Azure Active Directory copy data source connection with "SharePoint Online" - azure

I am connecting to a linked service to SharePoint Online using Azure Data Factory. I have admin access to everything on my site and in the Active Directory.
I have granted Site.FullControl() permission to my site in "App registration" and also granted in SharePoint site but still it is showing me I don't know what else to do.
This is the error I get:
Failed to get metadata of OData service, please check if service URL and credential is correct and your application has permission to the resource. Expected status code: 200, actual status code: Unauthorized, response is : {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Token type is not allowed."}.
Activity ID: 4cc5411a-2932-40c9-baaa-c77a22f9270a.


How to get access token for subscription in a different tenant?

I'm trying to use "invoke an http request" action in power automate to query a log analytics workspace. I have access to perform this from azure portal. I referred this Microsoft article to get the URI. But when I try to execute the flow, I get the below error:
Complete error message:
"error": {
"message": "The provided authentication is not valid for this resource",
"code": "InvalidTokenError",
"correlationId": "45e0ff0c-01f1-4ea5-a11d-ec6ce2d71b8b",
"innererror": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationTokenTenant",
"message": "The access token is from the wrong issuer ''. It must match one of the tenants ',' associated with this subscription. Please use any authority (URL) from ',' to get the token. Note, if the subscription is transferred to another tenant there is no impact to the services, but information about new tenant could take time to propagate (up to an hour). If you just transferred your subscription and see this error message, please try back later."
The analytics workspace that I'm trying to query is not under my AAD tenant. It is under another tenant/directory, which I have access from portal. How can I get the access token so that I can execute this query?
I have already tried the action "Run query and list results" in power automate, which gave the same error.
Any suggestions?
Please check below points:
Please check if you have multiple subscription .So while
requesting access token , it is the tenant which is not part of the
subscription that you might have selected. In such a case try to
change the settings and make your subscription map to the directory
which you want to use.
In some cases browser tries or attempts to get an access token from
already logged in tenant .So If its under same subscription, try to
check after clearing the cache
You can also put required tenant ID in the enviroment settings of
your particular app, using DefaultAzureCredential()
Or Configure the authority defining the tenantId{tenant-id} for multiple tenants
Signing in once to access to all the Azure Log Analytics data from
all tenant may not be feasible.It may require reauthentication .
Check this way to get
the accesss token for that particular tenant Request an
authorization token - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Docs and use the
token to call the log analytics workspace
Query - Execute - REST API (Azure Log Analytics) | Microsoft Docs
azure log analytics - Valid authentication was not provided - Stack

Granting Azure SQL MI -> AD read permissions fails with error 400, Invalid object identifier 'null' - any ideas?

I have a new Azure AD
I've switched my subscription over to it
I created a SQL Server managed instance
I went to the SQL Server MI, and to the active directory admin section of the MI.
I attempted to grant read permissions to the AD via the "click here to grand read permissions link"
I received the following error
Any clues?
While clicking on the Grant permissions it should automatically take the User objectId who has logged in to the portal and check the permissions for the user if the user has Global administrator / Directory Reader role(Preview) in the Tenant Or Subscription and finally will perform the operation.
But as you have created a new AD tenant and added it to the subscription it sometimes fails to sync (tenant and subscription) and as per the error Invalid object Identifier null it fails to get the user details .
So, the Issue can be fixed by logging in to the portal from a private window of the browser or signing out of the portal,then clearing the cache of the browser and relogging.

How do list all applications in Graph Explorer with my Azure free account?

