How do I get automagic convertions from Rust Into trait? - rust

I have a struct Object for which I have many implementations of From (including isize and &str). I got the sense from this article where Into is described as 'genius' that things could get automatically converted for me. I've incorporated the suggestions that people have made, and made something that is standalone in the playground but it still gets a couple of errors.
pub union Object {
impl From<isize> for Object {
fn from(i:isize) -> Self {
impl From<f64> for Object {
fn from(d:f64) -> Self {
pub fn old_convert(foo: Object, _elements: &[Object]) -> Object {
pub fn new_convert<'a,T>(foo: impl Into<Object>, elements: &'a [T]) -> Object
&'a T: Into<Object>,
Object: From<T>,
let mut el = Vec::new();
for o in elements.iter() {
fn testOldConvert() {
old_convert(Object::from(42), &[Object::from(3.1415)]);
fn testNewConvert() {
new_convert(42, &[3.1415]);
So you can see what I currently do. I'd like to not have to include all the Object::from(...) when I use my function.
There is 1 error, and 1 problem:
I don't know how to implement the From it's asking for
I don't want to create the temporary vector... surely there's some zero-cost abstraction that allows me to pass the converted array along


Implementing a dynamic-typed LinkedList in Rust

This is a follow-up on the question asked here: Possible to implement dynamically-typed linked list in safe Rust?
I successfully implemented a dynamic type LinkedList using the std::any::Any trait.
However, I want to challenge myself by trying to implement it in another way, e.g. using generic type - Node where T can be any type, u32, u64, String, ...
Node<String> -> Node<u32> -> Node<u64> -> Node<String> -> ...
My approach is to use a trait called Next to give Node<T> the ability to "go next".
Node<T> looks like this.
struct Node<T> {
data: T,
next: Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>>,
The trait Next looks like this.
pub trait Next {
fn borrow_next(&self) -> Option<Ref<dyn Next>>;
fn set_next(&mut self, next: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>);
These are the implementation of Next for any Node.
impl<T> Next for Node<T> {
fn set_next(&mut self, next: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>) { = Some(next);
fn borrow_next(&self) -> Option<Ref<dyn Next>> {
match & {
None => None,
Some(stmt) => Some(stmt.borrow()),
Here are the implementations for the actual struct Node<T>.
impl<T> Node<T> {
pub fn new<P>(data: P) -> Node<P> {
Node::<P> { data, next: None }
pub fn new_wrapped<P>(data: P) -> Rc<RefCell<Node<P>>> {
pub fn into_wrapped(self) -> Rc<RefCell<Self>> {
pub fn borrow_data(&self) -> &T {
pub fn set_data(&mut self, data: T) { = data;
Lastly, the declaration and its implementations of methods of struct DynLinkedList, holding two fields, head and tail, look like this.
struct DynLinkedList {
head: Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>>,
tail: Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>>,
impl DynLinkedList {
pub fn new_empty() -> Self {
Self {
head: None,
tail: None,
pub fn new_with_node(node: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>) -> Self {
Self {
head: Some(node.clone()),
tail: Some(node),
pub fn append(&mut self, node: Rc<RefCell<dyn Next>>) {
|| self.head = Some(node.clone()),
|old_tail| old_tail.borrow_mut().set_next(node.clone()),
self.tail = Some(node);
Here comes the problem:
I am unable to access the data field of Node<T> as it is being treated as a trait object dyn Next by the compiler.
For example, this test would not work:
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_dynll_new_with_node() {
let node = Node::<u32>::new(77_u32);
let dynll = DynLinkedList::new_with_node(node.into_wrapped());
assert_eq!(&dynll.head.unwrap().borrow().borrow_data(), &77);
assert_eq!(&dynll.tail.unwrap().borrow().borrow_data(), &77)
The compiler error is:
error[E0599]: no method named `borrow_data` found for struct `Ref<'_, (dyn Next + 'static)>` in the current scope
--> src/
125 | assert_eq!(&*dynll.head.unwrap().borrow().borrow_data(), &77);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `Ref<'_, (dyn Next + 'static)>`
But, when the .borrow() after .unwrap() returns, it should return an object of type Node which would have the method .borrow_data(), how can I let Rust know that this is the case? Thank you.
I would effectively want to be able to do this:
let mut list = DynLinkedList::new();
assert_eq!(list.pop_front(), Some("hello".to_string()));
assert_eq!(list.pop_back(), Some("world".to_string()));
assert_eq!(list.pop_front(), Some(123));
assert_eq!(list.pop_back(), Some(456));
Well, nowhere in the definition of trait Next does it talk about objects of type Node. Thus, how would the compiler ever know that you can call borrow_data on it? That's where you'd do the downcast via the Any trait.
What's more, the compiler would also want to know which sort of Node we're talking about. Node<i32> or Node<String> or what? And that's downright impossible because your list is dynamic and hence whatever type is contained within a node is also dynamic.
Let's take your example:
Node<String> -> Node<u32> -> Node<u64> -> Node<String> -> ...
So if that's your list, then, using very rough ugly pseudocode, what about this:
let x: String = my_list.head.borrow_data();
let y: u32 =;
let z: u64 =;
You see the problem here? How is the compiler to know, at compile time, that the third item in the list has type u64? This just isn't a case where generics work in the way you want it.

