How can I add ESLInt custom rules directory to VSCode - eslint

I am running VSCode with the ESLint plugin. My project contains some custom rules, which live in a particular directory.
If I run ESLint from the command line and pass in --rulesdir=./custom-eslint-rules everything works as expected.
However, I am specifically referring to the linting that happens per file in the editor itself. There, it lints using the normal rules, but shows errors that the definitions for my custom rules are missing.
How can I configure VSCode so that the per-file linting sees my custom rule definitions that live in a particular directory?

In your setting.json:
"eslint.options": {
"rulePaths": "<path>"

Write your own eslint plugin and use it with vs code compatibility 🚀
1. install eslint-plugin-rulesdir#0.2.1
yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-rulesdir#0.2.1
2. add to .eslintrc.js
const rulesDirPlugin = require("eslint-plugin-rulesdir");
rulesDirPlugin.RULES_DIR = "src/rules"; // it is example
plugins: [...,"rulesdir"]
rules: {
"rulesdir/no-get-payments": "error"
3. create rule file src/rules/no-get-payments.js
module.exports = {
create: function (context) {
return {
CallExpression: function (node) {
if ( === "getPayments") {{
node: node,
message: "getPayments is depricated! ",


How to create a custom blueprint?

I'm trying to create a customized JHipster blueprint for my organization.
I've started my journey:
Installed Yeoman v4.3.0
Installed Jhipster v7.9.3
Created a directory for my future blueprint mkdir mygenerator && cd mygenerator
Executed the command to create a new blueprint: jhipster generate-blueprint
selected only the sub-generator server
add a cli: Y
Is server generator a side-by-side blueprint: Y
Is server generator a cli command: N
selected the tasks: initializing, prompting and configuring
From this point, I've opened the generated blueprint project with VS Code and noticed a first problem, some jhipster packages can't be resolved:
Unable to resolve path to module 'generator-jhipster/esm/generators/server'
Unable to resolve path to module 'generator-jhipster/esm/priorities'
I also noticed that the generator created for me has a small difference from the existing generators in the JHipster Github, such as jhipster-dotnetcore, generator-jhipster-quarkus, generator-jhipster-nodejs: the returned functions are async while in the cited repos they are regular functions (sync):
return {
async initializingTemplateTask() {},
Does it make any difference in this Jhipster version or there is no problem if I return the same way as jhipster-dotnetcore:
get initializing() {
return {
setupServerConsts() {
this.packagejs = packagejs;
I've assumed that this detail is not important and followed with async function and write my prompting function to get some input from the user/developer in order to replace values in the template files :
return {
async promptingTemplateTask() {
const choices = [
name: 'OAuth 2.0 Protocol',
value: 'oauth2',
name: 'CAS Protocol',
value: 'cas',
const PROMPTS = {
type: 'list',
name: 'authenticationProtocol',
message: 'Which authentication protocol do you want to use?',
default: 'oauth2',
const done = this.async();
if (choices.length > 0) {
this.prompt(PROMPTS).then(prompt => {
this.authenticationProtocol = this.jhipsterConfig.authenticationProtocol = prompt.authenticationProtocol;
} else {
<%_ if (authenticationProtocol == 'oauth2') { _%>
enable-csrf: true
clientId: ${this.baseName}
clientSecret: Z3ByZXBmdGVy
accessTokenUri: http://localhost:8443/oauth2.0/accessToken
userAuthorizationUri: http://localhost:8443/oauth2.0/authorize
tokenName: oauth_token
authenticationScheme: query
clientAuthenticationScheme: form
logoutUri: http://localhost:8443/logout
clientSuccessUri: http://localhost:4200/#/login-success
userInfoUri: http://localhost:8443/oauth2.0/profile
<%_ } _%>
mode: HTML
All this done, I've followed the next steps:
Run npm link inside the blueprint directory.
Created a new directory for a app example: mkdir appmygenerator && cd appmygenerator
Started a new example app with my blueprint: jhipster --blueprint mygenerator --skip-git --skip-install --skip-user-management --skip-client answering all question.
Here I've got some surprises:
After answering What is the base name of your application? I've got this warning: [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./lib/util/" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at /...<my-generator-path>/node_modules/yeoman-environment/package.json. Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./lib/util/*"
My prompting function somehow made some questions be repeated, from question Do you want to make it reactive with Spring WebFlux? until Which other technologies would you like to use?.
When my prompt was finally shown, there was a message in front of the last option: CAS Protocol Run-async wrapped function (sync) returned a promise but async() callback must be executed to resolve
I've made some changes to my prompt function: removed the calling of super._prompting() with the hope to solve the item 2, and removed the async in the hope to solve the item 3.
Well ... apparently it was solved. But I get a new error when JHipster (or Yeoman) try process the template:
An error occured while running jhipster:server#writeFiles
ERROR! /home/fabianorodrigo/Downloads/my-blueprint/generators/server/templates/src/test/resources/config/application.yml.ejs:47
45| favicon:
46| enabled: false
>> 47| <%_ if (authenticationProtocol == 'oauth2') { _%>
48| security:
49| enable-csrf: true
50| oauth2:
authenticationProtocol is not defined
How come authenticationProtocol is not defined? I'm stuck here. What I could noticed is that, in all the Jhipster's generators I've cited above, the prompt function sets the properties like "this.[property] = [value]" and the "this.jhipsterConfig.[property] = [value]" and in the templates they are referenced (just the property's name) and it works.
What am I missing? Why even if I set the property "this.authenticationProtocol" in the function prompting it is not seem at the template?
Yeoman (yo/yeoman-generator/yeoman-environment) are not required and should no be a dependency to avoid duplication in the dependency tree, unless you know what you are doing. JHipster customizes them, yeoman-test is required by tests.
Unable to resolve path to module is a bug at eslint-plugin-import
I also noticed that the generator created for me has a small difference from the existing generators in the JHipster Github, such as jhipster-dotnetcore, generator-jhipster-quarkus, generator-jhipster-nodejs. Those blueprints are quite old (blueprint support is changing very fast for v8/esm) and are full server/backend replacements, seems you are trying to add cas support. The use case is quite different.
Does it make any difference in this Jhipster version or there is no problem if I return the same way as jhipster-dotnetcore? Yes, get [INITIALIZING_PRIORITY]() is the new notation, and INITIALIZING_PRIORITY may be >initializing instead of initializing. The explanation is here. JHipster v8 will not support the old notation.
...super._prompting(), is used to ask original prompts, since this is a side-by-side blueprint, prompts will be duplicated.
[DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./lib/util/" is a bug in yeoman-environment, and should be fixed in next version.
CAS Protocol Run-async wrapped function (sync) returned a promise but async() callback must be executed to resolve is shown because you are using async function with const done = this.async(); done(); together.
this.async() is a to support async through callbacks before Promises were a js default.
There are a few blueprints that uses new notation and can be used as inspiration: native, ionic, jooq and entity-audit.
I didn't see anything about the writing priority, so it looks like you are overriding an existing template and the original generator will write it. For this reason you should inject you configuration into the original generator.
The end result should be something like:
return {
async initializingTemplateTask() {'this blueprint adds support to cas authentication protocol');
return {
async promptingTemplateTask() {
await this.prompt({
type: 'list',
name: 'authenticationProtocol',
message: 'Which authentication protocol do you want to use?',
choices: [
name: 'OAuth 2.0 Protocol',
value: 'oauth2',
name: 'CAS Protocol',
value: 'cas',
default: 'oauth2',
}, this.blueprintStorage); // <- `this.blueprintStorage` tells the prompt function to store the configuration inside `.yo-rc.json` at the blueprint namespace.
return {
configuringTemplateTask() {
// Store the default configuration
this.blueprintConfig.authenticationProtocol = this.blueprintConfig.authenticationProtocol || 'oauth2';
return {
loadingTemplateTask() {
// Load the stored configuration, the prompt can be skipped so this needs to be in another priority.
this.authenticationProtocol = this.blueprintConfig.authenticationProtocol;
// Inject the configuration into the original generator. If you are writing the template by yourself, this may be not necessary.
this.options.jhipsterContext.authenticationProtocol = this.blueprintConfig.authenticationProtocol;

