is you have way too many shuffles, you can look at different properties like : spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Instead of doing a cross join, you can maybe do a collect and explore broadcasts but do this only on small amounts of data as this data is brought back to the driver.
What is the action you are doing afterwards with C?
Also, if these datasets are so small, consider collecting them to the driver, and doing these manupulation there, you can always spark.createDataFrame later again.
Update #1:
final case class Unit(country: String, AVR: Double)
val collectedUnits: Seq[Unit] =[Unit].collect
val collectedCountries: Seq[String] = countries.collect
val pairs: Seq[(String, Unit)] = for {
unit <- units
country <- countries
} yield (country, unit)
I've finally understood the problem - Spark used too many excessive numbers of partitions, and thus the shuffle takes a lot of time.
The way to solve it is to change the default number -
sparkSession.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 10)
And it works like magic.

Why reading an small subset of the rows with Parquet Dataset take the same time than reading the whole file?

I'm developing a program to analyze some historical prices of some assets. The data is structured and analyzed as a pandas dataframe. The columns are the dates and the rows are the assets. Previously I was using the transpose of this, but this format gave me better reading time. I saved this data in a parquet file and now I want to read an interval of dates from A to B for example and an small set of assets, analyze it and then repeat the same process with the same assets but in the interval from B + 1 to C.
The problem is that even if I use a unique row, the parquet read take the same time that if I read the whole file. Is there a way to improve this behaviour?, It would be good that, once it filter the rows, it saves where the blocks in memory are to speed up the nexts reads. Do I have to write a new file with the assets filtered?.
I tried writing the parquet file with a small number of row groups and smaller data page size to avoid the complete reading, but this doesn't gave me a good results in terms of time.
Other question that I have is the follwing. Why if we read the complete parquet file using a Parquet Dataset and use_legacy_dataset = False, it takes more time than reading the same parquet dataset with use_legacy_dataset = True?
Code example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
# generating the small data for the example, the file weight like 150MB for this example, the real data
# has 2 GB
dates = pd.bdate_range('2019-01-01', '2020-03-01')
assets = list(range(1000, 50000))
historical_prices = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(len(assets), len(dates)), assets, dates)
historical_prices.columns = historical_prices.columns.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# name of the index = 'assets'
# writing the parquet file using the lastest version, in the comments are the thigns that I tested
# row_group_size=100,
# compression=None
# use_dictionary=False,
# data_page_size=1000,
# use_byte_stream_split=True,
# flavor='spark',
# reading the complete parquet dataset
start_time = time.time()
historical_prices_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(
print(time.time() - start_time)
# Reading only one asset of the parquet dataset
start_time = time.time()
filters = [('assets', '=', assets[0])]
historical_prices_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(
print(time.time() - start_time)
# this is what I want to do, read by intervals.
num_intervals = 5
for i in range(num_intervals):
start = int(i * len(dates) / num_intervals)
end = int((i + 1) * len(dates) / num_intervals)
interval = list(dates[start:end].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
# Here goes some analyzing process that can't be done in parallel due that the results of every interval
# are used in the next interval
print(time.time() - start_time)
I was using the transpose of this, but this format gave me better reading time.
Parquet supports individual column reads. So if you have 10 columns of 10k rows and you want 5 columns then you'll read 50k cells. If you have 10k columns of 10 rows and you want 5 columns then you'll read 50 cells. So presumably this is why the transpose gave you better reading time. I don't think I have enough details here. Parquet also supports reading individual row groups, more on that later.
You have roughly 49,000 assets and 300 dates. I'd expect you to get better performance with assets as columns but 49,000 is a lot of columns to have. It's possible that either you are having to read too much column metadata or you are dealing with CPU overhead from keeping track of so many columns.
It is a bit odd to have date values or asset ids as columns. A far more typical layout would be to have three columns: "date", "asset id", & "price".
The problem is that even if I use a unique row, the parquet read take the same time that if I read the whole file
Yes, if you have a single row group. Parquet does not support partial row group reads. I believe this is due to the fact that the columns are compressed. However, I do not get the same results you are getting. The middle time in your example (the single asset read) is typically ~60-70% of the time of the first read. So it is faster. Possibly just because there is less conversion to do to get to pandas or maybe there is some optimization I'm not aware of.
The problem is that even if I use a unique row, the parquet read take the same time that if I read the whole file. Is there a way to improve this behaviour?, It would be good that, once it filter the rows, it saves where the blocks in memory are to speed up the nexts reads. Do I have to write a new file with the assets filtered?.
Row groups may be your answer. See the next section.
