Spark SQL: Parse date string from dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd - apache-spark

I want to use spark SQL or pyspark to reformat a date field from 'dd/mm/yyyy' to 'yyyy/mm/dd'. The field type is string:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[1]")\
my_df = spark.createDataFrame(["13/04/2020", "16/04/2020", "19/04/2020"], StringType()).toDF("date")
expected_df = spark.createDataFrame(["2020/04/12", "2020/04/16", "2020/04/19"], StringType()).toDF("date")
I have tried the following spark sql command, but this returns the date as literally 'yyyy/MM/dd' rather than '2020/04/12'.
select date_format(date, 'dd/MM/yyyy'), 'yyyy/MM/dd' as reformatted_date
FROM my_df
I have also looked at the following documentation but didn't see anything that fits my scenario:
If it's not possible in spark sql then pyspark would work.
Any ideas?

You need to convert to date type using to_date first:
select date_format(to_date(date, 'dd/MM/yyyy'), 'yyyy/MM/dd') as reformatted_date
from my_df to_date(date_format(to_date(lit("12/12/2020"), "dd/MM/yyyy"), "yyyy-MM-dd") ).as("campo")).show()


Casting date to integer returns null in Spark SQL

I want to convert a date column into integer using Spark SQL.
I'm following this code, but I want to use Spark SQL and not PySpark.
Reproduce the example:
from pyspark.sql.types import *
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
simpleData = [("James",34,"2006-01-01","true","M",3000.60),
columns = ["firstname","age","jobStartDate","isGraduated","gender","salary"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data = simpleData, schema = columns)
df = df.withColumn("jobStartDate", df['jobStartDate'].cast(DateType()))
df = df.withColumn("jobStartDateAsInteger1", F.unix_timestamp(df['jobStartDate']))
What I want is to do the same transformation, but using Spark SQL. I am using the following code:
CAST (jobStartDate AS INTEGER) as JobStartDateAsInteger2 -- return null value
from date_to_integer seg
How to solve it?
First you need to CAST your jobStartDate to DATE and then use UNIX_TIMESTAMP to transform it to UNIX integer.
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CAST (jobStartDate AS DATE)) AS JobStartDateAsInteger2
FROM date_to_integer seg

spark convert datetime to timestamp

I have a column in pyspark dataframe which is in the format 2021-10-28T22:19:03.0030059Z (string datatype). How to convert this into a timestamp datatype in pyspark?
I'm using the code snippet below but this returns nulls, as it's unable to convert it. Can someone please recommend on how to convert this?, 'yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss:SSS').alias('dt'),col('DateTime')).show()
You have to escape (put it in '') T and Z:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([{"DateTime": "2021-10-28T22:19:03.0030059Z"}]), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS'Z'").alias('dt'),F.col('DateTime')).show(truncate = False)`

Partition column in hive external table from spark

Creating external table with partitions from spark
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").appName("splitInput").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
val sparkDf ="header","true").option("inferSchema","true").csv("input/candidate/event=ABCD/CandidateScheduleData_3007_2018.csv")
var newDf = sparkDf
for(col <- sparkDf.columns){ newDf = newDf.withColumnRenamed(col,col.replaceAll("\\s", "_")) }
Everything works fine except the partition column ExamDate format created as
ExamDate=30%2F07%2F2018 instead of ExamDate=30-07-2018
How to replace%2F with - in ExamDate format.
%2F is percent encoded /. This means that data is exactly in 30/07/2018 format. You can either:
Parse it to_date using specified format.
Manually format columns with required format.

PySpark dataframe convert unusual string format to Timestamp

I am using PySpark through Spark 1.5.0.
I have an unusual String format in rows of a column for datetime values. It looks like this:
Row[(datetime='2016_08_21 11_31_08')]
Is there a way to convert this unorthodox yyyy_mm_dd hh_mm_dd format into a Timestamp?
Something that can eventually come along the lines of
df = df.withColumn("date_time",df.datetime.astype('Timestamp'))
I had thought that Spark SQL functions like regexp_replace could work, but of course I need to replace
_ with - in the date half
and _ with : in the time part.
I was thinking I could split the column in 2 using substring and count backward from the end of time. Then do the 'regexp_replace' separately, then concatenate. But this seems to many operations? Is there an easier way?
Spark >= 2.2
from pyspark.sql.functions import to_timestamp
.parallelize([Row(dt='2016_08_21 11_31_08')])
.withColumn("parsed", to_timestamp("dt", "yyyy_MM_dd HH_mm_ss"))
.show(1, False))
## +-------------------+-------------------+
## |dt |parsed |
## +-------------------+-------------------+
## |2016_08_21 11_31_08|2016-08-21 11:31:08|
## +-------------------+-------------------+
Spark < 2.2
It is nothing that unix_timestamp cannot handle:
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.functions import unix_timestamp
.parallelize([Row(dt='2016_08_21 11_31_08')])
.withColumn("parsed", unix_timestamp("dt", "yyyy_MM_dd HH_mm_ss")
# For Spark <= 1.5
# See
.show(1, False))
## +-------------------+---------------------+
## |dt |parsed |
## +-------------------+---------------------+
## |2016_08_21 11_31_08|2016-08-21 11:31:08.0|
## +-------------------+---------------------+
In both cases the format string should be compatible with Java SimpleDateFormat.
zero323's answer answers the question, but I wanted to add that if your datetime string has a standard format, you should be able to cast it directly into timestamp type:
df.withColumn('datetime', col('datetime_str').cast('timestamp'))
It has the advantage of handling milliseconds, while unix_timestamp only has only second-precision (to_timestamp works with milliseconds too but requires Spark >= 2.2 as zero323 stated). I tested it on Spark 2.3.0, using the following format: '2016-07-13 14:33:53.979' (with milliseconds, but it also works without them).
I add some more code lines from Florent F's answer for better understanding and running the snippet in local machine:
import os, pdb, sys
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, ArrayType
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
sc = pyspark.SparkContext('local[*]')
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# preparing some example data - df1 with String type and df2 with Timestamp type
df1 = sc.parallelize([{"key":"a", "date":"2016-02-01"},
{"key":"b", "date":"2016-02-02"}]).toDF()
df2 = df1.withColumn('datetime', col('date').cast("timestamp"))
Just want to add more resources and example into this discussion.
For example, if your ts string is "22 Dec 2022 19:06:36 EST", then the format is "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"

Timestamp parsing in pyspark

Is there a way to separate the day of the month in the timestamp column of the data frame using pyspark. Not able to provide the code, I am new to spark. I do not have a clue on how to proceed.
You can parse this timestamp using unix_timestamp:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
format = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
df2 = df1.withColumn('Timestamp2', F.unix_timestamp('Timestamp', format).cast('timestamp'))
Then, you can use dayofmonth in the new Timestamp column:'Timestamp2'))
More detials about these functions can be found in the pyspark functions documentation.