React UnhandledSchemeError - "node:buffer" is not handled by plugins

I'm trying to use a package in my React project that will allow me to make API calls (axios, node-fetch, got etc.)
When these packages are not installed, the app runs properly. When any of them are installed and called in the code, I'm facing the error as follows:
Ignoring the warnings, I believe the problem has its roots from the output below:
Failed to compile.
Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from "node:buffer" is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme).
Webpack supports "data:" and "file:" URIs by default.
You may need an additional plugin to handle "node:" URIs.
I tried everything. Reinstalled node_modules. Created a clean test app, tried there. Also did my research, didn't find any relevant, clear solution on this. Nothing helped.
What am I doing wrong??
DomException file content:
/*! node-domexception. MIT License. Jimmy Wärting <> */
if (!globalThis.DOMException) {
try {
const { MessageChannel } = require('worker_threads'),
port = new MessageChannel().port1,
ab = new ArrayBuffer()
port.postMessage(ab, [ab, ab])
} catch (err) { === 'DOMException' && (
globalThis.DOMException = err.constructor
module.exports = globalThis.DOMException
npm version: 8.5.5
node version: 16.15.0
You can work around this with this Webpack configuration:
plugins: [
new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/node:/, (resource) => {
resource.request = resource.request.replace(/^node:/, "");

Is there a way to use Vite with HMR and still generate the files in the /dist folder?

