OctoberCMS set param in configuration section of template - twig

I'm trying to render a conditional form to a twig template in OctoberCMS...
[renderForm] formCode = "contact-form"
{% if data.show_form == true %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col unnamed-character-style-86">
This will be a form {{ data.form_to_show }}!!!
{% component 'renderForm' %}
{% endif %}
I need to set the formCode variable to the template data data.form_to_show you can see in the twig section.
I'm really new to October and am a bit stuck on this but it sounds like it should be simple enough.
All help welcome.

I was being an idiot and worked it out myself.
[renderForm] formCode = {{ data.form_to_show }}


Django cms Template for loop breaks itself during rendering

ive written an simple plugin but it changes the tree, so that the .container moves after the .head, if it trys to render this part:
<a class="head" href="#">
<div class="container">
{% for subchild in child.children %}
<a>{{ subchild }}</a>
{% empty %}
{% endfor %}
but if i change the outter a tag to anything else it works

Symfony / a2lix_translations / customize

can someone help me.
How can I modify default template to bootstrap version?
Because input's doesn't have a class "form-control".
Here is defaul:
{% block a2lix_translations_widget %}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
<div class="a2lix_translations tabbable">
<ul class="a2lix_translationsLocales nav nav-tabs">
{% for translationsFields in form %}
{% set locale = translationsFields.vars.name %}
<li {% if app.request.locale == locale %}class="active"{% endif %}>
<a href="#" data-toggle="tab" data-target=".{{ translationsFields.vars.id }}_a2lix_translationsFields-{{ locale }}">
{{ locale|capitalize }}
{% if form.vars.default_locale == locale %}[Default]{% endif %}
{% if translationsFields.vars.required %}*{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="a2lix_translationsFields tab-content">
{% for translationsFields in form %}
{% set locale = translationsFields.vars.name %}
<div class="{{ translationsFields.vars.id }}_a2lix_translationsFields-{{ locale }} tab-pane {% if app.request.locale == locale %}active{% endif %} {% if not form.vars.valid %}sonata-ba-field-error{% endif %}">
{{ form_errors(translationsFields) }}
{{ form_widget(translationsFields) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block a2lix_translationsForms_widget %}
{{ block('a2lix_translations_widget') }}
{% endblock %}
I have no idea what should I insert/delete/modify :(
I have done a custom form template for a2lix_translations with bootstrap(full code is too long and not optimal to paste here) But to get the classes I need like form-control into the widgets I have done the following:
{%for field in translationsFields%} {# further break the transliationsfields into individual inputs #}
{%if field.vars.attr is not empty and field.vars.attr['class'] is defined and field.vars.attr['class']=="tinymce"%}
{{form_widget(field ,{'attr':{'class':' tinymcertl'}} )}}
{{form_widget(field,{'attr':{'style':'direction:rtl','class':class~' form-control'}} )}}
The ugly code above is basically saying, if the widget already has a class, add the class form-group to it. If the widget does not have a class at all, set the class to be form-group. I have done that if statement to avoid null pointers since if I try to reference the form class and there isn't one, the code will crash. And if I just do set class to form-group, it will erase the previous classes.
I hope this helps. My full code might not be helpful to you because the languages I was working with involved left to right language and right to left languages, so a lot of conditions had to be implemented to orient my page in the right direction, which is messy and you might not need...
PS: this was done on symfony 2.7 or so. Did not test on symfony 3.
in my case sf 3.2 i just did this change in my config.yml and all forms are bootstraped :
# app/config/config.yml
- 'bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig'

Silex - Symfony Froms - How to wrap each radio button and its label in to separate div for each radio in choice list?

