Skip Empty Modules - Sphinx Autodoc - python-3.x

I am using Sphinx to build documentation for a package. I can't find a way to skip (remove) empty submodules when building doc. Example in Section 2 there is a subsection named Submodule which is blank I want to skip such subsections. I tried using the following code.
def skip_util_classes(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
if what == "Submodules":
skip = True
return skip
def setup(sphinx):
sphinx.connect("autodoc-skip-member", skip_util_classes)
The above code is not eliminating section Submodules.
I want to know how can I define a section or subsection that needs to be skipped? And how can I define empty section or subsection that I want to skip in skip_util_classes?

Something like the skip_util_classes function (a handler for the autodoc-skip-member event) is used when you want Sphinx to ignore certain members of Python modules or classes. See Connect Sphinx autodoc-skip-member to my function.
This technique cannot be used to skip or remove sections in generated .rst files. Here are two suggestions that might help with that problem:
Create a custom sphinx-apidoc template. See Remove the word "module" from Sphinx documentation.
Don't run sphinx-apidoc over and over again. Run the tool once, tweak the output and add it to source control. See Keeping the API updated in Sphinx.


Adding content in file in specific place with node js (Like Angular Cli Modify app.module file)

I got the idea that node js its not just for web application for example I can create a console application with node (cli) .
and already I have an interest in how I can make a cli app that create files and modify existing files for example something like angular cli with one command "ng generate component" its :-
1- create a set of files
2- modify app.module file
a. add import statement for generated component
b. add generated component in declarations array
and after a lot of search I got that first step can be handled in some way with node file system module.
but i don't know how they modify "app.module" file by just adding some syntax in its right place for instance adding new import statement after all exists import statements also adding the component name in declarations array as a last item
I'm really appreciate any help maybe with some code example if possible and thanks in advance
After some searches i found this answer:
There a couple of ways of editing a file, the most reliable is perhaps
the most complex one which can be done by parsing the file (Generating
an abstract syntax tree) update the new ast and pass it to a code
generator which will output the new string (code) of the modified ast.
Another option is to use regular expressions to know where add to
certain statements. For example there would be a regex to match import
statements to lines, you will map the lines of the file to this regex
where you'll get an array of booleans denoting whether the line is an
import stmt. Or not, once the import stmts are finished you can insert
a new line with the new import statement in the original lines array.
A third option is to regenerate the file all at once everytime, but
this means that you'll have to a ctx of the project (ctx = object
contains some details.
and as reference i found that AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is more reliable way also it's not that hard this is some links that helped me a lot to know what is AST in simple way and how to deal with it
1- What is AST and how to understand it and how to use it
2- and this is an amazing article about "Write Code to Rewrite Your Code with jscodeshift"

Viewing the parameters of the branch predictor in gem5

part question. First, how do I configure the size of a branch predictor?
I can see that I can set the type using the config script and the --bp-type argument. (In my case I'm setting it to LTAGE), but how do I change the size of the tables? And is there an easy way to see the total size of all tables?
My second part, is looking at the code, I don't understand the LTAGE constructor:
LTAGE::LTAGE(const LTAGEParams *params)
: TAGE(params), loopPredictor(params->loop_predictor)
The LTAGEParams doesn't appear to be defined anywhere except here:
return new LTAGE(this);
How can I see what all the members of LTAGEParams are?
About the size, have a look at m5out/config.ini after running a simulation, it contains all SimObject parameters.
In the case of branch predictors, all Python-visible parameters of each implemented predictor will be defined in its respective class declaration at src/cpu/pred/ They also inherit the parameters of their base class. For example, LTAGE has all the parameters of the TAGE class - out of which the tage object is re-assigned to be an instance of LTAGE_TAGE - and a new parameter, loop_predictor, which is a LoopPredictor instance.
You can then just set any of the values in that file from your Python config and they will be used (double check in config.ini after re-running).
The C++ constructor of SimObjects takes a param object like LTAGEParams and that object is autogenerated from the corresponding Python SimObject file, and passes values from Python configs to C++ using pybind11.
gem5 has a lot of code generation, so whenever you can't find a definition, grep inside the build directory. This is also why I recommend setting up Eclipse inside the build directory: How to setup Eclipse IDE for gem5 development?
SimObject autogeneration is described further at:

Scons - How to run a command after Install()

