Ideal programming language - web

I am new to programming but I would like to create a web app.
Basically, I would like to upload an excel file to that app that will use that file, do some calculation and prompt some forms that I will be able to download. I am thinking about a web app because I would like anybody else to be able to create a session and use the app.
Which language should I use please? I attended 2 semesters of c++ and a data structures class.
thank you for your help

I think any Programming Language suitable for web applications can fulfill the requirement with standard library and external modules
Now for the choice, if the calculations are complex and require extensive Math and Statistic Libraries Python would be ideal ( With Flask or Django for exposing functionalities As a web app)
Otherwise, a light and Cloud-Native language such as Golang would be also nice.


Create website which has usefull information like videos, third party API for live information on education

I want to create a website which consists of videos which will be uploaded by the admin and many useful information which all will be uploaded by an admin.
I have got the domain name, remote LAMP server.
I have gone through many tutorials and I tired creating using Drupal 8. Website was fine but while creating a new existing module the whole thing got crashed and I don't want to goback and recover it since it is a big mess.
So I want to try from first keeping it very simple.
Kindly guide me to achieve this. I will put all my effort to learn it.
Any help any documents which will help me to create will be greatly accepted.
I am beginner in C++, html. Can you guys let me know how can I achieve in creating a website.
You can find your answer here on your own:
So there are various languages that are being used in the web that perform various purposed and hence you can choose what functionality do you need in your website and according to that you can write the code in that language.
Lets take a quick look at some of the most widely used languages of the web:
This is a Markup Language which can be used basically just for writing the content and displaying on your webpage. You can create too many pages and link them to form a website.
2: CSS
This language helps you design your webpage and thus makes your webpage look way too better. A site only written in html in not preferrable.
3: JavaScript
This language is a scripting language that helps you do various cool stuff like handling input events (like click, hover,etc), change the content of your webpage dynamically, bring popups , etc.
4: PHP
This scripting language is also being widely used as this lets you work with the forms and submit to a database. In fact, if you learn this language you can write the logic behind your own facebook and you can give it a face using HTML, CSS.
Once you are done learning all these languages, you can now learn some of the cool libraries like:
Bootstrap (for css, js)
Jquery (Javascript)

First Time Developing Web-Based Geographic Information System

I'm assigned to develop web-based GIS, but I'm new with web programming. So, Where I can get an insight to start develop web-based GIS?
thank you before
You have to know about the 2 main components for web programming: front-end and back-end.
Front-end, is how the results/graphics are going to be displayed in the client (pad, monitor).
The most common tools are the javascript libraries like ArcGIS API for JavaScript, or OpenLayers.
For front-end you need to learn about html, css and javascript.
Back-end, is how you will manage the architecture (models-databases) of your project. There are many technologies to choose, for example, Java (J2EE) or .NET. For geodatabases there are systems like SQL server or PostGIS. Back-end is normally placed in the server.
In GIS you would also need a web mapping server (for sharing data, for instance), you can use GeoServer or ArcGIS for Server (commercial).
In my experience, I like to use django as back-end, this is a framework for web development using python (There are also many libraries for GIS using python which you can integrate). With django you can use a model-view-template controller to manage data to the web pages in a simple and fast way. Django has also a module called geodjango, to manage geodatabases, but not strong as GeoServer.
Start with "Requirements". To understand what requirements is, please start with a book on software engineering.
Once you have the requirements, you need to "Design" - what tools/technologies/languages to use. If you are just beginning programming, you typically get a senior to do the design
Then you get to a task, such as rendering google maps on a web page, that can be answered in something like stackoverflow.

Why do we have to use View Templates such as Jade, EJS and Hogan on server side??

I'm learning node.js thesedays and new to back-end.
One thing that I'm confused is why do we have to use View Templates?
Why don't we just use HTML form on server side?
Templates are used in most of the language platforms, not just NodeJS. There is a school of thought in software development that says "Your data/business logic should be separate from your presentation" and templates are used to achieve that. This is ofcourse the right concern for software development and it's benefit are most visibly seen in Model-View-Controller frameworks like Rails, Laravel, and Symphony to name a few.
There are many benefits to keeping your data/business logic separate from presentation:
Developer and Designer roles are vastly separated and their responsibilities are well defined.
Your application user interface becomes modular that is it can be changed without involving a developer.
Your application business logic can be altered by developers as long as they provide the data required for template rendering.
Code consistency is vastly improved as the templating language provides uniformity and you do not have to use dynamic language constructs with raw markup(in case of web projects but you get the idea).
For a practical example of these benefits, you can look into many open source projects like Ghost, October CMS etc.

Which scripting language and web server to use for mulltithreading

I am new to web programming
I need to develop a web page running on a server, that needs to show progress status of 10 threads simultaneously. Also I would require SQLite database integration.
Please tell me what are the options available for me for choosing a scripting language and web server [socket] development framework.
Also suggest the most suitable.
Thanks for any help
Python would be an excellent choice. It has SQLite integrated as documented here.
Python also has the following features (and many others) integrated:
threading and synchronization
Networking (sockets)
lots of web server (and web pages, etc) handling options
Here is a page that discusses several different Python web server frameworks. Im not very familiar with it, but Ive heard lots of good things about Django.
Another excellent choice would be Ruby on Rails. Ruby is the scripting language and Rails is the Web Server Framework.

When to build in application/classes vs modules?

I'm fairly new to Kohana but I like the framework. I've hit a bit of an issue where I need to build a theme system into my application. It is very much application specific and there really won't be any reason to share it down the track. Initially I built it into the modules system within Kohana but now need to expand it. I haven't seen much reference for it but is it best practice to build all support classes like this into the modules or is it best practice to keep application-specific classes etc housed within application/classes?
On a side note, are there any good theme-system examples for Kohana? I really like how Drupal manages its themes and sub-themes and was wanting to emulate a very basic version of this inside my application.
I'd agree with that, anything specific to the application and has no real reuse should be put into the application directory. I like to use modules for fairly generic modules. Examples would be:
contact - Many websites have contact forms.
email - Can be used in lots of places.
etc ...
For your case, you might consider building a templating engine and putting that into a module (it's generic), then simply housing the application specific theme into the application directory where your module can load and use it.
