Engine "node" not compatible with this module - node.js

I am having issues deploying recent changes made from a Gatsby project to Netlify. Start and build commands for the project locally works fine.
Here is the problem:
error gatsby#3.6.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=12.13.0". Got "10.24.1"
Here are links to the repo and deployment log:
I know this question has been asked numerous times before, but none of the common solutions worked for me. Perhaps I am executing them incorrectly or may be missing something else.
Here are the solutions that I have tried:
execute yarn --ignore-engines from How to ignore incompatible engine "node" error on installing npm dependencies with yarn?
set node variable in .env file (not visible in repo because .gitignore) from Setting Environment Variables for Node to retrieve
//.env file
add "engine": { "node": ">=12.13.0"} to package.json from The engine "node" is incompatible with this module
Update node with brew update and brew upgrade node from The engine "node" is incompatible with this module
Note 1: Before updating Homebrew, I deleted node_modules/ and yarn.lock files
Note 2: after executing brew postinstall node and brew link --overwrite node, I no longer have access to node, yarn or gatsby when checking with node -v, yarn -v and gatsby -v

I was able to resolve this issue by declaring Node version in Netlify's deployment setting. Build and Deploy environment variables were:
key: NODE_VERSION value: 12.13.0
Screenshot of Environment Variable
Here is more information regarding how to manage dependecies on Netlify.
Lastly, I ran into some other issues with current version of node(16.2.0), so will stick with 12.13.0 for now. ;)

As of 21 November 2021, if Expected version ">=14.15.0". Got "12.13.0". Simply update your Netlify environment variables with:
Key: NODE_VERSION Value: 14.15.0
It works fine for me.

I've run into a similar issue using an outdated NodeJs version.
npm get
to see if you have strict engine checking set to true.
If so, and if you are not in a position to simply upgrade node:
npm set engine-strict false
This fixed my issue while working on an upgraded version of the project.

I took care of this by using nvm. Nvm is the node version manager. I simply ran nvm install 12.13.0 and everything then worked fine.


The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "x". Got "x"

I am trying to deploy to aws and get
The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "16.17.0". Got "10.24.0
I've tried upgrading the node, also in the package.json
and running
$ yarn install --ignore-engines
In project If I check node version
node -v
I get
But still the same error. I am fairly new to this so appreciate any help you might able to offer!
Turns out this was a DOCKER issue.
I updated node for my project but not for my containers, I had to rebuild my containers with the correct node.

Strapi V4 Error: Can't resolve '#strapi/design-system/themes'

I'm trying to run the new Strapi version 4 application. But it returns this error.
Is there any bug in new strapi v4? or I'm doing wrong anything?
I'm using strapi official guide to start a new project
installation command npx create-strapi-app#latest molla-admin.
NodeJS v16
Windows 11
ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#strapi/design-system/themes' in 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\molla-admin\.cache\admin\src'
at C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\molla-<anonymous>:10:1)
You might be thinking #strapi/design-system package is missing right? After that, I also tried to install both #strapi/design-system and #strapi/design-system/themes npm package
Still, it doesn't work. It returns a new error
ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#strapi/icons/CarretDown' in 'C:\Users\Admin\Documents\testing\strapi-v4-app\node_modules\#strapi\helper-plugin\build'
Should I go on for the next missing Module?
For me the issue was solved by installing #strapi/design-system (Node: v14.15.5, npm: 8.1.3)
npm install #strapi/design-system
Node version : 14.18.1
Npm version : 6.14.15
OS : Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Steps I followed:
(I read somewhere that the latest version of node isnt working and
someone mentioned using the 14.18.1 version)
Downgraded NPM to use the 14.18.1 version and not the latest.
npm run build on the strapi project. This gave an error that its
missing #strapi/design-system.
npm install #strapi/design-system, you get another error that its missing #strapi/icons
npm install #strapi/icons . After this step there was an error relating to JSX scritps something to do with reactjs. So, in the next step , I updated Reactjs
npm install --save react#latest
npm run build again and this time SUCCESS!!
The strapi team should mention the issues on their homepage rather that making new users go through hoops to get it working. They need to make it clear that you can run into issues when using certain version of Node etc. As someone mentioned that they are aware of the issue yet no information in the homepage where new users visit to try it out. It should've been placed as a BANNER at the top in BOLD TEXT.
It's a known bug and they are working on a fix.
You have to use yarn in the mean time.
I can confirm that this bug is related to using Node v16. To get around the bug, I first ran:
nvm use 14.18.1
Afterwards, running the following resulted in successful compilation:
npm run build -- --clean
No need to attempt installation of #strapi/design-system.
I got this error because I was using Node v16. There was a message somewhere in my troubleshooting that you have to use A Node version >=10.X.X.X and <=14.X.X.X
I used NVM(Node Version Manager) to switch to 14.17.6 and it works
following solution worked for me:
yarn add #strapi/design-system
yarn add #strapi/icons
work on windows and ubuntu
node v14.15.0
yarn 1.22.17
npm 6.14.8
npm install #strapi/design-system
solution worked for me.
node 16.13.1
npm 8.1.4
macOS 12.0.1 on M1Max