I am using Silex micro faramework with Symfony forms. In twig templet I generate this field using :
{{ form_widget(form.transport_selection) }}
How can I overwrite this symfony twig form templet to generate wrap for each set (input field and label) in Silex.
This is my twig registration:
use Silex\Provider\FormServiceProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\YamlFileLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array(
'twig.path' => [
How to wrap radio button and label with div for each radio choice ?
<div id="form_transport_selection">
<input type="radio" id="form_transport_selection_0" name="form[transport_selection]" required="required" value="country" checked="checked">
<label for="form_transport_selection_0" class="required">country</label>
<input type="radio" id="form_transport_selection_1" name="form[transport_selection]" required="required" value="abroad">
<label for="form_transport_selection_1" class="required">abroad</label>
Expected output:
<div id="form_transport_selection">
<div class="radio1">
<input type="radio" id="form_transport_selection_0" name="form[transport_selection]" required="required" value="country" checked="checked">
<label for="form_transport_selection_0" class="required">country</label>
<div class="radio2">
<input type="radio" id="form_transport_selection_1" name="form[transport_selection]" required="required" value="abroad">
<label for="form_transport_selection_1" class="required">abroad</label>
You can make new template for this form and redefine radio buttons view
{% extends "form_div_layout.html.twig" %}
{%- block choice_widget_expanded -%}
<div {{ block('widget_container_attributes') }}>
{% set i=1 %}
{%- for child in form %}
<div class="radio-{{i}}">
{{- form_widget(child) -}}
{{- form_label(child, null, {translation_domain: choice_translation_domain}) -}}
{% set i=i+1 %}
{% endfor -%}
{%- endblock choice_widget_expanded -%}
and use it in controller template, where form is shown
{% form_theme form 'my.form.twig' %}
{{ form_widget(form.transport_selection) }}
Expanding on MaxP's answer. Make sure to only modify this for radio buttons, you don't want this used in checkboxes! I've added a different class for checkboxes. Note the if/else to do this.
{% extends "form_div_layout.html.twig" %}
{% block choice_widget_expanded %}
<div {{ block('widget_container_attributes') }}>
{% set i=1 %}
{% for child in form %}
{% if form.vars.multiple == false %}
<div class="radio-{{i}}">
{% elseif form.vars.multiple == true %}
<div class="checkbox-{{i}}">
{% endif %}
{{ form_widget(child) }}
{{ form_label(child, null, {translation_domain: choice_translation_domain}) }}
{% set i=i+1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock choice_widget_expanded %}
And use it in controller template, where form is shown
{% form_theme form 'my.form.twig' %}
{{ form_widget(form.transport_selection) }}
When using Symfony, I recommend overriding all Twig fields in app/Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig
And then on config.yml you just need to make this available by adding it to twig's config
- 'Form/fields.html.twig'

For every two in twig

Is there a way in twig to have a for every two loop? The best way I know to explain what I mean is to show you the result I'm looking for.
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="row"></div>
Is there some way to automatically put two items in a row div, and repeat that for as many items as are available?
A better solution would be to use the batch function in Twig which does exactly what you want.
Here is the code for your example:
{% for row in items|batch(2) %}
<div class="row">
{% for item in row %}
<div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Your code snippet differs from what you are writing below it but I think this is what you want:
{% set columns = 2 %}
<div class="row">
{% for item in items %}
<div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
{% if loop.index % columns %}
<div class="row">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I ended up using the suggestions from Markus Kottländer and DarkBee combined:
<div class="row">
{% for item in items %}
<div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
{% if loop.index is even %}
<div class="row">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Cancelling parent template if variable is null in Twig

I'm new to Twig and I'm trying to figure out how to achieve the following.
I have an object with a set of properties that I want to render with different Twig templates depending on which type of property it is (text, images, date, etc).
I want to render them as follows:
<div class="row">
<div class="title">Title of property</div>
<div class="propertycontent">
//Specific property content depending on property type
My problem is that I can't figure out to skip the complete output if the property is not defined. I want to be able to use parent templates to take care of the "wrapping" of the rendered property content. Is it possible to use parent templates that returns nothing if the property value is undefined? Is there another good solution that does not rely on include "begin"/"end" for wrapping each template?
Thanks in advance.
Solution: Call parent with value(might be null) and title
Parent (propery_wrapper.twig):
{% if value %}
<div class="row">
<div class="title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="propertyContent">
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
child (for height property):
{% extends 'property_wrapper.twig' %}
{% block content %}
{{ value.value|number_format(2, ',') }} m
{% endblock %}
