Python, Extract spline coefficient - python-3.x

I am using python3, Scipy
I have a 3d points (x,y,z]
From them I make s apline using scipy.interpolate.splprep
x_points = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10)
y_points = np.sin(x_points)
z_points = np.cos(x_points)
path = np.vstack([x_points, y_points, z_points])
tck, u = sc.splprep(path, k=3, s=0)
I wish to get the coefficients of the spline[i]:
For example the latest splins:
sp9 = a9 + b9(x-x4) + c9(x-x4)^2 + d9(x-x4)^3
I know that the tck is (t,c,k) a tuple containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and the degree of the spline.
But I don't see how I can get this spline function and plot only it

I tried using this method:
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as sc
x_points = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10)
y_points = np.sin(x_points)
z_points = np.cos(x_points)
path = np.vstack([x_points, y_points, z_points])
tck, u = sc.splprep(path, k=3, s=0)
p = sc.PPoly.from_spline(tck)
but I'm getting this error on the last line:
p = sc.PPoly.from_spline(tck) File
line 1314, in from_spline cvals = np.empty((k + 1, len(t)-1),
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'dtype'

The coefficients in the tck tuple are in the b-spline basis. If you want to convert them to the power basis, you can do PPoly.from_spline(tck) .
An obligatory note however: converting between bases incurs numerical errors.
EDIT. First, as it's splprep, you'll need to convert the list-of-arrays c into a proper numpy array and transpose (it's a known wart of splPrep). Then, as it turns out, PPoly.from_spline does not handle multidimensional c (this might be a nice pull request to the scipy repository), so you'll need to e.g. loop over the dimensions. Something along the lines of (continuing from your OP)
t, c, k = tck
cc = np.asarray(c) # cc.shape is (3, 10) now
spl0 = sc.PPoly.from_spline((t, cc.T[0], k))
print(spl0.c) # here are your coefficients for the component 0


python library for interporate randomly located 2d points based on regular gridded date points

Do you know some well-known python library for interpolate randomly located 2d points based on regular grid date points?
Note that data points to create an interpolator is on regular grid. But evaluation points are not on regular grid.
Let me explain the context. In my application, data points to create an interpolator is on a regular grid. However, at the evaluation time, the points to be evaluated are on random locations (say np.random.rand(100, 2)).
As far as I know, most used library for 2d interpolation is scipy's interp2d. But at the evaluation time interp2d takes grid coordinates X and Y instead of points as the following documentation describe.
Of course, it is possible to do something like
values = []
for p in np.random.rand(100, 2):
value = itp([p[0]], [p[1]])
or to avoid for-loop
pts = np.random.rand(100, 2)
tmp = itp(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1])
value = tmp.diagonal()
But both method is two inefficient. First one will be slow by for loop (run code as possible as in c-side) and the second one is wasteful because evaluate N^2 points for getting results for only N points.
scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator does. By this, one can create interpolator using gridded data points, and at evaluation time it takes 2dim numpy array with shape (n_points, n_dim).
For example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
y = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
f = np.random.randn(20, 20)
itp = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y), f)
pts = np.random.rand(100, 2)
f_interped = itp(pts)

Curve fitting with known coefficients in Python

I tried using Numpy, Scipy and Scikitlearn, but couldn't find what I need in any of them, basically I need to fit a curve to a dataset, but restricting some of the coefficients to known values, I found how to do it in MATLAB, using fittype, but couldn't do it in python.
In my case I have a dataset of X and Y and I need to find the best fitting curve, I know it's a polynomial of second degree (ax^2 + bx + c) and I know it's values of b and c, so I just needed it to find the value of a.
The solution I found in MATLAB was which is the same problem as mine, but with the difference that their polynomial was of degree 5th, how could I do something similar in python?
To add some info: I need to fit a curve to a dataset, so things like scipy.optimize.curve_fit that expects a function won't work (at least as far as I tried).
The tools you have available usually expect functions only inputting their parameters (a being the only unknown in your case), or inputting their parameters and some data (a, x, and y in your case).
Scipy's curve-fit handles that use-case just fine, so long as we hand it a function that it understands. It expects x first and all your parameters as the remaining arguments:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
b = 0
c = 0
def f(x, a):
return c+x*(b+x*a)
x = np.linspace(-5, 5)
y = x**2
# params == [1.]
params, _ = curve_fit(f, x, y)
Alternatively you can reach for your favorite minimization routine. The difference here is that you manually construct the error function so that it only inputs the parameters you care about, and then you don't need to provide that data to scipy.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
b = 0
c = 0
x = np.linspace(-5, 5)
y = x**2
def error(a):
prediction = c+x*(b+x*a)
return np.linalg.norm(prediction-y)/len(prediction)**.5
result = minimize(error, np.array([42.]))
assert result.success
# params == [1.]
params = result.x
I don't think scipy has a partially applied polynomial fit function built-in, but you could use either of the above ideas to easily build one yourself if you do that kind of thing a lot.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
def polyfit(coefs, x, y):
# build a mapping from null coefficient locations to locations in the function
# coefficients we're passing to curve_fit
# idx[j]==i means that unknown_coefs[i] belongs in coefs[j]
_tmp = [i for i,c in enumerate(coefs) if c is None]
idx = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(_tmp)}
def f(x, *unknown_coefs):
# create the entire polynomial's coefficients by filling in the unknown
# values in the right places, using the aforementioned mapping
p = [(unknown_coefs[idx[i]] if c is None else c) for i,c in enumerate(coefs)]
return np.polyval(p, x)
# we're passing an initial value just so that scipy knows how many parameters
# to use
params, _ = curve_fit(f, x, y, np.zeros((sum(c is None for c in coefs),)))
# return all the polynomial's coefficients, not just the few we just discovered
return np.array([(params[idx[i]] if c is None else c) for i,c in enumerate(coefs)])
x = np.linspace(-5, 5)
y = x**2
# (unknown)x^2 + 1x + 0
# params == [1, 0, 0.]
params = fit([None, 0, 0], x, y)
Similar features exist in nearly every mainstream scientific library; you just might need to reshape your problem a bit to frame it in terms of the available primitives.

