Excel (2016) recursive concatenation and hyperlinks - excel

I have a Excel sheet that calculates distance, speed and bearing of a boat given a waypoint in degree, minutes and seconds (I use it to follow races and friends). The sheet supports up to 5000 points. I want to add a column with a hyperlink to www.windy.com to plot the points in windy website.
I already have a concatenated formula that create the hyperlink but I add every value by myself.
1st. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6);"Windy")
2nd. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6;";";U7;",";V7);"Windy")
3rd. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6;";";U7;",";V7;";";U8;",";V8);"Windy")
4rd. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6;";";U7;",";V7;";";U8;",";V8;";";U9;",";V9);"Windy") and so on
The link uses values in columns V and W because windy needs the values with decimal point instead decimal comma.
Here is the table
enter image description here
The problem that i'm facing is how to automaticaly/recursive add the points that are inserted. Now I add to the Concatenate/hyperlink formula the new point. But I would like to have a routine/algorithm to automatically do the concatenate in every row until the last one (row 5004).
Thanks a lot.
PS. If someone thinks that would like to have the excel sheet or find it usefull I can send a copy.
05.07.21 10:13
Hi all, thanks Ron Rosenfeld and EEM for your answers. EEM the formula you gave me worked perfectly. Thanks a looot. I only had to do minor change. But now I'm facing a different problem. Sorry.
Problem now is the 255 chars hyperlink limit. After 15 iterations the formula doesn't work anymore and I only get #¡VALOR! #VALUE!.
I have been trying before asking again, but without luck. Seems to be a way to solve this "behaviour" with VBA but I can't figure out.
As Mr. Rosenfeld required more information, here are the formulas used.
Table: image with data
As you can see in column W there is a link with the growing formula I started with.
The formula provided by EEM is in column AA.
ROWS L5:L5004 =IF(D5="","",IF(G5="S",(-1*(D5+E5/60+F5/3600)),(D5+E5/60+F5/3600)))
ROWS M5:M5004 =IF(H5="","",IF(K5="W",(-1*(H5+I5/60+J5/3600)),(H5+I5/60+J5/3600)))
www.windy.com uses . as decimal separator instead ,
CHANGE Excel , to windy .
ROWS U5:U5004 =SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(L5,6),",",".")
ROWS V5:V5004 =SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(M5,7),",",".")
Formulas to create the hyperlink (A million thanks to EEM)
ROW AA5 = HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE( "https://www.windy.com/distance/", $X5, ",", $Y5 ),CONCATENATE( $X5, ",", $Y5 ) )
ROW AA6:AA5004 = IF(U6=0,"",HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE( "https://www.windy.com/distance/", AA5, ";", $X6, ",", $Y6 ), CONCATENATE( AA5, ";", $X6, ",", $Y6 ) ))
As said, after 14 iterations the hyperlink grows more than 255 characters.
www.windy.com format to create a route latitude, longitude;
Formulas used to calculate distance and bearing (just in case someone needs them)
Thanks everybody for your time and knowledge.
13.07.21. NO LUCK. I have been incapable of doing it. But I opened the file in OPEN OFFICE and with a little bit of formatting it's working flawlessly.
It's annoying the 255 chars limit in Excel, but I'm not going to break my head any more.
Thanks a lot EEm.

The formula proposed uses the friendly_name parameter of the HYPERLINK function to hold the accumulated concatenation of latitud and longitud of each row in order to be passed to the next row formula.
To Show the word Windy in the cell format the cells with this Number Format: ;;;"Wendy"
Enter this formula in [Y5]:
CONCATENAR( "https://www.windy.com/distance/"; $U5; ","; $V5 );
CONCATENAR( $U5; ","; $V5 ) )
Enter this formula in [Y6]:
CONCATENAR( "https://www.windy.com/distance/"; Y5; ","; $U6; ","; $V6 );
CONCATENAR( Y5; ","; $U6; ","; $V6 ) )
Copy formula in [Y6] to [Y7:Y5004]
Format range [Y5:Y5004] with NumberFormat: ;;;"Wendy"


Can't figure out why excel is rounding currency

Here is my excel table:
The cell with 8.83 = =((C8-B8)*24)-D8
*C8 = 4:50PM
*B8 = 7:30AM
*D8 = 0.50
The cell $371.00 = =(E8*B3)
Why does my total show $371.00 when B3 = $42? It should be $370.86. I don't have it set to round but for some reason it keeps on doing it.
Because, the actual result of formula =((C8-B8)*24)-D8 is 8.833333333. Due to cell formatting you are seeing 8.83. If you want result for only two digit after decimal point then use round function like-
Then you will get result 370.86. Or you can directly use in resulting cell.
$371 is “technically” the correct amount, mathematically. You are actually doing rounding when you are hand-calculating your cross-check, and that isn’t matching Excel’s unfounded calculation.
( 4:50pm - 7:30am ) is 9.3333333 repeating, or “9-1/3”. Divided by 24 leaves you 8.8333333 repeating, not 8.83. Excel is doing what it’s supposed to do, and 371.00 is the correct amount. If your use case calls for times to be rounded to .01 hours and no further then you’ll need to apply rounding somewhere in cell E8.

