PXSSH Connection fails sometimes randomly after upgrading to Python3 - python-3.x

I am trying to create a ssh session using pexpect.pxssh as follows:
from pexpect import pxssh
connection = pxssh.pxssh()
connection.login('localhost', username, password, port=port, check_local_ip=False)
Fails with the following error
pexpect.pxssh.ExceptionPxssh: Could not establish connection to host
Also I create two sessions one after the other, the first session connects without a problem but the second session fails to connect with the same code. Also, sometimes the code works properly and is able to connect both times. I have also added retries just to be sure that it's not a random event.
Another thing to note is that this code runs without a problem with Python 2 but with Python 3 this happens. I couldn't find any difference in the connection mechanism b/w Python2 and Python3. Any help will be appreciated!
EDIT: After adding logging as per comment:
2021-06-25 10:49:37 INFO - Attempting to connect to device on port 10022.
Connecting to USB device...
Jun 25 10:49:37 tcprelay[203] : Created thread to connect [::1]:10022->[::1]:58316<12> to unix:0<15>
user#localhost's password: xxxxx
Jun 25 10:49:37 tcprelay[203] : Exiting thread to connect [::1]:10022->[::1]:58316 to unix:0
Connecting to USB device...
Jun 25 10:49:38 tcprelay[203] : Created thread to connect [::1]:10022->[::1]:58317<12> to unix:0<15>
user#localhost's password: xxxxx
Jun 25 10:49:39 tcprelay[203] : Exiting thread to connect [::1]:10022->[::1]:58316 to unix:0
The code retries 2 times and then fails.
Note: I am adding a port offset of 10000 using tcprelay
Sorry I was not logging the error properly.
2021-06-25 15:45:34 - ERROR - Failed to connect. Retrying...
2021-06-25 15:45:34 - ERROR - End Of File (EOF). Empty string style platform.
<pexpect.pxssh.pxssh object at 0x127feb0a0>
command: /usr/bin/ssh
args: ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-q', '-oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes', '-p', 'xxxxx', '-l', 'xxxxx', 'localhost']
buffer (last 100 chars): b''
before (last 100 chars): b' \r\n'
after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
match: None
match_index: None
exitstatus: None
flag_eof: True
pid: 30020
child_fd: 26
closed: False
timeout: 60
delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
logfile: <_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'>
logfile_read: None
logfile_send: None
maxread: 2000
ignorecase: False
searchwindowsize: None
delaybeforesend: 0.05
delayafterclose: 0.1
delayafterterminate: 0.1
searcher: searcher_re:
0: re.compile(b'(?i)are you sure you want to continue connecting')
1: re.compile(b'[#$]')
2: re.compile(b'(?i)(?:password:)|(?:passphrase for key)')
3: re.compile(b'(?i)permission denied')
4: re.compile(b'(?i)terminal type')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/src/helpers/utilities.py", line 590, in try_connect_ssh
connection.make_connection(ipaddress=ipaddress, user=user,
File "/src/transport/myssh.py", line 26, in make_connection
self.ssh_process.login(ipaddress, user, password, port=port, sync_multiplier=5, check_local_ip=False)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pexpect/pxssh.py", line 418, in login
i = self.expect(session_regex_array)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 343, in expect
return self.expect_list(compiled_pattern_list,
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 372, in expect_list
return exp.expect_loop(timeout)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 179, in expect_loop
return self.eof(e)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 122, in eof
raise exc
pexpect.exceptions.EOF: End Of File (EOF). Empty string style platform.
<pexpect.pxssh.pxssh object at 0x127feb0a0>
Using macOS Mojave
pExpect 3.8.0
Device asks for password but after password is sent the connection returns EOF


PyAlgoTrade: How to use resampleBarFeed with multiple instruments?