Find all positive-going zero-crossings in a large quasi-periodic array

I need to find zero-crossings in a 1D array of a roughly periodic function. It will be the points where an orbiting satellite crosses the Earth's equator going north.
I've worked out a simple solution based on finding points where one value is zero or negative and the next is positive, then using a quadratic or cubic interpolator with scipy.optimize.brentq to find the nearby zeros.
The interpolator does not go beyond cubic, and before I learn to use a better interpolator I'd first like to check if there already exists a fast method in numpy or scipy to find all of the zero crossings in a large array (n = 1E+06 to 1E+09).
Question: So I'm asking does there already exist a faster method in numpy or scipy to find all of the zero crossings in a large array (n = 1E+06 to 1E+09) than the way I've done it here?
The plot shows the errors between the interpolated zeros and the actual value of the function, the smaller line is the cubic interpolation, the larger is quadratic.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import brentq
def f(x):
return np.sin(x + np.sin(x*e)/e) # roughly periodic function
halfpi, pi, twopi = [f*np.pi for f in (0.5, 1, 2)]
e = np.exp(1)
x = np.arange(0, 10000, 0.1)
y = np.sin(x + np.sin(x*e)/e)
crossings = np.where((y[1:] > 0) * (y[:-1] <= 0))[0]
Qd = interp1d(x, y, kind='quadratic', assume_sorted=True)
Cu = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic', assume_sorted=True)
x0sQd = [brentq(Qd, x[i-1], x[i+1]) for i in crossings[1:-1]]
x0sCu = [brentq(Cu, x[i-1], x[i+1]) for i in crossings[1:-1]]
y0sQd = [f(x0) for x0 in x0sQd]
y0sCu = [f(x0) for x0 in x0sCu]
if True:
plt.plot(x0sQd, y0sQd)
plt.plot(x0sCu, y0sCu)

Python 3: Getting Value Error, sequence larger than 32

I'm trying to write a script that computes numerical derivatives using the forward, backward, and centered approximations, and plots the results. I've made a linspace from 0 to 2pi with 100 points. I've made many arrays and linspaces in the past, but I've never seen this error: "ValueError: sequence too large; cannot be greater than 32"
I don't understand what the problem is. Here is my script:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x):
return np.cos(x) + np.sin(x)
def f_diff(x):
return np.cos(x) - np.sin(x)
def forward(x,h): #forward approximation
return (f(x+h)-f(x))/h
def backward(x,h): #backward approximation
return (f(x)-f(x-h))/h
def center(x,h): #center approximation
return (f(x+h)-f(x-h))/(2*h)
x0 = 0
x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
forward_result = np.zeros(x)
backward_result = np.zeros(x)
center_result = np.zeros(x)
true_result = np.zeros(x)
for i in range(x):
forward_result[i] = forward[x0,i]
true_result[i] = f_diff[x0]
print('Forward (x0={}) = {}'.format(x0,forward(x0,x)))
#print('Backward (x0={}) = {}'.format(x0,backward(x0,dx)))
#print('Center (x0={}) = {}'.format(x0,center(x0,dx)))
plt.plot(x, f)
plt.plot(x, abs(forward_result-true_result),label='Forward difference')
I did try setting the linspace points to 32, but that gave me another error: "TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"
I don't understand that one either. What am I doing wrong?
The issue starts at forward_result = np.zeros(x) because x is a numpy array not a dimension. Since x has 100 entries, np.zeros wants to create object in R^x[0] times R^x[1] times R^x[3] etc. The maximum dimension is 32.
You need a flat np array.
UPDATE: On request, I add corrected lines from code above:
forward_result = np.zeros(x.size) creates the array of dimension 1.
Corrected evaluation of the function is done via circular brackets. Also fixed the loop:
for i, h in enumerate(x):
forward_result[i] = forward(x0,h)
true_result[i] = f_diff(x0)
Finally, in the figure, you want to plot numpy array vs function. Fixed version:
plt.plot(x, [f(val) for val in x])
plt.plot(x, [f_diff(val) for val in x])

How to plot the derivative of a Cubic spline in Python 3?

