Create Data Catalog column tags by inspecting BigQuery data with Cloud Data Loss Prevention - node.js

I want to use DLP to inspect my tables in BigQuery, and then write the findings to policy tags on the columns of the table. For example, I have a (test) table that contains data including an email address and a phone number for individuals. I can use DLP to find those fields and identify them as emails and phone numbers, and I can do this in the console or via the API (I'm using NodeJS). When creating this inspection job, I know I can configure it to automatically write the findings to the Data Catalog, but this generates a tag on the table, not on the columns. I want to tag the columns with the specific type of PII that has been identified.
I found this tutorial that appears to achieve exactly that - but tutorial is a strong word; it's a script written in Java and a basic explanation of what that script does, with the only actual instructions being to clone the git repo and run a few commands. There's no information about which API calls are being made, not a lot of comments in the code, and no links to pertinent documentation. I have zero experience with Java, so I'm not able to work out the process and translate it into NodeJS for my own purposes.
I also found this similar tutorial which also utilises Dataflow, and again the instructions are simply "clone this repo, run this script". I've included the link because it features a screenshot showing what I want to achieve: tagging columns with PII data found by DLP
So, what I want to do appears to be possible, but I can't find useful documentation anywhere. I've been through the DLP and Data Catalog docs, and through the API references for NodeJS. If anyone could help me figure out how to do this, I'd be very grateful.
UPDATE: I've made some progress and changed my approach as a result.
DLP provides two methods to inspect data: dlp.inspectContent() and dlp.createDlpJob(). The latter takes a storageItem which can be a BigQuery table, but it doesn't return any information about the columns in the results, so I don't believe I can use it.
inspectContent() cannot be run on a BigQuery table; it can inspect structured text, which is what the Java script I linked above is utilising; that script is querying the BigQuery table, and constructing a Table from the results, then passing that Table into inspectContent() which then returns a Findings object which contains fieldnames. I want to do exactly that, but in NodeJS. I'm struggling to convert the BigQuery results into the format of a Table as NodeJS doesn't appear to have a constructor for that type, like Java does.

I was unable to find node.js documentation implementing column level tags.
However, you might find the Policy Tags official documentation helpful to point you in the right direction. Specifically, you might lack some roles to manage column-level tags.


How to update rows in Jooq without Codegen using JSON

I am using Jooq version 3.17.0 and attempting to insert data into a table without codegen.
At the minute, I am designing a system that allows data to be imported into multiple tables (one at a time, and starting with just one), yet I do not want to write specific code for each table and as of now, I haven't had a need for codegen.
The code currently works for importing data via JSON, with json being a String formatted in the 'Jooq' format. This imports data correctly into the database. This also allows us to send json data of table updates from one system to our main system that uses Jooq. Yet it gives me an error when I try to update.
I am using MYSQL as my database.
The original code for insertion is :
Result<Record> convertedJson = dslContext.fetchFromJSON(json);
Loader<Record> res1 = dslContext.loadInto(table(tableName)).loadJSON(json).fields(convertedJson.fields()).execute();
However, if we try to update data by sending in the same json, but with one field changed, jooq gives an error org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException stating that there is a duplicate entry for key.
I tried to use :
Loader<Record> res2 = dslContext.loadInto(table(tableName)).onDuplicateKeyUpdate().loadJSON(json).fields(convertedJson.fields()).execute();
But then this throws an error ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE only works on tables with explicit primary keys. Table is not updatable : <tableName> since in LoaderImpl.onDuplicateKeyUpdate():220 since table.getPrimaryKey() is null which technically makes sense since table(tableName) returns a Table that does not know it's fields.
My question is probably two-fold.
Is there a way to have a table that is aware of it's fields without codegen?
Is there a way for me to allow jooq to update rows this way.
My preferences is to steer clear of codegen, unless it's really needed. I probably could switch to codegen if needed, but again I would still need to be able to execute SQL without writing specific code for each table. Using JSON is still very much desired, as that allows me to send data from one application to another for import.
Using code generation
You've run into one of those many reasons why code generation is very helpful with jOOQ. If your various tables are known at compile time, and all you're doing is switch table names, then I would go with generated code, making the lookup of the table dynamic. That would solve the problem easily.
From experience with various similar support cases, I've always recommended this first, because as soon as these kinds of troubles start, it's a good idea to re-think the code generation strategy as you will run into other, similar problems, having to work around the lack of ubiquitously available meta data all the time. There are many other benefits to using the code generator.
Emulating code generation
If for some reason you cannot (e.g. the tables aren't known at compile time) or do not want to use the code generator, then you can do the code generator's work yourself at runtime, by building CustomTable types as documented here.
Using other means of providing meta information
Another way to provide jOOQ with meta data is to use one of various forms of implementing org.jooq.Meta, which include:
Looking up meta data from the JDBC driver's DatabaseMetaData (this can be slow, depending on your schema)
Letting jOOQ interpret some DDL scripts
Using jOOQ's XML representation of the standard SQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA
Using generated code