The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "7.5.0". Got "15.13.0"

one of my friends sent me a project using react and node and i tried to run it with yarn. Each time i run this command i got this error : The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "7.5.0". Got "15.13.0". I just want to know how update the react version of a project
Have a good day
You can change your package.json
"engines": { "node": ">=7.5.0"},
This will make the projects run with node 7.5.0 or newer versions. Also using nvm
nvm install version_you_want
nvm use version_you_want
Check node and npm versions
node -v
npm -v
Other option is to use
yarn install --ignore-engines
See this post: How to fix engine "node" version?
In my case I was gettin the same error because I didn't set the .env file
You could use this npm package, but be aware of breaking changes especially as it seems to be a very old version.
A better approach may be to use nvm - node version manager (or nvm-windows if that is your operating system) to install and use an older - compatible version of node, e.g. v7.5.0.

Unclear - Unsupported node-sass with current environment

Trying to set up instance of Facebook CTF on an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 16.04 and am running into the following error when doing the quick setup.
My current version of node-sass and node are
$ node -v
$ npm node-sass -v
Interestingly, I get another vesion of node
$ npm node -v
The first two are supposedly compatible according to the Node Version Support Policy table on GitHub. The node version 7.0.15 is not compatible with the version of node-sass.
However, when I run grunt, it indicates an unsupported environment.
Note: I have tried using individual sass commands and it works.
grunt --force
Loading "sass.js" tasks...ERROR
>> Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)
>> For more information on which environments are supported please see:
>> https://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/tag/v3.13.1
What I have tried/done-
Uninstall node-sass (include using -g, clear cache, remove package-lock.json) but oddly enough, node-sass does not get uninstalled.
Questions -
Why does the error log reference an older release of node-sass (v3.13.1)?
How do I reconcile versions?
Does it make a difference if some packages were installed as root user vs. regular user?
Solved it!
Why was I getting the error?
Tracing package.json and package-locked.json files both indicate the older version
"node-sass": "^3.7.0" and not the version I installed manually.
Solution -
uninstall node-sass, node
delete their node_module folders
run "npm install" to install any dependencies missing (node-sass and node)
Such that now when I check the versions installed, my output is as follow -
user#IP:/var/www/user# node -v
user#IP:/var/www/user# npm node-sass -v
When reviewing the Node Sass support policy table on GitHub, these two versions are compatible. When I run grunt --force, there are no issues for node-sass.