How/which formula to use, to show combine text results for false condition (for pending task reporting usage)?

Wanted to check if CONCATENATE is the one to use (not sure if my excel has TEXTJOIN), and how to show just the text that has empty value in the cells.
For example in my attachment below, I want the intended result shown like in B2 and B3, where the texts shown with delimiter, when the values are false (empty).
If I were to use CONCATENATE like in Row 10 and Row 11, it's rather manual and it only capture "positive values" as in non-blank cells.
Purpose: To show pending tasks (empty/blank status cells)
I would use TEXJOIN and FILTER if you have the newest version of Excel.
For example: =TEXTJOIN("/",1,FILTER($E$2:$I$2, ISBLANK(E3:I3)))
EDIT: For older versions, a temporary workaround is as follows:
make a temporary array the same size as your original dataframe where each value is determined by a formula such as =IF(ISBLANK(E3), E$2&"/","")
Use something like =LEFT(CONCAT(E15:J15), LEN(CONCAT(E15:J15))-1) to get the desired result (where E15:J15 is where I elected to store the first row of the temporary array created in step 1).
I am not sure of your Excel version, but I think this would work in older versions (formatted for readability - will work if you paste it directly into cell B2 and copy down):
=LEFT(CONCAT( INDEX( CHOOSE({1;2;3},$C$1:$H$1,{"/","/","/","/","/","/"},{"","","","","",""}),
INDEX( IF(ISBLANK(C2:H2),{1;2},{3;3}),
(COLUMN(A1:INDEX(1:1,,12))-1)/2+1 ),
(COLUMN(A1:INDEX(1:1,,12))-1)/2+1 ) ),
SUM(7*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1 )
As this is an array formula, you may have to enter it with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER with an older version of Excel.
The stat labels must all have a length of 6 characters as shown in your post. If not, then they must at least have the same length and the last line SUM(7*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1 must be changed to replace the 7 with the string length + 1, e.g. a length of 9 would be SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1.
If they don't have the same length, the LEFT( can be removed along with the SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1) at the end. You will end up having a trailing / delimiter at the end. You could fix that for the case of stat F being the last part by changing {"/","/","/","/","/","/"} to {"/","/","/","/","/",""}, but the other cases would still have a trailing /. Another approach is much more complex, but the component SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1) could be shaped to identify what to cut off or maybe a helper column could be built - in any case, let's hope your situation is that the stat labels all have the same length.
The delimiter "/" can be changed, but must always be a single character. If not, then then last line must be changed to SUM( [label length + delimiter length] *ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1.
This formula is fixed to 6 stat columns. If you need for it to accommodate more, it is possible by extending the {"/","/","/","/","/","/"} and {"","","","","",""} (one element for each new column) and replacing every 12 with 2 times the number of columns. Also, obviously, the references $C$1:$H$1 and C1:H2 must be changed to read in your new columns.

Excel: Calculate average time (duration), with criteria, between 2 columns

Breaking my head over this, time to look for help :(
I have a sheet with raw data, as illustrated below.
I'd like to calculate the average duration per TestName (column A) between the 2 timestamps (B and C) in another sheet.
How can I do this in 1 formula?
Note 1: The correct answer is (done manually)
test1 = 26:41:23
test2 = 08:23:10
Note 2: 1 formula please, without adding extra columns to calculate the duration per each first
Note 3: I cannot change the format of the raw data
Note 4: ignore empty fields
Thank you!
Use a new Column D to calculate the difference between start and end date on each row:
Next calculate the average on test1 and test2
=AVERAGEIFS($D:$D, $A:$A, "test1")
=AVERAGEIFS($D:$D, $A:$A, "test2")
Note that I'm using a comma as separator, in some languages, other separators, like semicolon are needed to write the formulas properly.
Now format the view to display at least the days in addition to the time: "DD - hh:mm:ss". Going beyond 31 days is a bit difficult as the month will count up.
If you don't like the formatting, go with the raw number format and extract the information through a bit of math. If it shows for example 1,5 it means one and a half days. I hope you can handle converting decimals to hours, minutes and seconds. MOD(ulo) and Rounddown are going to be your friends. :-)

