Is there a way to turn off "launch on startup" on P4EXP? - perforce

When I start my computer, the "Connect to Perforce" of P4EXP automatically opens. If I close it without connecting, it will later on open back up randomly when I'm browsing the explorer. I don't need to use P4EXP on most days so it's pretty annoying.
Is there any way to turn that of? I'd much rather connect manually whenever I need to.


I want to make sure that windows that are not directly selected in Windows 10 are never TOP of ALL

I wonder if you have a Windows 10 setup or software.
While viewing a browser or another window, the window is forced to switch if one program installation is complete, or if one game is completely loaded.
Is there a way to set the window so that it never changes forcibly unless I choose it?
I can't find any solution.

Creating a Chrome extension which closes blocked websites

I recently blocked quite a lot of ads across my entire network using AdGuard. Unfortunately, AdGuard does not prevent pop-up windows from opening. Although the advertising page is not called up, I get a popup which tells me that the requested page cannot be reached.
That's why I wanted to write a chrome extension that closes these popups automatically. Unfortunately, I fail to save the value of a checkbox in that is supposed to activate / deactivate the extension.
could someone help me here?
Okay i managed to store my value but now i'm running into the problem that i need to run a script when a page can't be loaded and i got no idea how i can do that. :S
Any Ideas? Is that even possible?

Script solution for tabs in bash wanted

i'm in search for a solution for the following situation:
I am working for a customer who only allows accessing the linux servers
by putty (from a Windows Terminal Server).
Unfortunately i need multiple Session to work properly and effective.
Tmux and Screen are not a good option for me, because i need a visual
"tab" to keep track of all the stuff im doing.
Is this even possible or am i lost here?
Best regards.
MremoteNG does tabs and uses Putty (Putty comes with it). If you have RDP or console access to Windows server, you can upload MremoteNG portable.
Perfectly possible in screen: How to open tabs windows in GNU screen – DevSolar
Perfectly solved my problem! Thanks DevSolar!
If you're using PuTTY, you can simply open two sessions at once. Open your first session, then right-click on the PuTTY icon in your taskbar, click "PuTTY" from the context menu, and it'll open a new instance of the program. Unfortunately, this won't result in a second tab, but instead it will result in a second window and you can swap back and forth between windows.
Other SSH clients do have actual tabs as a feature - one example is MobaXTerm, which is free and doesn't require admin privileges to use on your computer, and which is indeed tabbed. It can also import your existing PuTTY configurations, so setting it up is pretty quick.
You can get this application that allows you to have mulptiple tabs in putty. you dont need to "install" it so your lack of permissions wont be an issue :
Regarding your auth issue, I would recommend read this :
Note - Dont worry about being lost, everybody learns at different speeds.

Disable global hotkeys for window

I am making RDP GUI for myself and i would like all key combinations handled by RDP session. I use freerdp for handling RDP stuff, it has handy flag where i specify winId() of qt widged to embed RDP window to. Everything works except for few keys. For example window key still opens menu on host, not start menu in RDP session. Also alt-f2 opens gnome start screen instead of performing bound action in application inside RDP session. Is it possible to somehow make all key combinations to be handled only by embedded RDP window and not xserver?
I have tried following (Xlib/python):
window.change_attributes(do_not_propagate_mask=X.KeyPress | X.KeyRelease)
However that does not seem to change anything. I also tried disabling key events in qt without much luck. Truth to be told i do not know exactly if this has to be done at qt or X level. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is there a way to analyze Chromecast crashes?

Obviously, after the crash Developer tools at port 9222 is of no use, because "Remote debugging has been terminated with reason: websocket_closed". How can I retrieve, for example, recorded timeline; or get call stack; or find anything about the reason the Chromecast decided to reboot itself? What are the best (or, for that matter, any) approach to debug Chromecast crashes?
We need to look at your log file to see what is causing the crash. It is relatively easy to do that but we need some help from your side.
First, open the Chromecast setup app on, say, your Android device and go to the settings for your device. You should see a check box that states something like: "Send Chromecast usage data and crash reports to Google". If it is not checked, make sure you check it and then wait 15 minutes or so and reboot your chromecast.
Try to recreate issue and as soon as it crashes and reboots itself, open the setup app again and select "Submit feedback report" from the overflow menu. You will see a new window on your phone and make sure you enter the following text in the text box there "crash-vmt". We will be using this text to search among the reports that we receive to identify your log.
After doing that, please let us know (add a comment here) so we can grab the log for further investigation.
