How to get run id from run name in MLflow - mlflow

To download artifacts from a run, you need run id. I get the run id from the UI as shown below.
Run id from the UI
But when I set the run name parameter, run id is not visible in the UI. How to find the run Id of a particular run in MLflow ?

The run id in mlflow is a random stamp id generated. I had the same problem because I wrote an mlflow decorator, which needed access to the run id after the run was finished to set tags.
The question is what do you want to do after you have the run id? Then the approach would need extra infos.
If you only want to get access to your latest run:
Use the mlflow.list_run_infos() function and insert the experiment_id, which you can get by the mlflow.get_experiment_by_name function of mlflow. I guess you know your experiment's id. Here is the list_run_infos function
def list_run_infos(
experiment_id: str,
run_view_type: int = ViewType.ACTIVE_ONLY,
max_results: int = SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS_DEFAULT,
order_by: Optional[List[str]] = None,
page_token: Optional[str] = None,
Then you should get a list of run objects. But, please read further:
In case you have multiple run objects in your experiment (that happens with several runs or even child runs from a parent run with Gridsearch and sklearn).
Loop through each! Runobject from the output of list__run_infos() and look at the end_time property of the Runobject. The endtime property is a UNIX timestamp. So even if you have a parent run or a single run, the highest UNIX timestamp in the end_time property will always be your last run (In case you didnt used several estimators in a loop in your experiment, that would require some refactoring). And by that you identify the appropriate RunObject.
Only then! you can access the Runtime Object's property: the run_id:
Here you can see the class of the run object from mlflow, keep in mind that you also need the exp_id again.
In case you need the specific code:
last_parent_run = set()
exp_id = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name("your_exp_name"].experiment_id
for item in mlflow.list_run_infos(exp_id):
last_parent_run.add((item.__getattribute__("end_time"), item.__getattribute__("run_id")))
And then of course look for the maximum entry in your set
If you have any further questions just ask; i already tested my decorator with this and it works fine and keeps the main code of mlflow statements clean. Although its a little bit hacky, to access the run_id after the run.


Group together celery results

I want to lable results in the backend.
I have a flask/celery project and I'm new to celery.
A user sends in a batch of tasks for celery to work on.
Celery saves the results to a backend SQL database (table automatically created by Celery, named celery_taskmeta).
I want to let the user see the status of his batch, and request the results from the backend.
My problem is that all the results are in one table. What are my options to lable this batch, so the user can differentiate the batches?
My ideas:
Can I add a lable to each task, e.g. "Bob's batch no. 12" and then query celery_taskmeta for that?
Can I put each batch in named backend tables, so ask Celery to save results to a table named task_12?
Trying with groups
I've tried the following code to group the results
job_group = group(api_get.delay(url) for url in urllist)
But I don't see any way to identify the group in the backend/results DB
Trying with task name
In the backend I see an empty column header 'name' so I thought I could add an arbitrary string there:
#app.task(name="an amazing vegetable")
def api_get(url: str) -> tuple:
But then the celery worker throws an error when I run the task:
KeyError: 'an amazing vegetable'
[2020-12-18 12:07:22,713: ERROR/MainProcess] Received unregistered task of type 'an amazing vegetable'.
Probably the simplest solution is to use Group and use the Group Result to periodically poll for group state.
A1: As for the label question - yes, you can "label" your task by using the custom state feature.
A2: you can hack around to put each batch of tasks inside backend table, but I strongly advise not to mess with it. If you really want to go this route, make a separate database for this particular use.

Invoke autoscript (has WO object launch point) when Service Address is updated?