I am resampling a few instruments with [pyalogtrade][1].
I have a base barfeed for 1-minute data, which is working fine
I have added a resampler to resample for 2 minutes, as follows:
class Strategy(strategy.BaseStrategy):
def __init__(self, instruments,feed, brk):
strategy.BaseStrategy.__init__(self, feed, brk)
self.__position = None
self.__instrument = instruments
self._resampledBF = self.resampleBarFeed(2 * bar.Frequency.MINUTE, self.resampledOnBar_2minute)
self.info ("initialised strategy")
I got this error:
2022-09-08 12:36:00,396 strategy [INFO] 1-MIN: INSTRUMENT1: Date: 2022-09-08 12:35:00+05:30 Open: 17765.55 High: 17774.5 Low: 17765.35 Close: 1777 myStrategy.run()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\strategy\__init__.py", line 514, in run
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\dispatcher.py", line 109, in run
eof, eventsDispatched = self.__dispatch()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\dispatcher.py", line 97, in __dispatch
if self.__dispatchSubject(subject, smallestDateTime):
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\dispatcher.py", line 75, in __dispatchSubject ret = subject.dispatch() is True
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\feed\__init__.py", line 106, in dispatch
dateTime, values = self.getNextValuesAndUpdateDS()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\feed\__init__.py", line 81, in getNextValuesAndUpdateDS
dateTime, values = self.getNextValues()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\barfeed\__init__.py", line 101, in getNextValues
raise Exception(
Exception: Bar date times are not in order. Previous datetime was 2022-09-08 12:34:00+05:30 and current datetime is 2022-09-08 12:34:00+05:30
However, the error does not occur if the self._resampledBF = self.resampleBarFeed is commented out.
Also, on searching online, I found a similar report/ possible fix reported earlier on Google groups: https://groups.google.com/g/pyalgotrade/c/v9ht1Bfz5Ds/m/ojF8uH8sFwAJ
The solution recommended was:
Sorry never mind, I fixed it. Using current timestamp instead of the one from IB and that fixed it.
Not sure if this is has been resolved.
Would like to know how to resolve the error while resampling.

Ansible with Mitogen: Crash when two or more maschines

I'm trying to use the ansible strategy mitogen_linear. Once I try to run a playbook with more then one maschine its crashes as follows.
I'm running this on a Debian 11 over WSL v2 with kernel version
ERROR! [mux 12903] 17:51:03.129739 E mitogen: <Stream ssh.proxyserver02 #5730> crashed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mitogen/core.py", line 3488, in _call
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mitogen/core.py", line 1726, in on_transmit
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mitogen/core.py", line 2174, in on_transmit
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mitogen/core.py", line 1914, in on_transmit
written = self._protocol.stream.transmit_side.write(buf)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mitogen/core.py", line 2040, in write
written, disconnected = io_op(os.write, self.fd, s)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mitogen/core.py", line 553, in io_op
return func(*args), None
BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
fatal: [proxyserver02]: UNREACHABLE! => changed=false
msg: Channel was disconnected while connection attempt was in progress; this may be caused by an abnormal Ansible exit, or due to an unreliable target.
unreachable: true