I tried writing the parquet file with a small number of row groups and smaller data page size to avoid the complete reading, but this doesn't gave me a good results in terms of time.
This is probably what you are after (or you can use multiple files). Parquet supports reading just one row group out of a whole file. However, 100 is too small of a number for row_group_size. Each row group creates some amount of metadata in the file and has some overhead for processing. If I change that to 10,000 for example then the middle read is twice as fast (and now only 30-40% of the full table read).
Other question that I have is the follwing. Why if we read the complete parquet file using a Parquet Dataset and use_legacy_dataset = False, it takes more time than reading the same parquet dataset with use_legacy_dataset = True?
This new datasets API is pretty new (new as of 1.0.0 which released in July). It's possible there is just a bit more overhead. You are not doing anything that would take advantage of the new datasets API (e.g. using scan or non-parquet datasets or new filesystems). So while use_legacy_datasets shouldn't be faster it should not be any slower either. They should take roughly the same amount of time.
It sounds like you have many assets (tens of thousands) and you want to read a few of them. You also want to chunk the read into smaller reads (which you are using the date for).
First, instead of using the date at all, I would recommend using dataset.scan ( This will allow you to process your data one row group at a time.
Second, is there any way you can group your asset ids? If each asset ID has only a single row you can ignore this. However, if you have (for example) 500 rows for each asset ID (or 1 row for each asset ID/date pair) can you write your file so that it looks something like this...
asset_id date price
A 1 ?
A 2 ?
A 3 ?
B 1 ?
B 2 ?
B 3 ?
If you do this AND you set the row group size to something reasonable (try 10k or 100k and then refine from there) then you should be able to get it so that you are only reading 1 or 2 row groups per asset ID.
I found another approach that give me better times for my specific cases, of course, this is a not very general solution. It has some not pyarrow's functions, but it do what I thought the filters of pyarrow do when we read multiple times the same rows. When the number of row groups to read grow, the parquet dataset gave better performance.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from typing import Dict, Any, List
class PriceGroupReader:
def __init__(self, filename: str, assets: List[int]):
self.price_file = pq.ParquetFile(filename)
self.assets = assets
self.valid_groups = self._get_valid_row_groups()
def _get_valid_row_groups(self):
I don't fine a parquet function to make this row group search, so I did this manual search.
Note: The assets index is sorted, so probably this can be improved a lot.
start_time = time.time()
assets = pd.Index(self.assets)
valid_row_groups = []
index_position = self.price_file.schema.names.index("assets")
for i in range(self.price_file.num_row_groups):
row_group = self.price_file.metadata.row_group(i)
statistics = row_group.column(index_position).statistics
if np.any((statistics.min <= assets) & (assets <= statistics.max)):
print("getting the row groups: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
return valid_row_groups
def read_valid_row_groups(self, dates: List[str]):
row_groups = []
for row_group_pos in self.valid_groups:
df = self.price_file.read_row_group(row_group_pos, columns=dates, use_pandas_metadata=True).to_pandas()
df = df.loc[df.index.isin(self.assets)]
df = pd.concat(row_groups)
# This is another way to read the groups but I think it can consume more memory, probably is faster.
df = self.price_file.read_row_groups(self.valid_groups, columns=dates, use_pandas_metadata=True).to_pandas()
df = df.loc[df.index.isin(self.assets)]
return df
def write_prices(assets: List[int], dates: List[str]):
historical_prices = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(len(assets), len(dates)), assets, dates)
# name of the index = 'assets'
# writing the parquet file using the lastest version, in the comments are the thigns that I tested
# compression=None
# use_dictionary=False,
# data_page_size=1000,
# use_byte_stream_split=True,
# flavor='spark',
# generating the small data for the example, the file weight like 150MB, the real data weight 2 GB
total_dates = list(pd.bdate_range('2019-01-01', '2020-03-01').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
total_assets = list(range(1000, 50000))
write_prices(total_assets, total_dates)
# selecting a subset of the whole assets
valid_assets = total_assets[:3000]
# read the price file for the example
price_group_reader = PriceGroupReader('historical_prices.parquet', valid_assets)
# reading all the dates, only as an example
start_time = time.time()
print("complete reading: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
# this is what I want to do, read by intervals.
num_intervals = 5
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(num_intervals):
start = int(i * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
end = int((i + 1) * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
interval = list(total_dates[start:end])
df = price_group_reader.read_valid_row_groups(interval)
# print(df)
print("interval reading: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
filters = [('assets', 'in', valid_assets)]
price_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(
start_time = time.time()
print("complete reading with parquet dataset: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(num_intervals):
start = int(i * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
end = int((i + 1) * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
interval = list(total_dates[start:end])
df = price_dataset.read_pandas(columns=interval).to_pandas()
print("interval reading with parquet dataset: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))

