Power Automate - Compare StartDate to current date? - sharepoint

We are looking to compare the calendar start date with the current date in flow. Currently we are pulling the start date through a filter query like this:
formatDateTime('EventDate','M-d-yyy hh:mm')
and comparing to this:
formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(),3),'M-d-yyyy hh:mm')
I am getting this error currently: "Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Get_items' inputs at line '1' and column '17987': 'In function 'formatDateTime', the value provided for date time string 'EventDate' was not valid. The datetime string must match ISO 8601 format."
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

You could Initialize a variable like the following below and then do a IF condition.

I test with the same formula to convert event start date and it works fine in my end. The if condition returns correct result on different conditions.
Here is the logic of my demo flow, please have a check:
I use get item to get the start date of a certain event in the calendar list and convert the start time dynamic content to the format I need. Almost same with yours.
According to the error message, it seems the format of the event date column is not in the supported format. Would you like to provide the settings of your event date column? I test with the default start time column and a custom date & time column of default settings. Both of them works fine with the flow above.
The two formulas used are displayed below:
formatDateTime(outputs('Get_item')?['body/Event_x0020_Date'],'M-d-yyy hh:mm')
formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(),3),'M-d-yyyy hh:mm')
I just directly use the outputs of the data compose action in the if condition

What worked for me was to build a sequence of numbers with the dates being ordered by day, month and year this way, when converting to integer, it's easy to compare
if you need add day for exemple, you can use
and the other date like this
Based on your example, you can put hours and minutes without any problems, just remove the special characters and spaces
but by the definition of the error you are having, I believe it is because of the way you are writing the variable


How to catch an exception in a Netsuite saved search formula?

I have a saved search that looks at a custom text field on a Sales Order. The custom field should contain an ISO date. I want to get all records where that date is greater than today. My first attempt was to try Formula(Date) with the formula below and condition "is greater than today"
TO_DATE({custbody_est_delivery}, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
However this gave me an "Unexpected Error" when I tried to do the search. I worked out this was because not every record has an ISO date, some are null and some have been edited to contain some non-date data. It seems that if any row returns an error the whole saved search fails. I therefore want to exclude anything that doesn't parse as a date from my search. However, I could find no way of catching an exception from the TO_DATE function. For the moment I have:
CASE WHEN REGEXP_LIKE({custbody_est_delivery},'(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})') THEN TO_DATE({custbody_est_delivery}, 'YYYY-MM-DD')ELSE TO_DATE('2099-12-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD') END
This works, but it is a horrible hack and would fail if someone e.g. wrote in '9999-99-99' in the field.
How can I catch exceptions in a Netsuite saved search formula? I'm looking for something like the pseudocode below:
IFERROR(TO_DATE({custbody_est_delivery}, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), <do something sensible>)
You can use the NVL2 function to conditionally take care of any empty field values.
NVL2({custbody_est_delivery}, TO_DATE({custbody_est_delivery}, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), '')
See the Help page titled SQL Expressions for all of the formula functions available to you.
Personally I'd say any field values that are invalid dates are a data problem and should be corrected with a mass update or CSV import, and validation rules should be added to your custom field such that no invalid dates are allowed.

How to standardize the text function in Excel?

=text(5/7/19,[Windows date format]) depends on the computer you are opening the Excel file from. For instance: =text(5/7/19, "mm/dd/yy") works on the company computer because that's how the windows formatted the date, but in my computer, it has to be =text(5/7/19, "dd/mm/yy") else it will return a different value and using other functions such as =datevalue(text(5/7/19, "mm/dd/yy") will return a #VALUE! error on my home computer. This is not good because it is very variable when the file is being moved around computers. How to standardize this?
So what about:
Or reference a cell where you have put your date.
Unfortunately I don't think it is possible - see the this link
Problem: The value in the date_text argument is not in sync with the system’s date and time settings*
If your system date and time settings follow the mm/dd/yyyy format,
then a formula such as =DATEVALUE(“22/6/2000”) will result in a #VALUE! error. But the same formula will display the correct value when the system's date and time is set to dd/mm/yyyy format.
Solution: Make sure that your system’s date and time settings (both Short time and Long time) matches the date format in the
date_text argument.
I think the only solution is to make sure that your date is in the valid (i.e. recognised by the system) date format before any other function (like DATEVALUE) is applied.
It will be easy to achieve if your function is simply =text(5/7/19,[Windows date format]). You can reference your cell field (e.g. =[#Date]) and format a given cell using an "universal" date format (the ones that start with * sign).
However, if you are combining =text(5/7/19,[Windows date format]) with some other formula (e.g. when you want to display a full sentence like A very important event happened on 5/7/19) then, unfortunately, cell format won't save you here and we're out of solutions. In such case the end user would need to manually modify the date cell in order to make it recognisable.