I have a WO in Maximo
When a user updates the Service Address, I want to invoke an autoscript that has an Object Launch Point on the WORKORDER object.
Is there a way to invoke an autoscript (that has an object launch point on the WORKORDER object) when the Service Address is updated?
You should see if mbo.getOwner() returns something and if that something.getName() is WORKORDER and, further, the work order you are expecting it to be. Subject to all that, you can invoke that other autoscript with code like this:
from java.util import HashMap
lpVars = HashMap()
#repeat the last line for any other implicit/explicit variables your target
#script is going to use / expect to be defined
service.invokeScript("YOURSCRIPTNAME", lpVars)
someVar = lpVars.get("someVarDefinedInYOURSCRIPTNAMEWhenItEnded")
Note the work with the lpVars variable. I use it to store the "implicit"/"explicit" variables (e.g. "mbo") that the script I'm calling will expect to be defined. Basically, I'm doing the setup a launch point normally does, since my code is the launch point. Then, since I'm the launch point, I have access to whatever variables were defined when the script ended by Maximo adding them to / updating them in lpVars.
You can create reusable "library" scripts that you can call directly as Preacher explained. See IBM example here:
So you could have your WO object launchpoint call the library script and your SA object launchpoint calling the same. You then just need to make change to one script if needed and that's great.
I don't believe you can. An object launch point is all about telling Maximo which object to monitor for the following event(s), not exactly about which object to launch the script on (though, for various reasons, those two are necessarily tied together).
What you can do, though, is put your launch point on the service address as you really do want, but then in your script fetch the on-screen/in-memory work order that you want to do something with and do that. This is done through the getOwner() method call or the special ":owner" (maybe with the ampersands, I can't remember) relationship reference.
This is the solution I came up with:
mboWO = mbo.getOwner()
elif mboName == 'WORKORDER':
if sax and say:
mboWO.setValue("longitudex", sax)
mboWO.setValue("latitudey", say)
elif mboWO.getString("ASSETNUM") and mboWO.getBoolean("ASSET.PLUSSISGIS") == 1:
mboWO.setValue("longitudex", mboWO.getDouble("ASSET.longitudex"))
mboWO.setValue("latitudey", mboWO.getDouble("ASSET.latitudey"))
elif mboWO.getString("LOCATION") and mboWO.getBoolean("LOCATION.PLUSSISGIS") == 1:
mboWO.setValue("longitudex", mboWO.getDouble("LOCATION.longitudex"))
mboWO.setValue("latitudey", mboWO.getDouble("LOCATION.latitudey"))
mboWO.setValue("longitudex", None)
mboWO.setValue("latitudey", None)
The script has launch points on multiple objects:

Maximo automatisation script to change statut of workorder

I have created a non-persistent attribute in my WoActivity table named VDS_COMPLETE. it is a bool that get changed by a checkbox in one of my application.
I am trying to make a automatisation script in Python to change the status of every task a work order that have been check when I save the WorkOrder.
I don't know why it isn't working but I'm pretty sure I'm close to the answer...
Do you have an idea why it isn't working? I know that I have code in comments, I have done a few experimentations...
from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
from psdi.server import MXServer
mxServer = MXServer.getMXServer()
userInfo = mxServer.getUserInfo(user)
mboSet = mxServer.getMboSet("WORKORDER")
#where1 = "wonum = :wonum"
#mboSet .setWhere(where1)
workorderSet = mboSet.getMbo(0).getMboSet("WOACTIVITY", "STATUS NOT IN ('FERME' , 'ANNULE' , 'COMPLETE' , 'ATTDOC')")
if workorderSet.count() > 0:
for x in range(0,workorderSet.count()):
if workorderSet.getString("VDS_COMPLETE") == 1:
workorder = workorderSet.getMbo(x)
workorder.changeStatus("COMPLETE",MXServer.getMXServer().getDate(), u"Script d'automatisation", MboConstants.NOACCESSCHECK)
It looks like your two biggest mistakes here are 1. trying to get your boolean field (VDS_COMPLETE) off the set (meaning off of the collection of records, like the whole table) instead of off of the MBO (meaning an actual record, one entry in the table) and 2. getting your set of data fresh from the database (via that MXServer call) which means using the previously saved data instead of getting your data set from the screen where the pending changes have actually been made (and remember that non-persistent fields do not get saved to the database).
There are some other problems with this script too, like your use of "count()" in your for loop (or even more than once at all) which is an expensive operation, and the way you are currently (though this may be a result of your debugging) not filtering the work order set before grabbing the first work order (meaning you get a random work order from the table) and then doing a dynamic relationship off of that record (instead of using a normal relationship or skipping the relationship altogether and using just a "where" clause), even though that relationship likely already exists.
Here is a Stack Overflow describing in more detail about relationships and "where" clauses in Maximo: Describe relationship in maximo 7.5
This question also has some more information about getting data from the screen versus new from the database: Adding a new row to another table using java in Maximo

