msbuild with p:RunOctoPack missing files - nuget-package

DLLs are missing when I package using MSBuild.
msbuild ./MyProject.vbproj /p:RunOctoPack=true /p:OctoPackEnforceAddingFiles=true
There are no missing files if I use octo pack directly
octo pack --id="testing" --format="zip" --version="3.3.3" --basepath="MyProject\bin\debug"
Both of these commands work on the same folder, and I have verified the files exist in that folder.
The missing files are from the ActivePDF nuget package. The files are created in the bin/debug folder during the build process.
From MS Build:
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.9.0+57a23d249 for .NET Framework
OctoPack: OctoPack version:
For Octo pack directly.
".octopack/octo" version 4.42.2
Msbuild uses an octo nuget package and there is no version 4.x.
My nuspec is trivial:
MyProject Title
Dev Team


How to run angular Application without node.js

I want to create the Angular application using Visual Studio 2019 Angular template in core but without Node.js as External tool installation. I found that NuGet package manager also providing Node.js and NPM Packages for building Angular app.
So I created the core projected and selected Angular Template and add NuGet Node.js 5.3.0 that too is saying in readme.txt "Node.js itself is deployed by NuGet, so there is no need to install it locally on dev machines or build servers."
But when I tried to run the angular project then build is failing.
If anyone knows the solution with exact steps so please help me on this.
There is one extra step is required after the Nuget Node.js package installed in the project, which is missing in the node.js document.
Step: Add node.js installed path in PATH Environment Variable (One-time activity per dev system)
e.g: set PATH=%PATH%; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\NodeJs
or node.js install path can be set manually in the PATH Environment Variable

Package Manager for VS2012 does not display packages in local feed

I've created a simple package, only consisting of a couple of binaries in the
tools folder. The package is created with NuGet version
A local folder has been initialized with nuget init and contains said package. VS2017 Package Manager shows the package as expected, whereas VS2012 does not.
There are no available updates for the Package Manager in VS2012, which is at version 2.8.60318.667.
How do I get the feed to work with VS2012, so I can install the package in one of our older solutions? Is this a compatibilty issue?
Any pointers are welcome!

update or downgrade .csproj file after nuget restore packages from packages.config

I have many VSTS builds which has reference to one nuget package. Depending on primiary build we have to sometimes to upgrade/downgrade nuget package in VSTS build. We are doing this by copying packages.config with proper version, then we use nuget restore. My problem is that after upgrade/downgrade of nuget package .csproj file still have old version od package reference, so when build starts it still try to search for old reference from .csproj file and build fails.
I there any way to change .csproj file after nuget restore?
No, there is no way to update the .csproj during the build. You should change the .csproj locally and then build in VSTS.
Except the way manually changed the .csproj file, there has an easier way to change package versions correspondingly in .csproj. Execute below command in Package Manager Console window:
update-package -reinstall
So the workflow to use upgrade/downgrade nuget package version as below:
Change the versions in package.config file.
Run the command update-package -reinstall in in Package Manager Console window.
Commit and push/checkin the changes to remote repo.
Build your project in VSTS with the upgrade/downgrade nuget package version reference.

Appveyor not calling Nuget Pack

On my Appveyor project here I have it configured in the build with Package NuGet projects checked. And in my source code I have a .csproj with a matching .nuspec here but my build isn't calling nuget pack to create the .nupkg file.
What am I missing?
The problem was that I had an incorrect configuration in my appveyor.yml file. I updated the file to be only this and it started working.
version: '2.0.0.{build}-prerelease'
publish_nuget: true

Update WindowsAzure SDK references

Is there a tool, or way to update your VisualStudio reference versions when a new version of the Azure SDK is installed?
Things like Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics.dll and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.dll are referenced by the folder
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\.NET SDK\v2.8\ref\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.dll
rather than a nuget package (which would be auto updated when the nuget reference is updated). I noticed after cloning a repo to a machine with only v2.9 installed that my solution wouldn't build as there was a hard dependancy to an SDK version.
