How to I redefine a dimension? - webi

I think my problem SAP WEBI - MultiValue may be based on the dimension/detail structure I have to work with. Is there a way that this can be "re-engineered" in the SAP WEBI environment, using variables?
There are only 4 elements that I'm manipulating. I've tried defining all of them as DIMENSION variables. I've tried various combinations of DETAILS of DIMENSIONS. But nothing seems to change.... problem is that I don't even know if what I'm doing is conceptually correct.

To force WEBI to show a value instead of a multivalue as you said, you need to use MAX, MIN or SUM but also you need to specify in what dimension WEBI need to do this.
Try to this and hope it helps.
=MAX([Dimension]) In([Column1];[Column2];[Column3];[Column4])


Exporting data set from excel to SPSS: Continuous variables falsely coded as nominal

I am importing a excel data set into SPSS. Unfortunately, a lot of numerical variables are seen as nominal.
Does anyone understand how I need to change the variables in excel so that they are imported correctly?
Thanks for your help and best regards,
A possible cause for this is when you have many empty cells in a numeric column in excel, SPSS might think this is a string column by default, even though there are some numbers in the column, all due to this default sub-command:
If this indeed is the problem, all you have to do is change to

Excel nested if function keeps returning false

Hello I am trying to categorize quantitative data into 4 categories: Low, Medium, High, Very High.
=IF(0.35<G2<0.554,"Low",IF(0.555<G2<0.699,"Medium",IF(0.7<G2<0.799,"High",IF(0.35<G2<0.8,"Very High"))))
Does anyone know why this keeps returning "False"?
Thank you
It's because =0.35<G1<0.554 does not make sense from Excel's point of view, Excel's logic would require to make it AND(0.35<G2,G2<0.554). Nested IFs are difficult to read and maintain, I would suggest using a look up table as per the example below:
This would be the correct syntax you're looking for. If you want multiple criteria you have to use the AND function and make single comparisons multiple times.
=IF(AND(0.35<G2,G2<0.554),"Low",IF(G2<0.699,"Medium",IF(G2<0.799,"High",IF(G2<0.8,"Very High"))))

SPSS Missing Data

I checked the missing data in SPSS. There were more missing data than the actual missing cases in a variable.
For the first variable, it said there are 171784 missing when there are only 127014 missing (I checked using MS Excel). Moreover, there are actually 341272 cases in total but the sum of valid and missing cases in a variable is only 340296. Why are there lots of missing data? Maybe because of this, the mean values I calculated in SPSS are different from those in MS Excel.
Sounds to me like some values were defined as missing values. As opposed to SPSS, when checking in excel these values are counted as valid and influence the calculation of the average, so the results are different for both comparisons.
To check weather there are values defined as missing, take a look at the "missing" column in the variable view of your dataset.
Have you checked if there are a lot of empty rows in your SPSS Data File that are interpreted as missing data even though they are empty cases. Sometimes importing data to SPSS can cause these problems.

problems with excel showing producs when insterting measurments with multiple results

Hello i'm having problems with getting this to work. What i'm trying to do is when you insert a set of measurements i want excel to show the ( In this case products) which are closest to those measurements.
here is a picture:
The result i'm trying to reach is when you type in the measurements you get product(s) and the manufacturer which are closest to those measurements.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
In essence, what you are after is an index+match function. It will allow you to find a value in one list, given a corresponding variable. In this case, given a measurement, it will find a manufacturer and product combo in your list.
Your problem is that you will need to adapt your data to allow for this. For example, you need to decide whether you only want the closest match for measurements or if you need the closest match that is greater than the measurement you provide.
It is also possible that you'll need to split your measurement column into two different columns (unless all you need is the total area irrespective of individual lengths).
You could potentially avoid the index+match by using conditional formatting, but that would still require the data manipulation.
Given the information you provided, the answer will never be much more informative than this. But this should get you started and the following steps can be made easier with help from google.

Named Range "name" vs name

I have a ridiculous problem in Excel 2003 where I want to reference a Range I have defined myself, with names such as Div1, Div2, Div3 etc.
I have a macro that determines whether I need to use Div1, Div2, Div3 etc. and I then need to use VLOOKUP and MATCH with these different ranges.
MATCH("ValueSearched", Div1, 0) works fine, but
MATCH("ValueSearched", "Div1", 0) fails
Since Div1 is determined programmatically, it is only stored as a string and I cannot use it.
I understand that in normal programming, you never really reference values like this and would use a hash table or similar, but I thought Excel would have a better work around as everything is done runtime.
Any suggestions on how I can dynamically reference these ranges?
pnuts solved it.
Have you tried =MATCH("ValueSearched",INDIRECT(Div1),0)