Our build script use Install() and InstallAs() to install a number of .dylib and .so files to a "dist" directory.
Install(dist_dir, 'libfoo')
Install(dist_dir, 'libbar')
The problem
After the library files are copied to dist_dir, we would like to run a custom function on each of the files. That custom command is as followed:
def add_magic(lib_filename, arg1, arg2, arg3)
We appreciate any help to achieve our goals.
What have we tried so far?
We just started looked into creating custom builder via Builder()
We also looked at Command() builder
We also looked at the AddMethod() function to create pseudo-builder
Right now our bets are on the first two approaches, we are reading the user guide and working on simple examples. We are no where near the end and appreciate any tips/hint.
You can try something like this:
AddPostAction(target, action)
env.AddPostAction(target, action)
Arranges for the specified action to be performed after the specified
target has been built. The specified action(s) may be an Action
object, or anything that can be converted into an Action object (see
When multiple targets are supplied, the action may be called multiple
times, once after each action that generates one or more targets in
the list.
installBarCmd = Install(dist_dir, 'libbar')
AddPostAction(installBarCmd, Action(...))

Guard and Cucumber: when I edit a step definition I'd like to only run features that implement this step

I have read the topic Guardfile for running single cucumber feature in subdirectory?, and this works great: when I change a feature, only this will be run by guard.
But in the other direction it doesn't work: when I edit any step definition file, always all features are run, whether they are using any of the steps in the step definition file, or not.
This is not nice. I'd like to have at least only those features to be run which use any of the steps in the edited file; but even better would be if guard could see which step currently is edited, and then only runs the features that use this specific step.
The first shouldn't be that hard to accomplish, I guess; the second rather seems wishfu thinking...
To master Guard and have the perfect setup for your projects and own needs, you have to change the Guardfile and configure your watchers accordingly. The templates that comes with each Guard plugin try to match the most useful behavior for most users, which might differ from your personal preferences.
Each Guard plugin starts with the guard DSL method, followed by an options hash to configure the Guard plugin. The options are often different for different Guard plugins and you have to consult the plugin README for more information.
In between the guard block do ... end you normally configure your watchers. A watcher must be defined with a RegExp, which describe the files to be watched. I use Rubular to test my watchers and you can paste your current features copied from the output from find features to have real files to test your RegExp.
The line
for example watches for all files in the features folder that ends with .feature. Since there is no block provided to the watcher, the matched file is passed unmodified to Guard::Cucumber for running.
The watcher
watch(%r{features/support/.+}) { 'features' }
matches all files in the features/support directory and because the block always returns features, every time a file within the support directory changes, features is passed to Guard::Cucumber and thus all features are exectued.
The last line
watch(%r{features/step_definitions/(.+)_steps\.rb}) do |m|
Dir[File.join("**/#{m[1]}.feature")][0] || 'features'
watches for every file that ends with _steps.rb in the features/step_definitions dierctory and tries to match a feature for the step definition. Please notice the parenthesis in the RegExp features/step_definitions/(.+)_steps\.rb. This defines a match group, that is available later in your watcher block. For example, a step definition features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb will match and the first match group (m[1]) will contain the value user.
Now we try to find a matching file in all subdirectories (**) that is named user.feature. If this is the case then run the first matching file ([0]) or if you do not find anything, then run all features.
So it looks like you've named your steps different from what the default Guard::Cucucmber Guardfile is expecting, which is totally fine. Just change the watcher to match your naming convention.

Creating a spec helper in rubymotion

I have some common methods used in a couple different specs, I want to extract them to some place like a spec helper that is accessible from all specs. Anyone know how to do this?
Here is something that sorta quacks like a spec_helper.
# _spec_helper.rb
module SpecHelper
::App::Persistence = {}
# global `before :each` ish
def self.extended(base)
base.before do
def foo_helper
And then use it:
# my_view_spec.rb
describe "MyView" do
extend SpecHelper
before do
Two things to bear in mind:
Spec helper file is named in such way that it gets loaded first (leading underscore)
When running individual specs (e.g. files=my_view_spec.rb) helper file must go along - files=spec/my_view_spec.rb,spec/_spec_helper.rb
I just throw my common methods used in specs as they are (not encapsulated in a Module or anything) in a spec/support/utilities.rb file and Rubymotion seems to pick them up fine, though I don't know if this is the "proper" way to do this.
According to current
Spec helpers are created under the spec/helpers directory of a RubyMotion project. An example could be spec/helpers/extension.rb.