How to fix "ReferenceError: primordials is not defined" in Node.js

I have installed Node.js modules by 'npm install', and then I tried to do gulp sass-watch in a command prompt. After that, I got the below response.
[18:18:32] Requiring external module babel-register
const { Math, Object, Reflect } = primordials;
ReferenceError: primordials is not defined
I have tried this before gulp sass-watch:
npm -g install gulp-cli
I hit the same error. I suspect you're using Node.js 12 and Gulp.js 3. That combination does not work: Gulp.js 3 is broken on Node.js 12 #2324
A previous workaround from Jan. does not work either: After update to Node.js 11.0.0 running Gulp.js exits with 'ReferenceError: internalBinding is not defined' #2246
Solution: Either upgrade to Gulp.js 4 or downgrade to an earlier version of Node.js.
We encountered the same issue when updating a legacy project depending on gulp#3.9.1 to Node.js 12+.
These fixes enable you to use Node.js 12+ with gulp#3.9.1 by overriding graceful-fs to version ^4.2.10.
If you are using pnpm
pnpm supports overriding some dependencies versions. To do it, you should add a pnpm section in your package.json file:
"pnpm": {
"overrides": {
"graceful-fs": "^4.2.10"
If you are using yarn v1
Yarn v1 supports resolving a package to a defined version.
You need to add a resolutions section to your package.json:
"resolutions": {
"graceful-fs": "^4.2.10"
Thanks #jazd for this way to solve the issue.
If you are using npm
Run this command to know which version of Node.js you are using:
node -v
It will return a version number <major>.<minor>.<patch> such as 18.11.0.
If your version is v16.14.0 or above, then you can override the version of graceful-fs by adding an overrides section in your package.json file:
"overrides": {
"graceful-fs": "^4.2.10"
Otherwise, you need to use npm-force-resolutions as a preinstall script to be able to override the version of graceful-fs by changing your package.json file like this:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions"
"resolutions": {
"graceful-fs": "^4.2.10"
npm-force-resolutions will alter the package-lock.json file to set graceful-fsto the wanted version before the install is done.
If you are using a custom .npmrc file in your project and it contains either a proxy or custom registry, you might need to change npx npm-force-resolutions to npx --userconfig .npmrc npm-force-resolutions because some versions of npx don't use the current folder .npmrc file by default.
Origin of the problem
This issue stems from the fact that gulp#3.9.1 depends on graceful-fs#^3.0.0 which monkeypatches Node.js fs module.
This used to work with Node.js until version 11.15 (which is a version from a development branch and shouldn't be used in production).
graceful-fs#^4.0.0 does not monkeypatch Node.js fs module anymore, which makes it compatible with Node.js > 11.15 (tested and working with versions 12, 14 and 16).
Note that this is not a perennial solution but it helps when you don't have the time to update to gulp#^4.0.0.
Fix it in one minute:
Just follow these steps. I'm on Windows 10 and it worked perfectly for me!
In the same directory where you have package.json create a npm-shrinkwrap.json file with the following contents:
"dependencies": {
"graceful-fs": {
"version": "4.2.2"
Run npm install, and don't worry, it will update npm-shrinkwrap.json with a bunch of content.
Run gulp to start the project.
Use the following commands and install Node.js v11.15.0:
npm install -g n
sudo n 11.15.0
will solve
ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node
Referred from #Terje Norderhaug #Tom Corelis answers.
Use the following commands to install Node.js v11.15.0 and Gulp.js v3.9.1:
npm install -g n
sudo n 11.15.0
npm install gulp#^3.9.1
npm install
npm rebuild node-sass
It will solve this issue:
ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node
For me, Diego Fortes' answer works with one small change.
Here is my workflow if this error appears:
npm install
npm install gulp
create file npm-shrinkwrap.json with
"dependencies": {
"graceful-fs": {
"version": "4.2.2"
npm install (again) (Not npm install gulp again! Very important - otherwise the error will be come back)
gulp (now working)
Using NVM to manage what Node.js version you're using, running the following commands worked for me:
cd /to/your/project/
nvm install lts/dubnium
nvm use lts/dubnium
yarn upgrade # or `npm install`
Simple and elegant solution
Just follow these steps. It worked perfectly with npm install running multiple times or installing any other modules or even publishing project to artifactory.
In the same directory where you have package.json create a npm-shrinkwrap.json file with the following contents:
"dependencies": {
"graceful-fs": {
"version": "4.2.2"
Run npm install, and don't worry, it'll update npm-shrinkwrap.json with a bunch of content. Let's get rid of this updates by updating package.json scripts options.
"scripts": {
"preshrinkwrap": "git checkout -- npm-shrinkwrap.json",
"postshrinkwrap": "git checkout -- npm-shrinkwrap.json"
Now you can run npm install and your npm-shrinkwrap.json will be intact and will work forever.
Gulp 3.9.1 doesn't work with Node v12.x.x, and if you upgrade to Gulp 4.0.2, you have to completely change gulpfile.js with the new syntax (series & parallels). So your best bet is to downgrade to Node.js v 11.x.x (the 11.15.0 version worked fine for me) by simply using the following code in a terminal:
nvm install 11.15.0
nvm use 11.15.0 # Just in case it didn't automatically select the 11.15.0 as the main node.
nvm uninstall 13.1.0
npm rebuild node-sass
Gulp 3.* doesn't work on Node.js 12.* or above. You have to downgrade Node.js, or upgrade Gulp.
