NodeJs setTimeout for each game or one setInterval that loop each game - node.js

I'm trying to make a server for a role-based browser game, so what I did so far:
Once 2 players join the server, a room is created, then it starts its own timeout of let's say 10 seconds, once the timeout is done, it changes its state and reruns the timeout.
I'm afraid if I have many rooms that may impact the performance, so an idea came to my mind which is, create a setInterval that tick every second, and loop through all rooms to call an update, inside the room once update called, it will check last time it updated its state vs current time, if 10 seconds passed, it updates to the new start.
I'm afraid that with setInterval every second may be worse than the first idea, or the opposite?

It would be far more efficient to let each room have its own timer than to have one frequent setInterval() that has to loop through all the rooms.
Timers in nodejs are super efficient and can easily scale to zillions of timers. They are stored in a sorted linked list and only the head of the linked list is compared vs the current time in the event loop. All the rest of the timers in the linked list have no regular cost - they just sit in the linked list until they are finally at the head of the list. There is slightly more cost to adding a new sorted timer when the linked list is long, but that's probably better than having a single interval that spends a lot of time looping through rooms that haven't reached their timeout. The nodejs timer system is just a more efficient way to do that.


Handling large amounts of arbitrarily scheduled tasks in node

Premise: I have a calendar-like system that allows the creation/deletion of 'events' at a scheduled time in the future. The end goal is to perform an action (send message/reminder) prior to & at the start of the event. I've done a bit of searching & have narrowed down to what seems to be my two most viable choices
Unix Cron Jobs
I'm not quite sure which will best suit my end goal though, and additionally, it feels like there must be some additional established ways to do things like this that I just don't have proper knowledge of, or that I'm entirely skipping over.
My questions:
If, theoretically, the system were to be handling an arbitrarily large amount of 'events', all for arbitrary times in the future, which of these options is more practical system-resource-wise? Is my concern in this regard even valid?
Is there any foreseeable problem with filling up a crontab with a large volume of jobs - or, in bree's case, scheduling a large amount of jobs?
Is there a better idea I've just completely missed so far?
This mainly stems from bree's use of node 'worker threads'. I'm very unfamiliar with this concept
and concerned that since a 'worker thread' is spawned per every job, I could very quickly tie up all of my available threads and grind... something, to a halt. This, however, sounds somewhat silly & possibly wrong(possibly indicative of my complete lack of knowledge here), & thus, my question.
Thanks, Stark.
For a calendar-like system, it seems you could query your database to find all events occuring in the next hour, then create a setTimeout() for each one of those. Then, an hour later, do the same thing again. Then, upon any server restart, do the same thing again. You don't really need to worry about events that aren't imminent. They can just sit in the database until shortly before their time. You will just need an efficient way to query the database to find events that are imminent and user a timer for them.
WorkerThreads are fairly heavy weight items in nodejs as they create a whole separate heap and a whole new instance of a V8 interpreter. You would definitely not want a separate WorkerThread for each event.
I should add that timers in nodejs are very lightweight items and it is not problem to have lots of them. They are just stored in a sorted linked list and only the insertion of a new timer takes a little bit more time (to do an insertion sort as it is added to the list) as the list gets longer. There is no continuous run-time overhead because there are lots of timers. The event loop, then just checks the first item in the linked list to see if it's time yet for the next timer to fire. If so, it removes it from the head of the list and calls its callback. If not, it goes about the rest of the event loop work items and will check the first item in the list again the next through the event loop.

Delay the execution of an expressJS method for 30 days or more

Can the execution of an expressJS method be delayed for 30 days or more just by using setTimeout ?
Let's say I want to create an endpoint /sendMessage that send a message to my other app after a timeout of 30 days. Will my expressJS method execution will last long time enough to fire this message after this delay ?
If your server runs continuously for 30 days or more, then setTimeout() will work for that. But, it is probably not smart to rely on that fact that your server never, ever has to restart.
There are 3rd party programs/modules designed explicitly for this. If you don't want to use one of them, then what I have done in the past is I write each future firing time into a JSON file and I set a timer for it with setTimeout(). If the timer successfully fires, then I remove that time from the JSON file.
So, at any point in time, the JSON file always contains a list of times in the future that I want timers to fire for. Any timer that fires is immediately removed from the JSON file.
Anytime my server starts up, I read the times from the JSON file and reconfigure the setTimeout() for each one.
This way, even if my server restarts, I won't lose any of the timers.
In case you were wondering, the way nodejs creates timers, it does not cost you anything to have a bunch of future timers configured. Nodejs keeps the timers in a sorted linked list and the event loop just checks the time for the next timer to fire - the one at the front of the sorted list (the rest of the timers are not looked at until they get to the front of the sorted list). This means the only time it costs anything to have lots of future timers is when inserting a new timer into the sorted list and there is no regular cost in the event loop to having lots of pending timers present.

