Get the names of a dynamic product group with a subscriber in Shopware 6.1 - shopware

how can I get the names of the dynamic product groups of a product?
Especially the names of that groups. The names are in the table 'product_stream_translation'.
I have a subscriber and have added this Criteria. When I am doing it like this:
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('id', $id));
$dynamicProductGroups = $this->productRepository->search($criteria, $context)->getEntities();
I just got back an empty streamEntity.
#streams: Shopware\Core\Content\ProductStream\ProductStreamCollection {#11805 ▼
#elements: []
#extensions: []
When I am doing it like this:
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('productId', $id));
$dynamicProductGroups = $this->productStreamMappingRepository->searchIds($criteria, $context);
I just got back the Id I put in:
I wonder how I will get the name of the dynamic product group.
With a query I can get all the assign 'product_stream_id's from the table 'product_stream_mapping' like this:
SELECT * FROM product_stream_mapping WHERE product_id =0x000000000000000000123b313030524b
And then get the associated name of the dynamic product group. With is like this:
SELECT psm.product_id, psm.product_stream_id, p.product_number,
FROM product_stream_mapping psm
JOIN product_stream_translation pst ON pst.product_stream_id = psm.product_stream_id
JOIN product p ON = psm.product_id
WHERE psm.product_id = 0x000000000000000000123b313030524b
How can I get it in the Subscriber?
Do I have to use criteria or do I have to user a repository?

This line is wrong:
$dynamicProductGroups = $this->productRepository->search($criteria, $context)->getEntities();
It won't return dynamic product groups but a product collection. To get a product stream collection (dynamic product groups) replace it with:
/** #var ProductEntity $product */
$product = $this->productRepository->search($criteria, $context)->first();
$dynamicProductGroups = $product->getStreams();
Then you can read the names of the streams with:
$names = array_values(
$dynamicProductGroups->map(fn (ProductStreamEntity $productStream) => $productStream->getName())


Problems with the BQL "IN<>" statement

The requirement I have is to get a list of all discount codes defined in an instance and which ones a particular customer is currently assigned to, in the case given CustomerID=28. I further have to include only discount codes that naturally will be applicable to customers. There are only 3 of these; "Customer", "Customer and Item", "Customer and Item price Class". These are ARDiscount.ApplicableTo containing "CU", "CP","CI"
Select a.CompanyID, a.DiscountID, a.DiscountSequenceID, b.ApplicableTo, c.CustomerID
From DiscountSequence a
Join ARDiscount b On a.CompanyID = b.CompanyID and a.DiscountID = b.DiscountID
Left Outer Join DiscountCustomer c On a.CompanyID = c.CompanyID
And a.DiscountID = c.DiscountID
And a.DiscountSequenceID = c.DiscountSequenceID
And (IsNull(c.CustomerID,0) = 0 OR c.CustomerID = 72)
Where a.CompanyID = 2
And b.ApplicableTo In ('CU','CP','CI')
Order By a.DiscountID, a.DiscountSequenceID
I created data view delegate to return the 4 columns I need to display and in the view I created
to read the data like the SQL query above I used the BQL "IN<>" statement like this. The method was taken directlty from a blog post found here :
Object[] applicableTovalues = new String[] { "CP","CI","CU" }; // Customer and Price Class // Customer and Item// Customer
var Results = PXSelectJoin<DiscountSequence
, InnerJoin<ARDiscount, On<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<ARDiscount.discountID>>
, LeftJoin<DiscountCustomer, On<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<DiscountCustomer.discountID>,
And<DiscountSequence.discountSequenceID, Equal<DiscountCustomer.discountSequenceID>,
And<Where<DiscountCustomer.customerID, Equal<Current<Customer.bAccountID>>,
Or<DiscountCustomer.customerID, IsNull>>>>>>>
, Where<DiscountSequence.discountID, IsNotNull
, And<ARDiscount.applicableTo, In<Required<ARDiscount.applicableTo>>>>
, OrderBy<Asc<DiscountSequence.discountID, Asc<DiscountSequence.discountSequenceID>>>
>.Select(Base, applicableTovalues);
The problem is that the resulting SQL server select statement caught with TRACE only includes the first of the three IN values (''CU'') leaving (CI and CU) out.
I was expecting all three values in the IN statement like this : AND [ARDiscount].[ApplicableTo] IN ( ''CP'', ''CI'', ''CU'')
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID], [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID], [DiscountSequence].[LineCntr],
[DiscountCustomer].[CreatedDateTime], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedByID], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedByScreenID], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedDateTime]
FROM [DiscountSequence] [DiscountSequence] INNER JOIN [ARDiscount] [ARDiscount] ON ( [ARDiscount].[CompanyID] = 2) AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] = [ARDiscount].[DiscountID]
LEFT JOIN [DiscountCustomer] [DiscountCustomer] ON ( [DiscountCustomer].[CompanyID] = 2) AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] = [DiscountCustomer].[DiscountID]
AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID] = [DiscountCustomer].[DiscountSequenceID] AND ( [DiscountCustomer].[CustomerID] = #P0 OR [DiscountCustomer].[CustomerID] IS NULL )
WHERE ( [DiscountSequence].[CompanyID] = 2)
AND ( [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] IS NOT NULL
AND [ARDiscount].[ApplicableTo] IN ( ''CU''))
ORDER BY [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID], [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID]
OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) /* AR.30.30.00 */',N'#P0 int',#P0=39
The issue is passing the array into the 'params' parameter. It thinks that you are passing a list of parameters into the bql query instead of a single array as a parameter.
If you cast it as follows it should work:
.Select(Base, (object)applicableTovalues);

How to get Attributes of a associated child product(saleable) in magento2

As shown in below image a configurable product has only one associated product that is in stock. I want to get only those attributes of this simple product from which its associated with parent product.
I am not sure it is correct whatever I tried is below-
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$product = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load(6); // 6 is product id of configurable product.
$_children = $product->getTypeInstance()->getUsedProducts($product);
foreach ($_children as $child){
foreach ($child->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
echo $attrCode = $attribute->getAttributeCode();
this $attrcode prints all attributes whether want to get only super attributes as shown in above image.

Sequelize join with group by

What I want to do would be best illustrated by a small example.
Say I have the following tables:
Table Item
Table Review
Obviously there are many Reviews to one Item.
How do I write a query which returns the following two columns:
An item's name (
The sum of all an item's ratings (Sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.col('rating')))
I'd like to use the ORM.
Try to use this:
Review.belongsTo(Item, {foreignKey:'itemId', as : 'reviews'});
Item.hasMany(Review, {foreignkey:'id'});
Item.findAll({attributes:[['id', 'id'],['name', 'name'],[Sequelize.fn('SUM', 'rating'), 'total']], include:[{model:Review, as : 'reviews', required:true}], group:['id'], order:[Sequelize.fn('SUM', 'rating'), 'DESC']}).success(function(result){
// return array;
// total -----> result[i].total
// item name -----> result[i].name

The Requested Resources was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it

Dynamics crm when retrieving value and updating it into another entity it showing like
The Requested Resources was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it
i specified update ids like
service :update on another entity
this is my code:
Query Expression query = new Query Expression();
query.EntityName = en.LogicalName;
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_amount");
var x = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
Entity enobj = new Entity("new_product");
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in x.Entities)
i = i + (int)item.Attributes["new_amount"];
enobj.Attributes["new_grandtotal"] = i;
// en.Id = enobj.Id;
enobj.Id = en.Id;
service :update
i have two entites product and productlineitems
in productlineitems iam creating a record with the field amount 50 after creating that value.iam updating on product entity.
again i create productlineitem 2 with the value some 90.iam adding 50+90 =140
again lineitem 3 with the value. iam taking that on product entity
message:create --- productlineitems
service :update --- product
I think you are trying to update Product with Product Line Id. Try the following:
enobj.Id = en.Id;
// set the field name (key) based on what you got in system
enobj.Id = (Guid)en["new_productid"];
Also, Calling Context is set to Current user. So make sure that user have permissions to update Product.

Entity framework - group by and count clause

I want to write an query with group by and count clause in Entity framework. like employees and managers and display all employees based on manager
any code samples
var employeesByManager = db.Employees.
GroupBy(emp => emp.Manager.EmployeeName, emp => emp).
var employeeCountsByManager = db.Employees.
Select(emp => new { ManagerName = emp.EmployeeName, EmployeeCount = emp.Employees.Count() }).
Where(a => a.EmployeeCount > 0).
You can, of course, get the employees grouped by manager in a similar manner as counts. The GroupBy method is just a simpler way to do this.