Immutable struct with mutable reference members

Is my understanding correct that in Rust it is not possible to protect reference members of a struct from modification while having the reference target values mutable? (Without runtime borrow checking that is.) For example:
struct MyData<'a> {
pub some_ref: &'a mut i32,
fn doit<'a>(data: &mut MyData<'a>, other_ref: &'a mut i32) {
// I want to be able to do the following here:
*data.some_ref = 22;
// but make it impossible to do the following:
data.some_ref = other_ref;
Not being able to change the reference value may be useful in certain FFI situations. FFI and the performance requirements reasons prevent the use of runtime borrow checking here.
In C++ it can be expressed like this:
struct MyData {
int* const some_ref;
void doit(const MyData &data, int* other_ref) {
// this is allowed:
*data.some_ref = 22;
// this is not:
data.some_ref = other_ref; // compile error
You can create a wrapper type around the reference. If the constructor is private, and so is the wrapped reference field, you cannot replace the reference itself. You can then implement DerefMut to allow changing the referent.
pub struct ImmRef<'a> {
inner: &'a mut i32,
impl<'a> ImmRef<'a> {
fn new(inner: &'a mut i32) -> Self { Self { inner } }
impl std::ops::Deref for ImmRef<'_> {
type Target = i32;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &*self.inner }
impl std::ops::DerefMut for ImmRef<'_> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut *self.inner }
struct MyData<'a> {
pub some_ref: ImmRef<'a>,
fn doit<'a>(data: &mut MyData<'a>, other_ref: &'a mut i32) {
// I want to be able to do the following here:
*data.some_ref = 22;
// but make it impossible to do the following:
// data.some_ref = other_ref;
You can mark the newtype #[repr(transparent)] for FFI purposes.
But do note that if the code has some ImmRef<'a> available it can use tools such as std::mem::replace() to replace the reference.
Rust does not allow you to specify the mutability of individual fields like you can via const in C++. Instead, you should simply encapsulate the data by making it private and only allow modification through methods that you dictate:
struct MyData<'a> {
some_ref: &'a mut i32,
impl MyData<'_> {
pub fn set_ref(&mut self, other: i32) {
*self.some_ref = other;
That way, the field some_ref cannot be modified directly (outside of the module) and must use the available method.

How to use traits for function overloading in Rust? [duplicate]