pandas group by in parallel

I'm having some trouble splitting the aggregation step of a group-by operation across multiple cores. I have the following working code, and would like to apply it over several processors:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
mydf = pd.DataFrame({'v1':[1,2,3,4]*6,'v2':['a','b','c']*8,'v3':np.arange(20,44)})
Which I can then apply the following GroupBy operation:
(the step I wish to do in parallel)
pd.groupby(mydf,by=['v1','v2']).apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x['v3'],[20,30]))
yielding the series:
1 a [22.4, 23.6]
b [26.4, 27.6]
c [30.4, 31.6]
2 a [31.4, 32.6]
b [23.4, 24.6]
c [27.4, 28.6]
I Tried the following, with reference to:parallel groupby
def applyParallel(dfGrouped, func):
with Pool(1) as p:
ret_list =, [group for name, group in dfGrouped])
return pd.concat(ret_list)
def myfunc(df):
df['pct1'] = df.loc[:,['v3']].apply(np.percentile,args=([20],))
df['pct2'] = df.loc[:,['v3']].apply(np.percentile,args=([80],))
grouped = pd.groupby(mydf,by=['v1','v2'])
But I'm losing the index structure and getting duplicates. I could probably solve this step with a further group by operation, but I think it shouldn't be too difficult to avoid it entirely. Any suggestions?
Not that I'm still looking for an answer, but It'd probably be better to use a library that handles parallel manipulations of pandas DataFrames, rather than trying to do so manually.
Dask is one option which is intended to scale Pandas operations with little code modification.
Another option (but is maybe a little more difficult to set up) is PySpark