Two independent flows (processes) in Django-Viewflow under one frontend, exception raised

I'm trying to implement two identical independent Processes (flows) under one frontend. After fresh migration I can start one of them (as many times as I like) and it works fine. But when I try to start another one it raises DoesNotExist exception ("Process(Х) matching query does not exist"). After this it's not possible to start neither of them. It looks like when next node is been initialized (after start) the process object can't be found.
I tried adding my app to viewflow demo. My processes is OK only when started first. Starting it after any demo processes (helloworld etc.) raises the exception. All demo processes start smoothly anytime.
The difference makes that my process model has simple custom primary key:
class Order(Process):
order_no = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
When I tried commenting the custom key out the problem went away.
Since it's Multi-table inheritance, OneToOneField field should be used if a custom field is needed:
class Order(Process):
process_ptr = models.OneToOneField(
Process, on_delete=models.CASCADE,

Right way to delete and then reindex ES documents

I have a python3 script that attempts to reindex certain documents in an existing ElasticSearch index. I can't update the documents because I'm changing from an autogenerated id to an explicitly assigned id.
I'm currently attempting to do this by deleting existing documents using delete_by_query and then indexing once the delete is complete:
index='%s_*' % base_index_name,
However, the index is massive, and so the delete can take several hours to finish. I'm currently getting a ReadTimeoutError, which is causing the script to crash:
WARNING:elasticsearch:Connection <Urllib3HttpConnection: X> has failed for 2 times in a row, putting on 120 second timeout.
WARNING:elasticsearch:POST X:9200/base_index_name_*/type_a/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed&wait_for_completion=true&refresh=true [status:N/A request:140.117s]
urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='X', port=9200): Read timed out. (read timeout=140)
Is my approach correct? If so, how can I make my script wait long enough for the delete_by_query to complete? There are 2 timeout parameters that can be passed to delete_by_query - search_timeout and timeout, but search_timeout defaults to no timeout (which is I think what I want), and timeout doesn't seem to do what I want. Is there some other parameter I can pass to delete_by_query to make it wait as long as it takes for the delete to finish? Or do I need to make my script wait some other way?
Or is there some better way to do this using the ElasticSearch API?
You should set wait_for_completion to False. In this case you'll get task details and will be able to track task progress using corresponding API:
Just to explain more in the form of codebase explained by Random for the newbee in ES/python like me:
ES = Elasticsearch(['http://localhost:9200'])
query = {'query': {'match_all': dict()}}
task_id = ES.delete_by_query(index='index_name', doc_type='sample_doc', wait_for_completion=False, body=query, ignore=[400, 404])
response_task = ES.tasks.get(task_id) # check if the task is completed
isCompleted = response_task["completed"] # if complete key is true it means task is completed
One can write custom definition to check if the task is completed in some interval using while loop.
I have used python 3.x and ElasticSearch 6.x
You can use the 'request_timeout' global param. This will reset the Connections timeout settings, as mentioned here
For example -
es.delete_by_query(index=<index_name>, body=<query>,request_timeout=300)
Or set it at connection level, for example
es = Elasticsearch(**(get_es_connection_parms()),timeout=60)
