How do I integrate a fork of one of the crates I'm using into my project? [duplicate] - rust

I am trying to configure my Rust project with an external dependency in GitHub. Unfortunately, some last commits made some changes in interfaces so I am unable to use the latest version. The developers also do not care of tags and separate branches for different versions, so I think the only correct way is to specify a certain commit somehow where the interface fits what I worked with.
What I have now in Cargo.toml is:
thelib = { git = '' }
I saw it is possible to specify a branch like this:
thelib = { git = '', branch = 'branch1' }
But I have not seen a working example with a commit. Could anybody provide one here?

As hinted in the Cargo.toml vs Cargo.lock section of the Cargo guide, you can use the rev property to specify a commit hash:
[...] If you build this package today, and then you send a copy to me, and I build this package tomorrow, something bad could happen. There could be more commits to rand in the meantime, and my build would include new commits while yours would not. Therefore, we would get different builds. This would be bad because we want reproducible builds.
We could fix this problem by putting a rev line in our Cargo.toml:
rand = { git = "", rev = "9f35b8e" }
It is also mentioned in Specifying dependencies, although no example is given (emphasis mine):
Since we haven’t specified any other information, Cargo assumes that we intend to use the latest commit on the master branch to build our package. You can combine the git key with the rev, tag, or branch keys to specify something else. [...]

You can use the rev key to specify a commit hash. For example:
thelib = { git = "", rev = "9f35b8e" }
It's briefly mentioned in this section of the Cargo book.


Exclude Wasm-related dependencies from Cargo.lock?

Let's say we want to add jsonwebtoken 8.2.0 to our Cargo.toml. That crate is dependent on ring 0.16.20, which is dependent on the web-sys 0.3.60 crate and that dependency is declared like this:
[target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", target_vendor = "unknown", target_os = "unknown", target_env = ""))'.dependencies]
web-sys = { version = "0.3.37", default-features = false, features = ["Crypto", "Window"] }
For my project I don't need any JS/Wasm-related stuff whatsoever. But I noticed in my Cargo.lock several such dependencies were added as a result of that web-sys crate (such as wasm-bindgen for example). Is there a way to avoid that "noise"?
The Cargo.lock decides versions to be used for compilation on all possible platforms and to my knowledge, there is no way to override that.
Consider: Not doing so would be a headache. If someone on a new platform cloned your repo and built your crate, they'd have to have their Cargo.lock modified (and send you a patch?). If you updated a crate dependency on your system it would only update the locked versions for your platform, other people might end up with an inconsistent lock. To avoid the headache, just let cargo do with the Cargo.lock as it wants and ignore the contents.
If you want to reduce the noise a bit and hide the lock file diffs from git output, you could mark Cargo.lock as a binary file like shown here:
echo >>.gitattributes Cargo.lock binary
(though I don't know whether that won't have weird effects on windows line endings.)

Publish only one parent crate on multi-crate project

I am creating a library, that is nearly close to its first release, so I would like to upload it to Library has a multi-crate design, so I ended with something like:
- CrateA
- CrateProcMacros
- CrateC
- CrateD
- CrateE
- CrateF
- Cargo.toml (handles the workspace)
- Cargo.lock
where CrateA is the parent of the other crates, and has dependencies on another of those local crates, and some of those crates also depends on another ones. I mean, it's the primary crate of the library, the one responsible for exposing the public API of the project, and the unique one that I would like to be published in
Reading the cargo docs I am seeing that I won't be able to publish a unique crate to the registry. All will be uploaded and published.
So, what alternatives I have to only publish my CrateA to the registry? Should I change my project's structure, and move to CrateA all the other packages and then try to publish it? Or there's some way to achieve this?
CrateA have direct dependencies on another crates. An those others also depends on another one inside my workspace.
The way Cargo packaging works is that you are publishing your source code nearly unchanged. There is no pre-compilation step. There is no step where multiple library crates are gathered into one package. The only way to publish your CrateA is to publish all of its dependencies too.
There is interest in making a multi-crate project easier to publish, but for now, you've got to do it all explicitly.
Make sure each package in your project declares a [package] name that makes sense in public. (The name of the directory you keep it in doesn't matter.) It's common to have names like myproject-partoftheproject, where the package people actually use normally would be named myproject.
Make sure that each dependency declaration has a version number (not just a path) matching what you're going to publish. (You don't have to remove the path; that will be done for you within publication.)
Publish each package. You must do this in reverse dependency order — that is, CrateA last.
No one will mind that you've published extra packages that aren't meant for direct use — for example, lots of libraries necessarily have separate proc-macro packages. Though, if you have any crates that are really just for code organization and don't have any particular benefit, you could consider making them into modules inside fewer crates.
master Cargo.toml should be like this
members = [
And CrateA/Cargo.toml should be like this
name = "Foo"
version = "0.0.0"
edition = "2021"
authors = ["Foo <>"]
license = "Bar"
description = "Baz"
CrateB = { path = "../CrateB", version = "0.0.0" }
CrateC = "0.0.0"

