Class Inheritance for the parent __int__ in Python - python-3.x

My code is provided in the end. I want to let the class general inherit all the variables of the constructor (_ init _) in the class LDA. It seems that when the method X_F in the class general calls the X_c, it just returns the objective rather than the array of np.random.rand(3,2) generated in the main. I tried to let the method X_F print the value of the variable m, but the printed result is a default value of 3, rather than 10.
class LDA:
def __init__(self, X_c, m = 3, K=1):
self.X_c =X_c
self.m =m
self.K = K
def Squared_L2_loss(self):
X_result = general(self).X_F()
return X_result
class general(LDA):
def X_F(self):
X = self.X_c[0]
return X.T
if __name__ == '__main__':
X = LDA(X_c, m=10, K=30)


Passing list as an argument to a class

There is a simple class to create a representation of a polynomial (args are ints here):
class MyPolynomial:
def __init__(self, *args):
self.numbers = [x for x in args]
I want to create a method able to create a new polynomial, but the argument is a list, so it would work like this:
MyPolynomial.from_iterable([0, 1, 2]) == MyPolynomial(0, 1, 2)
How do I handle a list to pass it as int arguments?
You can do this:
class MyPolynomial:
def __init__(self, *args):
self.numbers = [x for x in args]
def from_iterable(cls, the_list):
# return instance of this class
return cls(*the_list)

How to use two instances of a base class from a derived class

I want to use two instances of a base class from one derived class. I am not sure if the following code is technically correct or if there is a better way. Can the two instances mix up in any situation?
The base class A is intended to perform a common task: "changevar" which changes the variable "var" to "dv". The derived class B use this method but with two variables "var1", "var2" to change it to "dv1", and "dv2" respectively. class B then performs an "operation" over the changed variables "var1", and "var2" and return the result (in this case multiply).
class A:
def __init__(self, var):
self.var = var
def changevar(self, dv):
self.var = self.var + dv
def getvar(self):
return self.var
class B(A):
def __init__(self, var1, var2):
self.var1 = var1
self.var2 = var2
A.__init__(self, var1)
self.inst1 = A(self.var)
A.__init__(self, var2)
self.inst2 = A(self.var)
def operation(self):
dv1 = 2
dv2 = -2
self.var1 = self.inst1.getvar()
self.var2 = self.inst2.getvar()
return self.var1, self.var2, self.var1 * self.var2
def main():
test = B(10, 10)
v1, v2, v3 = test.operation()
print (v1, v2, v3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
>>>12 8 96
In your code, you're not actually using the inheritance.
When you execute self.inst1 = A(self.var) you are creating a whole new instace of A, which is different from that which is the base for your B, and assigning it to a field.
Good news are: you don't need inheritance in your case. what you need (and de-facto do) is composition - having fields of type A in your type B.
Just remove A as a base from B at all, and use the inner fields of this type, the result will be the same:
class A:
def __init__(self, var):
self.var = var
def changevar(self, dv):
self.var = self.var + dv
def getvar(self):
return self.var
class B:
def __init__(self, var1, var2):
self.inst1 = A(var1)
self.inst2 = A(var2)
def operation(self):
dv1 = 2
dv2 = -2
var1 = self.inst1.getvar()
var2 = self.inst2.getvar()
return var1, var2, var1 * var2
def main():
test = B(10, 10)
v1, v2, v3 = test.operation()
print (v1, v2, v3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Inheritance should be used when you want to use instances of type B as if they were of type A (e.g., call A's methods on instances of type B).
Generally we say that B should inherit from A, ib B "is-a" A - e.g. a Dog is an Animal, a Square is a Shape.
Composition is more of "has-a" relationship, like a Car has a Radio
I hope I made it clear, it's a little hard to grasp that reasoning with meaningless class names like A and B :)