Filtering Spark DataFrame on new column

Context: I have a dataset too large to fit in memory I am training a Keras RNN on. I am using PySpark on an AWS EMR Cluster to train the model in batches that are small enough to be stored in memory. I was not able to implement the model as distributed using elephas and I suspect this is related to my model being stateful. I'm not entirely sure though.
The dataframe has a row for every user and days elapsed from the day of install from 0 to 29. After querying the database I do a number of operations on the dataframe:
query = """WITH max_days_elapsed AS (
SELECT user_id,
max(days_elapsed) as max_de
FROM table
GROUP BY user_id
SELECT table.*
FROM table
LEFT OUTER JOIN max_days_elapsed USING (user_id)
WHERE max_de = 1
AND days_elapsed < 1"""
df = read_from_db(query) #this is just a custom function to query our database
#Create features vector column
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=features_list, outputCol="features")
df_vectorized = assembler.transform(df)
#Split users into train and test and assign batch number
udf_randint = udf(lambda x: np.random.randint(0, x), IntegerType())
training_users, testing_users ="user_id").distinct().randomSplit([0.8,0.2],123)
training_users = training_users.withColumn("batch_number", udf_randint(lit(N_BATCHES)))
#Create and sort train and test dataframes
train = df_vectorized.join(training_users, ["user_id"], "inner").select(["user_id", "days_elapsed","batch_number","features", "kpi1", "kpi2", "kpi3"])
train = train.sort(["user_id", "days_elapsed"])
test = df_vectorized.join(testing_users, ["user_id"], "inner").select(["user_id","days_elapsed","features", "kpi1", "kpi2", "kpi3"])
test = test.sort(["user_id", "days_elapsed"])
The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to be able to filter on batch_number without caching train. I can filter on any of the columns that are in the original dataset in our database, but not on any column I have generated in pyspark after querying the database:
This: train.filter(train["days_elapsed"] == 0).select("days_elapsed") returns only 0.
But, all of these return all of the batch numbers between 0 and 9 without any filtering:
train.filter(train["batch_number"] == 0).select("batch_number").distinct().show()
train.filter(train.batch_number == 0).select("batch_number").distinct().show()
train.filter("batch_number = 0").select("batch_number").distinct().show()
train.filter(col("batch_number") == 0).select("batch_number").distinct().show()
This also does not work:
batch_df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM train_table WHERE batch_number = 1")"batch_number").distinct().show()
All of these work if I do train.cache() first. Is that absolutely necessary or is there a way to do this without caching?
Spark >= 2.3 (? - depending on a progress of SPARK-22629)
It should be possible to disable certain optimization using asNondeterministic method.
Spark < 2.3
Don't use UDF to generate random numbers. First of all, to quote the docs:
The user-defined functions must be deterministic. Due to optimization, duplicate invocations may be eliminated or the function may even be invoked more times than it is present in the query.
Even if it wasn't for UDF, there are Spark subtleties, which make it almost impossible to implement this right, when processing single records.
Spark already provides rand:
Generates a random column with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples from U[0.0, 1.0].
and randn
Generates a column with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples from the standard normal distribution.
which can be used to build more complex generator functions.
There can be some other issues with your code but this makes it unacceptable from the beginning (Random numbers generation in PySpark, pyspark. Transformer that generates a random number generates always the same number).

Poor performance of multiple aggregations with windowing in Pandas

I need to calculate in Pandas a lot of aggregations by Dataframe index and with taking in mind windowing by time (column MONTH). Something like:
# t is my DataFrame
def f(g):
for c in cat_columns:
for c in cont_columns:
return pd.Series(agrs, index=index)
I have 100-120 attributes in each list: cat_columns and cont_columns and about 1.5 million of rows.
The performance is very slow (I'm waiting already 15 hours). How to speed up it?
Probably there exactly two questions:
1. Can I speed up performance with tuning this code with use of Pandas only?
2. Is it possible to calculate the same aggregations in Dask (I read it is multi-core wrapper over Pandas)? I already tried to parallelize work with help of joblib. Something like (I also added cont_columns to the prototype of f):
def tt(grouped, cont_columns):
return grouped.apply(f, cont_columns)
r = Parallel(n_jobs=4, verbose=True)([delayed(tt)(grouped, cont_columns[:16]),
delayed(tt)(grouped, cont_columns[16:32]),
delayed(tt)(grouped, cont_columns[32:48]),
delayed(tt)(grouped, cont_columns[48:])]
But got unlimited recursion error in Pandas groupby.
Pandas experts, please advise!
