Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow' on Kentico 13 Core - kentico

Following this tutorial to setup Kentico Core 13 on local machine with New site as explained in article. It completed successfully. Post that created the Page types and when try to add pages using those page type use to get below error:
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve page templates. The live site application is not running or is not accessible.
When checked in developer console it states that :
GetResource.ashx?scriptmodule=/CMS/VirtualContextAuthenticator.js:1 Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://localhost:25291') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null').
Then I tried accessing live site and it is not working.
Hmmm… can't reach this page localhost refused to connect.
Please guide.

Go to the Sites application in Kentico, edit your site (click the pencil icon), and enter http://localhost:25291/ (or whatever your IIS Express default address is) into the Presentation URL: field. Save. See if it helps.


Intercepting SharePoint error messages in IIS

Is there any way to intercept SharePoint error messages in IIS?
For example, when I type this url:, SharePoint answers with its own error page that says:
Sorry, something went wrong
The file or folder name contains characters that are not permitted. Please use a different name.
I would like to intercep this error message (and all SharePoint error messages) and redirect to my own custom error page.
Please note that:
When SharePoint shows this error in its own error page, the url remains the same (
When I inspect the page (F12) in the Network tab (using Chrome) the response is 200 OK, so no SharePoint is not reporting the error number back.
I expect to be able to somehow configure IIS in order to intercept any SharePoint errors and then show a custom made page instead of showing the standard and internal SharePoint error pages.

Default Document not working on Azure Web App

I have a simple azure web app and have set the default document in the portal to home.aspx. There is a home.aspx file published, it is browsable via (not real domain) however the default document won't work when browsing to it returns a 404. There is nothing special here. I even added it to the web.confg and it still returns a 404. It is a web forms project, set to integrated security with the correct default document added. Any ideas?
I setup the following web app (West): supportforlucuma There is only one other app in that plan which is the one that isn't working.
I can see the home.html page by visit “”, Is your issue solved? If no, I will provide more information of how to debug this issue.
Except to set default document on portal and web.config, the default document also could be set in RouteConfig.cs file. For example, following code will set the index.aspx as the default page of current web application and it has the highest priority. If index.aspx file is not exist, a 404 error will response to client. Please check whether the similar code is exist in RouteConfig.cs file.
routes.MapPageRoute("default", "{page}", "~/{page}.aspx",false,new RouteValueDictionary( new { page = "index" }));
For further troubleshooting this issue, we can to get the detail information of 404 response. For example, which modules are executed on server side during the default page is accessed. To do it, we need to enable Failed request tracing. Then we could see the detail information by download the tracing log from LogFiles folder. For example, "".

Http 403 error in Microsoft edge

I was getting "HTTP 403 error Microsoft Edge can’t get to this page", while launching an application from IIS in Windows 10. Please suggest a solution for this.
If all permissions are set and even though your website shows 403 forbidden, most likely the default page is not set for your website. With IIS, you can configure the default document as follows.
Connect to IIS.
Expand the sites and select the desired website.
From right hand side feature view, click on Default Document.
Set your desire default page and save the settings.
While you browse any website, IIS searches for the default page to be displayed. If the first default document is not available, IIS will look for the next default page from the list. When IIS is unable to find any match and directory listing is enabled for that particular website, IIS will show you the list of folders. If directory listing is disabled, IIS will return an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden message to the browser.
If an empty application gives you a 403 I can think of two immediate reasons.
The permissions are wrong. You might need to give the application pool user (IIS AppPool\NAMEOFAPPPOOL with recommended configuration) read permission to the directory.
You don't have any content. If you try to access a directory in IIS you will get a 403. Add a file and try to access that directly, or a Default.aspx or index.html file to the directory you're trying to access.

where can i find the default 404 error page for windows sharepoint service 2.0

Where can i find the default htm file, mapped to show the 404 error in Sharepoint service 2.0. Currently whenever the request for a site hits the 404 error, it goes to the default page, but the point to note here is, which is not the one we set in IIS custom error option.
My requirement here is to make few modification in the 404 error page. I tried mapping the request to a custom error page with <customErros> tag in web.config. But unfortunately, its still showing the default 404 error page. When i checked the viewsource of the error page i can see some comments like, res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#
Any idea about this? Thanks in advance
I haven't had to do this but this entry looks quite reasonable:
Basically when you install WSS it hi-jacks IIS. You can still do most of the things you would expect but you need to go through the Central Administration pages and the XML files that control many aspects of SharePoint.

problem using a custom 404 page in IIS

I have a web site with a child directory set up as an application. I set up the application to use a custom 404 page. When I navigate to the url and put in a non existent page I get the following error message. Any other asp page in the application works fine. There isn't even any script in the 404 page... just plain html so I'm not sure what is causing this. I've tried creating an application pool specifically for this application but that didn't help. Thanks.
Error message: The specified request cannot be executed from current Application Pool
Try to create a registry key with the name IgnoreAppPoolForCustomErrors (type DWORD, value 1) in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\
See or for more information - seems to be a not so uncommon problem.
