The images are named as "0.png", "1.png"...
at the moment I can only see the fourth picture.
How can I make them all show with 0.5 seconds delay?
const rootComponent = {
template: `<div style="text-align:center">
const QRComponent = {
created: function() {
for(let x=1;x<5;x++)
this.img = "685287/"+x+".png";
template: `<div class="QR"> <img v-bind:src='img'></div>`
const app = Vue.createApp(rootComponent);
app.component('QR', QRComponent);
const vm = app.mount("#app");
Your for loop is renaming the same property 4 times before returning. By the time the template is evaluated, this.img is only assigned to the most recent value in the loop. You need to do one of two things:
get rid of the loop and create 4 QR components that each set this.img only once
change this.img to an array and make your template iterate over the image array.
I'm not familiar with vue, but to get the 500ms delay you could probably set the values of this.img in a window.setTimeout()
I am using react and axios for frontend, and nextjs with prisma for backend. I have in the database 4000 exercices that contain fitness exercices. I want to create a function where by each key stroke, the api will look for the relevant exercice. I finished creating it, but i have some issues:
The main problem is that the response is delayed from the first keystrokes, because the payload response is tooo large. I created a scrollable UL element to render the elements, because I want to get also the Gif images. So the elements, if the API will find those, will be rendered on the screen.
If I add to each element an on click event, to select the exercice's Id, I get an error "too many re-rendering on the screen".
How can I optimise the function, and how can I solve the error of too many re-render on the screen? Nextjs tells me that it will create an infinite loop....
The frontend looks like this:
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const [keyWord, setKeyWord] = useState('');
const [array, setArray] = useState([]);
const [exerciceId, setExerciceId] = useState('');
// Add exercice
const hadnleAddExercie = async event => {
console.log('exercice added');
// Look for exercices
const searchExercices = async event => {
const arrayExercices = await getExercicesByKeyWords(keyWord);
<div className='flex mt-3 flex-col'>
<input onChange={searchExercices} required placeholder='Search by word...' className='border border-slate-400 p-1 rounded-md flex-1 max-w-sm my-2'/>
<ul className='border border-slate-400 p-1 rounded-md max-w-sm my-2 max-h-52 overflow-scroll'>
array.length > 1 && => (
<li key={} className='flex flex-wrap p-2 bg-slate-200 m-2 items-center rounded-md'>
<span><Image className='rounded-xl mr-2' priority width={40} height={40} src={exercice.gifUrl} alt={}/></span>
<span>{ }</span>
The backend Uses prisma and I use the OR clause to look for a word in different rows:
export default async function handler(req, res) {
try {
const param = req.query.slug[0];
// Get exercices where the two rows contains a single parametter
const exercices = await prisma.exercices.findMany({
where: {
OR: [
name: {
contains: param
target: {
contains: param
equipment: {
contains: param
catch (error) {
An example can be this:
Only for finding an exercice I used 500mb...
Here are a few ways I can think of to optimize this:
Use pagination and fetch more results as user scrolls down or actually separate it by using pages. You can read more on how to implement pagination in Prisma here.
Add debounce to your search term so it doesn't actually fire on every single keystroke, you could use something like useDebounce.
Use React.memo to prevent the list from being re-rendered every time some state changes, only re-render it when the actual list changes.
I am using Jquery datatables to display data to the user.
So when a user makes a request to the page in my Nodejs server:
router.get("/",middleware.isLoggedIn,async function (req, res) {
let result = await rows.query(`
Select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5 from mytable where condition`)
Now, using this data:
let tblAssignedJobs = $('#tblAssigned').DataTable({
"pageLength": 25,
"oLanguage": {
"sEmptyTable":"There are no jobs assigned to you at this moment"
function populateData(assignedData) {
let frmEditJobString = ""
let rows = ""
for(let item of assignedData){
frmEditJobString =
`<form action="/editJobs" method="POST">
<input style="display:none" name="jobNumber" value="${item.RoeseJobNumber}">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Edit Job</button></form>`
rows = rows + `<tr><td>${item.Number}</td>
//Remove from memory
frmEditJobString = ""
Now, to load 15,858 rows it is taking about 5 seconds which is not that bad but I feel like it would be much better if I could just load the first page and load other pages in the background since I am showing 25 records per page.
Or, is there a way to make requests per page, instead of loading the entire data. If someone has used Nodejs with bootstrap datatable what kind of solution did you implement?
Ultimate goal: have the user upload pictures (less than 16mb so no need to worry about Grid FS), have that picture stored in my database which is Mongodb through Mongoose, and display the picture on the screen using the attribute.
To upload files I use Multer and add it to the database as follows: = Buffer(fs.readFileSync(req.file.path), 'base64');
newItem.picture.contentType = 'image/png';
And it seems to be successfully added to the mongodb. Looks something like this:
how the image appears on mongodb
I'm able to send a get request from my front-end and, when I console.log it, this is what I'm getting: Data after being retreived from database. The question now is, how can I add it to an attribute and show the image on the screen. Thanks!
Edit: question has been marked as too broad by the moderators. Fair enough, I wasn't too sure how to approach it. Since I was able to solve it, this is what my front-end looks like.
componentDidMount() {
const PATH = "http://localhost:8080/apii/items/getitems";
.then(res => {
let picture64Bit =[0]
picture64Bit = new Buffer(x, 'binary').toString('base64');
this.setState({picture: picture64Bit})
.catch(err => console.log(err))
The key here is that, 1)[0] is equal to that random list of numbers. I take that convert it back to base64, so it appears exactly as it did in the first picture above from mongodb. Then, displaying it inline in an img attribute is very easy:
<img src = {`data:image/png;base64,${this.state.picture}`} />
There are a couple libraries you could use, but I will arbitrarily select Axios for a demonstration. It sounds good if the images are already in Mongo DB.
