Change inside brackets not working in vim [duplicate] - vim

we all know what ci" ci' ci( ci[ ... does. Very handy in everyday's editing. I found something strange, and checked the help, didn't find out why.
say, I have a file:
foo "target"
foo 'target'
foo (target)
foo {target}
foo [target]
foo <target>
if my cursor at the beginning of each line, (on the 'f'), then I type ci", ci', ci(...
the cix works only with quotes (single or double), doesn't work for brackets. why do they behave differently?
(dix, vix the same)
tested with --noplugin, vim 7.3
thank you.
thanks #romainl for the answer. I still have doubt regarding the "pair processing in vim"
check this example:
foo "targ\"eti\" some\"thing else "
if I have a line like above, I type ci", no matter cursor is at beginning or between quotes, it works perfectly, it seems that vim does have the idea of "pair"?
and this maybe what you meant about the pairing ?
foo "target x some"thing else "
foo (target x some(thing else )
I have above two lines, if (cursor at x) I type ci" and ci(, nothing happened to 2nd line, but first line changed into:
foo "I"thing else " (I is cursor)

ci( is consistent with ci[, ci{ and cit and all the other <action>i<something>. Only ci' and ci" work like they do. The outliers are the quotes, here, not the brackets.
Vim doesn't consider that quotes come in pairs while brackets do. It has an internal logic for matching pairs that works with actual pairs but not with quotes hence the difference in behavior.
You are not the first to complain about that discrepancy: this is one solution, maybe you can find others.
I don't have a deep knowledge of Vim's internals, unfortunately, so I can only make assumptions, here.
If you ask Vim to do ci" it does its best to find a pair of double quotes but double quotes don't go by pairs: there's no way to tell if a " is the closing one or the opening one contrary to brackets. Because of that, Vim must make some choices. IMO, the choice that would make the most sense considering how the other members of the family work, would be to assume that the cursor is between the quotes and select from the first one to the right to the first one to the left. I can only assume that this method proved wrong in some way or didn't work for some reason and that the other method (the current one) prevailed.
Another explanation could be that the i<something> mechanism is somehow tied to a specific subsystem (maybe the same as showmatch?) that is unable to deal correctly with quotes.
Anyway, just like you, I find this discrepancy weird and I've somehow internalized it and aligned my usage of <action>i" to how the others work. To the point of actually doing 2t"ci" or some variant instead of ci"!! Inefficient, I know.
Did you read :h a'? I completely forgot where I got my "limited understanding" of the issue but it was there! It says:
"Only works within one line. When the cursor starts on a quote, Vim will figure out which quote pairs form a string by searching from the start of the line."
What I get from that is this: for some reasons unknown to us, Vim uses another mechanism for matching quotes than for the other pairs and that is why ci" is different from ciband friends. The underlying cause is not clear at all but I'm fairly certain that the big picture looks a lot like what I imagine.
To me, it looks a lot like a bug or a limitation disguised as a feature.
If you are still curious, I'd suggest you ask any further question on vim-dev.

make use of %
" nnoremap cb cib
nnoremap cb %cib
" nnoremap vb vib
nnoremap vb %vib
nnoremap yb %yib
nnoremap db %dab
to enhance %:
b can match ( [ {,
Want to use ' to match both ' and "?
nnoremap c' :call DoubleAsSingleC()<CR>
func! DoubleAsSingleC()
" When [!] is added, error messages will also be skipped,
" and commands and mappings will not be aborted
" when an error is detected. |v:errmsg| is still set.
let v:errmsg = ""
silent! :s#\"\([^"]*\)\"#'\1'#g
if (v:errmsg == "")
echo "双变单"
exec "normal ci'"
Similar for:


How to do mark-like mapping in vim

The m normal command accepts a letter just after it to set a "letter" mark.
I would like to create a similar command that works across tabs... But my problem is with the binding : Is there a simple way to bind for example M<letter> to a function or a command or should I manually repeat all the possibilities ?
As romainl has already said, no.
Covering this for good measure (and in case someone else comes along later), you can only practically map upper-case letters. As is outlined in the documentation, lower-case marks are only valid within a single file. Upper-case ones, that the Vim docs calls "file marks", are valid from anywhere. Unless you have some dark magic function to resolve ambiguous file marks, you probably only need a single for loop mapping the upper-case letters, if you're going with the brute-force option.
That said, there are a couple alternatives here as well.
As far as I know, the only "dynamic" bit of a command is a count (or a range, but unless you want to map characters to a number (and handle ranges and other fun stuff:tm:), I don't recommend this approach:
" The <C-U> is required for all uses. If you want a function,
" you'd need :<C-U>call YourFunction()<cr>
nnoremap M :<C-U>echom v:count<cr>
See also :h v:count, which states:
Note: the <C-U> is required to remove the line range that you get when typing ':' after a count.
You can then run 26M, decode v:count as Z, and then do whatever fancy lookup from there.
The second alternative, and the one proposed by romainl and by far the most used one in cases like this (source: experience and lots of code browsing), is using a for loop to brute-force map letters:
for i in range(char2nr('A'), char2nr('Z'))
exec 'nnoremap M' . nr2char(i) ':echo "This is where the appropriate function call goes"<cr>'
Which produces all 26 mappings.
And the final approach is abusing getchar(). This means a single mapping, but at the expense of doing additional processing:
func! Func()
let c = getchar()
echo c
" Character processing (the `echo` isn't required) here
nnoremap M :call Func()<cr>
You can decide which works for you, but I strongly suggest preferring option 2, as this gives you map timeouts and clear definitions, and more obvious conflict detection.

Vim split function arguments

I found that I often do refactor:
def function(param1, param2, (...), paramK):
def function(
And tried to write mapping for it.
I started with
command! Split normal! qqqf(a<cr><esc>qqf s<cr><esc>#qq#qf)i<cr><esc>
qqq - reset content of macro q.
f(a<cr><esc> - find bracket, make newline and return to normal mode.
qq - start to record macro q.
f s<cr><esc> - change space to newline.
#q - run macro recursively.
q#q - end recording and run.
f)i<cr><esc> - add last newline before closing bracket.
My idea was, that macro will fail when it won't find space, but something is wrong with that. It raised some questions.
1) How can I check if some motion succeed? e.g. How to check if there is a space in current line?
2) Is there better idea to achieve what I want? Maybe some plugin or clear function?
3) What is wrong with my idea? When I run this combination from hand it works, but while calling :Split it doesn't.
Regarding why it doesn't work quite like it does when you type it manually:
When you type normal! <esc>, Vim parses this as "type the letters <, e, s, c, >". You might be able to insert a literal escape key there by typing <c-v><esc>, but that can look a bit weird in the configuration. Instead, a better way is to use the :exe command (:help :exe):
exe "normal! \<esc>"
The \<esc> gets interpolated by the string to be a literal escape key. So, the exe "normal! ..." gets translated to an invocation to normal! with the keys you're looking for. You also need to escape <cr> the same way. I'd also use \<space> instead of , I'm not entirely sure if a normal space is going to work here. After that, hopefully, you should get the same results as when you type it manually.
As for the actual problem you're trying to solve, I do have a plugin for that: splitjoin. By default, it splits your example like this:
def function(param1,
But there's a setting you can change to adjust it to your liking. Alternatively, from Jordan Running's link, it seems you could also use the argwrap plugin, which might be more reliable for argument-splitting in particular (splitjoin handles a wider variety of cases, but maybe doesn't do as good with arguments? Not sure.)
I don't understand the question. You can search for spaces with f or with the / syntax. Why do you want to do this?
Yes. See below.
The vimrc syntax is super different from normal vim syntax. I don't know why and I don't fully understand it.
nnoremap <C-r> :s/, */,\r /g<cr>:s/)/\r)<cr>:nohl<cr>
remaps ctrl+r to search for a comma followed by 0 or more spaces and replace that with a comma, newline, and tab. then searches for ) and replaces that with newline and ). then undoes the highlighting it just did.
To enter a literal tab instead of 4 spaces, you'll have to type CtrlVtab in place of the 4 spaces you see in the command

vim text-object: place of the cursor [duplicate]

