mongoDB chat system database structure - node.js

i am trying to create group chat system using mongoDB but in mongoose object type is supported how can i create model like this(inserting image below)? and also query this data? i've tried to create schema but didnt work
sample of model (dummy)

const chatSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ users: Array, texts:[{ user: String, text: String, time: Date, }] });
Try this schema. Users who will be in group chat will added in users field. The text will have author(user), text(text) and date(time).


Mongoose Sync local schema with mongoose document

Im trying to get this going or wondering if this is even necessary. I have a local schema I define for my user profiles. What im trying to do is write a code block that checks my local schema with what the database has. If a field is missing, add a default value.
My goal for this is to be able to add fields locally in my schema and have the database update when I add a new field.
My schema is as follows:
import mongoose, { Schema } from "mongoose";
const reqString = {
type: String,
required: true,
const reqNumber = {
type: Number,
required: true,
const userProfileSchema = new Schema({
//Discord User ID - Primary Key
_id: reqString,
wallet: reqNumber,
bank: reqNumber,
net_worth: reqNumber,
classID: reqNumber,
const name = "core-userprofile";
export default mongoose.models[name] ||
mongoose.model(name, userProfileSchema, name);
I have a class that pulls the user profile for the rest of the code to access. Id like a function in there that looks at the local schema, realizes there isnt classID, figures out its a type of number, and just places 0 there.
I believe from what im understanding I can use update/upsert when accessing it. Im more wondering if there is a way to sync these two and add/delete anything that doesn't match the local version.
Thanks in advance!

Storing form data in MongoDB (Design Question)

Trying to design a Form Entry web app and i've rarely used MongoDB before.
Wondering if this is the best practice for storing form (document) data inside a collection.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
// Create Schema and Model
const documentSchema = mongoose.Schema({
nps: [{ // New Promotion Submission
documentId: Number,
orgid: Number,
documentFields: [{ // Form Fields
id: Number,
dateTimeSubmitted: Date,
title: String,
productDescription: String,
productUnitSize: Number,
productCartonQty: Number
const documents = mongoose.model('documents', documentSchema);
module.exports = documents;
This is absolutely fine design, couple of things to look at:
Make sure you introduce validation on your schema fields, mirror the same validation pattern on the frontend form fields also.
Be consistent with your naming: if you use camelCase in documentId make sure to also origId
Convention says you name a model in singular form, i.e. "Document" not "documents".
If you're going to re-use the documentFields schema anywhere else in other models, make sure to store it as a separate schema and import as needed.

Data modeling in mongoDB - Social-media app

I'm trying to build some sort of a social media app using node.js and mongoDB.
I have a mongoose schema for 'User', and when i render some user page on the app, it needs to also show all of his posts/images/list of friends and etc...
right now i have a mongoose schema for 'UserPost' and also for 'Image', and when i save an image for example, it has a field which keeps the username of the user who uploaded it, so when i render the user page it finds all of his images.
It is the first time i'm dealing with db's so i heard that i might have to use a reference data instead of embedded data.
can someone explain to how should i organize the data model for my app?
It's very handful to use mongoose population for handling db references
Define your schemas like these:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema
var userSchema = Schema({
name : String,
posts : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post' }]
var postSchema = Schema({
title : String,
images : [{ url: String, filename: String }]
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
var Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);
According to mongoose population docs, you can get all your data:
User.findOne().populate('posts').exec(function(error, user) {
console.log(user.posts) // there are populated posts objects inside array
Not sure, is it a good idea to use separated collection for image uploads, it's simpier to embed it inside Post (or User), but you may always add { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Image' } for images
MongoDB is a NoSql DBMS. It means, you schould not create references between data fields, because the performance coming from NoSql will be killed:
But, if you are really thinking you need references, checkout this:
You can reference to a data document in the mongoDB by the _id ("Page"=>"createdBy" = "User"=>"_id" for example).
It depends of what kind of data you want to embed. MongoDB has object size limits according to the storage engine you use. Thus you should predict or estimate the the size of the object you want to embed.
See more about limits here:
See more about references here:

How do I reference ObjectID in another collection in MongoDB & Node?

I'm fairly new to this, so bear with me, however I have 2 collections. One called photos and another called users.
In Node, I am taking the data and putting it into my MongoDB using mongoose. I've got this working fine with my Schema:
var picSchema = new Schema({
uid: String,
pid: String,
oFile: String
What I want to do though is for the uid, I want to add the ObjectId for the user uploading the photo. I can pass this as a String, however I thought that I would have had to have the field set as an ObjectId, but seems I cannot do this?
Unless I am missing something, I might as well just add the username in there and use that as a reference?
Use mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId to populate the field with an ObjectId. In this case, you would use User (or whatever the name of your User schema is).
var picSchema = new Schema({
uid: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'},
pid: String,
oFile: String
Further to this, you can also use the Mongoose method Populate if you wish to expand the User document within a Pic document. For example:
.exec(function(err, pic) {
// do something

Is this query possible in nosql (with mongodb)?

I use mongoose in my node.js app, and basically have the following models:
// Define Car model
CarSchema = new Schema({
brand : String,
type: String,
maxSpeed : Number
mongoose.model('Car', CarSchema);
// Define User model
UserSchema = new Schema({
lastname : String,
firstname : String,
cars : [CarSchema]
mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
I'm really new to NoSQL and I really want to give it a try but I first need to study if this really fits my needs.
With the above models, will I be able to create a query listing all the Users who have a particular type of car among their personal cars ?
I don't how to do it in mongoose. But in mongodb it possible. So, in mongodb shell query will looks like this:
Above query return all users thats have car with type 'sport' in their nested collection of cars.
Mongodb dot notation documentation.