I want to learn Azure directory services, so I created a free Microsoft Azure account to play around with Azure, and then I created a new App registration at So I have this registered application in Azure with a Client ID, Tenant ID, and even a Client Secret, because I want to learn API permissions with this app.
Now in the Microsoft Graph Explorer, I want to try using API methods like Get Application and List Applications.
However, if I log in and run the API to list my applications (GET, the response has an empty array of applications.
Also if I try to GET the specific app that I registered in AD, I get a 404: Resource Not Found found error.
What am I doing wrong? How can I use the Graph Explorer with my test Azure account so my registered application can be retrieved and edited with Microsoft Graph APIs?
More Details Below
When I run GET in Microsoft Graph Explorer, I expect a list of my applications, including the one app I registered in Azure. Instead, here is the response:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#applications",
"value": []
When I run GET{client-id}, with my registered app's client-id, I expect all the details of my registered app, but instead, the response is error 404:
"error": {
"code": "ResourceNotFound",
"message": "Resource not found.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "*****",<--I commented this out
"date": "2019-05-28T20:17:11"
If this were a permissions issue, I would expect unauthorized errors instead of "resource not found". I've tried adding Microsoft Graph permissions to my registered App (Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All), but this hasn't helped.
This is nothing to do with Azure free account. If you login in Graph Explorer using outlook account, it will identify this account as a personal account(with tenant That's why you can not find the applications you created in your tenant.
It is recommended to create a new user in your tenant to do the tests.
Here are the steps.
1.Click Azure Active Directory->Users->New User. The username should be something like username#{your tenant name}(
2.After the creation, add the roles for this user.

Getting an "unauthorized_client" when tryging to get a new access token, why?

I'm developing an API using VS 2017, which I'm testing using Postman. I've been following this blog post Getting started with Windows Azure AD Authentication using Postman. I finally got it to give me an access token and a refresh token. About 3 quarters of the way through the post I came across this:
resource :
which has to be put into Postman (I'm using the Windows app version of Postman). I wasn't sure what that was for, so I left it off. I eventually got an access token and a refresh token, but when I when to get more info for all subscriptions, I got errors saying that I had specified a valid resource. So, I thought what I'd have to do was start over again, but re-authenticating and getting a code from Azure. I did so, and put that into Postman, as the blog post instructs. However, issuing this POST results in this error:
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS65005: Invalid resource. The client has requested access to a resource which is not listed in the requested permissions in the client's application registration. Client app ID: d37abf69-42ce-4571-b146-f3422e73f041. Resource value from request: Resource app ID: 797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013. List of valid resources from app registration: 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000.\r\nTrace ID: 9f028899-6d03-409e-8db4-4e9905000300\r\nCorrelation ID: ec253a1b-9fdc-495f-9310-6b40a42e5d93\r\nTimestamp: 2018-11-19 22:20:02Z",
"error_codes": [
I don't understand why nor what I could have done wrong. I've prespecified the resource as the tutorial instructed, so what have I done wrong?
Looking at the error message, it seems you could have missed adding relevant permissions for "Windows Azure Service Management API" to your app registration.
Go to Azure Portal > Azure AD > App registrations > Your app (with app id: d37abf69-42ce-4571-b146-f3422e73f041)
Go to Settings > Required permissions > Add > Select "Windows Azure Service Management API"
Select the relevant permission under Delegated permissions section. Click on select and then "Done". You should get a notification in portal that successfully added permissions. You should see Windows Azure Service Management API listed under required permissions as well.
After these steps, continue as per the blog post you've mentioned with Postman steps to get the access token again.
I found myself in the same situation when i was trying to setup Postman. Its not as complicated as most blogs make seem. I created a tutorial to try to make the process easy.
Hope this helps.

How to export Azure Database using Active Directory authentication and guest account

I have Azure Subscription with Default Directory with my company's account ( as a guest.
I login to azure portal with this my company's account.
In the SQL Server, I have set Active Directory admin to an AAD group and I'm member of the group.
When I click Export (database) in Azure Portal, I select Active Directory authentication and type my username/password:
However I'm getting:
Failed to export the database: MyDatabase. ErrorCode: 400
ErrorMessage: There was an error that occurred during this operation :
encountered during the service operation. ; Exception
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac.Services.ServiceException:Unable to
authenticate request; Inner exception
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:Failed to authenticate the user in Active Directory
(Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword).; Error code 0xCAA20003;
state 10; MSIS7068: Access denied.; '
Failed to authenticate the user in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword).; Error code 0xCAA20003; state 10; MSIS7068: Access denied
According to the error information that it indicates that the user password is not correct.
Based on my test, it works correctly if you set the Active Directory admin to an AAD group and if you are a member of the group.