Excel: complicated SUMPRODUCT formula needed

I'm in search of a SUMPRODUCT formula, or a similar sort of formula which does the same thing. It should do the following:
On worksheet A it needs to ignore incorrect zipcodes, meaning
zipcodes which do not consist of 4 numbers and 2 letters need to be
ignored. It also needs to take into account that there sometimes are
superfluous spaces behind the zipcode. And sometimes there is a
space between the numbers and letters, sometimes there isn't. Just
the 4 numbers and 2 letters need to be compared.
The correct zipcodes on worksheet A need to be compared with the
zipcodes on worksheet B. If they match, then all the values behind
the zip code need to be summed up. If there is another record
starting with the same zipcode then these need to be added up as
Neither of the worksheets should need to be changed, since the data is generated frequently. The formula should be able to work on a third, separate worksheet. And it should work in Excel 2003.
EDIT: Added point 3.
I'll add an image to visualize what I mean. Hopefully someone can help me!
With some helper columns, you could use something like this (open in new tab for larger version):
The formulae:
In B2 to remove spaces and hence get a 'clean' ZIP and check the length:
=IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))=6,SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""),"")
In C2, to get the sum:
In G2, I used the same one as in B2:
=IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F2," ",""))=6,SUBSTITUTE(F2," ",""),"")
Without the helper, the formula becomes much longer because of repeating parts:
=IFERROR(IF(AND(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))=6,ISNUMBER(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""),4)*1),CODE(MID(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","")),5,1))>=97,CODE(MID(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","")),5,1))<=122,CODE(RIGHT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))>=97,CODE(RIGHT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))<=122),SUMPRODUCT($H$2:$K$8*(SUBSTITUTE($F$2:$F$8," ","")=SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))),""),"")
LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))=6, ' Check length
ISNUMBER(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""),4)*1), ' Check numbers
CODE(MID(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","")),5,1))>=97, ' Check if letter
CODE(MID(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","")),5,1))<=122, ' Check if letter
CODE(RIGHT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))>=97, ' Check if letter
CODE(RIGHT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))<=122 ' Check if letter
(SUBSTITUTE($F$2:$F$8," ","")=SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))),
Oops, forgot that IFERROR was not in 2003. The only reason why I used it was that MID would return an empty string and CODE would subsequently give an error. You can use the below instead which makes sure the string is 6 chars first:
=IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))=6,IF(AND(ISNUMBER(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""),4)*1),CODE(MID(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","")),5,1))>=97,CODE(MID(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","")),5,1))<=122,CODE(RIGHT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))>=97,CODE(RIGHT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))<=122),SUMPRODUCT($H$2:$K$8*(SUBSTITUTE($F$2:$F$8," ","")=SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))),""),"")
Here you have a formula to validate Dutch postal codes
=AND(LEN(A2)=6; ISNUMBER(VALUE(LEFT(A2;4))); CODE(MID(LOWER(A2);5;1)) >= 97; CODE(MID(LOWER(A2);5;1)) <= 122; CODE(MID(LOWER(A2);6;1)) >= 97; CODE(MID(LOWER(A2);6;1)) <= 122)
0-9 = ASCII code 48 to 57
a-z = ASCII code 97 to 122 (lowercase)
In case you have a Dutch version of Excel, the formula would be:

Extracting decimal numbers from a string in Excel

I've tried lots of searches for this but I'm still not coming up with anything that works.
I have a range of strings in Column A
As you can see, the numbers always start in the same place, after the underscore "_" at position 13.
I need to extract the decimal numbers from these strings into a new column so I'm left with 1.1, 1.13, 1.14, 4.26 etc.
I've tried all sorts of combos of MID, LEFT, LEN, RIGHT but to no avail, trying to find the position of the last period.
Could anyone explain how to accomplish this? Ideally I'd like to do this without VBA.
Here you are:
Here's what inside =VALUE(MID(...)):
A1 - the whole string itself
SEARCH("_",A1)+1 - find the number starting position - right after "_".
SEARCH(".",A1,SEARCH(".",A1,SEARCH("_",A1)+1)+1)-(SEARCH("_",A1)+1) - find number length - position of second "." after first "." minus number starting position.
Try with three functions:
Try this - If the position of _ is not necessarily 13.
Or this if the _ is always 13
Use This:
assuming value is in A1
Far from ideal, but with a shorter formula than the solutions offered so far:
Catch is that formulae would then need to be converted to values, parsed with delimiter _ (being careful to ensure Column data format is Text) and surplus columns deleted.
When the string Amend.Clause_1.1.AddMCQ is in A1
will give the position of the second decimal point, then you should be able to extract the decimal number.
The syntax is
FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])
