Select distinct on joined table - servicestack

I have this query
var q = Db
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>()
.Where( .. )
var results = Db.Select<BlogCategory>(q);
It generates this SQL:
SELECT DISTINCT "blog".*, 0 EOT, "blog_category".*, 0 EOT
FROM "blog" LEFT JOIN "blog_to_blog_category" ON
("blog"."id" = "blog_to_blog_category"."blog_id") INNER JOIN "blog_category" ON
("blog_category"."id" = "blog_to_blog_category"."blog_category_id")
I want to select distinct blog_category but the select is adding all the blog fields also so I am getting duplicate blog_category entries.
How do I just select distint the joined table fields?

In OrmLite the SqlExpression is what builds the SQL query you want executed:
var q = Db
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>()
.Where( .. )
Whilst the API use to execute the query maps the result back to the specified model, in this case you're saying you want the results of the above query mapped to BlogCategory POCOs:
var results = Db.Select<BlogCategory>(q);
But you need to make sure that the query you create returns results that can map to the POCO you've specified.
If you only want to select distinct BlogCategory columns you'll need to do this in your SqlExpression:
var q = Db
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>()
.Where( .. )
.SelectDistinct<BlogCategory>(c => c);
Or if you want to select columns across different joined tables you'd use a standard anonymous type expression:
var q = Db
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>()
.Where( .. )
.SelectDistinct<Blog,BlogCategory>((b,c) => new { b.Id, c.Name, ... });
Then the custom model you map the results to should have properties that match the returned columns:
var results = db.Select<BlogCategoryResult>(q);
Alternatively you can access the custom result set with the Dynamic Result Set APIs.


TableAlias doesn't work with multiple joins

TableAlias isn't working with multiple joins.
The query:
var q = Db.From<Blog>(Db.TableAlias("b"))
.LeftJoin<Blog, BlogToBlogCategory>((b,btb)=> b.Id == btb.BlogId, Db.TableAlias("btbc"))
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>((bt,bc)=>bt.BlogCategoryId == bc.Id, Db.TableAlias("cats"))
.GroupBy(x => x.Id);
.Select("b.*, json_agg(cats) as BlogCategoriesJson");
var results = Db.Select<BlogQueryResponse>(q);
Generates this SQL:
SELECT b.*, json_agg(cats) as BlogCategoriesJson
FROM "blog" "b" LEFT JOIN "blog_to_blog_category" "btbc" ON ("b"."id" = "btbc"."blog_id") INNER JOIN "blog_category" "cats" ON ("blog_to_blog_category"."blog_category_id" = "cats"."id")
GROUP BY "b"."id"
This causes error because it is referencing "blog_to_blog_category" instead of btbc
The Db.TableAlias() only provides an alias for the target join table, your inner join does not specify the alias to use for the source table so it references the full table name as expected.
You can use Sql.TableAlias() in your LINQ Expression to reference a table alias, e.g:
var q = Db.From<Blog>(Db.TableAlias("b"))
.LeftJoin<Blog, BlogToBlogCategory>((b,btb)=> b.Id == btb.BlogId, Db.TableAlias("btbc"))
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>((bt,bc)=>
Sql.TableAlias(bt.BlogCategoryId, "btbc") == bc.Id, Db.TableAlias("cats"))
.GroupBy(x => x.Id);
.Select("b.*, json_agg(cats) as BlogCategoriesJson");

Count distinct doesn't work when using OrderBy & join

I have the following query trying to get count of a query:
var testQuery = Db
.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false)
.OrderBy(x => x.ConvertedPrice);
var testCount = Db.Scalar<int>(testQuery.Select<Blog>(x => Sql.CountDistinct(x.Id)));
var results = Db.LoadSelect(testQuery.SelectDistinct());
It gives error:
42803: column "blog.converted_price" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Issue seems to be the orderby statement. If I remove it then the error goes away. Why does this stop count distinct working?
I am having to clear orderby on all queries I do like this. Is it supposed to work this way?
Also I just realised count is wrong. Results is 501 unique records and testCount is 538.
What am I doing wrong?
Whenever in doubt with what an OrmLite query is generating, you can use the BeforeExecFilter to inspect the DB command before its executed or to just output the query to the Console you can use:
You shouldn't be using OrderBy with aggregate scalar functions like COUNT which is meaningless and will fail in your case because it needs to included the GROUP BY clause for joined table queries.
Your specifically querying for COUNT(DISTINCT Id) if you wanted the row count for the query you can instead use:
var testCount = Db.RowCount(testQuery);
If you wanted to use COUNT(*) instead, you can use:
var testCount = Db.Count(testQuery);

Having() count of id's on joined table

I am trying to make this query in OrmLite:
select b.* from blog b
join blog_to_blog_category btbc on = btbc.blog_id
join blog_category bc on btbc.blog_category_id =
where b.url like '' and in (100, 583)
group by
having count(distinct ) = 1
I can't figure out how to get the Having() method structured. I can see there is a Sql.CountDistinct() method but I can't figure out how to use it with Having().
I figure I need to do something along the lines of:
var q = db
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>()
.Where<BlogCategory>(x => Sql.In(x.Id, 100, 583))
.GroupBy<Blog>(bc => bc.Id)
.Having(x => Sql.CountDistinct("") == "2")
This gives error:
42883: operator does not exist: bigint = text
I can't see how to type it to take a table column name and return a number for comparison.
Is this query possible?
I got around it by setting having expression explicitly
q.HavingExpression = $"having count(distinct {q.Table<BlogCategory>()}.{q.Column<BlogCategory>(bc => bc.Id)}) = 2";
I am still curious though if it is possible to do this with fluent api.
I've just added multiple typed table overloads for Having() in the latest v5.11.1 that's now available on MyGet which will allow you to reference a joined table properties in a typed expression, e.g:
var q = db
.Join<BlogToBlogCategory, BlogCategory>()
.Where<BlogCategory>(x => Sql.In(x.Id, 100, 583))
.GroupBy<Blog>(bc => bc.Id)
.Having<BlogCategory>(x => Sql.CountDistinct(x.Id) == 2)

