App service name in Azure DevOps shows No Results Found - azure

I selected the Azure Subscription that matches the Subscription ID from my app service in Azure Portal, but I keep getting this message No Results Found when I try to select an App Service Name.

Please check if you Service connection is not limited to resource group. For instace this one is:
To check this please go to: Project Settings -> Service Connections -> end edit connection to see details.
Resource group should be empty if your choice is to do not limit connection to particular resource group.
So my guess is that your connection is limited to resource group which doesnt have app service.

I would suggest you to please check the App type i.e., webapp you created on window, or some other OS based on select the App type. I created my web app on Windows OS and can be able to see the app service name populating over here.

Search for the Task : AZURE APP SERVICE DEPLOY


Azure Key Vault with App Service connection error

I'm trying to set up a new app slot for my azure website.
Here is my error:
I've looked at a few articles online and then made sure the app slot was using System assigned identities.
But I still get the above error?
What am I missing?
Here is what it looks like on the Configuration section
Make sure you have done the steps below, then it should work.
1.After enabling the system-assigned identity(MSI) of your slot, navigate to your keyvault in the portal -> Access policies -> add the MSI of your slot to the access policy with the correct secret permission, just search for your web app name, the MSI of the slot has the format as webappname/slots/slotname, details here.
2.If you use the SecretUri, the format of the connection string in your slot should be like below, double-check it.
You could get the SecretUri in your secret in the portal.
It works fine on my side.

Azure DevOps: Service connection is not being recognized

I can't seem to authorize access to my Azure subscription in Azure DevOps to run a build whenever a commit is pushed to master. I keep getting the below error:
Also, when I click Authorize resources, it says the authorization was successful, but the next time I run the pipeline, I get the same exact error. I verified in Project settings -> Service connections that I have an active connection to the subscription.
How can I get around this issue? When I go to Deployment Center in Azure Functions and wire up the connection there, it creates a task-based pipeline, but I want to use yaml.
The above indicates the azureSubscription you specified in your azure function deployment task doesnot exist, or you didnot have the permission.
If the service connection is already correctly setup, but you still encounter above error. You can follow below to troubleshoot the issue.
1, Check your yaml pipeline.
The azure subscription is validated at compile time. If you use variables to reference the azure subscription yaml pipeline. You need to make sure the variable can be retrieved at compile time.
You can check out this thread.
2, Check the service connection security setting.
Go to project settings-->Service Connections under Pipelines--> Select your azure service connection --> More settings(3 dots)-->Security-->Try adding your pipeline to the Pipeline permissions list.
If the azure subscription service connection is not set up. You need to create an service connection of azure Resource Manager type to connect to your azure subscription. See below steps:
1, Go to project settings-->Service Connections under Pipelines--> New Service connection-->Select Azure Resource Manager--> Next
2, Then select the Authentication method. If your azure devops is connected to AAD. You can select Service principal (automatic) as Authentication method. This will automatically create a service principal in your Azure AD.
3, If you want to create new service principal. You can select Service principal (manual). See below document to create service principal in Azure
Use the portal to create an Azure Active Directory application and a service principal that can access resources
Use Azure PowerShell to create an Azure service principal with a certificate
Then enter the related information in the service connection configuration page.
After the your azure subscription service connection is created. You can use it in your yaml pipeline task by specify the service connection name. See below example:
- task: AzureFunctionApp#1
displayName: Azure Function App Deploy
azureSubscription: myAzureSubscription
Note: You need to add the correct role assignment for above service principal to enable the service principal to deploy to your azure resources.
You must create a new connection from the task itself (you may need to use the advanced options to add an existing service principal).
under "Azure subscription" click the name of the subscription you wish to use
Click the drop down next to "Authorize" and open advanced options
Click " use the full version of the service connection dialog."
Enter all your credentials and hit save
I spent a while trying to figure out why I got the same problem. Compared my yaml to another yaml I had worked on previously and couldn't spot any problems, also verified the service connections.
But as #Levi Lu-MSFT mentions, verifying the yaml lead me to finding what caused my issue so I thought I'd share it here even though it's not 100% related:
My variables weren't indented correctly. I was a bit tired and thought DevOps was just goofing with me. So verify that your yaml is properly setup. Sometimes it can be really small things that causes these issues.

Deploying an Azure Web App through Jenkins

I am trying to deploy an Azure Web App through a Jenkins scripted pipeline using the Azure App Service Plugin. This is my deploy-command (GUIDs have been changed):
azureWebAppPublish azureCredentialsId: 'a0774bb6-e471-47s9-92dc-5aa7b4t683e8', resourceGroup: 'my-demo-app', appName: 'MY-DEMO-APP', filePath: 'public/*, package.json'
When running the script I get the following error:
The client '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14' with object id '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Web/sites/read' over scope '/subscriptions/81fd39sw-3d28-454c-bc78-abag45r5d4d4/resourceGroups/my-demo-app/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/MY-DEMO-APP' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.
The strange thing is, the ID of this "client" that's missing authorization does not appear anywhere in the build plan. It's neither the ID or a part of the service principal nor the ID of the Container Registry credentials. It also doesn't appear on the machine that executes the build (I checked both the GUID of the mother board and the windows installation). Also the term client is not used for any part of the build plan, so I don't really know what's the actual issue in this case.
Please check out this tutorial that explains how to Set up continuous integration and deployment to Azure App Service with Jenkins and One of the best method to deploy to Azure Web App (Windows) from Jenkins :
To find the Azure AD user with the object id '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14', go to Azure portal, open Cloud Shell and run
Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14'
To diagnose or troubleshoot the issue, go to Azure Portal -> Resource Groups -> my-demo-app -> MY-DEMO-APP -> Access control (IAM) -> Role assignments -> and then search for above found AD User and check if that user has atleast read permission.
Hope this helps!

How to know the origin resource group of a App Service Plan?

I have an Azure App Service Plan and a Web App. I want to move them to another subscription. There is a limitation that app service plan and app service must be moved together from the origin resource group of the app service plan. Someone had moved the resources from their origin resource group and deleted the resource group. Now, how can I find the name of the origin resource group ?
In some cases it can be found in the WebSpace property of app service plan. For example [ "webSpace": "RG-SK-MarkIII-CentralUSwebspace" ], RG-SK-MarkIII is the origin resource group of the app plan. But in my case the webSpace is like this ["webSpace": "AustraliaEastwebspace" ]. Is there any other way to find it through CloudShell ?
You can look up the actions taken by a particular user, even for a resource group that no longer exists.
az monitor activity-log list -g ExampleGroup --caller --offset 5d
Kindly try these steps:
If you don't remember the original resource group, you can find it through diagnostics.
For your web app, select Diagnose and solve problems.
Then, select Configuration and Management.
Select Migration Options.
Select the option for recommended steps to move the web app.
You see the recommended actions to take before moving the resources. The information includes the original resource group for the web app.
- I understand you're referring to RG deletion scenario, kindly try this and let me know how it goes.
Reference document move across subscription.
Furthermore, you can only change to a plan that was created in the same "webspace" as your original app. Webspace is an internal concept that's not exposed, but you can verify whether your source and destination plans are in the same webspace or not.
To verify, do the following:{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{serverFarmName}
Confirm whether the webSpace property of your source plan matches the webSpace property of your new plan

Deploy a resource group with App Service

I have published an API app from Visual Studio to a new resource group, also created an App Service Plan, so after the deployment the resource group contains 2 items:
Now I am trying to deploy these items to another resource group as follows:
Select 'Automation script' in the resource group settings
Click 'Deploy'
Select 'Create new' resource group, enter its name
Enter 'Serverfarms_AppServicePlan1_name' parameter value (new app service plan name, e.g. AppServicePlan2)
Enter 'Sites_AppService1_name' parameter value (new app service name, e.g. AppService2)
Tick 'Agree to terms and conditions'
Click 'Puchase'
The process fails with the following error message:
"The host name is already assigned to another Azure website: AppService1."
I have tried different things - deploying app service plan, logic apps, etc. from one resource group to another works fine, but deploying an app service fails as described above.
I have tried changing the hostNames property in the template file to [""] manually - I'm not getting the error then (although I'm not sure, maybe something else also needs to be changed, e.g. properties enabledHostNames, hostNameSslStates?) and the deployment seems to work, however the 'deployed' app service can't be used as it contains only 1 file - hostingstart.html.
What am I missing?
I think you have everything correct - as you noticed when you use the generated automation script it will create everything with the same properties that currently exist. We try to parameterize the correct value (like the web app name) but there are some details that can be overlooked (like host names). After changing all that it sounds like you got it to deploy.
The "code" however is not part of the automation script - only the infrastructure and configuration. So you still need to deploy your app to have it be identical. You can folder app deployment into the JSON template (using webdeploy or github) but since that requires access to external artifacts, that's not done automatically.
That help?