Find the tables and fields in a saved search for Records Browser Item

The issue we are having is trying to map/relate the fields with different tables from result of saved search created on Records Browser Item(
We have a retail inventory management system with many modules. So the attempt relating our columns to NetSuite has been going on for a while without any conclusion.
The approach we are trying is to run SuiteScript on the debugger and view the dataset. We were successful those with relatively little volume of data. As the limit is 10,000 rows, we are stuck with Search on Item that returns 1Mil. records. The search returns this volume of data when we add all the search columns. The problem the process of add/removing individual columns is rigorous and just with one column it returns more than 10,000 rows. So it becomes impossible to fetch the data and complete the mapping process.
So I would like to know if there is any way we can only see the schema and their relationships for a saved search?
In SuiteScript 1.0, this can be achieved by a scheduled script that creates multiple CSV files from a saved search (SuiteAnswers article 36206). You'll have to get around the search limit (SuiteAnswers article 33496) AND the governance limit (SuiteAnswers article 23406). If you make the file Available Without Login, you should be able to retrieve the CSV with an HTTP GET request without credentials. However, that will make the data potentially viewable by anyone who knows the URL--a security concern that you will have to consider.
In SuiteScript 2.0, this can probably be achieved with a Map/Reduce script (SuiteAnswers article 43795). This may be a better way to optimize the script, but I have not tested it myself in SuiteScript 2.0.

Date function and Selecting top N queries in DocumentDB

I have following questions regarding Azure DocumentDB
According to this article, multiple functions have been added to
DocumentDB. Is there any way to get Date functions working? How can i
get the queries of type greater than some date working?
Is there any way to select top N results like 'Select top 10 * from users'?
According to Document playground , Order By will be supported in future. Is ther any other way around for now?
The application that I am developing requires certain number of results to be displayed that have been inserted recently. I need these functionalities within a stored procedure. The documents that I am storing in DocumentDB have a DateTime property. I require the above mentioned functionalities for my application to work. I have searched at documentation and samples. Please help if you know of any workaround.
Some thoughts/suggestions below:
Please take a look at this idea on how to store and query dates in DocumentDB (as epoch timestamps).
To get top N results, set FeedOptions.MaxItemCount and read only one page, i.e., call ExecuteNextAsync() once. See for an example. We're planning to add TOP to the grammar to make this easier in the future.
You can email me at arramac at microsoft dot com to get early access to Order By right away. This is planned for broad release shortly.
Please note that stored procedures are best used when you have a write operation(s). You'll be able to better throughput on reads when you query directly.

How to use Solr for multiple data sources?

I am a newbie to Solr & is facing challenges as below.
I have two data sources : a portal & a cms. I need to provide Solr search solution for these two sources so that when user searches on custom portlet(on portal), he should see results from both the sources at same place or Solr should fetch results from both sources. Also user should be able to access these results by clicking on same.
What all should i consider for implementing this use case. Should i use multiple Solr cores or single core? Also how can i achieve features like faceted search, search filter, stop words etc.?
It should be perfectly fine to go with single core (and it will also work faster).
To import data from multiple data sources check out Solr Data Import Handler configuration:
and setup two entities - one for each of your data sources.
You will probably need to set some field to keep information about data source in imported document.
Your question is little bit too general to really answer. Go and experiment a little bit with documentation you have. It should not be very hard to get some basic search functionality.
You can find a lot of info about configuring Solr on LucidWorks wiki:
and on Solr wiki:
You may also try with some books. Ex:
I figured out a way to do the same. We can use as java client for Solr. Alfresco content can be put into XMLs & these XMLs can be dumped into SOlr using Solrj.

HBase Intra-row scanning

I am trying to find some information on intra-row scanning through HBase REST API. However, I have a hard time to see how it could be done according to the documentation, and I am wondering if anyone used this feature from the REST interface?
More specifically, I am looking into how I would do this from a Node.js application.
I found this, but I have a hard time to see how intra-row scanning would be possible...
HBase REST Filter ( SingleColumnValueFilter )
I still have to test this further, but I have written a document which gives a few examples of stringified filter as per the HBase REST Filter question.
Basically, from what I see it is possible to use FilterList and stack multiple Filters in a JSON array.
More details:
Still have to try it, but it seems like this should work. Will update once I have tried it through the REST API.