If you are short on time, downgrade Node.js to v11.* or below; if you need newer features, and have time to possibly fix a load of broken dependencies, upgrade Gulp to 4.* or above!
As others have already mentioned, Gulp 3.* is not supported on Node.js 12 or above, so you will have to downgrade your Node version to 11.* or below, OR upgrade your Gulp to 4.0.
The best option depends ultimately on how much time you have, as upgrading Gulp brings benefits of cleaner gulpfiles and in-built control over having tasks run in series or parallel, but also relies on you rewriting your gulpfile to a new syntax, and might (read: probably will - see end of this comment) cause conflicts with some dependencies.
Downgrading Node.js
This is the easiest and quickest option. Especially if you use n or nvm, as these allow you to very quick install and switch between Node.js versions.
Installing Node.js version on N
n 10.16.0
Installing a Node.js version on NVM
nvm install 10.16.0
Once you have done this, you may need to rebuild your npm dependencies or alternatively remove both your node_modules folder and your package-lock.json file and reinstalling your dependencies. Though if you are merely reverting to a preexisting Node.js version, you should probably be fine.
Upgrading Gulp
As mentioned above, this is a more time-intensive task, but it might bring benefits in the long run. For example, Node.js 12 has now introduced native support for ES Modules (behind an experimental flag) and full support in Node.js 13.
You may need to upgrade Node.js to use that, forcing you to upgrade Gulp. Or you may simply want the benefits of using Gulp 4, as it offers better and more efficient control over writing tasks.
There are a number of articles on this already, so I won't elaborate any further on the specifics, but to reiterate - this is not a quick job. Depending on the size of your project, there may be some notable rewriting required, and you may have dependencies that break. If you are in short supply of time, you should opt for simply downgrading Node.js, at least temporarily.
But I already have Gulp 4, and it still doesn't work!
If, like me, you are already using Gulp 4+ (I was using Gulp 4.0.2, originally on Node.js 10) and have recently upgraded (I upgraded to Node.js 13.8.0) are you are still getting the issue, it may be because a dependency is relying on an older version of Gulp, and that is getting caught in the pipeline.
In my case, gulp-combine-mq was a dependency using Gulp 3.9.*. Disabling this task in my gulpfile allowed Gulp to run again.
If this happens, you have a few options. You can,
Go without the plugin if it's not absolutely necessary
Find an alternative,
Fix the plugin
Needless to say, if you have several plugins that rely on an older version of Gulp - especially if these plugins are vital for your application - this is where there can be a huge additional chunk of time spent in upgrading Gulp (hence the warnings above).
If this happens, it is best to just downgrade Node.js, at least until patches can be issued.
I had the same error. I finally fixed that when I updated all packages and then mentioned the same Node.js engine version and npm version in package.json as it is in my local working system.
"engines": {
"node": "10.15.3",
"npm": "6.9.0"
I was getting this error when deploying on Heroku.
For more, check out Heroku support.
Check Node.js version:
node --version
Check gulp version:
gulp -v
If Node.js >=12 and gulp <= 3, do one of the following:
Upgrade gulp
sudo npm install -g gulp
Downgrade node
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 11.15.0
How to Upgrade (or Downgrade) Node.js Using npm
In case the problem is not from gulp then check the unzip npm module. It's been around six years since the last time it was updated. It doesn't work with Node.js > v11.
Try this:
npm install -g n
sudo n 11.15.0
The problem occurred for me in Visual Studio's Task Runner Explorer only and not when running from the command line or PowerShell.
I realised that VS was ignoring the Node version I had set with NVM.
This post gave the answer: Configure which NPM is used by Visual Studio's Task Runner Explorer? by setting the PATH variable as a higher priority than external tools in VS, it used the Node version set by NVM and not the version installed with VS.
This error is because of the new version of Node.js (12) and an old version of Gulp (less than 4).
Downgrading Node.js and other dependencies isn't recommended. I solved this by updating package.json file, fetching the latest version of all dependencies. For this, I use npm-check-updates. It is a module that updates the package.json with the latest version of all dependencies.
Reference: https://www.npmjs.com/package/npm-check-updates
npm i -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm install
In most cases, we will have to update the gulpfile.js as well like the following:
Reference: Gulp 4: The new task execution system - gulp.parallel and gulp.series, Migration
'sass', function () {
return gulp.src([sourcePath + '/sass/**/*.scss', "!" + sourcePath + "/sass/**/_*.scss"])
Other configuration...
'watch', function () {
gulp.watch(sourcePath + '/sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']);
gulp.task('sass', gulp.series(function(done) {
return gulp.src([sourcePath + '/sass/**/*.scss', "!" + sourcePath + "/sass/**/_*.scss"])
Other config...
'watch', function () {
gulp.watch(sourcePath + '/sass/**/*.scss', gulp.series('sass'));
Downgrading to Node.js stable fixed this issue for me, as it occurred after I upgraded to Node.js 12:
sudo n 10.16.0
I faced the same issue. What I tried and what worked for me:
Check the version of Node.js and Gulp.js (a combination of Node.js v12 and Gulp.js less than v4 doesn't work)
