SparkAR: Published Instagram effect not appearing when doing a live stream - instagram

I am working on a Instagram face filter/effect with SparkAR. It is successfully uploaded, approved and works just fine when across many devices when I try the effect in the Instagram app. I can select the effect when creating a Story however – I cannot when doing a Live stream. The effect symbol doesn’t show up nor can I select it when searching for the effect, while all the other effects are still there.
One user reported that she was able to select the effect during Live on her Android device. But at least on iOS devices it seems to be impossible to find or select the effect.
Are there any differences between Live and Non-Live effects? Or between iOS and Android effects? Has anyone had the same problem before? How can I make sure that my effect is available for Live streaming?
Thank you for any hints!

Turns out, that the use of audio inside the filter caused it to not appear in Live mode.
I removed all audio files and playback controllers and enabled the microphone. It now works.


Rotate screen orientation on Web App Tizen [TV]

I'm developing a Web Application on Tizen. My application was first developed on other platforms like iOS and Android.
Basically it starts on Landscape mode and plays remote content such as image, video or opens a web page. It has a menu inside the app to offer people the ability to change the screen orientation inside the app manually.
This approach is quite easy on iOS and Android but on Tizen seems it doesn't work that easy.
I'm following Tizen's official documentation which send's us to :
But, can't make it work even though I followed steps written on the link above.
This is what I got when I try to rotate:
Trying with :
Error :
Promise {}
index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The page needs to be fullscreen in order to call screen.orientation.lock().
P.S. The app is already in fullscreen. The error is not relevant.
Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you
For all to those who are still trying to achieve this:
After having a long discussion with Samsung, they claimed that supporting the TV orientation via code is not possible right now (Not sure if it's gonna be implemented in the future).
These restrictions come due to different operability of the hardware components on different orientation.
The only way to rotate your screen is to do it via Samsung's TV Settings so that it can prepare its hardware for the chosen orientation.
There are a special Samsung TVs for Advertising market (Digital Signage series) that are ready to set the orientation of the screen.
I comercial Samsung TV sets Tizen is not able to rotate some kind of elements (as far I know the video object are one of the HTML elements that cannot be rotated)
I've developed some apps for Tizen and for one customer I tried to make a video wall but it was impossible due the firmware limitation of Tizen (it's a marketing strategy in order to avoid having hotel and digital signage capabilities in commercial TV sets)

HTML Audio in IE

I am having an issue in IE 10 and IE 11 where if the audio device is disabled my website will not load. Looking at the console the load does not progress past loading the first audio item. I am using soundjs does anyone know if there is a way to detect if the hardware is disabled in the browser in order for me to add some kind of error message asking the user to please enable their sound device?
From the documentation
The function:
createInstance ( src [startTime=null] [duration=null] )
Works like this:
Creates a AbstractSoundInstance using the passed in src.
If the src does not have a supported extension or if there is no
available plugin, a default AbstractSoundInstance will be returned
that can be called safely but does nothing.
If you can test for the default AbstractSoundInstance, then you'll know when plugins are not available on the clients browser.
This looks like an issue with soundJS because when testing on the issue is re-created.
Head down to test the sounds and click to play.
Disable your machines sound bu right clicking in the tool bar and selecting disable.
Reload the page.
Now sounds do not load.
Side by side comparrison

Why am I getting a LAUNCH_ERROR, NOT_FOUND when attempting to play to an audio-only Google Cast device?

I recently purchased a LG Music Flow H3 to test my Google Cast app with an 'audio-only' device. I've enabled audio-only device support within the Google Cast Dashboard and I've registered the device for development. My app works as expected when played to Google Chromecasts, however when attempting to load the receiver app on the LG device I get the following error:
Thinking that perhaps 3rd-party devices can't be registered for development, I went ahead and published my app. Unfortunately this did not address the problem.
Upon further investigation, I'm noticing that other Google Cast apps (i.e. Songza, TuneIn, Pandora, etc. on both Android & iOS) aren't able to play to the LG Music Flow H3 either.
I discovered that the only way to get the H3 to play from Google Cast apps (both my app and others) is to first run the LG Music Flow multi-room audio app. Running the LG Music Flow app appears to effect the device's _googlecast._tcp zeroconf service discoverability. And sometimes the H3 shows up in zeroconf yet you still can't play to the speaker unless the LG Music Flow app is running.
This seams like very strange behavior. I called LG Tech Support, and they recommended I return the device and exchange it for a different one. I did this, and I still get the same result.
Is this how Google Cast on 3rd-Party devices is intended to work? Have I encountered a buggy 3rd-party implementation?
This is not the intended behavior for sure. You are supposed to be able to launch your 3rd party application on the speaker.
And it works for me.
The fact you are not able to use any other 3rd party apps (TuneIn, Pandora etc) indicate this is a some general problem and not specifically with your app.
Couple of steps I would try:
- Setup you H3 speaker on Wifi (vs Ethernet) and get the latest SW version using the Music Flow app.
Have you Factory reset the device? if you did, you will need to go through setup again. I have noticed Google Cast becomes enabled only after first complete setup.
Please try rebooting, and than try casting apps like TuneIn or Pandora and than see if this works (without using the MusicFlow app). I have noticed in the past that if some app is loaded and is behaving badly (for example uses tons of memory) it will put the speaker into a bad state that don't allow any app to work until reboot. So perhaps when you are casting your app, it gets into a bad state causing other apps to fail afterwards.
Have you made sure not to consume to much memory? avoid graphics or video?

ios sound no longer working in app (only on device)

I'm building an app that uses AVAudioPlayer and MPMoviePlayerController. The sound works perfectly on the simulator. I know sound works on my phone because other apps play sound just fine (like this one used to). When I start the video, I hear about 0.2s of the background music that's supposed to be playing. I'm getting no errors.
I don't even know where to start on this one. Any idea?
I was getting the "occasional" blip of sound in my app, so I assumed my volume was fine. It turns out that my phone was switched to vibrate aka silent. I flipped the switch back and viola.
The new question is: Do I feel like a moron? Yes I do.
** EDIT **
I stumbled upon the idea to check the switch when I read an article on Understanding the Side Switch

Android Mapview not loading tiles on HTC Desire?

I have an app on the android market, which uses the mapview to display some locations. This works fine on all the devices i have tested it on. After having it on the market for a while, i see several people reporting a problem.
The mapview does not seam to display/load the tiles on the map, and only displays the gray grid. All the people reporting this, are using a HTC Desire/Desire Z/Desire HD.
I have searched for this problem, and seen many having problems with their mapview, and they often have a HTC desire, but i have not found any mention of it being caused by the Desire phone.
Does anyone have a clue to why people with Desire phones are having problems with the mapview, when it works fine for others?
I've downloaded your application and tested it on my HTC Desire with MIUI, and as you said the mapview is not loading the tiles on the map.
FYI the application gives the following error:
IOException processing: 26 Server returned: 3
Here you can find a question with the same problem, which seems related to the maps key.
As I said my Desire uses MIUI v1.10.28, with gingerbread, so the problem shouldn't be related to HTC's sense ROM... as it has been some time since you posted your question, do you have more information of the devices in which your application doesn't work?
I have made an update to the application, where i created a new maps api key, and it is working now.
I am not sure what caused the problem before, but i think they may have changed the type of key you have to submit for the maps key.
I have an old file where i had written a SHA1 Certificate fingerprint of the application and i am quite sure that it is the one i used to get the old maps api key. Maybe they changed something along the way, that caused it to fail on most phones?
Anyway, creating a new maps key from an MD5 Certificate fingerprint fixed it on every phone i have tested with.
