Mongodb, should a number fields be indexed? - node.js

I'm trying to get a proper understanding of using mongodb to optimise queries. In this case it's for fields that would hold an integer. So say i have a collection
with two fields value and cid where value will store data of type string and cid will store data of type number.
I intend to write queries that will search for records by matching the fields value and cid. Also the expectation is that the saved records for this collection would get very large and hence queries could benefit from mongodb indexes. It makes sense to me to index the value field which holds string. But I wonder if the cid field requires indexing, or its okay as is, given that it will be holding integers.
I'm asking because I was going through a code base with this exact scenario described and i can't figure out why the number field was not indexed. Hoping my question makes any sense.

Regardless of datatypes, generally speaking all queries should use an index. If you use a sort predicate you can assist the database by having a compound index on both the equality portion of the query (the filter predicate) as well as the sorting portion (the sort predicate). MongoDB recommends following the index strategy referred to as the E.S.R. rule - see Performance Best Practices for E.S.R. rule.


solr query to sort result in descending order on basis of price

I am very beiginer in Solr and I am trying to do query on my data. I am trying to find data with name=plant and sort it by maximum price
my schema for both name and price is text type.
for eg let say data is
name:abc, price:25;
name:plant, price:35;
name:plant,price:45; //1000 other data
My Approach
but above is giving me result of plants but I am not sure how to sort result using price feild
Any help will be appreciated
You can use the sort param for achieving the sorting.
Your query would be like q=(name:"Plant")&sort=price desc
The sort parameter arranges search results in either ascending (asc)
or descending (desc) order. The parameter can be used with either
numerical or alphabetical content. The directions can be entered in
either all lowercase or all uppercase letters (i.e., both asc or ASC).
Solr can sort query responses according to document scores or the
value of any field with a single value that is either indexed or uses
DocValues (that is, any field whose attributes in the Schema include
multiValued="false" and either docValues="true" or indexed="true" – if
the field does not have DocValues enabled, the indexed terms are used
to build them on the fly at runtime), provided that:
the field is non-tokenized (that is, the field has no analyzer and its
contents have been parsed into tokens, which would make the sorting
inconsistent), or
the field uses an analyzer (such as the KeywordTokenizer) that
produces only a single term.

Is there a way to exclude NULL values from Azure Cognitive Search Indexes

So for example we have field 1 up to 10. I want to index all the field in Azure Search, so you can filter, search on those filters.
My Question is, is there a way to just exclude the fields that are NULL from a specific ID, so not store them in Azure search? See example underneath.
The data itself is initially stored in Azure Cosmos Database.
In Azure Cosmos DB it would like this:
Id 1
field 1: a
field 2: b
field 5: c
field 6: d
field 8: e
Id 2
field 3: a
field 2: b
field 5: c
field 9: d
field 10: e
However in Azure Search Index, it looks like this:
Id 1
field 1:a
field 2:b
field 3:NULL
field 4:NULL
field 5:c
field 6:d
field 7:NULL
field 8:e
field 9:NULL
field 10:NULL
Id 2
field 1:NULL
field 2:b
field 3:a
field 4:NULL
field 5:c
field 6:NULL
field 7:NULL
field 8:NULL
field 9:d
field 10:e
The shortest answer to your question is "no", but it's a little deeper than that.
When you add documents to an Azure Cognitive Search index, the values of each field are stored in a data structure called an inverted index. This stores a dictionary of terms found in the field, and each entry contains a list of document IDs containing that term. It is somewhat similar to a column-oriented database in that regard. The null value that you see in document JSON is never actually stored in the inverted index. This can make it expensive to test whether a field is null, since the query needs to look for all document IDs not contained in the inverted index, but it is perfectly efficient in terms of storage (because it doesn't consume any).
This article has a few simplified examples of how inverted indexes work, although it's about a different topic than your question.
Your broader concern about having many fields defined in your index is a valid one. There is a tradeoff between schema flexibility and resource utilization as you increase the number of fields in your index. However, this is due to the bookkeeping overhead required for each field, not the "number of nulls in the field" (which doesn't really mean anything since nulls aren't stored).
From your question, it sounds like you're trying to model different "entity types" in the same index, resulting in a sparse index where some subset of the documents have one subset of fields defined, while another subset of documents have different fields defined. This is a scenario that we want to better support in the service. One promising future direction could be supporting multi-index query, so each subset of your schema could have its own index with its own distinct (but perhaps overlapping) set of fields. This is not on our immediate roadmap, but it's something we want to investigate further. Please vote on this User Voice item to help us prioritize.
As far as not saving the null values, AFAIK it is not possible. An index in Cognitive Search has a pre-defined schema (much like a relational database table) and based on an attribute's data type an attribute's value will be initialized with a default value (null for most of the data types).
If your concern is storage, it's not a problem since it's an inverted index.
If you have an issue with the complexity of the JSON data returned, you could implement your own intermediate service that just hides all NULL values from the JSON. So, your application queries your own query service which in turn queries the actual Azure service. Just passing along all parameters as-is. The only difference is that your service removes both the key/value from the JSON to make the responses easier to manage.
The response from search would then appear to be identical to your Cosmos record.

Can I index EXTRACT(WEEK from startDateTime)? Or, will the query planner use an index directly on 'startDateTime'?

I have a large number of records indexed on some startDateTime field, and want to select aggregates (SUM and COUNT) on all records grouped by WEEKOFYEAR(startDateTime) (i.e., EXTRACT(WEEK FROM startDateTime)). Can I put a secondary index on EXTRACT(WEEK FROM startDateTime)? Or, even better, will the query use an index on startDateTime appropriately to optimize a request grouped by WEEK?
See this similar question about MySQL indices. How would this be handled in the Cloud Spanner world?
Secondary index on generated columns (i.e., EXTRACT(WEEK FROM startDateTime)) are not supported yet. If you have a covering index that includes all the columns required for the query (i.e., startDateTime and other required columns for grouping and aggregation), the planner will use such covering index over the base table but the aggregation is likely to be based on hash aggregation. Unless you aggregate over very long period of time, it should not be a big problem (I admit that it is not ideal though).
If you want to restrict the aggregated time range, you need to spell it out in terms of startDateTime (i.e., you need to convert the min/max datetime to the same type as startDateTime).
Hope this helps.

Is there a way to filter a counter column in cassandra?

I have been unable to decipher on how to proceed with a use case....
I want to keep count of some items, and query the data such that
counter_value < threshold value
Now in cassandra, indexes cannot be made on counters, that is something that is a problem, is there a workaround modelling which can be done to accomplish something similar??
You have partially answered your own question, saying what you want to query. So lets say first model the data the way you will query it later.
If you want to query through counter value, it cannot be a counter type. As it doesn't complies the two conditions needed to query the data
Cannot be part of index
Cannot be part of the partition key
Counters are the most efficient way to do fast writes in Cassandra for a counter use of case. But unfortunately they cannot be part of where clause, because of above two restrictions.
So if you want to solve the problem using Cassandra, change the type to a long in Cassandra, make it the clustering key or make an index over that column. In any case this will slower your writes and increase the latency of every operation of updating counter value, as you will be using the anti parttern of read-before-write.
I would recommend to use the index.
Last but not least, I would consider using a SQL database for this problem.
Depending on what you're trying to return as a result, you might be able to do something with a user defined aggregate function. You can put arbitrary code in the user defined function to filter based on the value of the counter.
See some examples here and here.
Other approaches would be to filter the returned rows on the client side, or to load the data into Spark and filter the rows in Spark.

How to retrieve search results from two fields in lucene index, giving one query?

Suppose I search for a query in Field A, and I want to retrive the corresponding fields B and C from my index, how should I go about it? I am using Lucene 3.6.0.
The results of your query will be returned as a set of documents, not fields. Once you've got a document, you can load whichever field contents you're interested in.
One thing that's probably worth watching out for is to ensure that your fields have been "stored".
Good luck,
