Accessing a public class (Kotlin) - android-studio

I am new to kotlin and android studio's (which I am using), so this is very simple, but I ran into this problem while working on a tutorial
The issue is very simple:
I have two kotlin classes (MainActivity and why). Why contains a function test that I want to call in MainActivity.
How do I do this?
In the tutorial I simply call it like so in MainActivity
(full code below)
But when I try to run doing this I get the error:
"Unresolved reference: test on line 13" (where I call test).
Why is this happening? How do I get this to work?
MainActivity class:
package com.example.tester
import android.os.Bundle
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
private fun work() {
test function in why class: (test does nothing in this example)
package com.example.tester
class why {
fun test() {
var i = 0;

I think "test" should be static (or create object of why), like so:
package com.example.tester
class why {
companion object {
fun test() {
var i = 0;
See What is the equivalent of Java static methods in Kotlin?


how to create class of findViewById?

I am a beginner , the android studio whenever I try to use findViewById.It shows an error and they ask me to create its variable but I don't know how to create it . Please tell me, I am stuck here.
You just created a function outside of your MainActivity. You have to create it inside of your activity. According to your screenshot, you just try to create a Top-level Function not a Function because it's outside of your activity. When you need to create a Function you have to create that inside your activity. Keep your eyes on Curley Brackets {}.
See the explanation to understand.
In your screenshot
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
} /* Your activity end's on here*/
private fun addNickName(view: View) {
// Your instance
// val editText = findViewById<EditText>(
So the answer is
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
private fun addNickName(view: View) {
// Your instance
// val editText = findViewById<EditText>(
} /* Your activity end's on here*/
Hope you understand!. Thank you

Unresolved reference: inflate, Android studio veiwBinding error

I was trying to implement viewBinding in Kotlin android studio project but it pops up an error like this: Unresolved reference: inflate I tried all the suggestions given on this site and the actions suggested by android studio (to import various things), but I was still not able to resolve it. My code is as follows:
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View.inflate
import androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.inflate
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
I have already implemented veiwbinding in buid gradle:
android {
buildFeatures {
viewBinding true
Can anyone please tell me:
what's the solution to this problem?
what exactly is causing this problem?
Try adding a button in your xml and call it in the activity file by setOnClickListener. This is to check if the layout is inflating without any issue. NOTE: add setContentView(binding.root) like I did in the onCreate
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Add this line
// continueBtn --> the nameof the button id the xml
binding.continueBtn.setOnClickListener {
println("HELLO THERE")

Instanciate Room database in Android Studio

I'm trying to instanciate a Room database in my main activity in Android Studio, following codelabs and tutorials, but my app always crash. Here's a part of the code:
My database (AppDatabase.kt):
#Database(entities = [Device::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun deviceDao(): DeviceDao
companion object {
private var INSTANCE: AppDatabase? = null
fun getDatabase(context: Context): AppDatabase {
return INSTANCE ?: synchronized(this) {
val instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
.build() // <---- The crash occurs here
INSTANCE = instance
return instance
And here's the activity from which I'm trying to instantiate it:
class NavigationActivity() : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var binding: ActivityNavigationBinding
private val db by lazy { AppDatabase.getDatabase(this) }
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityNavigationBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
Log.d("instantiation", "$db") // <----- Called from here
val navView: BottomNavigationView = binding.navView
val navController = findNavController(
val appBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(
setupActionBarWithNavController(navController, appBarConfiguration)
Finally, here's the error message, which doesn't helps me much:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.Package.getName()' on a null object reference
at AppDatabase$Companion.getDatabase(AppDatabase.kt:24)
I tried a lot of things, including ViewModel, Repository and more, but got the crash systematically, at the same point.
Here's also the part of my build.gradle file where I import Room, maybe I'm wrong in some version or whatever...
plugins {
id ''
id ''
id 'kotlin-android'
id 'kotlin-kapt'
def roomVersion = "2.4.2"
implementation "$roomVersion"
Make sure package declaration on top of the class is declared, for example:
package com.macrosystems.clean.ui.core.view
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent

How can I preview a Compose view when it need a parameter in Android Studio?

I can run Code A in Android Studio, I hope to preview UI when I'm designing, so I added Code B to Code A.
But Code B can't work, why? How can I fix it?
Code A
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private val handleMeter by viewModels<HandleMeter>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
SoundMeterTheme {
Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
fun Greeting(handleMeter: HandleMeter) {
Code B
#Preview(showBackground = true)
fun DefaultPreview() {
SoundMeterTheme {
val handleMeter by viewModels<HandleMeter>()
Unfortunately, you can't.
Preview does not support creating ViewModels and NavHost yet, for our bad.
But what you can do instead is to use a fake data or a static data into ui, until the design finish and when you are ready to actually run it, replace the static data with the view model data.
You can use dagger and hilt to inject the view model constructor and then call up the hilt view model in the preview e.g.
class DataFieldsViewModel #Inject constructor(
) : ViewModel() {
Then in your preview code for your composable
#Preview(showBackground = true)
fun PreviewDataFieldsScreen() {
navController = rememberNavController(),
viewModel = hiltViewModel()

Kotlin AddOnPageChangeListener not working

I wanted to connect a viewPager with an adapter (like this: viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener()), but the letters of the pageChangeListener just turn red like it wasn't a valid code...What am I doing wrong?? Heres a screenshot:
Context: I'm currently working on a game with a few fragments where you can choose your game cards. I need the pageChangeListener to change the pictures of them cards. Maybe there could be another way to do this but i don't know how...
package com.suffv1
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager
import com.example.suff_02.Adapter2
import com.example.suff_02.R
import com.example.suff_02.kartenmodell
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(){
private lateinit var actionbar: ActionBar
private lateinit var liste: ArrayList<kartenmodell>
private lateinit var myAdapter: Adapter2
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
actionbar = this.supportActionBar!!
viewpager2.addOnPageChangeListener(object: ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener{
override fun onPageScrolled(
position: Int,
positionOffset: Float,
positionOffsetPixels: Int
) {
val title = liste[position].KartenImage
actionbar.title = title
private fun loadCards() {
liste = ArrayList()
myAdapter = Adapter2(this, liste)
viewpager2.adapter = myAdapter
viewpager2.setPadding(100, 0, 100, 0)
Looks like you are using ViewPager2 not the original Viewpager and Viewpager2 does not have Page Change Listeners it instead has Page Change Callbacks
So you are using the wrong method to get notified when a pages is changed.
Instead do something like
var myPageChangeCallback = object : ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback() {
override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {
Toast.makeText(this#MainActivity, "Selected position: ${position}",
Though architecturally a lot of times it is bad form to use a OnPageChangeCallback as you are likely breaking the encapsulation idea of the Fragment and it can be better to use the lifecycle state change to Resumed of the Fragment to do things when a page(Fragment) is selected. e.g. put the code in the Fragments onResume method.
Though in this case of setting the actionbar title it is probably ok architecturally to use a OnPageChangeCallback
To create a AddOnPageChangeListener(), you do it as:
//See how, you have to use object to create an Object of the interface OnPageChangeListener.
//This is how you do for other listeners/interfaces/class as well when you've to implement its member functions instead of new in java.
viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(object: ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener{
override fun onPageScrolled(position: Int, positionOffset: Float, positionOffsetPixels: Int) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onPageScrollStateChanged(state: Int) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
But, further in Kotlin, you can use Kotlin functions as
//This is for onPageSelected only.
viewPager.onPageChangeListener{ position: Int ->
//This position is the selected Page's position