I downgraded the NPM version by:
sudo NPM install -g n
sudo n 10.16.0
It worked fine. Then just follow the instructions of your console.
Upgrade to 4.0.1 and make sure to migrate https://fettblog.eu/gulp-4-parallel-and-series/#migration
I was getting this error on Windows 10. It turned out to be a corrupted roaming profile.
npm ERR! node v12.4.0
npm ERR! npm v3.3.12
npm ERR! primordials is not defined
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! <https://github.com/npm/npm/issues>
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
Deleting the C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\npm folder fixed my issue.
If keeping Node.js v12 while using the latest gulp ^4.0, follow these steps:
Update the command-line interface (just for precaution) using:
npm i gulp-cli -g
Add/Update the gulp under dependencies section of your package.json file
"dependencies": {
"gulp": "^4.0.0"
Delete your package-lock.json file.
Delete your node_modules folder.
Finally, run npm i to upgrade and recreate a brand new node_modules folder and package-lock.json file with correct parameters for Gulp ^4.0:
npm i
Note Gulp.js 4.0 introduces the series() and parallel() methods to combine tasks instead of the array methods used in Gulp 3, and so you may or may not encounter an error in your old gulpfile.js script.
To learn more about applying these new features, this site have really done justice to it: How to Migrate to Gulp.js 4.0
I fixed this issue on Windows 10 by uninstalling Node.js from Add or Remove Programs → Node.js.
Then I installed version 11.15.0 from https://nodejs.org/download/release/v11.15.0/
Choose node-v11.15.0-x64.msi if you're running Windows 64-bit.
If you're trying to install semantic-ui and the following error occurs then try downloading the latest version of Node.js js(13.5.0) with the latest features, from Node.js.org.
Moreover, rather than trying the NPM install semantic, you should just add the link (which you can find from the cdnjs link) to the header of your index.html file.
Gulp is making issue with Node.js version 11 and above. Uninstall your current Node.js version and reinstall the v10.15.1 version. Here is the link for that version. This helps me and it will solve your problem too.
Install gulp and add your Node.js version to the package.json file like so:
"dependencies": {
"node": "^10.16.3"
I have tried a lot of suggestions to fix this problem for an existing project on my Windows 10 machine and ended up following these steps to fix it;
Uninstall Node.js from "Add or remove programs". Fire up a new Command prompt and type gulp -v and then node -v to check that it has been uninstalled completely.
Download and install Node.js v10.16.0 - not the latest as latest node & gulp combination is causing the problem as far as I see. During installation I didn't change the installation path which I normally do(C:\Program Files\nodejs).
Open up a new Command prompt, go to your project's directory where you have got your gulpfile.js and start gulp as shown in the image.
Please note sometimes when I switch between git branches I might need to close my Visual Studio and run it as Admin again in order to see this solution working again.
As far as I see this problem started to happen after I installed the latest recommended version(12.18.4) of Node.js for a new project and I only realised this when some FE changes weren't reflected on the existing web project.
Update: Today I had the same problem while setting up one of my existing projects on my new PC and I did the same steps + went to the directory where I have the gulpfile and then run npm install.
It seems you've upgraded your nodejs's version to be +12 and still using gulp 3.9.1
You can use one of the below solutions
Upgrade you glup version to be +4
Or simply you use NVM Node version Manager
To run multiple nodejs versions on the same machine.
I had this very same error, but it was caused by a different issue.
OS: windows 10
nodejs version: 15.12.0
npm version: 7.6.3
The cause of the problem was graceful-fs package.
Whenever I tried to run npm, even running npm-v was firing "ReferenceError: primordials is not defined".
I tried running npm install graceful-fs#latest, but it still didn't work, even though the package was latest version.
So what helped me?
run npm ls graceful-fs
This way you'll find all packages on which graceful-fs is dependency and which version it has. In my case it was mostly version 3.0, even though I've installed version 4.2.6
So how to fix it?
Open npm-shrinkwrap.json (not sure about packages-lock.json) and change search for graceful-fs - you'll see that it has older versions on a few places. Replace it with ^4.2.6 (or newer).
Then npm audit fix --force which will forcefully install the newer version everywhere.
Hope this works for you, it took me a few hours to find out how to fix it.
Since my project was using gulp version 4, I had to do the following to solve this
Delete folder node_modules
open package.json and update version
Here is the detail of version I am using
Now run npm install and then run gulp default. The error should be gone and you may see:
Task never defined: default only.
Remove package-lock.json or yarn.lock file.
Then remove node_modules.
After that modify the package.json file-
"dependencies": {
"gulp": "^4.0.0"
Then run- npm install
It will be enough to solve this problem.
This is because the compatibility issue between node and gulp in your system. Downgrading the node or upgrading the gulp will fix this issue.
sudo npm i -g n
sudo n 11.15.0
Try removing the node_modules folder and package-lock.json file and installing again using npm i command if still not working.