I am modeling an API where method overloading would be a good fit. My naïve attempt failed:
// fn attempt_1(_x: i32) {}
// fn attempt_1(_x: f32) {}
// Error: duplicate definition of value `attempt_1`
I then added an enum and worked through to:
enum IntOrFloat {
fn attempt_2(_x: IntOrFloat) {}
fn main() {
let i: i32 = 1;
let f: f32 = 3.0;
// Can't pass the value directly
// attempt_2(i);
// attempt_2(f);
// Error: mismatched types: expected enum `IntOrFloat`
// Ugly that the caller has to explicitly wrap the parameter
Doing some quick searches, I've found some references that talk about overloading, and all of them seem to end in "we aren't going to allow this, but give traits a try". So I tried:
enum IntOrFloat {
trait IntOrFloatTrait {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat;
impl IntOrFloatTrait for i32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
impl IntOrFloatTrait for f32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
fn attempt_3(_x: &dyn IntOrFloatTrait) {}
fn main() {
let i: i32 = 1;
let f: f32 = 3.0;
// Better, but the caller still has to explicitly take the reference
Is this the closest I can get to method overloading? Is there a cleaner way?
Yes, there is, and you almost got it already. Traits are the way to go, but you don't need trait objects, use generics:
enum IntOrFloat {
trait IntOrFloatTrait {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat;
impl IntOrFloatTrait for i32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
impl IntOrFloatTrait for f32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
fn attempt_4<T: IntOrFloatTrait>(x: T) {
let v = x.to_int_or_float();
println!("{:?}", v);
fn main() {
let i: i32 = 1;
let f: f32 = 3.0;
See it working here.
Here's another way that drops the enum. It's an iteration on Vladimir's answer.
trait Tr {
fn go(&self) -> ();
impl Tr for i32 {
fn go(&self) {
impl Tr for f32 {
fn go(&self) {
fn attempt_1<T: Tr>(t: T) {
fn main() {
attempt_1(1 as i32);
attempt_1(1 as f32);
Function Overloading is Possible!!! (well, sorta...)
This Rust Playground example has more a more detailed example, and shows usage of a struct variant, which may be better for documentation on the parameters.
For more serious flexible overloading where you want to have sets of any number of parameters of any sort of type, you can take advantage of the From<T> trait for conversion of a tuple to enum variants, and have a generic function that converts tuples passed into it to the enum type.
So code like this is possible:
fn main() {
let f = Foo { };
f.do_something(3.14); // One f32.
f.do_something((1, 2)); // Two i32's...
f.do_something(("Yay!", 42, 3.14)); // A str, i32, and f64 !!
First, define the different sets of parameter combinations as an enum:
// The variants should consist of unambiguous sets of types.
enum FooParam {
Bar(i32, i32),
Qux(&'static str, i32, f64),
Now, the conversion code; a macro can be written to do the tedious From<T> implementations, but here's what it could produce:
impl From<(i32, i32)> for FooParam {
fn from(p: (i32, i32)) -> Self {
FooParam::Bar(p.0, p.1)
impl From<f32> for FooParam {
fn from(p: f32) -> Self {
impl From<(&'static str, i32, f64)> for FooParam {
fn from(p: (&'static str, i32, f64)) -> Self {
FooParam::Qux(p.0, p.1, p.2)
And then finally, implement the struct with generic method:
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
fn do_something<T: Into<FooParam>>(&self, t: T) {
use FooParam::*;
let fp = t.into();
match fp {
Bar(a, b) => print!("Bar: {:?}, {:?}\n", a, b),
Baz(a) => print!("Baz: {:?}\n", a),
Qux(a, b, c) => {
print!("Qux: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}\n", a, b, c)
Note: The trait bound on T needs to be specified.
Also, the variants need to be composed of combinations of types that the compiler wouldn't find ambiguous - which is an expectation for overloaded methods in other languages as well (Java/C++).
This approach has possibilities... it would be awesome if there's a decorator available - or one were written that did the From<T> implementations automatically when applied to an enum. Something like this:
// THIS DOESN'T EXIST - so don't expect the following to work.
// This is just an example of a macro that could be written to
// help in using the above approach to function overloading.
enum FooParam {
Bar(i32, i32),
Qux(&'static str, i32, f64),
// If this were written, it could eliminate the tedious
// implementations of From<...>.
The Builder
Another approach that addresses the case where you have multiple optional parameters to an action or configuration is the builder pattern. The examples below deviate somewhat from the recommendations in the link. Typically, there's a separate builder class/struct which finalizes the configuration and returns the configured object when a final method is invoked.
One of the most relevant situations this can apply to is where you want a constructor that takes a variable number of optional arguments - since Rust doesn't have built-in overloading, we can't have multiple versions of ___::new(). But we can get a similar effect using a chain of methods that return self. Playground link.
fn main() {
// Create.
let mut bb = BattleBot::new("Berzerker".into());
// Configure.
println!("{:#?}", bb);
Each of the configuration methods has a signature similar to:
fn power_source(&mut self, ps: PowerSource) -> &mut Self {
self.power_source = ps;
These methods could also be written to consume self and return non-reference copies or clones of self.
This approach can also be applied to actions. For instance, we could have a Command object that can be tuned with chained methods, which then performs the command when .exec() is invoked.
Applying this same idea to an "overloaded" method that we want to take a variable number of parameters, we modify our expectations a bit and have the method take an object that can be configured with the builder pattern.
let mut params = DrawParams::new();
.location(23.64, 77.43, 88.89)
Alternatively, we could decide on having a GraphicsObject struct that has several config tuning methods, then performs the drawing when .draw() is invoked.

Same object with different API faces at compile time?

