Can't ssh in Raspberry PI from Manjaro - linux

I'm able to ssh into pi from MacOS using ssh pi#raspberrypi.local or ssh pi#ip_address. I have been doing this for a long period of time. Now I installed Manjaro Linux along with the MacOS but I can't ssh in pi from Manjaro. ssh pi#raspberrypi.local returns name not found error while the other command times out. Works as expected when I switch back to MacOS. I've been stuck on this for a while now, I've tried multiple solutions but nothing seem to work. I have also tried re-installing and starting sshd but no luck.

You should check the information of /var/log/message on Raspberry PI, where the problem has been checked

The problem was in the Network adapter driver. If you are facing this problem check which driver are you using. If it is anything other than the Broadcom driver delete it and install the Broadcom driver and should work fine.


SSH into raspberry pi

I have a question regarding SSH. For school assignments, I always write code on my mac then transfer it over on my raspberry pi to make sure it will compile correctly without errors as they are tested on the pi and sometimes when I transfer it has errors.
To avoid hassle of connecting everything to the pi, if I SSH into the pi, then compile my program from my mac, would it use the raspberry pi compiler?
If you are connected vi ssh and issuing the commands in that terminal session, yes, it's going to use the compiler on the pi.
A better option, and more educational, might be to cross-compile the code for the pi on your mac. You can leverage the much greater processing power of the desktop to significantly reduce your compile time.
Cross Compiling on Mac OSX for Raspberry Pi
Yes it would remotely access the host's OS (in your case the RPi) to perform the compilation.
Here is a guide to get you started:
Also, in case you want a remote desktop connection, on your raspberry pi enter the following command:
sudo apt-get install xrdp
providing you've already updated and upgraded your package libraries ;)
Yes, If you are using ssh and writing code in that terminal session then the code will be compiled in the pi, it is the best way to do so.
Issuing command in the terminal session via SSH (laptop connected with Raspi), compilation will be done at Raspi. PuTTY is a very useful tool for this, you just need to enable SSH at Raspi and input your IP address at PuTTY only! Click to the PuTTY website and download it.
Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. The best-known example application is for remote login to computer systems by users.
When you connect to any remote system or server via ssh you are using the same system via command prompt. So, if you do any work via SSH the compilation will be done by the remote system.

Can't launch Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

I'm running a VM in Azure with Ubuntu 14.04. I've installed XFCE and use X2GO to remote desktop to the machine.
I've downloaded the VS Code and unzipped the files. When I run Code from a terminal I get the following error:
WouterDeKort#UbuntuDev:~/tools/web/visual-studio-code$ ./Code
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
WouterDeKort#UbuntuDev:~/tools/web/visual-studio-code$ [ , [Error: channel closed] ]
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
DISCLAIMER ;-) I'm a total Linux newby. I've just installed Linux for the first time today and I have no idea what I'm doing ;-)
The work-a-round is in issue 3451. After running this, I was able to launch it from Debian Jessie with LXDE over X2Go.
sudo sed -i 's/BIG-REQUESTS/_IG-REQUESTS/' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
I have the same problem using X2GO and LXDE. Works okay (but slowly) using MobaXterm so apparently this is a problem specific to X2GO.
For anyone who still wonder what is the best choice if you want to start Visual Studio Code on a headless Ubuntu - the winning combination is:
Ubuntu Server + xfce + nomachine remote desktop
VS Code starts immediately without any hacks, you can set your resolution however you like, and nomachine is blazingly fast.

How to set up ipmitool in centos for devVm?

I have to setup ipmitool on my local vm for testing and learning purposes.
I followed simple steps of mentioned in the link,
sudo yum install ipmitool
sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf
The first command will install ipmitool and the second command will install ipmi device drivers/interfaces.
After installing these two things I should be ready to use ipmitool. But I am getting errors whenever I try to run any ipmitool command.
Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory
Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory
I am stuck here.
I have also tried to re-install OpenIpmi and also rebooted the system.
Please help!
If this error comes in actual machine then the following post will give you the solution.
But In virtual machine, ipmitool commands will work straight away without these drivers. I faced same issue & worked for me without installing any drivers on my VirtualBox.

Linux boot with usb 3G modem enabled as ttyACM0 device

im running Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (desktop), on an embedded device (Odroid U3) and
on boot, my 3G usb modem is seen as a ttyACM0 / ttyACM1 device, which is correct.
Post boot i am able to simply run wvdial..and from there I can get a connection...
I am running my system headless, and would ideally like to get the OS "converted" to more
of a server configuration(smaller) if possible. I have tried running the
the ubuntu server version here viewtopic.php?f=77&t=5123, along with
multiple versions of debian(7 / 7.4) but neither will detect the usb modem correctly on boot.
I am a newbie to linux, and the only thing that I have tried is
trying to force load some of the kernel modules on boot ( /etc/modules ) to try to
alter the detection of the device on boot. (cdc_acm, usbserial, ppp....etc), no luck.
On the ubuntu server version above I even updated the kernel to
version newer than the one currently on the working desktop version, still no luck,
Does anyone have experience with usb 3G modem detection on boot??,
Any ideas why it works on the 14.04.1 LTS desktop version , and not any others?,
thanks a ton...for any suggestions
Appears that there is a patch in 14.04 ubuntu boot that fixes the usb_modeswitch issues. After taking a raw ubuntu , adding usb_modeswitch , its now working just fine.
Did not even have to configure usb_modeswitch.

SSH tunnelling into arch box

I have a raspberry pi running arch linux connected to the TV and want to run commands on that screen by SSH'ing from my Ubuntu machine elsewhere.
I have tried running the command SSH -Y root# and starting xclock as a test. However I get the following error:
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0
I then tried running "export DISPLAY=:0" on the arch machine, but this doesn't solve the issue.
I have X running fine and can see it on the TV and I have edited the file /etc/ssh/ssh_config to allow X11 forwarding.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks
The ArchLinux wiki has some good instructions on setting things up. I struggled for a while until I found them, but for me the key was to set up SSH forwarding within sshd_config (most distros seem to enable this by default, but Arch doesn't).
Once you've enabled X forwarding in SSHD, I also found it helpful to install the dummy video driver for Xorg ("pacman -S xf86-video-dummy"), which gets rid of irritating errors about missing the RANDR extension. This might not be necessary if you already have it running a real X server locally on the Pi - personally, I'm running mine completely headless.
I've found that I don't have to worry about setting up the DISPLAY variable, or xhost, when running with 'ssh -X' from an iMac. I'd expect Ubuntu to behave the same.
looks like an authentication problem. The answer used to be
xhost +
on the console of the X display. Might help.
You probably want to set
on your Ubuntu box, then when you run xclock from your Ubuntu box, it'll forward the screen to the Arch box.