Change Return Value of Class Instance

How can I overwrite a class with one of its attributes?
class AListGenerator(list):
def __init__(self, *args):
self._mylist = [word for word in args if 'a' in word]
self = self._mylist # does nothing
>>> x = AListGenerator('mum', 'dad', 'mike', 'aaron')
>>> x
>>> x._mylist
['dad', 'aaron']
How can I make x return x._mylist, so that there's no need to call the _mylist attribute?
>>> x
['dad', 'aaron']
To clarify, I do not want/need a __repr__, I want to be able to do stuff like:
x.append('ryan') and x returning ['dad', 'aaron', 'ryan'], and not just ['ryan'].
You are inheriting from list, so all its methods are already accessible in your class, so you already can do x.append(stuff).
You should (probably always) initiate the base class before doing anything in your __init__ method:
class Stuff(list):
def __init__(self, *args):
# initiate the parent class!
super().__init__(word.lower() for word in args)
# you also can define your own attributes and methods
self.random_ID = 5 # chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random
x = Stuff("HELLO", "WoRlD")
And then you can print x and do with it everything you can do with a list.

How to pass property methods as arugments in Python

First, let's consider this working example using get and set methods for the variable x
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
self._x = 0
def set_x(self, x):
self._x = x
def get_x(self):
return self._x
class Bar:
def __init__(self, set_method):
self._set_method = set_method
def set_x(self, x):
f = Foo()
# Prints 5
b = Bar(f.set_x)
# Prints 10
As you can see I pass the possibility to set the variable x of the instance f of class Foo, to the instance b of class Bar.
Now, I would like to do the same, but with property decorators instead, roughly like this
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
self._x = 0
def x(self):
return self._x
def x(self, x):
self._x = x
class Bar:
def __init__(self, x_property):
self._x_property = x_property
def set_x(self, x):
self.x_property = x
f = Foo()
f.x = 5
# Prints 5
b = Bar(f.x)
# Prints 5
What happens is that the value 5, instead of the property, gets passed to instance b, meaning that b can't access x in instance f. Is there a nice way to solve this?
I would then also like to do the same thing for the get method. In the first code that requires me to pass both methods, but if there is a way to get the second code to work I would hopefully only have to pass on the property which I then can set and get as a normal variable.
I would really want to use the property decorators or similar as it cleans up my code a lot. I use python 3.5.2.
You can accomplish this by accessing the fset attribute of Foo.x. Note the use of class-dot notation rather than instance-dot. fset takes two arguments: the instance to access and the value to write. Here is a working example
class Foo:
def x(self):
return self._x
def x(self, x):
self._x = x
class Bar:
def __init__(self, x_property):
self.x_property = x_property
def set_x(self, foo, value):
self.x_property(foo, value)
f = Foo()
f.x = 5
b = Bar(Foo.x.fset)
b.set_x(f, 10)
Notice that we had to pass f to set_x because we need it to invoke the setter. You could eliminate the f param by using partial from the functools module to bind f to the property setter. Pass the partial binding in to the constructor of Bar.
class Bar:
def __init__(self, x_property):
self.x_property = x_property
def set_x(self, value):
f = Foo()
b = Bar(partial(Foo.x.fset, f))
It might be wise to rename x_property and this point. It is really just a function as far as Bar is concerned. It wouldn't have to be a property.

How do I define a variable for all class methods use?

I need to define a variables that is to be used in all the methods of one class.
class A:
def method1(self):
for i in range(N):
*do something with M*
def method2(self):
for i in range(N):
*do other thing with M*
and so on.
All I need to do is define N and M variables somewhere in the begining of class describing. I tried to define it in constructor like this:
class A:
def __init__(N, M):
def method1(self):
in tend to call A with this parameters just once. But there was another error in case I don't really now how to use constructor for now. Then I add this variables as parameters of each method:
def method1(self, N, M):
And that time it worked perfectly. But I don't want to input values each time I call A.methodX() and I'm 100% sure there is one or two ways that accords my requests.
You were on the right track so I wrote a short version of what I suspect you wanted to do with a little 'debug' code embedded. Note the instantiation of the class aa = A(1,2)
class A:
def __init__(self, N, M):
self.N = N
self.M = M
def method1(self):
print ("iterate N")
for i in range(self.N):
print (str(i) + "\n")
def method2(self):
print ("iterate M")
for i in range(self.M):
print (str(i) + "\n")
aa = A(1, 2)
Note that what I've done here is create instance variables - you can also create class variables by instantiating them outside of the methods. So iVar becomes the class variable.
class A:
iVar = 0
def __init__(self, N, M):
self.N = N
self.M = M
