I manage my Spring Boot project with Gitlab. (git#gitlab.com:user/project.git).
I keep the documentation in the separate wiki project provided by Gitlab. (so git#gitlab.com:user/project.wiki.git).
Now I want to refer directly from the documentation to the source code in the project and list code snippets for explanation. This way the code would always be up-to-date and you would only have to adapt the explanation if necessary. But how can I link from the wiki project to a remote file? To give an example, this is how it should look later on.
include:: https://gitlab.com/user/project/-/raw/master/src/main/java/de/mycompany/project/ProjectApp.java[]
asciidoctor doesn't provide a way to perform remote includes: all include content has to be in the local filesystem.
If you use asciidoctor.js, you could use this extension: https://github.com/feelpp/asciidoctor-remote-include-processor
Otherwise, you could use some form of build coordination, such as make, Ant, etc. to fetch the remote content to a known local location, update your Asciidoc document(s) to include the now-local location, and then run asciidoctor.
Is it possible in Gitlab to have source controlled markdown that contains a link to an artifact?
My runner generates metrics that are saved to a file. This output, of course, does not belong in version control. If it was in version control, I could just link to it, no problem. Instead, I mark the output as an artifact so that it is saved after the build is complete.
Currently, our devs can click the [passed] icon for the build that generates the metrics, then click 'Build Artifacts'|'Browse'|dir1|... down to the generated output metric. This is complicated, and you have to know exactly where to look.
It would be way more convenient to have a link to the artifact in the README.md.
These docs say that I can choose to store my artifacts in a different location, but that seems like a heavy solution, and it does not generalize to artifacts from different projects.
These docs say that I can embed build numbers in the artifact filename, but that's not really what I'm after. I just want the artifacts from the most recent build.
What I want is a persistent URL for the artifact, but I am unable to find anything of this nature.
Update February 2018:
Since Gitlab 8.12, the link is https://gitlabInstance/myNamespace/repository/master/archive.zip. (e.g: https://gitlab.com/rpadovani/my-gitlab-ci/repository/master/archive.zip).
There are also other formats.
You can see all the formats clicking on the little cloud in the top right of the homepage of your project.
They are working on it right now.
Since GitLab 8.10, there is an API to do that:
curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v3/projects/1/builds/artifacts/master/download?job=test"
Unfortunately you still cannot use the web interface, but there is already a MR to implement it (and a related bug with discussion).
After that MR you can link the build in your README
i have gitlab omnibus, 8.0.4 version, installed on private server, we need to remove access right from reporter to read/pull/download code,
so we dont want reporter to viewer the source code
I think it can be done through editing some file on the server, right?
how can we do it?
Reporter always has read access to files, issues and merge requests. This cannot be altered (and we do not recommend modifying source files since it makes upgrades more difficult).
My suggestion is to create a separate project with only the issue tracker enabled and add the user as a reporter there. Keep the project with source code private.
Danger section ;)
If you really want to modify the code, look in app/models/ability.rb. In the project_report_rules method remove the rights you do not wish 'reporter' to have.
I a writing a little webapp, which allows the users to browse through a Visual SVN server. I would like to add an online editor like github in this webapp, so users can edit the files online, leave a message and the changes appear in the repository.
For that I need to checkout the files locally. My idea was to check them in a mongodb out, so I can save the changes per user like a local working copy.
Is there a way (without reimplementing the svn protocol) to make a checkout in a database or even just the memory and then write it in the database.
If there are any questions, just ask :)
Btw. if someone is interested, here is the code https://bitbucket.org/Knerd/svn-browser
There is no way to do svn checkout to directly to database. But there is some options.
First of all, you can simple create virtual disk that resides in memory and perform checkouts to that disk. Than you can store checked out files to database.
Another option is to use rich Subversion API directly. Note, that Subversion is written in C, so you will need to build bridge between Node.js and SVN (as far as I can remember, there is no official Subversion bindings for Node.js, but there is for Python and Java and there is unofficial nodesvn package available for Node.js). Using the API you can implement your own 'in-database' working copy.
Also you can use svnmucc utility (which is shipped with VisualSVN Server) to make commits directly in the repository (without even making a working copy). If you combine it with svn ls, svn info etc. you can implement repository browsing and editing of files.
I want to use SubWCRev to include the SVN revision number as part of the version number in my project, but we're using TeamCity and it doesn't seem to include the .svn directories when it pulls the source for a new build. Is there any way to force TeamCity to leave those directories in place for the build? We're currently using TeamCity 6, but upgrading to 7 may be possible if it's necessary.
Just use agent checkout mode:
Agent-side checkout ... provides the ability to access version
control-specific directories (.svn, CVS); that is, the build script
can perform VCS operations
As Lazy Badger noted, you can use agent-side checkout. Also, when build is run in TeamCity even for server-side checkout you can get the revision used to update the sources from "build.vcs.number." build parameters (you can get the exact name using "completion" in the webUI when defining value for a new build parameter.
We are using Maven and Jenkins for our automated Build and Deployment needs. Our Build Engineer has left and it is now up to me (Java Architect) to implement a few remaining stuff. I tried a lot of things to resolve this issue we are having. The problem statement is -
We have made a separate project in Eclipse to store properties files. The Developers check-in the properties file into SVN once they make any changes to it. Now we want that Maven, when triggered to do a deploy, to do the following -
1. Take the latest properties files from the SVN from the project used to store properties files.
2. Copy the same onto the Linux based JBoss App Server's /conf/ folder
3. Carry on with its deployment task.
We would like to have solution to point 1 and 2 above.
I dont know the exact answer. But it is quite doable. Quick google search did not show up any svn related plugin to retrieve properties. But you can always write your own maven plugin to do that task. For an example, if you want to retrieve properties file from a svn location to a local file system, just write a simple maven plugin[1] using the svn-kit [2].
we can use maven-wagon plugin[3] to transfer any artifact to a destination. Given that it supports SCP i would go with that. (just like a doing a scp to a remote Linux machine)
[1] http://maven.apache.org/guides/plugin/guide-java-plugin-development.html
[2] http://svnkit.com/
[3] http://mojo.codehaus.org/wagon-maven-plugin/usage.html