Project-specific override for Cargo

I primarily want to use Debian's Rust packages, rather than fetching some random code from the wider Internet (I'm old-fashioned, I know, let's not get into that part). To this end, my ~/.cargo/config.toml looks like
offline = true
replace-with = "debian"
directory = "/usr/share/cargo/registry"
This works great after I install the librust-*-dev packages that I desire. However, in some specific projects, I'd like to lift this rule and tell Cargo "hey, you can in fact go wild and get whatever you want from". According to the Cargo book, a project-specific /project/.cargo/config.toml should take precedence over my user one. Assume this project-specific .cargo/config.toml:
offline = false
I'm still not able to cargo build a project with dependencies from outside of my replacement source. If for example, I make a Cargo.toml that depends on yew (a randomly chosen crate that I know isn't available in my replacement source) I get
$ cargo build
error: no matching package found
searched package name: `yew`
What am I misunderstanding about Cargo's sources, replacement and per-project overrides?
The answer suggested by #blackgreen is one possible workaround for the underlying problem until issues 10045 and 10057 (or a combination thereof) are solved. Another, perhaps slightly less ugly, workaround follows below for those who need it.
I ended up working around the problem using UnionFS (I guess the more modern OverlayFS should work well too).
I simply add
replace-with = "union"
directory = "/home/gspr/.cargo-overlay/union-registry"
to my ~/.cargo/config.toml and then do
unionfs -o ro /usr/share/cargo/registry:/home/gspr/.cargo-overlay/local-registry /home/gspr/.cargo-overlay/union-registry
Now /home/gspr/.cargo-overlay/union-registry reflects the union of /usr/share/cargo/registry and /home/gspr/.cargo-overlay/local-registry, with priority to the former in case of conflicts.
So what goes in ~/.cargo-overlay/local-registry? Individual extra crates, in the same way as in Debian's /usr/share/cargo/registry. That is to say, directories named cratename-version as they are distributed by upstream – but with a single extra file, namely .cargo-checksum.json added to them. The content of that extra file can be extracted from the index as follows.
Suppose we have cloned the index into ~/.cargo-overlay/, i.e.
git clone ~/.cargo-overlay/
Then suppose we've extracted a crate foo at version 0.1.2 into ~/.cargo-overlay/local-registry/foo-0.1.2. We can generate the missing .cargo-checksum.json like so:
cd ~/.cargo-overlay
index_file=$(find -type f -name foo)
cksum=$(jq -r "select(.name == \"foo\" and .vers == \"0.1.2\" ) | .cksum" ${index_file})
jo package="${cksum}" files="{}" > local-registry/foo-0.1.2/.cargo-checksum.json
It looks as if you are suffering from this issue:
You would like to unset a config key on a upper-level config.toml but this is not supported.
I've played a bit with the config, and the only way I got it to work was to overwrite in the project-local config.toml the properties that were set in the upper-level config.toml.
In your case your upper-level config.toml specifies replace-with, so you have to overwrite that. But you can't overwrite it with crates-io, which is the registry you want to use, because that is exactly the registry with the replace-with key.
So until the above issue gets acted upon, we have to, essentially, use a mirror, both in the config and as an actual registry to download from:
offline = false
replace-with = "crates-io-mirror"
registry = ""
As we both tested, it seems it's not possible to reuse the normal registry url because that is already defined and will fail with:
error: source crates-io-mirror defines source registry, but that source is already defined by crates-io note: Sources are not allowed to be defined multiple times.
So instead the URL above is an actual mirror server of Then you can run cargo build successfully in the local project.
The recently released Cargo 1.56 adds a feature that should let one do what my question asks for: patch tables can now be specified in a project-specific .cargo/config.toml, which means that [patch] stanzas can now be introduced outside of Cargo.toml. That should do the trick! I haven't yet verified this, as I am stuck with an older Cargo for a little while still.

