Excel: count amount of characters - excel

I have to calculate a price by single character. In my example I have 110 parts that are numbered, so this means I have:
9 parts with one character (1 > 9)
90 parts with two characters (10 > 99)
11 parts with three characters (100 > 110)
Thus there are 222 characters for this price.
Is there a way to calculate this with a (nested) formula ? I've been thinking about since a few days and can't come with a solid & modular formula.
See "manual"-Excel calculation here below.
Thanks for your help.

Do you mean:
Or for non-Microsoft 365 versions:

If you want to calculate the number of characters of a list of values that is not a continuous sequence starting with 1 up to e.g. 110, then you can do it with the following formula:
Note: the term "list" is just a name that refers to a range of Excel cells.


Need to Extract Sale Value & Currency Symbol from a text string (Excel Not Google Sheets) [duplicate]

20/11/2022 12:00:52 2 X 15.95 15.95 USD 57 5 689 5 689 1 4111 0 Amazing Lego Team
I need to get the position of No 4111 in the above text string, As an excel beginner any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
All of the Text Strings will have a 4 digit number like 4111 which i have to get the position for.
Have tried using this formula to get four digit number in another column, LOOKUP(10^15,MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),5)+0) but I am looking to get position instead.
I have tried using lookup but I could only go so far as a beginner.
Use the formula you provided =LOOKUP(10^15,MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),5)+0) to identify the number, and use FIND to get the position of the number.
Cell A1="20/11/2022 12:00:52 2 X 15.95 15.95 USD 57 5 689 5 689 1 4111 0 Amazing Lego Team"
This looks to be in a space (or some other character) delimited text string. If you have a bunch of rows of data like this, use the Text to Columns feature on the Data tab. Use the Delimited option and then click the check box next to space (or other if it's something custom not in the available options) and Excel will split the data into columns for you.
For your string example, if you know that your 4 digit is started 58 char from the beginning of the string, use =MID(A1,58,4) A1 is the cell with your string.
MID function returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify.
=LET(t,TEXTSPLIT(A1,," "),
It splits the string at every space and filters the result for being of length of 4 characters and not being an error if converted to number.

Is there an excel formula to extract numbers from the end of a string in a cell, where the length is not always constant

I am trying to separate information copied from a PDF table - id usually use text to columns but the only delamination is spaces and this then splits the data into multiple unusable columns
The data comes like this:
Raw Data
A1 Company 0
Company2 40000
name a 1
name b 15
name c 184
Big 17 Company 1887
I need the output to be:
A1 Company
name a
name b
name c
Big 17 Company
So the company name (that might contain numbers) is separated for the unit number (that could be 1-5 digits long).
I haven't been able to figure out a way that uses =len() as the string length isn't a constant mixed with the last numbers not being a consistent number of digits.
I'm currently using:
=SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&A2, LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(--MID(A2, ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A2))), 1)) * ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A2))), 0), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A2))))+1, 1) * 10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A2)))/10)
This gives me all the numbers in the cell - which works for 90% of the data as most of the company's don't have numbers in their name. But for something like 'A1 Company 0' it gives 10 as the output not just the 0. I then go and manually edit the small number of companies that this happens too.
I then use a mixture of =LEN() =LEFT and =RIGHT to split the information up as required for the further automated analysis.
I'd prefer a formula over VBA/macro
I cant provide the actual data but I hope I've given enough examples in the table above to show the main problems (different company name lengths, companies with numbers in their name, different amount of digits representing the units)
Using Libre Office, but this formula checks for the last space in the cell
=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","#",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))),1))
Taken from: https://trumpexcel.com/find-characters-last-position/
FILTERXML() would best choice for this case. Try-
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1:A6," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[last()]")
Details about FILTERXML() from JvdV here.
See if the following works for you:
Formula in B2:
In C2:
For those users using ms365's newest functions:

Split text and number, then convert and add numbers

I have a series of values such as:
I want to convert the string portion to a number based on this table:
0 R
10 YR
20 Y
30 GY
40 G
50 BG
60 B
70 PB
80 P
90 RP
I then want to create two columns so that:
2.5 10
In a third column I will add the two numbers together.
Can this be done just using formulas? I want to avoid using VBA if I can.
Here's another approach.
seq is a defined name referring to an array constant ={1,2,3,4,5}
If you might have numbers that encompass more than five characters, just extend the constant appropriately.
Number part: =LOOKUP(9E+307,--MID(A1,1,seq))
Letter portion converted to number:
Where your table is in F1:G10 and reversed so that the letters are in the first column
This might not be the most efficient but should work
Where your lookup table is A3:B12 with the letters in the left-most column
Check for the two-letter combinations before the single-letter ones.

How to find numeric values Before & After a String in an Excel Cell

I hope I can get some assistance as to which formula to use. In the three rows below, I am trying to pull values from the right.
First line you can see that we have 10x50 meaning 10 packages have 50 items each. So I need to extract values Before and After X
It could be two cells, where I have values Before X and then next cell values After X. Sometimes the X is located a few spaces before the last word. I'm wondering if any kind soul can help please?
This should work for you. Assumes the measurement is at the end, or near the end and looks for the last occurrence of "x". So if there is another x after this measurement, then it will not work. Also your example had only numbers between 1 and 99 (aka no more than two digits). So this formula will not work if the measurement is longer than 5 characters. aaXbb is OK. aaaXbb is not OK.

How to build complex value from three variables?

I have an Excel spreadsheet with over 2000 entries:
Field B1: CustomerID as 000012345
Field B2: CustomerID as 0000432
Field C1: CustomerCountry as DE
Field C2: CustomerCountry as IT
I need to build codes 13 digits long including "CustomerCountry" + "CustomerID" without leading 0 + random number (can be 6 digits, more or less, depends in length of CustomerID).
The results should be like this: D1 Code as DE12345967895 or D2 Code as IT43274837401
How to do it with Excel functions?
I tried this one. My big problem is to say that random number should be long enough to get 13 characters in all. Sometimes CustomerID is just 3 or 4 digits long, and concatenation of three variables can be just 10 or 9 characters. But codes have to be always 13 characters long.
Use & to concatenate strings.
Use VALUE(CustomerID) to trim the leading zeroes from the ID
Use RAND() to add a random number between 0 and 1 or RANDBETWEEN(x,y) to create one between x and y.
Combine the above and there you are!
If you always want 13 digits you can use LEFT(INT(RAND()*10^13);(13-LEN(CustomerCountry)-LEN(VALUE(CustomerID)))) for the random number to ALWAYS be the right length.
total formula
= CustomerCountry
& VALUE(CustomerID)
& LEFT(INT(RAND()*10^13);(13-LEN(CustomerCountry)-LEN(VALUE(CustomerID))))
=C1 & TEXT(B1,"0") & RIGHT(TEXT(RANDBETWEEN(0,99999999999),"00000000000"),11 - LEN(TEXT(B1,"0")))
that should do it
I don’t understand what is where and OP has accepted answer so have not bothered testing:
(but I might revert to this if no one else picks the flaws in it first!)