we all know what ci" ci' ci( ci[ ... does. Very handy in everyday's editing. I found something strange, and checked the help, didn't find out why.
say, I have a file:
foo "target"
foo 'target'
foo (target)
foo {target}
foo [target]
foo <target>
if my cursor at the beginning of each line, (on the 'f'), then I type ci", ci', ci(...
the cix works only with quotes (single or double), doesn't work for brackets. why do they behave differently?
(dix, vix the same)
tested with --noplugin, vim 7.3
thank you.
thanks #romainl for the answer. I still have doubt regarding the "pair processing in vim"
check this example:
foo "targ\"eti\" some\"thing else "
if I have a line like above, I type ci", no matter cursor is at beginning or between quotes, it works perfectly, it seems that vim does have the idea of "pair"?
and this maybe what you meant about the pairing ?
foo "target x some"thing else "
foo (target x some(thing else )
I have above two lines, if (cursor at x) I type ci" and ci(, nothing happened to 2nd line, but first line changed into:
foo "I"thing else " (I is cursor)
ci( is consistent with ci[, ci{ and cit and all the other <action>i<something>. Only ci' and ci" work like they do. The outliers are the quotes, here, not the brackets.
Vim doesn't consider that quotes come in pairs while brackets do. It has an internal logic for matching pairs that works with actual pairs but not with quotes hence the difference in behavior.
You are not the first to complain about that discrepancy: this is one solution, maybe you can find others.
I don't have a deep knowledge of Vim's internals, unfortunately, so I can only make assumptions, here.
If you ask Vim to do ci" it does its best to find a pair of double quotes but double quotes don't go by pairs: there's no way to tell if a " is the closing one or the opening one contrary to brackets. Because of that, Vim must make some choices. IMO, the choice that would make the most sense considering how the other members of the family work, would be to assume that the cursor is between the quotes and select from the first one to the right to the first one to the left. I can only assume that this method proved wrong in some way or didn't work for some reason and that the other method (the current one) prevailed.
Another explanation could be that the i<something> mechanism is somehow tied to a specific subsystem (maybe the same as showmatch?) that is unable to deal correctly with quotes.
Anyway, just like you, I find this discrepancy weird and I've somehow internalized it and aligned my usage of <action>i" to how the others work. To the point of actually doing 2t"ci" or some variant instead of ci"!! Inefficient, I know.
Did you read :h a'? I completely forgot where I got my "limited understanding" of the issue but it was there! It says:
"Only works within one line. When the cursor starts on a quote, Vim will figure out which quote pairs form a string by searching from the start of the line."
What I get from that is this: for some reasons unknown to us, Vim uses another mechanism for matching quotes than for the other pairs and that is why ci" is different from ciband friends. The underlying cause is not clear at all but I'm fairly certain that the big picture looks a lot like what I imagine.
To me, it looks a lot like a bug or a limitation disguised as a feature.
If you are still curious, I'd suggest you ask any further question on vim-dev.
make use of %
" nnoremap cb cib
nnoremap cb %cib
" nnoremap vb vib
nnoremap vb %vib
nnoremap yb %yib
nnoremap db %dab
to enhance %:
b can match ( [ {,
Want to use ' to match both ' and "?
nnoremap c' :call DoubleAsSingleC()<CR>
func! DoubleAsSingleC()
" When [!] is added, error messages will also be skipped,
" and commands and mappings will not be aborted
" when an error is detected. |v:errmsg| is still set.
let v:errmsg = ""
silent! :s#\"\([^"]*\)\"#'\1'#g
if (v:errmsg == "")
echo "双变单"
exec "normal ci'"
Similar for:

Why ci" and ci(, ci{.... behave differently?

we all know what ci" ci' ci( ci[ ... does. Very handy in everyday's editing. I found something strange, and checked the help, didn't find out why.
say, I have a file:
foo "target"
foo 'target'
foo (target)
foo {target}
foo [target]
foo <target>
if my cursor at the beginning of each line, (on the 'f'), then I type ci", ci', ci(...
the cix works only with quotes (single or double), doesn't work for brackets. why do they behave differently?
(dix, vix the same)
tested with --noplugin, vim 7.3
thank you.
thanks #romainl for the answer. I still have doubt regarding the "pair processing in vim"
check this example:
foo "targ\"eti\" some\"thing else "
if I have a line like above, I type ci", no matter cursor is at beginning or between quotes, it works perfectly, it seems that vim does have the idea of "pair"?
and this maybe what you meant about the pairing ?
foo "target x some"thing else "
foo (target x some(thing else )
I have above two lines, if (cursor at x) I type ci" and ci(, nothing happened to 2nd line, but first line changed into:
foo "I"thing else " (I is cursor)
ci( is consistent with ci[, ci{ and cit and all the other <action>i<something>. Only ci' and ci" work like they do. The outliers are the quotes, here, not the brackets.
Vim doesn't consider that quotes come in pairs while brackets do. It has an internal logic for matching pairs that works with actual pairs but not with quotes hence the difference in behavior.
You are not the first to complain about that discrepancy: this is one solution, maybe you can find others.
I don't have a deep knowledge of Vim's internals, unfortunately, so I can only make assumptions, here.
If you ask Vim to do ci" it does its best to find a pair of double quotes but double quotes don't go by pairs: there's no way to tell if a " is the closing one or the opening one contrary to brackets. Because of that, Vim must make some choices. IMO, the choice that would make the most sense considering how the other members of the family work, would be to assume that the cursor is between the quotes and select from the first one to the right to the first one to the left. I can only assume that this method proved wrong in some way or didn't work for some reason and that the other method (the current one) prevailed.
Another explanation could be that the i<something> mechanism is somehow tied to a specific subsystem (maybe the same as showmatch?) that is unable to deal correctly with quotes.
Anyway, just like you, I find this discrepancy weird and I've somehow internalized it and aligned my usage of <action>i" to how the others work. To the point of actually doing 2t"ci" or some variant instead of ci"!! Inefficient, I know.
Did you read :h a'? I completely forgot where I got my "limited understanding" of the issue but it was there! It says:
"Only works within one line. When the cursor starts on a quote, Vim will figure out which quote pairs form a string by searching from the start of the line."
What I get from that is this: for some reasons unknown to us, Vim uses another mechanism for matching quotes than for the other pairs and that is why ci" is different from ciband friends. The underlying cause is not clear at all but I'm fairly certain that the big picture looks a lot like what I imagine.
To me, it looks a lot like a bug or a limitation disguised as a feature.
If you are still curious, I'd suggest you ask any further question on vim-dev.
make use of %
" nnoremap cb cib
nnoremap cb %cib
" nnoremap vb vib
nnoremap vb %vib
nnoremap yb %yib
nnoremap db %dab
to enhance %:
b can match ( [ {,
Want to use ' to match both ' and "?
nnoremap c' :call DoubleAsSingleC()<CR>
func! DoubleAsSingleC()
" When [!] is added, error messages will also be skipped,
" and commands and mappings will not be aborted
" when an error is detected. |v:errmsg| is still set.
let v:errmsg = ""
silent! :s#\"\([^"]*\)\"#'\1'#g
if (v:errmsg == "")
echo "双变单"
exec "normal ci'"
Similar for:

In vim, is there a plugin to use % to match the corresponding double quote (")?

The % key is one of the best features of vim: it lets you jump from { to }, [ to ], and so on.
However, it does not work by default with quotes: Either " or ', probably because the opening and closing quote are the same character, making implementation more difficult.
Thinking a bit more about the problem, I'm convinced that it should be implemented, by counting if the number of preceding quotes is odd or even and jumping to the previous or next quote, accordingly.
Before I try to implement it myself, I'd just like to know if someone already has?
Depending on your reason for needing this, there may be a better way to accomplish what you're looking for. For example, if you have the following code:
foo(bar, "baz quux")
and your cursor happens to be at the ^, and you want to replace everything inside the quotes with something else, use ci". This uses the Vim "text objects" to change (c) everything inside (i) the quotes (") and puts you in insert mode like this:
foo(bar, "")
Then you can start typing the replacement text. There are many other text objects that are really useful for this kind of shortcut. Learn (and use) one new Vim command per week, and you'll be an expert in no time!
Greg's answer was very useful but i also like the 'f' and 'F' commands that move the cursor forward and backward to the character you press after the command.
So press f" to move to the next " character and F" to move to the previous one.
I have found this technique very useful for going to the start/end of a very long quoted string.
when cursor is inside the string, visually select the whole string using vi" or vi'
go to start/end of the string by pressing o
press escape to exit visual select mode
this actually takes the cursor next to the start/end quote character, but still feels pretty helpful.
Adding Stefan's excellent comment here which is a better option for anyone who may miss the comment.
If you use va" (and va') then it will actually visually select the quotes itself as well.
– Stefan van den Akker
I'd like to expand on Greg's answer, and introduce the surround.vim plugin.
Suppose that rather than editing the contents of your quotes, you want to modify the " characters themselves. Lets say you want to change from double-quotes to single-quotes.
foo(bar, "baz quux")
The surround plugin allows you to change this to
foo(bar, 'baz quux')
just by executing the following: cs"' (which reads: "change the surrounding double-quotes to single-quotes").
You could also delete the quote marks simply by running: ds" (which reads: "delete the surrounding double-quotes).
There is a good introduction to the surround plugin here.
I know this question is old but here is a plugin to use % to match the corresponding double quote:
