GraphQL Resolver - Multiple Promises - node.js

I'm currently trying to call multiple Rest data sources to pull back a combined set of users in a single graph.
When running the query via Graphql Playground I'm getting null values which would point to the resolver function.
Looking in the debug console I can see that I'm getting data returned but I've got an additional layer of nesting includes which would explain why I'm not seeing the data in Graphql playground.
Resolver function looks like this:
latestProspects: async (_, __, { dataSources }) => {
try {
return Promise.all([
} catch(error) {
Thinking things through I realise that the result sets are held in a dimension per data source.
I've updated my code to merge the two result sets together, not sure I'm able to improve things further?
type Prospect {
date_created_gmt: String
first_name: String
last_name: String
email: String
billing: Address
meta_data: [Metadata]
latestProspects: async (_, __, { dataSources }) => {
try {
return await Promise.all([
.then(result => {
const prospects = result[0]
return prospects.concat(result[1])
} catch(error) {


avoid calling a parent resolver if only nested resolver was called

lets say I have a simple query to get post's comments and it looks like this
post(id:"123") {
comments: {
currently it the graph will call postResolver and then commentsResolver
but the call to postResolver is redundant since I only need to fetch all the comments by postId
I am using an implementation using nodeJs with typescript
i have a resolver such as this
const resolvers : Resolvers = {
Query: {
post: (parent, args, info) => { return fetchPost(;}
Post: {
comments: (parent, args, info) => { return fetchComments(}
basically in this example I don't need to fetch the post at all, but the resolver is still invoked, any way to elegantly avoid it ?
I'm looking of a generalized pattern and not this specific resolver situation, there are other nodes with same situation would like to know if there is anything common in this situation that was already solved ...
My solution so far is to remodel the graph like this
type Post (id: ID!){
postData: PostData,
comments: [Comment!]
type PostData {
id: ID! ...
type Comment{
id: ID! ....
Your original model is fine, you just need a different query that goes straight for the comments based on their postId:
getCommentsByPostId(postId: ID!): [Comment]
Then augment your query resolvers:
const resolvers : Resolvers = {
Query: {
post: (_, { id }) => { return fetchPost(id);},
getCommentsByPostId: (_, { postId }) => fetchComments(postId)

Can't acces specific values in my node.js mongoose Model (only the Object)

I have been working at this for the past 4 hours. I would therefore like some help. I want to access the specific values in my database, eg. as although when adding imglink in console.log() I get undefined. I can get the general object but not the specifik values.
I have defined my Song Schema as:
const songSchema = new Schema({
values: [{
imglink: {
type: String
id: {
type: String
spotify: {
type: String,
soundCloud: {
type: String,
youtube: {
type: String,
appleMusic: {
type: String,
}, {
timestamps: true,
As you can see values is an array of objects. People with a similiar problem on here hadn't included the correct values in their Schema, so maybe that's my problem? Although to me it looks correct. I then GET the values in my database. The JSON object usually looks something like this:
"_id": "5ffbba4dc47e847a79c9c68f",
"values": [
"_id": "5ffbba4dc47e847a79c9c690",
"imglink": "imagelink",
"id": "id",
"soundCloud": "soundcloudvalue",
"youtube": "youtubevalue",
"appleMusic": "applemusicvalue",
"spotify": "spotifyvalue"
I call it by this function, which is supposed to print out the individual values:
const getAllSongs = () => {
.then(function (response) {
console.log(response); // returns an object
console.log(; // returns an object
.catch(function (error) {
// handle error
I have an Express route object that allows me to access a song by it's id as GET http://localhost:5000/songs/id in the VS-code HTTP client (similiar to postman):
router.get(`/:id`, function(req, res) {
return Song.find(
).then(function(song) {
// return orders when resolved
res.json('works yesss');
.catch(function (err) {
// handle error
res.status(400).json('Error: '+err)
Here are some popular solutions I have tried:
Wrapping response in JSON.stringify() doesn't work.
toObject() and toJSON() don't work either as they aren't defined when I use them.
the _doc hack doesn't work either.
I have tried looking at the Schema which is where I think the problem is. The POST-request adds the right data, the GET-request goes through I just can't acces the specific values.
I hope you have the time to help, thanks. I will be extremely grateful. And of course let me know if you have any questions.
the result of find() is a Array so to access the desired key, if length of result Array is one, to access the desired key is[0].values[0].imglink.
note: the values key is a array of obejct
If the array size is more than one, you want to see the result, you can use map()
if it's not worked, using lean() like this
router.get(`/:id`, function(req, res) {
return Song.find(
).lean().then(function(song) {
// return orders when resolved
console.log(song[0].values[0].imglink); // type of song is array of object [] and values is array
res.json('works yesss');
.catch(function (err) {
// handle error
res.status(400).json('Error: '+err)

ExpressJS: Sequelize method update need to show updated data as result not num of row updated

I've API using ExpressJS and ORM Sequelize. I'm trying to do update using method update() from Sequelize. By default, it method will return number of row updated. But I want the result is the new data that just updated to show as response.
Here is my code:
update: async function (req, res, next) {
var current_address_id = req.body.current_address_id,
address = req.body.address
where: {
}).then(personal => {
address: address,
).then( resAddress => {
where: {
).then(resultUpdate => {
responseUtil.success(res, resultUpdate);
}).catch(err => {, err);
When I do console.log(resultUpdate); It give me [1] as the num of row updated. What I need is the data of PersonalInfo that just updated.
After consulting the documentation for what returns from the update operation for Sequelize, it returns the following:
an array with one or two elements. The first element is always the
number of affected rows, while the second element is the actual
affected rows (only supported in postgres with options.returning
So, as you can see from your code, your update is returning an array with the number of affected rows, which is what the documentation says it will do. You can't change what the library itself will return.
You do have access to the values you are updating earlier on in your function, and if you really want, you could do a find on the record you are updating, which will return your model:
You only need to add returning: true at your query. Your code would be like
update: async function (req, res, next) {
var current_address_id = req.body.current_address_id,
address = req.body.address
where: {
}).then(personal => {
address: address,
).then( resAddress => {
where: {
returning: true
).then(resultUpdate => {
responseUtil.success(res, resultUpdate);
}).catch(err => {, err);

CosmosDB + MongoAPI, updating document workaround?

I've been trying to simply update a CosmosDB document via the mongodb api in my node application, I've been testing in and out, no errors but the value does not update no matter what.
I know updating array elements is not supported which is fine, but this is a top-level key-value pair. Changes simply don't happen with no error whatsoever.
I've been following the Mean.js project with uses CosmosDB + Mongoose + Node + Angular, looking at the API for updating hero and trying some of that code but it still doesn't update.
I've been reading the documentation trying to figure out the default way of handling CRUD operations within CosmosDB and which parts of the MongoAPI it supports but so far no luck.
For tests purposes, I'm using this code:
async function updateUser(id) {
try {
let user = await User.findById(id);
console.log (id);
if (!user) return = id
const result = await
catch(err) {
console.log("There was an error updating user", err);
So, I've been playing around some more and managed to update a hero using this code:
async function updateHero(id) {
const originalHero = {
uid: id,
name: 'Hero2',
saying: 'nothing'
Hero.findOne({ uid: id }, (error, hero) => { =;
hero.saying = originalHero.saying; => {
console.log('Hero updated successfully!');
Now I'm just not sure why this has actually worked and why it hasn't before. The main thing that is different is that I'm using an 'uid' instead of the actual ID assigned by CosmosDB.
I tested sample code you provided and they both updated document successfully.
Sample document:
Snippet One:
async function updateUser(id) {
try {
let user = await Family.findById(id);
console.log (id);
if (!user) return = id = 'ASDASDASASDASDASDASDASDA'
const result = await
catch(err) {
console.log("There was an error updating user", err);
Output One:
Snippet Two:
async function updateFamily(id) {
const updateFamily = {
_id: id,
name: 'ABCD',
Family.findOne({ _id : id }, (error, family) => { =; => {
console.log('Hero updated successfully!');
Output Two:
In addition, you could use db.collection.update() to update document.
{ _id: '5b46eb0ee1a2f12ea0af307f' },{ $set:
name: 'AAAA'
More details,please refer to the doc:
Hope it helps you.

Sequelize with GraphQl: How to update fields using mutation

I'm using a stack of koa2, sequelize and graphql. I wan't to change the state field of the users model using graphql mutation and return the changed object.
Currently my mutation looks like this:
mutation: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Mutation',
fields: {
setState: {
type: userType,
args: {
input: {
type: userStateInputType
resolve: resolver(db.user, {
before: async (findOptions, {input}) => {
const {uuid, state} = input;
await db.user.update(
{where: {uuid}}
findOptions.where = {
return findOptions;
And that's the corresponding query:
mutation setstate{
setState(input: {uuid: "..UUID..", state: "STATE"}) {
It's working, but I'm pretty sure there are better solutions for this.
I would avoid trying to use graphql-sequelize's resolver helper for a mutation. Looking over the source for that library, it looks like it's really meant only for resolving queries and types.
I think a much cleaner approach would just to do something like this:
resolve: async (obj, { input: { uuid, state } }) => {
const user = await db.user.findById(uuid)
user.set('state', state)
I'm avoiding using update() here since that only returns the affected fields. If you ever decide to expand the fields returned by your mutation, this way you're returning the whole User Object and avoiding returning null for some fields.