Fetching date value from a SharePoint-list, to use in date&time specific field in flow

I'm trying to design a Microsoft Flow, which will create a outlook calendar event entry based on information in a SharePoint-online list.
The list will contain a value for a DueDate its a column of type Date, not including time.
I want to be able to create a outlook calendar entry on the date based off the duedate column. The calendar entry form in flow allows via dynamic content to add dates that also include time, however date columns not containing time cannot be added that way.
Is there a workaround to this, some expression that would allow me to fetch values from columns more freely and then possible append a time to it
I have tried converting the column in sharepoint to a Date with Time column and that workaround worked, however its not what I'm looking for. Id like to know how to be able to work around this because I don't necessarily want my column as a date-time column which can cause problems later on.
I have tried this expression:
formatDateTime(concat(item()?['DATE'], '08:00')'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss')
But I know this is wrong and it doesn't work. I'm simply not sure how to do it.
I want the flow to add a calendar entry based off the due date column which i can append my own time to like the start of the day and last til the afternoon.
Actual results are I don't seem to be able to use a date column, just a date-time column for start and end times of the event, date column without time doesnt appear in the dynamic content list.
If there is some way to manually fetch values instead of using the dynamic content that is very powerful and can then possibly be converted to the right format using additional code.
Date column name in my list is date_without_time of type Date (Add time set to NO):
New element:
Function used in Create event (V2) action:

Can't convert Date to Number

I have a userform and I take start and end dates from user as in dd.mm.yyyy format. To make it easier to compare dates, I want to turn it to a double or long type of value. I have tried as in below but it gives me an error of type mismatch.
endDate is already defined as Double and as you can see, Me.g_end.Value is string in proper format. Why do I get this error, and how can I handle it?
Also I need to add, DateValue(Me.g_end.Value) works fine with my friend to get value of date who uses Excel 2013. I use Excel 2016.
You need to enter dates in a valid format in order for Excel to recognize them as dates.
As far as I know, nowhere uses dots (periods) in dates. (As I recall, nowadays only one country in the world even recognizes dots as am official date separator.)
Click your Start menu and type Region to find and open Windows Region and Language Settings.
Note the format that your system is expecting for Short Date, including the symbol between each date part, and try entering your dates in Excel like that.

Creating Custom Date Function in Excel

I am trying to code a date function in Excel using the Month and than the last two digits of the year. So for example I just have the numbers 1-12 in a column. Then I want to code them as follows. 1 is Jan-15, 2 is Feb-15,..June-15. Then 7 is July-14, 8 is Aug-14. However whenever I try to type in those it codes them as their respective month, the day and the year as 2015. I know I have to create a custom format date function, but how would I go about doing that in this case. I have seen some things, but many of times it is unclear. Could Someone help me out.
This link can help you out.
Create a custom date format
If you want to use a format that isn’t in the Type box, you can create your own. The easiest way to do this is to start from a format this is close to what you want.
Select the cells you want to format.
Press CTRL+1.
In the Format Cells box, click the Number tab.
In the Category list, click Date, and then under Type, pick a date format that is close to the format you want.
Go back to the Category list, and pick Custom. Under Type, you’ll see the format code for the date format you picked in step 4. The built-in date format can’t be changed, so don’t worry about messing it up. The changes you make will only apply to the custom format you’re creating.
In the Type box, make the changes you want using code from the table below.
According to the table there and your description I suppose you should use a custom format like:
