unable to push a existing git repository to github - linux

Their is an error I have been having for awhile on ubuntu that is not allowing me to push an existing repository from the command line. this error keeps showing up. How do I fix this.
Thank you
error: chmod on /mnt/e/myproject/.git/config.lock failed: Operation not permitted

Is this disk drive NTFS?, if not, please try using sudo.


No access to remote repository

I am deploying my node.js app.
I am using git hooks and creating a remote repository.
In the image below you can see that i have added the remote 'adiproduction' to which i will push from my local repo.
Below i am pasting the image of content in post-receive file of hooks.
Following is the error when i try to push my code on 'adiproduction' remote.
ubuntu# Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I tried running the ssh -Tv ubuntu# command. And i got the following output.
try to run the code with "sudo"
sudo helps you to run the command with root privilege
and secondly, if you dont want use sudo so please set the ssh key on your git account, this link will helps you to set the ssh key-
and lastly if above solution not helps then please delete the current repository and try to clone again useing following command with ssh clone link-
git clone -b
thank you

How to fix error (push files into github repos)?

I have created repository in GitHub. I'm Linux user, that's why i have big problems with add my site there. I have wrote all commands in Linux terminal but last command return error. If you know pleas help me to fix it.
$ git push -u origin main
remote: Permission to Developer-dreamer/Developer-dreamer.git denied to Developer-dreamer.
How I should fix it?

Git cannot allocate enough memory to install Homebrew

I am trying to install Homebrew on Linux on a cluster. But I am constantly getting the following error messages:
fatal: packfile .git/objects/pack/pack-9d2d97f367d3ebfa65a3b708b2d87333a8eb2bf0.pack cannot be mapped: Cannot allocate memory
error: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core did not send all necessary objects
Failed during: git fetch --force origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
I then created a .git repository using the git init command on the .linuxbrew folder.
Can you please tell me how can I solve this problem?
Thank you.
From the message it looks like git is trying to memory map the entire given file and running out of physical memory. You might want to add more virtual memory to your sistem. It will be slower but there is a chance it will proceed forward.

GitLab git clone

I have the following problem: I try to clone a project in GitLab using the Git command console (Git CMD) and it gives me an error, because it asks me for the permission of an unknown user. It is worth mentioning that the problem occurs with any project that you want to clone from GitLab. It always presents the same error. I attached the error capture to help me please! Regards.

CVS Error: failed to create lock directory... Permission denied

I'm using using TortoiseCVS to access the CVS server. I get the following error:
In D:\source\foo: "C:\Program Files\CVSNT\cvs.exe" -q update -P -d
cvs update: failed to create lock directory for `/home/cvsroot/foo' (/var/lock/cvs/foo/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
cvs update: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/home/cvsroot/foo'
cvs [update aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
Error, CVS operation failed
I had this problem before and managed to fix it, however this time I've not been able to figure it out. I believe it's related to different people committing files with their own ownership.
After reading a few articles online I've tried changing /home/cvsroot and /home/cvsroot/foo to 777 permissions, and recursively changing the ownership of /home/cvsroot/ to cvs:cvs (of which I am a member).
The lock file is being created in /var/lock/cvs/foo/ you should check the permissions of that directory.
Make sure the checkout repository has the permission to checkin the files.
I have checkout the directory
cvs -d #cvs:/files/cvs co vcommon
But this rep doesnt have permission to checkin the files in the package folder.
Problem solved by checking out below:
cvs -d #cvs:/files/cvs/vcommon co package
I had an issue where my account had not been added to the "users" group. So even though permissions looked good, I still wasn't able to checkout any repositories. Once I was added to the users group, it fixed everything.