I am using Python 3 for a task related to numerical analysis.
I have to plot some points originated from a sine function. Moreover, I need to do a cubic interpolation of these points (cubic spline).
So, these tasks are done. The output picture is great and the code works.
However, I need to check if the the derivative of the cubic spline looks like a cosine function.
Take a look at this image:
In orange, you see the cosine function. In blue, you see the sine function. In red, the 5 dots that I sampled. In purple, you can see a linear interpolation. And, in dashes, you see the cubic interpolation.
I need to plot the derivative of the dashed curve and compare it to the orange one.
Intuitively, I know they are going to be pretty similar. However, I was not able to prove that with a graph.
That's the code:
import math
import random
from numpy import array
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.misc import derivative as deriv
def random_sine():
lista_f_x = []
lista_x = []
for i in range(1,6):
aleatorio = random.uniform(0,360)
aleatorio = math.radians(aleatorio)
sine_random = math.sin(aleatorio)
lista_x = array(lista_x)
lista_f_x = array(lista_f_x)
return ("x",lista_x,"f(x)", lista_f_x)
# para ter um grupo controle melhor, deixe esses valores aleatórios, gerados uma vez, como fixos
fixed_x = array([5.80990031, 1.7836885, 4.62073799, 0.89337425, 5.62219906])
fixed_y = array([-0.45581264, 0.97742392, -0.99580299, 0.77919112, -0.61389568])
x = fixed_x
y = fixed_y
caso deseje usar os valores fixos
basta inserir o comentário "#" nas linhas
39, 40 e 41 abaixo
#teste_dinamico = random_sine()
#x = teste_dinamico[1]
#y = teste_dinamico[3]
time = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
amplitude = np.sin(time)
amplitude_cosine = np.cos(time)
plot.plot(time, amplitude, time, amplitude_cosine)
plot.title('Função Seno')
plot.xlabel('Coordenadas de X')
plot.grid(True, which='both')
plot.axhline(y=0, color='k')
pares_x_y = list(zip(x,y))
sort_pares_x_y = sorted(pares_x_y)
x_ordenado = []
y_ordenado_simetric = []
for i in sort_pares_x_y:
x_ordenado = array(x_ordenado)
y_ordenado_simetric = array(y_ordenado_simetric)
f = interp1d(x_ordenado, y_ordenado_simetric)
f2 = interp1d(x_ordenado, y_ordenado_simetric, kind="cubic")
plot.plot(x_ordenado, f2(x_ordenado))
minimo = min(x_ordenado)
maximo = max(x_ordenado)
xnew = np.linspace(minimo, maximo, num=400, endpoint=True)
plot.plot(x_ordenado, y_ordenado_simetric, 'o', xnew, f(xnew), '-', xnew, f2(xnew), '--')
I tried to follow this post. However, the post suggests a different package. I am using interp1d so far and the post suggests using interpolate. I tried converting what I did so far but it didn't work.
What can I do?
If I have a curve being plot with matplotlib, is there an easier way to plot the curve's derivative?
What's the best strategy to solve this?
1 - Should I try again and change everything to the other package suggested on SO?
2 - Should I use some numerical method for differentiation?
Thanks in advance.
I would prefer to use interpolate.splev instead of interp1d because apart from providing interpolations, the former also allows to compute derivatives easily with just a simple argument der=n where n is the order of derivative. I had to do only minor changes to your code to make things work.
Below I am only showing the relevant lines of code which I added/modified (highlighted by a comment) and the resulting plot is attached. The red dashed line is the required derivative which is comparable to the cosine function.
f2 = interpolate.splrep(x_ordenado, y_ordenado_simetric) # Added
minimo = min(x_ordenado)
maximo = max(x_ordenado)
xnew = np.linspace(minimo, maximo, num=400, endpoint=True)
ynew = interpolate.splev(xnew, f2) # Added
ynew_der = interpolate.splev(xnew, f2, der=1) # Added to compute first derivative
plot.plot(x_ordenado, y_ordenado_simetric, 'o', xnew, f(xnew), '-', xnew, ynew, '--') # Modified
plot.plot(xnew, ynew_der, '--r') # Derivative Added
Other packages or functions might of course be more handy, but for understanding, you may simply calculate the derivative (dy/dx) yourself and plot it.
plot.plot(xnew[:-1], np.diff(f2(xnew))/np.diff(xnew), color="red")
Adding this line will result in
where the red line is the derivative of f2.
