Rotate elements in UML Designer - uml-designer

I am trying to make a relatively simple state machine in UML designer.
I was unable to rotate the "JOIN" object.
It appears horizontally, but I want it vertical.
Please refer Image

Yes it is not possible to rotate it. If you want to contribute this feature, UML Designer is open source, see


Sparx Enterprise Architect diagram with endpoints

I'm trying to structure a big diagram by building smaller diagrams and then connect them in the big picture. The problem i got now is that i can't figure out how to add connectors/endpoint to the diagram frame so that i can follow the arrows between the different diagrams.
Would be grateful for some help figuring this out.
You can't do that. A diagram is not an UML object per se. It's a rendering of a number of elements from the model. So you can not connect anything from inside a diagram frame to the outside.
What I did in similar circumstances was that I placed the element in question aside the frame (probably surrounded by a boundary and some explanatory text) from where I show the connectors going somewhere else in that diagram.
The "diagram frame" element type, which you can create by dragging a diagram from the element browser onto another diagram in the main view, is an EA-specific construct that has no basis in UML. Even within EA, they are strange beasts which fall somewhere between proper elements, which are shown in the project browser and can be dragged into any number of diagrams, and "pure" diagram objects which aren't shown in the project browser (such as Notes).
While you can draw connectors from one diagram frame to another in the normal ways, there is no way to create a connector going from an element within one frame, out of the frame's bounds and into another frame. This is because the elements within the frame are not actually present in the diagram which contains the frame; the frame is simply an image of the diagram it refers to.

How to make the most logical/clear diagram layout on Visio?

I have a workflow diagram that I've been modifying a lot and as a result it's suffered in clarity. It's formed of several objects representing states joined by arrows and connectors.
I was wondering is there an automatic way to create a diagrams from a 'net list' of the connections that need to be made? Or is there a standard way to create a logical diagram like this without overlapping connectors/unnecessary complexity?
Creating a visual representation of a "net list" is often referred to as "graph layout". There are many tools which allow you to do this. Visio is a bit limited here (it supports basic automatic layout for "orgchart" diagrams out of the box though).
Note that Visio also provides re-layout options for the already-existing drawing (you can find them under "Design" tab, "Re-layout page"). These allow one to change the layout of the current diagram. Maybe that's what you are looking for.
Similar question about automatic layout here:
How to generate MS Visio diagram automatically?

Visio 2010 UML Sequence diagram - lifeline does not have enough connectors

I am using Microsoft Visio 2010.
I am drawing a UML sequence diagram.
I added object Lifeline and started drawing diagram. Because the diagram is very long, at one point there would not be any more connectors to connect the arrows to. See this picture:
I understand that probably it is not good idea to put so many processes on one diagram, but it seems to me to be the best way to describe the whole process. And I only need a bit more space to continue the diagram!
So, how to configure the lifeline to have more connectors?
You can read how to add more connection points at "Add, move, or delete connection points". This will allow you add connection points for the propose of creating the diagram however I don't know if this is sufficient for the UML model to know the source and destination of messages. This may be an issue if you are exporting the UML model to code or another tool.

Activity Diagrams created in Visio 2013 (Preview)?

In the past I was using Rational Rose, and now I'm trying to switch to Visio. But many things that I could easily find in Rose, I can't or have hard time finding it in Visio (2013 Preview).
I have looked at the available diagram possibilities (when creating a new file) but I could not decide what to choose, what would be the best for making Activity Diagrams.
Please tell me.
What would be the best choice? How should I start?
For activity diagrams, Click on More Shapes, then on Software and Databases, in Softare category, choose UML Activity.

"Narrowed" structural diagram

I'm a total rookie in UML and modelling. I'm learning some framework, and I'm trying to grasp and outline its key aspects. I've decided to do it with UML. But the problem is, the whole structural diagram of the framework is of no use to me, because classes have a lot of properties and methods, and there's a lot of classes.
What I need is a series of structural diagrams, each of which shows some specific aspect of the framework. And the classes involved should display only those attributes/operations that are of certain value to this specific aspect.
Does UML (as a standard) supports this on some level, and is there some tool that allows to do just that? I've tried Visio 2007 and Enterprise Architect, but I didn't found out the way to do what I need.
Thanks in advance.
What your are looking for seems to be able to customize views of your model and not to visualize the full class diagram. This concept is developed by Omondo which provides customizable views of your model by drag and drop. You can create as many views as needed, each could be different from the others while just using the same model element. This also the metamodeling approach for me where the model is not the diagram but the metamodel on which your build your graphical model.
If you don't need attributes/methods then you can try to click directly on attributes and methods keeping the ctrl button pressed, then you should be able to find a menu in the class diagram to hide them. The traditional menu is Hide from diagram.
This is what I do and it works really well.
You can also just click directly on attributes and methods but I don't see any documentation on this subject. It seems that nobody knows except the developer and myself about this option but this is my favorite one :-)