No MESSAGE-ID and get imap_tools work for imap.mail.yahoo.com

The question is twofold, about getting MESSAGE-ID, and using imap_tools. For an email client ("handmade") in Python I need to lessen the data amount read from the server (presently it takes 2 min to read the whole mbox folder of ~170 msg for yahoo), I believe that having MESSAGE-ID will help me.
imap_tools has IDLE command which is essential to keep the yahoo server connection alive and other features which I believe will simplify the code.
To learn about MESSAGE-ID I started with the following code (file fetch_ssl.py):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import imaplib
import email
import os
import ssl
import conf
# Why UID==1 has no MESSAGE-ID ?
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = conf.parser.parse_args()
host, port, env_var = conf.config[args.host]
if 0 < args.verbose:
print(host, port, env_var)
with imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host, port,
ssl_context=ssl.create_default_context()) as mbox:
user, pass_ = os.getenv('USER_NAME_EMAIL'), os.getenv(env_var)
mbox.login(user, pass_)
typ, data = mbox.search(None, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
typ, data = mbox.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
msg = email.message_from_bytes(data[0][1])
print(f'num={int(num)}, MESSAGE-ID={msg["MESSAGE-ID"]}')
ans = input('Continue[Y/n]? ')
if ans.upper() in ('', 'Y'):
Where conf.py is:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
HOST = 'imap.mail.yahoo.com'
PORT = 993
config = {'gmail': ('imap.gmail.com', PORT, 'GMAIL_APP_PWD'),
'yahoo': ('imap.mail.yahoo.com', PORT, 'YAHOO_APP_PWD')}
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""\
Fetch MESSAGE-ID from imap server""")
parser.add_argument('host', choices=config)
parser.add_argument('-verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0)
fetch_ssl.py outputs:
$ python fetch_ssl.py yahoo
num=1, MESSAGE-ID=None
num=2, MESSAGE-ID=<83895140.288751#communications.yahoo.com>
Continue[Y/n]? n
I'd like to understand why the message with UID == 1 has no MESSAGE-ID? Does that happen from time to time (I mean there are messages with no MESSAGE-ID)? How to handle these cases? I haven't found such cases for gmail.
Then I attempted to do similar with imap_tools (Version: 0.56.0), (file fetch_tools.py):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import ssl
from imap_tools import MailBoxTls
import conf
# https://github.com/ikvk/imap_tools/blob/master/examples/tls.py
# advices
# ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile="./one.crt", keyfile="./one.key")
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = conf.parser.parse_args()
host, port, env_var = conf.config[args.host]
if 0 < args.verbose:
print(host, port, env_var)
user, pass_ = os.getenv('USER_NAME_EMAIL'), os.getenv(env_var)
ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ctx.options &= ~ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
# imaplib.abort: socket error: EOF
with MailBoxTls(host=host, port=port, ssl_context=ctx) as mbox:
mbox.login(user, pass_, 'INBOX')
for msg in mbox.fetch():
print(msg.subject, msg.date_str)
$python fetch_tools.py yahoo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vlz/Documents/python-scripts/programming_python/Internet/Email/ymail/imap_tools_lab/fetch_tools.py", line 20, in <module>
with MailBoxTls(host=host, port=port, ssl_context=ctx) as mbox:
File "/home/vlz/Documents/.venv39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/imap_tools/mailbox.py", line 322, in __init__
File "/home/vlz/Documents/.venv39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/imap_tools/mailbox.py", line 35, in __init__
self.client = self._get_mailbox_client()
File "/home/vlz/Documents/.venv39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/imap_tools/mailbox.py", line 328, in _get_mailbox_client
client = imaplib.IMAP4(self._host, self._port, self._timeout) # noqa
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/imaplib.py", line 205, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/imaplib.py", line 247, in _connect
self.welcome = self._get_response()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/imaplib.py", line 1075, in _get_response
resp = self._get_line()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/imaplib.py", line 1185, in _get_line
raise self.abort('socket error: EOF')
imaplib.abort: socket error: EOF
$ python fetch_tools.py gmail
Produces identical results. What are my mistakes?
Using Python 3.9.2, Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), imap_tools
(Version: 0.56.0)
Headers from the message with no MESSAGE-ID
X-Apparently-To: vladimir.zolotykh#yahoo.com; Sun, 25 Oct 2015 20:54:21 +0000
Return-Path: <mail#product.communications.yahoo.com>
Received-SPF: fail (domain of product.communications.yahoo.com does not designate as permitted sender)
X-Originating-IP: []
Authentication-Results: mta1029.mail.bf1.yahoo.com from=product.communications.yahoo.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=product.communications.yahoo.com; dkim=pass (ok)
Received: from (EHLO n3-vm4.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com) (
by mta1029.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with SMTPS; Sun, 25 Oct 2015 20:54:21 +0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=product.communications.yahoo.com; s=201402-std-mrk-prd; t=1445806460; bh=5PTgF8Jghm92xeMD5mSHp6A3eRVV70PWo1oQ15K7Tfk=; h=Date:From:Reply-To:To:Subject:From:Subject; b=D7ItgOiuLbiexJGHvORgbpRi22X+sYso6gwZKDXVca79DxMMy2R1dUtZTIg7tcft1lovVJUDw/7fC51orDltRidlfnpayeY8lT+94DRlSBwopuxgOqqR9oTTjTBZ0oEvdxUcXl/q54N2GxuBFvmg8UO0OZoCnFPpUVYo9x4arMjt/0TOW1Q5d/yjdmO7iwiued/rliP/Bsq0TaZYcb0oCAT7Q50tb1fB7wcXLYNSC1OCQ1l1LajbUqmU1LWWNse36mUUTBieO2sZT0ERFrHaCTaTNQSXKQG2AxYF7Dd/8i0Iq3xqdcS0bDpjmWE25uoKvCdtXtUbylsuQSChuLFMTw==
Received: from [] by n3.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 25 Oct 2015 20:54:20 -0000
Received: from [] by t1.bullet.mail.gq1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 25 Oct 2015 20:54:20 -0000
Date: 25 Oct 2015 20:54:20 +0000
Received: from [] by nu-repl01.direct.gq1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 25 Oct 2015 20:54:20 -0000
X-yahoo-newman-expires: 1445810060
From: "Yahoo Mail" <mail#product.communications.yahoo.com>
Reply-To: replies#communications.yahoo.com
To: <ME>#yahoo.com
Subject: Welcome to Yahoo! Vladimir
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ydirect
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 25180
I skipped only X-YMailISG.
Of 167 messages 21 have no MESSAGE-ID header.
fetch_ssl.py takes 4m12.342s, and fetch_tools.py -- 3m41.965s
It looks simply like your email without a Message-ID legitimately does not have one; it appears the welcome email Yahoo sent you actually lacks it. Since it's a system generated email, that's not that unexpected. You'd just have to skip over it.
The second problem is that you need to use imap_tools.MailBox.
Looking at the documentation and source at the repo it appears that the relevant classes to use are:
MailBox - for a normal encrypted connection. This is what most email servers use these days, aka IMAPS (imap with SSL/TLS)
MailBoxTls - For a STARTTLS connection: this creates a plaintext connection then upgrades it later by using a STARTTLS command in the protocol. The internet has mostly gone to the "always encrypted" rather than "upgrade" paradigm, so this is not the class to use.
MailBoxUnencrypted - Standard IMAP without SSL/TLS. You should not use this on the public internet.
The naming is a bit confusing. MailBox corresponds to imaplib.IMAP4_SSL; MailBoxTls corresponds to imaplib.IMAP4, then using startls() on the resulting connection; and MailboxUnencrypted corresponds to imaplib.IMAP4 with no security applied. I imagine it's this way so the most common one (Mailbox) is a safe default.

