Refactor Typescript class into two functions - node.js

I have a project in Node JS and Typescript in which I have a file with a class that I use to check that a directory exists and create another. To the method I pass two parameters, the main directory ('src/out') and a string with which to create the following directory ('api').
This is my class, the dir variable ('src / out') and the api variable ('api'):
export class createDir {
checkExistsOrCreate(dir: string, api: any) {
let dire = `${dir}${api}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){
if (fs.existsSync(dire)) {
}else {
return dire;
What I want to do is create two functions: the first one I pass the main directory ('src / out') and it checks if it exists. And the second creates the directories, if the principal does not exist, it creates the principal directory and the api directory ('src / out / api') and if the principal exists it will only create the '/ api' directory.
My problem is that I don't know how to separate both functions and how to tell the second if the main directory exists or not.
This is the first function that only checks that the directory that reaches it exists:
export class exists {
exitsDir(dir: string) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){
return false;
return true;
This is the class from which I call the directory check and pass the directory to check:
class UtilsController {
public async utilsDir () {
try {
let checkDir = new exists();
await checkDir.exitsDir('src/out');
} catch (error) {

Actually the mkdir function can handle your use case automatically when using the recursive option.
const fs = require('fs');
fs.mkdirSync('main/sub', {recursive: true});

There are a lot of classes that are not really needed but this should work:
class UtilsController {
public utilsDir(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const checkDir = new exists();
return checkDir.exitsDir('src/out');
} catch (error) {
const test = async () => {
const utilsController = new UtilsController();
const exists = await utilsController.utilsDir();


Exclude file that not fully transferred

I am writing a typescript function to display all the files in the current directory and all the subfolders. It works like a charm but wanted to exclude the file that is still under transfer(growing file). The transfer is done via a 3rd part tool, and I can't access the source to compare.
Here is the code
interface DirectoryFiles {
fileName: string;
directory: string;
private async ListFilesDir(
currDirecory: string,
fileArray: DirectoryFiles[] | [],
): Promise<DirectoryFiles[]> {
const allFiles = await this.getAllFilesInDir(currDirecory);
fileArray = fileArray || [];
for (const file of allFiles) {
if (fs.statSync(currDirecory + '/' + file).isDirectory()) {
fileArray = await this.ListFilesDir(
join(currDirecory, file),
} else {
directory: currDirecory,
fileName: file,
return fileArray;
async getAllFilesInDir(dir: string): Promise<string[]> {
try {
return fsPromises.readdir(dir);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Error occurred while reading directory ${dir}!`);
been figuring out this for a while now. Thank you for your time.

Cancel data insert inside beforeInsert event if it already exists in table

There is a need to insert multiple rows in a table. I am using TypeOrm which has .save() method.
.save() method is used to insert data in bulk, and it checks for the inserting primary key ID. If they exist it updates, otherwise inserts.
I want to do the checking on some other field shortLInk. Which is not possible with .save()
So I tried to do inside beforeInsert() event, things are fine but I need to cancel the isnertions if row is find.
Is there any way to achieve it? I couldn't find anything in documentation.
I can throw an error inside beforeInsert() but it will cancel whole insertions.
async shortLinks(links: Array<string>): Promise<Array<QuickLinkDto>> {
const quickLinks: Array<QuickLinkDto> = => ({
actualLink: link,
return, {});
export class QuickLinkSubscriber
implements EntitySubscriberInterface<QuickLink>
datasource: DataSource,
private readonly quickLinkRepository: Repository<QuickLink>,
) {
listenTo() {
return QuickLink;
async beforeInsert(event: InsertEvent<QuickLink>) {
const shortLink = await getShortLink(event.entity.actualLink);
const linkExists = await this.quickLinkRepository.findOne({
where: {
if (linkExists) {
// Discard the insertion if the row already exists
return delete event.entity; // throws error
event.entity.shortLink = shortLink;
When you use a transaction, all the operations are atomic, meaning either all of them are executed or none of them are. you can check for the existence of the shortLink before the insert and if it exists, you can cancel the whole transaction.
async shortLinks(links: Array<string>): Promise<Array<QuickLinkDto>> {
const quickLinks: Array<QuickLinkDto> = => ({
actualLink: link,
const queryRunner = this.quickLinkRepository.manager.connection.createQueryRunner();
try {
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
const result = await, {});
await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
return result;
} catch (error) {
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
throw error;
} finally {
await queryRunner.release();
export class QuickLinkSubscriber
implements EntitySubscriberInterface<QuickLink>
datasource: DataSource,
private readonly quickLinkRepository: Repository<QuickLink>,
) {
listenTo() {
return QuickLink;
async beforeInsert(event: InsertEvent<QuickLink>) {
const shortLink = await getShortLink(event.entity.actualLink);
const linkExists = await this.quickLinkRepository.findOne({
where: {
if (linkExists) {
// Discard the insertion if the row already exists
throw new Error('The short link already exists');
event.entity.shortLink = shortLink;

