Azure AD provisioning sends SCIM replace operation when adding user to group - azure

I have user and group provisioning set up for an enterprise application in Azure AD. I have a SCIM endpoint setup in my application to consume the SCIM requests from Azure AD. I added this feature flag to my tenant URL to ensure SCIM compliance:
I have a group assigned to the enterprise application for provisioning to my application. When I add users to that group in Azure AD, I'm seeing two PATCH requests to the Groups/:id SCIM endpoint. The first is an add operation, which I expect because I'm adding this user as a member of the group:
"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "add",
"path": "members",
"value": [
"value": "directory_user_01F7SGPZHKVGHZMCRNHGJXW1E9"
The second PATCH request is a replace operation, which is unexpected as I'm not replacing all users in a group with the one member being added:
"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "members",
"value": [
"value": "directory_user_01F7SGPZHKVGHZMCRNHGJXW1E9"
The SCIM protocol RFC outlines the difference between the add and replace operations in PATCH requests. If users are added as members of a group, there should only be an add operation, not a replace operation. Is there any way to configure Azure so it only sends add operations in this situation? Thanks!


Create conditional access policy from Graph API

I have few users with 'Application Administrator' role. I don't want those users to manage all applications.
So, I tried to implement conditional access policy to block access. I came to know I can select users with directory roles while creating policy.
In Portal, I'm able to create policy and configure it with no loss. But I want to know if the same is possible using Graph Api or not.
Anyone achieved this from Graph? Please help me with whole steps to follow.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment via Graph Explorer and got the below results:
You can make use of below graph query to create conditional access policy:
Content-type: application/json
"displayName": "Block access to Application Admins.",
"state": "enabled",
"conditions": {
"clientAppTypes": [
"applications": {
"includeApplications": [
"users": {
"includeRoles": [
"9b895d92-2cd3-44c7-9d02-a6ac2d5ea5c3"//ID of Application Admin role
"grantControls": {
"operator": "OR",
"builtInControls": [
To confirm that, I checked in Azure Portal where policy is created successfully like below:
When I opened that policy, the users with Application Administrator role are selected as below:

Azure SQL Azure AD Only Authentication enforcement

I'm trying to enforce Azure AD Only Autentication on Azure SQL Server.
There is already an Built-In Policy which enforces it only for newly
created Resources but there is still the possibility after creation
to change it back to Local SQL Admin Authentication, this gap I want to close with Azure Policy.
I tried already to create a Policy with "azureADOnlyAuthentication" property.
but this did not work and I don't get it. Does someone have any idea?
"policyRule": {
"if": {
"allOf": [
"field": "type",
"equals": "Microsoft.Sql/servers"
"field": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators.azureADOnlyAuthentication",
"notequals": true
"then": {
"effect": "[parameters('effect')]"
While creating a policy for Azure AD only authentication in SQL server, make sure to include below attributes:
The Policy Effect: DeployIfNotExist : If condition is not met it will generate a deployment.
The ExistenceCondition : If Azure SQL Server does not accept Azure AD Authentication only, then it executes a deployment.
Deployment : Deployment property contains the ARM template, which is incremental. The parameter is filled with the expression [field(‘name’)]
Please check the below sample if helpful:
For more in detail please refer below link:
Azure SQL: Enforcing Azure AD Only Authentication - Simple Talk (

Azure Active Directory SCIM: Deprovision member of a group not working

Using Azure AD Premium, Enterprise App & SCIM 2.0 Provisioning Scope - Only assigned Users & Groups
I'm trying to work through the use case below:
SCIM provisioning of users that are assigned to a given AD Group
When a user is added (provisioned) to a group it correctly fires off a PATCH /Groups/{Id} to add member of the group
When a user is removed (deprovisioned) from the group it does not correctly fires a PATCH /Groups/{Id} to remove member of the group
What am I'm doing wrong?
In addition, I wonder which call azure active directory executes to get to know who is currently member of a given group. (I've noticed that every call AAD makes to my SCIM/group service implementation has the excludedAttributes=members as query parameter)
Any suggestions appreciated.
From what I saw, Azure SCIM sends this request to groups endpoint:
"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "Remove",
"path": "members",
"value": [
"value": "49a5f81e-9f63-4f5e-b3e8-41db044c1af9"
I use ngrok during the development to see an analyse requests from Azure SCIM integration.

Azure permissions over microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticSettings/write

I'm trying to call above API provider via REST with the following URL: with api-version=2017-04-01-preview
However, even though the Service Principal I am using is a member of the "Global Administrator" role in my AAD tenant I am getting a does not have authorization to perform action error.
This endpoint doesn't seem to be documented though.
Anybody know what is required to call this API endpoint with a service principal?
Try to add a custom role with the action of microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/write in your AD App.
According to doc, you can use the custom role to do the operation.
This article lists the operations available for each Azure Resource Manager resource provider. These operations can be used in custom roles to provide granular role-based access control (RBAC) to resources in Azure.
For more details to create the custom role, refer to this link.
"Name": "Test Operator",
"Id": "88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888",
"IsCustom": true,
"Description": "xxxxxx",
"Actions": [
"NotActions": [
"DataActions": [
"NotDataActions": [
"AssignableScopes": [
You can use a user account with global admin role, refer to the steps below.
1.Navigate to Azure Active Directory -> Diagnostic settings -> Add diagnostic setting -> set the properties and open the Developer Tools(F12) ->Save.
2.In the request we caught, copy the Bearer token.
3.Then we can test the api in the postman.
Request URL:
Request Header:
Request Body:
"properties": {
"logs": [
"category": "AuditLogs",
"enabled": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"days": 0,
"enabled": false
"category": "SignInLogs",
"enabled": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"days": 0,
"enabled": false
"metrics": [],
"storageAccountId": "/subscriptions/xxxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/xxx"
It works on my side.
I test it with global administrator user, it works correctly for me.
The following is the detail steps:
Create an native azure AD application and grant permission for it.
2.create an global administrator user, please also change the default password.
Note: the user format should be, or you can't use the password way to get the token based on my test
3.Assign the owner role to the subscription
4.Then we could use the following way to get the access token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
4.Try to operate the diagnosticSettings

how to register users to mongodb after open id connect authentication?

I have a backend API written in nodejs(authorization with oAuth2) using azure-passport-ad, my frontend angular 5(openId connect), and I`m using Azure AD for authentication, the thing is that our users will have two roles
"student", "admin", how can I make that difference of roles, does the token retrieved by the idP gives me a field with the kind of roles that users has?
You can define the roles in Azure AD as shown here:
To define roles in an app, you will have to modify its manifest in AAD to something like this (other properties removed for brevity):
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "Administrator",
"id": "179c1dc0-4801-46f3-bc0d-35f059da1415",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Administrators can access advanced features.",
"value": "admin"
Then you can assign users to these roles via the Users and groups tab for the Enterprise application/service principal's blade.
The ID tokens sent to your app will then contain the role(s) like so:
"family_name": "User",
"given_name": "Test",
"name": "Test User",
"roles": [
You can check that claim after the token has been validated by Passport.