ATHENA/PRESTO complex query with multiple unnested tables

i have i would like to create a join over several tables.
table login : I would like to retrieve all the data from login
table logging : calculating the Nb_of_sessions for each db & for each a specific event type by user
table meeting : calculating the Nb_of_meetings for each db & for each user
table live : calculating the Nb_of_live for each db & for each user
I have those queries with the right results :
SELECT,_id as userid,firstname,lastname
FROM "logins"."login",
UNNEST(dbs) AS a1 (db)
SELECT dbid,userid,count(distinct(sessionid)) as no_of_visits,
array_join(array_agg(value.from_url),',') as from_url
FROM "loggings"."logging"
where event='url_event'
group by,userid;
SELECT dbid,userid AS userid,count(*) as nb_interviews,
array_join(array_agg(interviewer),',') as interviewer
FROM "meetings"."meeting"
group by dbid,userid;
SELECT dbid,r1.user._id AS userid,count(_id) as nb_chat
FROM "lives"."live",
UNNEST(users) AS r1 (user)
group by dbid,r1.user._id;
But when i begin to try put it all together, it seems i retrieve bad data (i have only on db retrieved) and it seems not efficient.
select,a._id as userid,a.firstname,a.lastname,count(rl._id) as nb_chat
"logins"."login" a,
"loggings"."logging" b,
"meetings"."meeting" c,
"lives"."live" d,
UNNEST(dbs) AS a1 (db),
UNNEST(users) AS r1 (user)
where a._id = b.userid AND a._id = c.userid AND a._id = r1.user._id
group by 1,2,3,4
Do you have an idea ?
The easiest way is to work with with to structure the subquery and then reference them.
with parameter reference:
You can use WITH to flatten nested queries, or to simplify subqueries.
The WITH clause precedes the SELECT list in a query and defines one or
more subqueries for use within the SELECT query.
Each subquery defines a temporary table, similar to a view definition,
which you can reference in the FROM clause. The tables are used only
when the query runs.
Since you already have working sub queries, the following should work:
with logins as
SELECT,_id as userid,firstname,lastname
FROM "logins"."login",
UNNEST(dbs) AS a1 (db)
,visits as
SELECT dbid,userid,count(distinct(sessionid)) as no_of_visits,
array_join(array_agg(value.from_url),',') as from_url
FROM "loggings"."logging"
where event='url_event'
group by,userid
,meetings as
SELECT dbid,userid AS userid,count(*) as nb_interviews,
array_join(array_agg(interviewer),',') as interviewer
FROM "meetings"."meeting"
group by dbid,userid
,chats as
SELECT dbid,r1.user._id AS userid,count(_id) as nb_chat
FROM "lives"."live",
UNNEST(users) AS r1 (user)
group by dbid,r1.user._id
select *
from logins l
left join visits v
on l.dbid = v.dbid
and l.userid = v.userid
left join meetings m
on l.dbid = m.dbid
and l.userid = m.userid
left join chats c
on l.dbid = c.dbid
and l.userid = c.userid;

how to write SQl Query to LINQ to SQL MVC entity framework

This is my sql Query:
SELECT ParkingPlaceName, NoOfParkingPlaces, COUNT(Place.ParkingAreaID) AS NoOfCarsParked, NoOfParkingPlaces-COUNT(Place.ParkingAreaID)
FROM ParkingArea
LEFT JOIN Place ON ParkingArea.ParkingAreaID = Place.ParkingAreaID
LEFT JOIN Car ON Car.CarID = Place.CarID
GROUP BY ParkingPlaceName, NoOfParkingPlaces, Place.ParkingAreaID
how to write in LINQ to SQL Query
I think you can use DefaultIfEmpty method to perform left outer join between 3 tables with let statements to deal with group results, hence the LINQ version from your SQL query should be similar (or same) like below:
var query = from pa in ParkingArea
from pl in Place.Where(x => pa.ParkingAreaID == x.ParkingAreaID).DefaultIfEmpty()
from ca in Car.Where(x => x.CarID == pl.CarID).DefaultIfEmpty()
group new { pa, pl.ParkingAreaID, ca.CarID } by new { pa.ParkingPlaceName, pa.NoOfParkingPlaces, pl.ParkingAreaID } into grp
let ParkingPlaceName = grp.Select(x => x.ParkingPlaceName)
let NoOfParkingPlaces = grp.Select(x => x.NoOfParkingPlaces)
let NoOfCarsParked = grp.Select(x => x.ParkingAreaID).Count()
select new
AvailableParkingPlaces = NoOfParkingPlaces - NoOfCarsParked // new alias for holding substraction
I decided not to use join ... in ... on ... equals ... directly after first and third from clauses, since it may lead into confusion about which table instance should be handled when creating group elements after performing join.