Multiple setTimeouts on Nodejs

I'm trying to implement an auto order cancel feature in my app. So i'm thinking of adding setTimeouts on Node which will cancel the user's order on a given time.
I tried adding the timer in the app but there's too much constraints.
Will multiple setTimeouts slow down the performance of our server?
Use Agenda instead of setTimeouts.
Agenda uses a MongoDB database to persist scheduled tasks(and the parameters needed for the task) so that even if the server goes down, the tasks will still run at the specified time or intervals.
References :
Will multiple setTimeouts slow down the performance of our server?
No, it won't slow it down any more so than the CPU time used when each timer runs.
The timer design in node.js is specifically built to manage large numbers of timers well. There should be no issue with having lots of timers (tens of thousands would be fine). There's a sorted list of timers and it only uses an actual OS level timer or the "next" timer event to fire. When that fires, it grabs the next event in the list and sets an OS level timer for that one. When a new timer is created, it is inserted into the sorted list and if it's not now the first timer in the list, it will just wait its turn until it is the first one in the list.
That said, you may not actually "need" a separate timer for each order. Since you don't need millisecond or even minute level accuracy, you could maintain a list of unfinished orders with a timestamp for when they were last modified and then you could have a single interval timer that runs every several minutes that just checks which orders have exceeded your inactive time and should be cancelled. If the order list was sorted by its timestamp, you'd just check a few orders from the end until you found ones that no longer need to be cancelled.

Node.js async setInterval game loop?

I have a multiplayer game lobby up where users can create private chatrooms and start private games. Each user has a health bar in the game that is suppose to slowly regenerate x points per second.
I suppose I would need to start server side game loop at the beginning of each game, which is something like that:
Where update('gameID') increment the health variables for all players in a particular game where 1000 ms = 1 second.
Question: Am I right to assume this is asynchronous? I might have 50 separate games going on, and 50 of these running. The main process is not going to be blocked right?
It's asynchronous, but you don't need 50 timers in the case you describe.
You can use a single timer to regenerate players in active games. If you're also pushing health data this is going to be pretty inefficient.
You can do something like player.attackedTime = (new Date).getTime() and calculate regeneration on each attack like += x_points * ((new Date).getTime() - player.attackedTime) / 1000, but you will have to do predictive regeneration on the client.
It is asynchronous. But doing this that way may kill your server.
I advice making these intervals passive, i.e. hold the start of the game in memory and make client ping for data. When client pings server checks current date and compares it to the stored one (and updates the stored one at the end of request). It can evaluate current health from that.
This solution should scale better.
setInterval is certainly asynchronous. Most functions that take a callback are asynchronous. If you're ever in doubt, you can check the documentation or the source code.

Multithreading Task Library, Threading.Timer or threads?

Hi we are building an application that will have the possibility to register scheduled tasks.
Each task has an time interval when it should be executed
Each task should have an timeout
The amount of tasks can be infinite but around 100 in normal cases.
So we have an list of tasks that need to be executed in intervals, which are the best solution?
I have looked at giving each task their timer and when the timer elapses the work will be started, another timer keeps tracks on the timeout so if the timeout is reached the other timer stops the thread.
This feels like we are overusing timers? Or could it work?
Another solution is to use timers for each task, but when the time elapses we are putting the task on a queue that will be read with some threads that executes the work?
Any other good solutions I should look for?
There is not too much information but it looks like that you can consider RX as well - check more at
You can think about your tasks as generated events which should be composed (scheduled) in some way. So you can do the following:
Spawn cancellable tasks with Observable.GenerateWithDisposable and your own Scheduler - check more at Rx 101 Sample
Delay tasks with Observable.Delay
Wait for tasks with 'Observable.Timeout
Compose tasks in any preferable way
Once again you can check more at specified above links.
You should check out Quartz.NET.
Quartz.NET is a full-featured, open
source job scheduling system that can
be used from smallest apps to large
scale enterprise systems.
I believe you would need to implement your timeout requirement by yourself but all the plumbing needed to schedule tasks could be handled by Quartz.NET.
I have done something like this before where there were a lot of socket objects that needed periodic starts and timeouts. I used a 'TimedAction' class with 'OnStart' and 'OnTimeout' events, (socket classes etc. derived from this), and one thread that handled all the timed actions. The thread maintained a list of TimedAction instances ordered by the tick time of the next action required, (delta queue). The TimedAction objects were added to the list by queueing them to the thread input queue. The thread waitied on this input queue with a timeout, (this was Windows, so 'WaitForSingleObject' on the handle of the semaphore that managed the queue), set to the 'next action required' tick count of the first item in the list. If the queue wait timed out, the relevant action event of the first item in the list was called and the item removed from the list - the next queue wait would then be set by the new 'first item in the list', which would contain the new 'nearest action time'. If a new TimedAction arrived on the queue, the thread calculated its timeout tick time, (GetTickCount + ms interval from the object), and inserted it in the sorted list at the correct place, (yes, this sometimes meant moving a lot of objects up the list to make space).
The events called by the timeout handler thread could not take any lengthy actions in order to prevent delays to the handling of other timeouts. Typically, the event handlers would set some status enumeration, signal some synchro object or queue the TimedAction to some other P-C queue or IO completion port.
Does that make sense? It worked OK, processing thousands of timed actions in my server in a reasonably timely and efficient manner.
One enhancement I planned to make was to use multiple lists with a restricted set of timeout intervals. There were only three const timeout intervals used in my system, so I could get away with using three lists, one for each interval. This would mean that the lists would not need sorting explicitly - new TimedActions would always go to the end of their list. This would eliminate costly insertion of objects in the middle of the list/s. I never got around to doing this as my first design worked well enough and I had plenty other bugs to fix :(
Two things:
Beware 32-bit tickCount rollover.
You need a loop in the queue timeout block - there may be items on the list with exactly the same, or near-same, timeout tick count. Once the queue timeout happens, you need to remove from the list and fire the events of every object until the newly claculated timeout time is >0. I fell foul of this one. Two objects with equal timeout tick count arrived at the head of the list. One got its events fired, but the system tick count had moved on and so the calcualted timeout tick for the next object was -1: INFINITE! My server stopped working properly and eventually locked up :(