First of all, I wanna say that I've started using Vite awhile ago and I'm no Vite expert in any shape or form.
Now, about my problem: I'm working on a Chrome Extension which requires me to have the files generated in the /dist folder. That works excellent using vite build. But, if I try to use only vite (to get the benefits of HMR), no files get generated in the /dist folder. So I have no way to load the Chrome Extension.
If anyone has faced similar issues, or knows a config that I've overlooked, feel free to share it here.
With this small plugin you will get a build after each hot module reload event :
In a file hot-build.ts :
* Custom Hot Reloading Plugin
* Start `vite build` on Hot Module Reload
import { build } from 'vite'
export default function HotBuild() {
let bundling = false
const hmrBuild = async () => {
bundling = true
await build({'build': { outDir: './hot-dist'}}) // <--- you can give a custom config here or remove it to use default options
return {
name: 'hot-build',
enforce: "pre",
// HMR
handleHotUpdate({ file, server }) {
if (!bundling) {
console.log(`hot vite build starting...`)
.then(() => {
bundling = false
console.log(`hot vite build finished`)
return []
then in vite.config.js :
import HotBuild from './hot-build'
// vite config
plugins: [

Configure ESLint RuleTester to use Typescript Parser

I am trying to write some custom ESLint rules for my typescript based project. In my project I am using eslint/typescript for linting.
I have already written a custom eslint plugin which validates a custom rule. Now I want to write the unit tests for that custom rule. My test file looks like this:
* #fileoverview This rule verifies that logic can only depend on other logic
* #author Dayem Siddiqui
"use strict";
// Requirements
const typescriptParser = require('#typescript-eslint/parser')
var rule = require("../../../lib/rules/logic-dependency"),
RuleTester = require("eslint").RuleTester;
// Tests
var ruleTester = new RuleTester({ parserOptions: {} });"logic-dependency", rule, {
valid: [
`class DeleteLogic {
class CreateLogic {
constructor(private deleteLogic: DeleteLogic) {}
invalid: [
code: `class ExternalClient {
class UpdateLogic {
constructor(private externalClient: ExternalClient) {}
errors: [
message: "Logic cannot have a dependency on client",
type: "MethodDefinition"
Right now my tests a failing because by default eslint only understand plain Javascript code. I understand that I need to somehow configure it to use a custom parser that allows it to understand/parse typescript code. However I am unable to find a good example online on how to do that
The RuleTester constructor takes eslint's parser options that allow for configuring the parser itself. So pass it in like this and Bob's your uncle:
const ruleTester = new RuleTester({
parser: '#typescript-eslint/parser',
typescript-eslint's own rule tests (e.g. this one) use exactly this.
(Was searching for an answer to this question and kept up ending here, so I posted the solution I found here in the hope it'll be useful.)
eslint 6.0+
Incorporating #Sonata's comment:
Eslint 6.0+ requires an absolute path to the parser (see 6.0 migration guide):
const ruleTester = new RuleTester({
parser: require.resolve('#typescript-eslint/parser'),
Use a package such as the typescript-eslint/parser. I can't provide much more than a link in this case. If you need help using it, let me know.

Rollup - incorrect path resolution

I want to use the library ebnf from NPM and create a bundle using rollup. Since the ebnf is installed to node_modules I also use the rollup plugin rollup-plugin-node-resolve.
The problem is that ebnf contains the code require('..') which - in my case - is resolved to dist in my case. Thus it seems .. is interpreted relative to the output file instead of being relative to the source file.
This is my rollup.config.js (taken from my test repo jneuendorf/rollup-broken-resolve):
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
export default {
input: 'src/index.js',
output: {
file: 'dist/bundle.js',
format: 'cjs'
// name: 'MyModule',
plugins: [
Is this a problem in rollup-plugin-node-resolve or am I doing something wrong?
Since some of the external libraries needed will still be available only as Common.js modules, you could also convert them to ES-Modules:
"Since most packages in your node_modules folder are probably legacy CommonJS rather than JavaScript modules, you may need to use rollup-plugin-commonjs"
"Convert CommonJS modules to ES6, so they can be included in a Rollup bundle"
Just in case someone searching this issue on how to make #rollup/plugin-node-resolve (previously was rollup-plugin-node-resolve) to work with relative path. I just found the solution:
function resolve(file, origin) {
// Your way to resolve local include path
function pathResolve(options) {
return {
resolveId: function(file, origin) {
// Your local include path must either starts with `./` or `../`
if (file.startsWith('./') || file.startsWith('../')) {
// Return an absolute include path
return resolve(file, origin);
return null; // Continue to the next plugins!
Here is how to combine it with #rollup/plugin-node-resolve:
import {nodeResolve} from '#rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
function pathResolve(options) { /* ... */ }
export default {
// ...
plugins: [pathResolve(), nodeResolve()]
