How to properly run eclipse hawkBit - linux

I am new to the tech world, I want to get to know eclipse hawkBit, I am a total noob and beginner so any help is mucha appreciated.
My scenario:
I have a Windows 10 OS with VMware workstation on it, I have installed Ubuntu on it to run eclipse hawkBit and docker ofcourse.
My internet connection is a highspeed mobile internet connection, I use my smarphone to tether(Mobile hotspot).
What I want to do:
I want to start eclipse hawkBit so basically run it simulate some devices and get to know how to use hawkBit.
My problem: so to run hawkBit according to the official documentation i just need to give this on the terminal: docker run -p 8080:8080 hawkbit/hawkbit-update-server:latest
I have seen a youtube video where if hawkBit works it will show me the localhost port info and say successfully connected(or something similar to that)
but the error or problem i keep encountering is this: 2021-06-17 11:35:19.312 INFO 1 --- [tContainer#1-56] o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory : Attempting to connect to: [localhost:5672]
Here is a picture of it:
I would really appreciate if you guys could help me with this, there is not much support or videos of this problem, infact its hard to find decent reference material for hawkBit.
any help is much appreciated.

The exception you see here is due to a missing (or misconfigured) RabbitMQ service.
You will need to configure the environment variable SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST to point to the running RabbitMQ instance.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST=ip-of-rabbitmq-service hawkbit/hawkbit-update-server:latest
For an easier setup, you could use the docker compose file for hawkbit (Option B or C), which already has a preconfigured RabbitMQ as well as MySQL container.


How to run eclipse hawkbit update server with java and use containers for rabbitmq/mysql/simulater

I am new to community, I am new to eclipse hawkbit i would really appreciate it if someone could help me fix this issue I have:
I want run hawkbit through java but if I do I have to disable rabbitmq but I need RabbitMQ. docker already starts the containers when I start up the PC along with the update server simulator too.
Is it possible to run the update server through java and run rabbitmq etc through docker containers will it work like that?
Because obviously if I run hawkbit through docker and java there will be port problems 8080 will have already been used for docker, so maybe could someone tell me if there is a way to only run Rabbitmq, simulator and the mysql containers and run the update server as a java application?
Excuse the question but I am quite lost regarding this because ofcourse i have tried to stop the containers etc but it always restarts instantly.
I appreciate the help
Hey #artur_roomman of course you can run hawkbit with plain java against a RabbitMQ instance in docker. As far as I understood your problem you are using the example compose/stack file that provides the necessary containers for hawkbit and the included hawkbit instance conflicts with your local instance that you want to execute with java.
To stop hawkbit from being part of the stack you can just delete/comment the hawkbit service references in the docker-compose file and rerun docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans this should update the stack to not include the hawkbit service and remove the container.
To prevent containers from comming up automatically when being stopped just replace restart: always with restart: unless-stopped in the compose file, this will prevent restarts of containers when stopping them manually.
Note: the compose file in the hawkbit repository is just an example to get started, it is not secured and e.g. exposes the DB without a password, it should not be used for production use cases

Docker Remote Development Server

I wonder if I could set up a remote development server using Docker. Until now I was using VSCode with the Remote SSH extension to connect to my server(Debian) and work on my projects. But now I would like to set up an environment, where I can have more developers connected at the same time, each working on their own projects. From my understanding Docker creates something like a lightweight VM(container). So I guess it would be perfect if all of them could have their own Docker container with their own terminal and files.
So my questions are:
-Is it possible to set up something like that?
-How should I set up the whole thing?
-Does Docker have any kind of authentication so the developers could connect remotely to the server with an username and password or something like that?
-If not, can I do the same SSH thing like before, but separate the users into these containers? So the users will SSH into the container not the VM?
I'm really new into Docker so I would appreciate all you help and suggestions. Thank you.

How to create Docker-image from my app? It's node.js application that use MongoDB

I have node-applicatiot. It's running from terminal and do some operations. Operations include work with database "MongoDB".
I need to write dockerfile that create Docker-image from my app.
I read many information, but examples that I found tell about how to create web-app that running on some port. I need just run app from terminal.
What steps I must do?
unfortunately your question is rather vague and I am not really familiar with nodeJs, but as far as my understanding of Docker goes I will try and point you in some direction where you might find the information you are looking for or at least help you to ask a more specific question.
From what I can tell what you are looking for is probably a docker image that contains a nodeJs-Server. Then you would download that image and create a container from it, you would map the folder containing your node-application as a volume into the container, so the node-Server inside the container can deploy your application.
At our company we use a JBoss-Application Server inside a Docker-Container to deploy our Java-Applications in pretty much the way I described. Maybe you should look for some of the words I used on Google (docker volume, docker container, etc.), there are actually lots of documentation and tutorials on docker out there.
A good way to start would probably be here ;)

MapR sandbox work instructions

After I installed MapR sandbox in my laptop, how to practice the sample exercises on MapR sandbox? Where I can find the instructions?
Thank You.
Once you have started the VM you can connect to the VM using ssh and do all most of the work from the session.
If you have not changed anything to the configuration, the Sandbox is accessible usin glocal ssh connection (NAT) on the port 2222, so connect to it as follow:
Virtual box
ssh mapr#localhost -p 2222
You should have all the instructions about the sandbox, running on:
Virtual Box
I do not know which exercices you want to do, you can find all the tutorials here:
Once you have set up the mapr sandbox on your Laptop, you should check if the node is working properly using
maprcli node list
Look for healthy and check the services running.
After that you should try to work with your Map Reduce program.
A book by "OReilly.Hadoop.The.Definitive.Guide" is a good way to start learning with hadoop, mapr and other ecosystems provided under this distributed system.
There are other tutorials also available on the net that you can choose.

Container IP Random

I'm docker newbie. 'm running mongoDB in a container and redisDB in an other container and i'm linking this tow databases to my nodeJS project wich is running in a third container. In order to connect to my databases i'm putting the IPs of my containers in my source code but everytime i'm restarting a container the IP is changing so i have to change it in my source code,How can i deal with this problem?
as Michael just said, you can specify an IP Address via the "--ip" parameter
Example :
docker run -d --name="mongoDB" --ip= -p=12720:12720 imageIdOrTagName
(Don't forget it is "--ip" and not "-ip)
For further information, please consider reading the "Docker Networking Documentation" page.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
EDIT For Docker < 1.10:
This github issue references what you are asking :
Allow user to choose the IP address for the container
It has been integrated in Docker 1.10.0 trough the "docker run --ip=..." command
For older versions, itoffshore presented a temporary solution right here.
Hope it will help.
Have a good day,
You can specify the IP address of the container in the docker run command line with --ip="<ip address>"