eof error when trying to initiate commands in python ftp_tls module

I have bought two servers both being from the same hosting company and same package,
the first server bought works perfectly, this was just for testing and experimental,
the other server which I have been told by support team that their ssl and ftp versions are the same
does not work and gives me an error in my python script when trying to initiate commands.
from ftplib_custom import FTP_TLS
import ssl
import ftplib_custom
import socket
def launch():
#Wait upon user input
print("Press Enter To Initialise Server Connection: ")
print("Server Found")
print("Admin Auto Login...")
#Connection Initiation
#Working Test Server
ftp = FTP_TLS('MyHostname', user='Username', passwd='Password')
#Not Working Server
ftp = FTP_TLS('MyHostname', user='Username', passwd='Password')
ftp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS
print ("Login Successful")
def listLineCallback(line):
msg = ("** %s*"%line)
ftp.retrlines('LIST', listLineCallback)
This is what I get from the working test server...
Press Enter To Initialise Server Connection:
Server Found
Admin Auto Login...
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
220-Local time is now 10:53. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
*cmd* 'PBSZ 0'
*resp* '200 PBSZ=0'
*cmd* 'PROT P'
*resp* '200 Data protection level set to "private"'
*cmd* 'CCC'
*resp* '200 Control connection unencrypted'
Login Successful
*cmd* 'PWD'
*resp* '257 "/" is your current location'
*cmd* 'CWD /'
*resp* '250 OK. Current directory is /'
*cmd* 'TYPE A'
*resp* '200 TYPE is now ASCII'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (91,103,219,222,232,11)'
*cmd* 'LIST'
*resp* '150 Accepted data connection'
** drwxr-xr-x 2 sensitive sensitive 4096 Dec 18 15:53 .*
** drwxr-xr-x 2 sensitive sensitive 4096 Dec 18 15:53 ..*
** -rw------- 1 sensitive sensitive 4 Oct 28 15:59 .ftpquota*
*resp* '226-Options: -a -l \n226 3 matches total'
This is what I get if I try and connect to the main server...
Server Found
Admin Auto Login...
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
220-Local time is now 10:57. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
*cmd* 'PBSZ 0'
*resp* '200 PBSZ=0'
*cmd* 'PROT P'
*resp* '200 Data protection level set to "private"'
*cmd* 'CCC'
*resp* '200 Control connection unencrypted'
Login Successful
*cmd* 'PWD'
*resp* '257 "/" is your current location'
*cmd* 'CWD /'
*resp* '250 OK. Current directory is /'
*cmd* 'TYPE A'
*resp* '200 TYPE is now ASCII'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (91,146,105,202,253,214)'
*cmd* 'LIST'
*resp* '150 Accepted data connection'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\install\Desktop\WebsiteConnecting\Website_FTP_Testing.py", line 54, in <module>
File "C:\Users\install\Desktop\WebsiteConnecting\Website_FTP_Testing.py", line 51, in launch
ftp.retrlines('LIST', listLineCallback)
File "C:\Users\install\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\ftplib_custom.py", line 488, in retrlines
return self.voidresp()
File "C:\Users\install\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\ftplib_custom.py", line 251, in voidresp
resp = self.getresp()
File "C:\Users\install\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\ftplib_custom.py", line 236, in getresp
resp = self.getmultiline()
File "C:\Users\install\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\ftplib_custom.py", line 222, in getmultiline
line = self.getline()
File "C:\Users\install\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\ftplib_custom.py", line 210, in getline
raise EOFError
Any help would be much appreciated and I will edit or add upon request for whats needed.
Status: Resolving address of ########
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, initializing TLS...
Error: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted".
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Disconnected from server
Status: Selected port usually in use by a different protocol.
Status: Resolving address of ######
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, initializing TLS...
Error: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted".
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving address of #######
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, initializing TLS...
Error: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted".
Error: Could not connect to server