I have an object that can be in either of two modes: a source or a sink. It is always in one of them and it is always known at compile time (when passed the object you know if you are going to read or write to it obviously).
I can put all the methods on the same object, and just assume I won't be called improperly or error when I do, or I was thinking I could be make two
tuple structs of the single underlying object and attach the methods to those tuple structs instead. The methods are almost entirely disjoint.
It is kind of abusing the fact that both tuple structs have the same layout and there is zero overhead for the casts and tuple storage.
Think of this similar to the Java ByteBuffer and related classes where you write then flip then read then flip back and write more. Except this would catch errors in usage.
However, it does seem a little unusual and might be overly confusing for such a small problem. And it seems like there is a better way to do this -- only requirement is zero overhead so no dynamic dispatch.
struct Underlying {
a: u32,
b: u32,
struct FaceA(Underlying);
impl FaceA {
fn make() -> FaceA { FaceA(Underlying{a:1,b:2}) }
fn doa(&self) { println!("FaceA do A {:?}", *self); }
fn dou(&self) { println!("FaceA do U {:?}", *self); }
fn tob(&self) -> &FaceB { unsafe{std::mem::transmute::<&FaceA,&FaceB>(self)} }
struct FaceB(Underlying);
impl FaceB {
fn dob(&self) { println!("FaceB do B {:?}", *self); }
fn dou(&self) { println!("FaceB do U {:?}", *self); }
fn toa(&self) -> &FaceA { unsafe{std::mem::transmute::<&FaceB,&FaceA>(self)} }
fn main() {
let a = FaceA::make();
let b = a.tob();
let aa = b.toa();
First of all, it seems like you don't understand how ownership works in Rust; you may want to read the Ownership chapter of the Rust Book. Specifically, the way you keep re-aliasing the original FaceA is how you would specifically enable the very thing you say you want to avoid. Also, all the borrows are immutable, so it's not clear how you intend to do any sort of mutation.
As such, I've written a new example from scratch that involves going between two types with disjoint interfaces (view on playpen).
pub struct Inner {
pub value: i32,
impl Inner {
pub fn new(value: i32) -> Self {
Inner {
value: value,
pub struct Upper(Inner);
impl Upper {
pub fn new(inner: Inner) -> Self {
pub fn into_downer(self) -> Downer {
pub fn up(&mut self) {
self.0.value += 1;
pub struct Downer(Inner);
impl Downer {
pub fn new(inner: Inner) -> Self {
pub fn into_upper(self) -> Upper {
pub fn down(&mut self) {
self.0.value -= 1;
fn main() {
let mut a = Upper::new(Inner::new(0));
let mut b = a.into_downer();
let mut c = b.into_upper();
fn show_i32(v: i32) {
println!("v: {:?}", v);
Here, the into_upper and into_downer methods consume the subject value, preventing anyone from using it afterwards (try accessing a after the call to a.into_downer()).
This should not be particularly inefficient; there is no heap allocation going on here, and Rust is pretty good at moving values around efficiently. If you're curious, this is what the main function compiles down to with optimisations enabled:
mov edi, -1
jmp _ZN8show_i3220h2a10d619fa41d919UdaE
It literally inlines the entire program (save for the show function that I specifically told it not to inline). Unless profiling shows this to be a serious performance problem, I wouldn't worry about it.

How can I wrap any impl of std::error::Error to ease error propagation?

I'm trying to simplify the error flow in a webapp I'm working on, and my plan was to make a struct that implements std::error::Error and just forwards the result of description() for whatever kind of error it's wrapped around. I've implemented From for the types of errors I want to wrap, so this struct makes it easy to use try! to get a uniform error result. Here's what I have so far for the struct:
use std::error::{Error};
use std::fmt::{self,Display,Formatter};
use std::io::{self,Read};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::fs::{File};
pub struct StrErr{
c: Option<Box<Error>>
impl StrErr{
pub fn new(msg:String) ->Self{
StrErr{desc:msg, c:None}
impl Error for StrErr{
fn description(&self) -> &str{
fn cause(& self) -> Option<& Error> {|e| e.deref())
impl Display for StrErr {
fn fmt(&self, f:&mut Formatter) -> Result<(),fmt::Error> {
impl From<io::Error> for StrErr {
fn from(o:io::Error) -> Self {
StrErr{desc: String::from(o.description()),c:Some(Box::new(o))}
fn main(){
let contrived = Some("foo.txt")
.ok_or_else(|| StrErr::new(String::from("error message")))
.and_then(|filename| Ok(try!(File::open(filename))))
.and_then(|mut file| {
let mut content = String::new();
try!(file.read_to_string(&mut content));
if let Ok(content) = contrived {
println!("Got content: {}", content);
} else {
println!("got an error");
The problem is with the cause() method - I can't return a reference to the inner Error instance because e doesn't live long enough. Is there a different way I can structure this so that I can keep the generic reference to anything that implements Error (which I currently do by putting it in a Box) but I can still fully implement the Error trait (which is expecting a ref to the parent Error)?
I've worked around it by just punting on cause() and having it return None, but I'd much rather conform to the intent of the trait.
rustc 1.2.0-nightly (613e57b44 2015-06-01) (built 2015-06-02)
This is one way you can convert an Option<Box<Trait>> to an Option<&Trait>. I'm avoiding all of the trait implementation to clearly show the interesting code:
use std::error::Error;
pub struct StrErr {
c: Option<Box<Error>>
impl StrErr {
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
self.c.as_ref().map(|e| &**e)
fn main() {}
We use Option::as_ref to avoid consuming the self.c item. The map closure is provided with a &Box<Trait>, so we dereference it twice to get to a Trait, and then reference it once to get to a &Trait.