Jest - mock function inside another module function

I'm trying to mock the return value (or implementation) of the functions inside another module's function with Jest. I need to test different scenarios (function throws error, returns null, returns an object, etc...)
That module (userService) returns a function that returns an object with that functions:
userService.js (I want to mock the return value of findUser & createUser)
function userService(userModel) {
async function findUser(userQuery) {
return foundUser;
async function createUser(user) {
return createdUser;
return { findUser, createUser };
module.exports = userService;
And I'm testing authStravaController, which uses that service functions:
const authStravaServiceRaw = require('../../services/authStravaService');
const userServiceRaw = require('../../services/userService');
const bikeServiceRaw = require('../../services/bikeService');
function authStravaController(userModel, bikeModel) {
const { findUser, createUser } = userServiceRaw(userModel); <-- WANT TO MOCK THAT FUNCTIONS
async function authStrava({ body: { authCode } }, res) {
try {
const findUserQuery = {
stravaUserId: stravaBasicUser.stravaUserId,
authUser = await findUser(findUserQuery); <-- MOCK THIS FUNCTION RETURN MULTIPLE TIMES
if (!authUser) {
resStatus = CREATED;
createdUser = await createUser(stravaBasicUser); <-- SAME
createdUser.bikes = => bike._id);;
authUser = { createdUser, createdBikes };
return handleResponseSuccess(res, resStatus, authUser);
} catch (authStravaError) {
return handleResponseError(res, authStravaError);
return { authStrava };
module.exports = authStravaController;
At the moment I've been able to mock the function return value just 1 time, and I can't find a way to rewrite it, so now I can only test 1 scenario
This code at the top of the file let me test 1 scenario
jest.mock('../../services/userService', () => () => ({
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1),
createUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ username: 'userName', save: jest.fn() }),
I've tried to mock it in multiple ways and can't get it to work, how could I do it to test different return values:
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(1),
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(undefined),
findUser: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({user:'username'}),
I fixed it importing all the services outside the controller function, at the top of the file.
This way I can mock the returnValue of any function.

Is it possible to override the DEFAULT_TEARDOWN function inside exceptions-zone.ts?

I'm trying to create an application with NestJS framework and I'd like to check if a specific Service is in the application context but, the framework default behavior is exiting the process when it doesn't find the Service inside the context.
I've surrounded the get method with try...catch but it doesn't work because of the process.exit(1) execution.
private async loadConfigService(server: INestApplication): Promise<void> {
try {
this.configService = await server.get<ConfigService>(ConfigService, { strict: false });
} catch (error) {
this.logger.debug('Server does not have a config module loaded. Loading defaults...');
this.port = this.configService ? this.configService.port : DEFAULT_PORT;
this.environment = this.configService ? this.configService.environment : Environment[process.env.NODE_ENV] || Environment.DEVELOPMENT;
this.isProduction = this.configService ? this.configService.isProduction : false;
I'd like to catch the exception to manage the result instead of exiting the process.
Here's what I came up with:
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
export class CustomNestFactory {
constructor() {}
public static create(module, serverOrOptions, options) {
const ob = NestFactory as any;
ob.__proto__.createExceptionZone = (receiver, prop) => {
return (...args) => {
const result = receiver[prop](...args);
return result;
return NestFactory.create(module, serverOrOptions, options);
Now, instead of using the default NestFactory I can use my CustomNestFactory
Dirty, but it works
Here is my code to solve same issue:
import { ExceptiinsZone } from '#nestjs/core/errors/exceptions-zone'; = callback => {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw e;
You may need to override asyncRun() also for other method.

sinon.spy in my Node.JS project when testing an AWS service not working as expected

in my Node.JS project (a backend for an Angular 5 project) I have created a service that deals with the AWS Authentication... I have called this awsAuthenticationService. All works well but I now need to test it. In my awsAuthenticationService.js I have the following method that has some minor logic and then calls a method provided by the "cognitoIdentityServiceProvider". Here is a snippet of my code (I really have reduced this)
constructor() {
this._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider(this.cognitoConfig);
toggleUserAccess(userName, type) {
const params = {
Username: userName,
UserPoolId: this.cognitoConfig.userPoolId
if (type === null) {
return this._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminEnableUser(params).promise();
return this._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminDisableUser(params).promise();
As you can see from the toggleUserAccess we pass a few parameters, determine what they are then call the appropriate method. I wish to test this by having a unit test that will call the authenticationService.toggleUserAccess, pass some params and spy on the authenticationService._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider methods to see if they were called. I set it up so...
let authenticationService = require('./awsAuthenticationService');
describe('toggleUserAccess', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
authenticationService._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = {
adminDisableUser(params) {
return {
promise() {
return Promise.resolve(params);
authenticationService._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = {
adminEnableUser(params) {
return {
promise() {
return Promise.resolve(params);
it('should call adminEnableUser if the type is null', () => {
authenticationService.toggleUserAccess('TheUser', null);
const spyCognito = sinon.spy(authenticationService._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider, 'adminEnableUser');
it('should call adminDisableUser if the type is null', () => {
authenticationService.toggleUserAccess('TheUser', '0001');
const spyCognito = sinon.spy(authenticationService._cognitoIdentityServiceProvider, 'adminDisableUser');
My tests aren't passing and I think I have set up my sinon.spys incorrectly - can anyone see what I am doing wrong or give advice please
To stub class of AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider, need to stub with its prototype keyword.
// add require statement for your AWS class
const spyCognito = sinon.spy(AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.prototype, 'adminDisableUser');
Hope it helps