Connect to Vehicle Using Telemetry on Linux

I am having problems with connection to vehicle. First, I could not connect to the vehicle even with USB (I used "/dev/ttyUSB0" connection string and got an error). Later I got it working with connection string '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-3D_Robotics_PX4_FMU_v2.x_0-if00' and was able to send commands and receive response. Now I want to test it with the telemetry block connected to laptop USB. I tried the same way - with connection string "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0", but it gives timeout message.
USB connection test output:
>>> PreArm: Check FS_THR_VALUE
>>> PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
>>> APM:Copter V3.5.4 (284349c3)
>>> PX4: 0384802e NuttX: 1bcae90b
>>> Frame: QUAD
>>> PX4v3 0035003B 3136510A 34313630
Autopilot Firmware version: APM:Copter-3.5.4
Autopilot capabilities (supports ftp): False
Global Location: LocationGlobal:lat=40.3985757,lon=49.8104986,alt=38.7
Global Location (relative altitude): LocationGlobalRelative:lat=40.3985757,lon=49.8104986,alt=38.7
Local Location: LocationLocal:north=None,east=None,down=None
Attitude: Attitude:pitch=-0.013171303086,yaw=0.0626983344555,roll=-0.0145587390289
Velocity: [-0.01, -0.01, 0.03]
GPS: GPSInfo:fix=3,num_sat=5
Groundspeed: 0.0168827120215
Airspeed: 0.263999998569
Gimbal status: Gimbal: pitch=None, roll=None, yaw=None
Battery: Battery:voltage=0.0,current=None,level=None
EKF OK?: False
Last Heartbeat: 0.967473479002
Rangefinder: Rangefinder: distance=None, voltage=None
Rangefinder distance: None
Rangefinder voltage: None
Heading: 3
Is Armable?: False
System status: STANDBY
Armed: False
I am opening a connection like this:
vehicle = connect('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0', wait_ready=True)
This results in the following traceback:
>>> Link timeout, no heartbeat in last 5 seconds
>>> No heartbeat in 30 seconds, aborting.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "x.py", line 6, in <module>
vehicle = connect('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0', wait_ready=True)
File "/home/seyid/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dronekit/__init__.py", line 2845, in connect
vehicle.initialize(rate=rate, heartbeat_timeout=heartbeat_timeout)
File "/home/seyid/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dronekit/__init__.py", line 2117, in initialize
raise APIException('Timeout in initializing connection.')
dronekit.APIException: Timeout in initializing connection.
Telemetry block is working when using MavProxy.
What is the problem here? Thank you
There are a couple of problems that can cause dronekit to fail with a connection timeout:
Ensure you have the pyserial module installed.
Specify the baud rate for your connection explicitly, as in:
vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0',
If connections with mavproxy to the same serial port work on your system it is likely that the second one is the culprit.