Your objective is to get photos from the server to the client, so you need a function to get them on demand. You could also investigate fetch or request.
In React, try something like this
async getPhotos() {
const res = await Axios.get('/photos')
console.log('RESPONSE', res)
const photos =
console.log('IMAGES', photos)
this.setState({ photos })
Here is a more complete example
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Axios from 'axios'
class List extends Component {
constructor(props) { // super props allows props to be available
super(props) // inside the constructor
this.state = {
photos : [], // Initialize empty list to assert existence as Array type
// and because we will retrieve a list of jpegs
error: '', // Initialize empty error display
componentDidMount() {
this.getPhotos() // Do network calls in componentDidMount
async getPhotos() {
try {
const res = await Axios.get('/photos')
console.log('RESPONSE', res)
const photos =
console.log('IMAGES', photos)
this.setState({ photos, error: '' })
} catch (e) {
this.setState({ error: `BRUTAL FAILURE: ${e}` })
render() {
if (error.length) {
return (
if (!photos.length) {
return (
<div>No photos yet</div>
// Assuming shape { id: 0, caption: 'Cats again', src: '' }
// Make sure to include key prop when using map (for state management)
return (
{ => (
<li key={} style={{ position: 'relative' }}>
<img src={photo.src}
position: 'absolute'
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
Citation: In React.js should I make my initial network request in componentWillMount or componentDidMount?
If you want to fetch one more photo after, you should try to think immutably and replace the Array with a duplicate of itself plus the new image pushed onto the end of the array. We will use the spread operator for this to do a shallow copy on the existing photos Array. This will allow React to diff against the two states and efficiently update for the new entry.
const res = await Axios.get('/photo?id=1337')
const photo =
photos: [, photo]
Note: the secret trick is to avoid ever doing You must place an illegal sign on setting state like that.
In React, try to consider a way you can get an Object or Array. Once you have it in your mind, throw it into a Component's state. As you progress into Redux, you will end up storing items sometimes in the Redux store. That is too complex and unnecessary to describe now. The photos would be available perhaps as via the Redux Connect Function.
For most other times, a Component's state field is an excellent place to store anything of interest to a Component.
You can imagine it like a holder at the top of the Component.
I have a Backbone application running and working properly with requirejs. Now, I'm trying to make a migration to Marionette in order to have the code better organized.
I just want to show a model from a collection in a region, with two buttons in another region. I want to go to the next or previous model from that collection. And change its view on the model region.
But I don't know how to iterate over the collection and send its model to the view.
jsfiddle with some simplified code with this situation.
<div class="player"></div>
<script id="layout-template" type="text/template">
<div class="modelView"></div>
<div class="controls"></div>
<script id="model-region" type="text/template">
<script id="control-region" type="text/template">
<button id="prev">Prev</button>
<button id="next">Next</button>
If I understand your question, you are trying to coordinate events between two views on the same layout. In this case I would recommend setting up a Controller.
Then you can register view triggers for on your controls view:
ControlsView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
// ...
triggers: {
"click #previous": "control:previous",
"click #next": "control:next"
An then in your controller you would instantiate your views and setup a handler for the controlView triggers to update the modelView.
var Router = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes: {
"/": "start",
"/:index" : "showModel"
var Controller = Marionette.Controller.extend({
initialize: function(){
var self = this;
this.controlsView = new ControlsView();
this.modelView = new MainView();
this.myCollection = new MyCollection();
this.myIndex = 0;
self.myIndex = 0;
start: function(){;
showModel: function(index){
index = index || this.index;
this.modelView.model =;;
showNext: function(){
var max = this.myCollection.models.length;
this.index = max ? 1 : this.index + 1;
showPrevious: function(){
var max = this.myCollection.models.length;
this.index = 0 ? max : this.index - 1;
_registerTriggers: function(){
this.controlsView.on("control:next", this.showNext());
this.controlsView.on("control:previous", this.showPrevious());
var controller = new Controller();
var router = new Router({
controller: Mod.controller
Using this approach allows you to decouple your views and collection. This will make your code reusable (using the controls view in a different context as an example).
You are looking for CollectionView or CompositeView.
The CollectionView will loop through all of the models in the
specified collection, render each of them using a specified itemView,
then append the results of the item view's el to the collection view's
A CompositeView extends from CollectionView to be used as a
composite view for scenarios where it should represent both a
branch and leaf in a tree structure, or for scenarios where a
collection needs to be rendered within a wrapper template.
I am trying to map all possible nested objects of a JSON object so that each and every one is becomes an observable. I was under the impression that the use of ko.mapping.fromJS would result in all objects and their objects becoming observable. However, I am not seeing that happen.
If you look at the JSFiddle and code below you will see that the span initially displays the value "Test". My intention is for the button click to update the viewModel with the contents of stuff2, which should change the span's value to "Test2". However, the button click does not update anything.
<p> <span>Name:</span>
<span data-bind="text: IntroData.Name"></span>
<button id="update" data-bind="click: Update">Update!</button>
var ViewModel = function (data) {
var me = this;
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, me);
me.Update = function () {
ko.mapping.fromJS(stuff2, {}, windows.viewModel);
return me;
var stuff = {
IntroData: {
Name: 'Test'
var stuff2 = {
IntroData: {
Name: 'Test2'
window.viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(new ViewModel(stuff));
Is it just that I have to make use of mapping options to have the nested objects be made observable? If so, what if the JSON object is so vast and complex (this one obviously isn't)? Can some recursive functionality be used to loop through each object's nested objects to make them all observable?
Modifying the Update function as below will work.
me.Update = function () {
ko.mapping.fromJS(stuff2, {}, windows.viewModel);