Mix pytorch lightning with vanilla pytorch - pytorch

I am doing a meta learning research and am using the MAML optimization provided by learn2learn. However as one of the baseline, I would like to test a non-meta-learning approach, i.e. the traditional training + testing.
Due to the lightning's internal usage of optimizer it seems that it is difficult to make the MAML work with learn2learn in lightning, so I couldn't use lightning in my meta-learning setup, however for my baseline, I really like to use lightning in that it provides many handy functionalities like deepspeed or ddp out of the box.
Here is my question, other than setting up two separate folders/repos, how could I mix the vanilia pytorch (learn2learn) with pytorch lightning (baseline)? What is the best practice?

Decided to answer my question. So I ended up using the torch lightning's manual optimization so that I can customize the optimization step. This would make both approaches using the same framework, and I think is better than maintaining 2 separate repos.


Support for one vs all classification in pytorch

I have been clinging to a problem on multi class classification with a large number of classes (500) and a one vs rest classifier seems to be a good approach to handle it. Is there any support for the same in pytorch itself?
All that I could find is this post which doesn't have answers either. I understand that scikit-learn does offer this feature but I wish to stick to pytorch because of the numerous familiar customisations that can be tweaked with in this framework. I've tried exploring skorch but even it's overly simplified and doesn't have a good documentation to allow modifications which my use case needs

Running stable-diffusion on graphcore IPU's

I have been looking for a version of Stable-Diffusion which would be able to run on the IPU's. Currently (due to the high availability) so far I can find CUDA based ones only.
Now I wonder if there is a way to run scripts/trainers/learning etc that are Cuda based on IPU? For example a translation program in between.
I doubt there is, and I bet as I cannot find a IPU version I'll have to modify the scripts :(.
There is the HuggingFace optimum library which acts as the interoperability layer for transformers to run on IPUs. You can find Stable Diffusion there.
For other models that are not supported in the library, there's a guide on how you could modify your script to make it IPU-compatible here

Does the ojAlgo matrix library supports multi-threading?

I am working on a project that requires inversion of multiple large dense matrix. I would like to know if ojAlgo supports multi-threading.
I do notice the github page for ojAlgo is tagged with multi-threading, however I am unable to find any documentation about it.

What are Torch Scripts in PyTorch?

I've just found that PyTorch docs expose something that is called Torch Scripts. However, I do not know:
When they should be used?
How they should be used?
What are their benefits?
Torch Script is one of two modes of using the PyTorch just in time compiler, the other being tracing. The benefits are explained in the linked documentation:
Torch Script is a way to create serializable and optimizable models from PyTorch code. Any code written in Torch Script can be saved from your Python process and loaded in a process where there is no Python dependency.
The above quote is actually true both of scripting and tracing. So
You gain the ability to serialize your models and later run them outside of Python, via LibTorch, a C++ native module. This allows you to embed your DL models in various production environments like mobile or IoT. There is an official guide on exporting models to C++ here.
PyTorch can compile your jit-able modules rather than running them as an interpreter, allowing for various optimizations and improving performance, both during training and inference. This is equally helpful for development and production.
Regarding Torch Script specifically, in comparison to tracing, it is a subset of Python, specified in detail here, which, when adhered to, can be compiled by PyTorch. It is more laborious to write Torch Script modules instead of tracing regular nn.Module subclasses, but it allows for some extra features over tracing, most notably flow control like if statements or for loops. Tracing treats such flow control as "constant" - in other words, if you have an if model.training clause in your module and trace it with training=True, it will always behave this way, even if you change the training variable to False later on.
To answer your first question, you need to use jit if you want to deploy your models outside Python and otherwise you should use jit if you want to gain some execution performance at the price of extra development effort (as not every model can be straightforwardly made compliant with jit). In particular, you should use Torch Script if your code cannot be jited with tracing alone because it relies on some features such as if statements. For maximum ergonomy, you probably want to mix the two on a case-by-case basis.
Finally, for how they should be used, please refer to all the documentation and tutorial links.

scikit learn task managment library

after some extra search. I thin I am overuse scikit-learn. if I want a production ML tools. I should use something like mahout which built on hadoop. scikit-learn is more like a toy tools for experiment ideas.
I am new to scikit-learn. I try to use scikit-learn to train a model, I want to experiment different feature combinationes and data pre-processing techniques. Each experiment will takes few hours(in order to minimize error, I will run every experiment 10 times with different train-test split), So I wrote some python script to run experiment one by one automatically, when an experiment is done, it will send me an email.
It works well, I found another server that is available to run my experiment today, it seems reasonable I should write some script that can run experiments in a distribution-fashion. There are big data platforms like hadoop, but I find that it is not for python and scikit-learn(please point out to me If my understanding of hadoop is wrong).
Because scikit-learn is an "old" library, so I think there should have existing libraries that have these capabilities that I want. or I am running in wrong direction of scikit-learn?
I try to google "scikit-learn task managment", But nothing I want turn out. other key word to search is also very welcome.
See "Experimentation frameworks" at http://scikit-learn.org/dev/related_projects.html