Rust Amethyst Pong Tutorial Examples give "error: no example target named `pong_tutorial_01`"

I just cloned the github repository amethyst/amethyst, which is a game engine written in rust, in order to follow the docs and tutorials. The document at Amethyst documentation about the pong tutorial tells us that you can run examples using...
cargo run --example pong_tutorial_01 --features "vulkan"
... but when I try this, I get an error...
error: no example target named `pong_tutorial_01`
Now, this business of running code examples that are provided inside a larger project is new to me, but seems to be a proper part of Rust, and the behaviour is defined in the Cargo.toml(s) of the outer project and (I think) the example sub-projects within. But having read through some of the rust Cargo book here, about examples needing to live in the examples subdirectory, and there being ways to prevent their being discovered automatically (e.g. autoexamples = false) unless they are specifically configured another way, everything appears to be in order.
Does any smart person know why this doesn't work, without me learning every single detail of how to configure cargo? Thanks in advance.
I'm running on Win 10. Rustup update is up to date. Other rust things work. Indeed, these examples work, if I delve all the way into their directories and run them with cargo run directly, so I don't think I have a language/toolchain configuration problem. I'm just interested as to why that particular command line doesn't work as advertised.
It looks like the examples were recently converted from from cargo examples to workspace members. They were largely disabled in this PR and then fixed up as standalone packages in this PR. The latter of which cites dependency management as the reason for the change. The documentation probably hasn't been updated accordingly.
You should be able to use -p/--package instead:
cargo run -p pong_tutorial_01 --features "vulkan"
For anyone else stumbling on this post, the above answer is correct for the main branch of the amethyst project.
However, the project currently has two important branches:
The v0.15.3 or stable branch, which is the most recent release on
The main or master branch, which is under heavy work to eventually release the next version of amethyst
It's important to note that the link given by op is to the stable book, which references v0.15.3. The examples can be run for that version by checking out the correct branch and running the command as the book says:
git checkout v0.15.3
cargo run --example pong_tutorial_01 --features "vulkan"
I would recommend following v0.15.3 for now, since it it well-documented. The main branch has yet to update most of the docs.

How to tell Cargo to use a git repository as source for an indirect dependency instead of

A few days ago, cross-compiling to JavaScript via Emscripten has finally hit nightly. I wanted to compile a project using glium in that manner. However, there are still many Emscripten-related bugs in many crates. While maintainers usually fix those bugs quickly, they don't necessarily release those bug fixes to immediately.
In my case, glium depends on glutin. glutin had a bug which is fixed now, but only in the git repository, not on Note: glutin is not a direct dependency of my project; only an indirect one through glium!
How do I tell Cargo to use the glutin repository as source for glutin instead of
You can use the [replace] section in your project's Cargo.toml. You can find the documentation about that feature here in the Cargo documentation.
In your case, glium depends on glutin 0.6.1. The version 0.6.1 on still contains the bug. So just add this to your Cargo.toml:
"glutin:0.6.1" = { git = '' }
Note however,
[...] that the replaced crate must not only have the same name but also the same version.
But even in the case of a version-mismatch (the repository already contains a newer version), you could still be in luck if the crate's maintainer creates git tags for every version (many in the Rust community do). In that case you can just specify the tag:
"glutin:0.6.1" = {
git = ''
tag = 'v0.6.1'
Sadly, this won't work with glutin, because the maintainer did not create tags for every version. In that case you can simply find the last commit before the version was bumped and specify it with rev = 'b4a3d0...' or specify a specific branch with the branch = '...' key.
