Custom LIKE statement in Java Spring Data and Cassandra #Query - cassandra

I need to query from a table using LIKE statement where parameters are optional.
This is custom query where I can filter employee table by which Non-Empty request param:
Select select ="employee");
Where selectWhere = select.where();
if (!email.isEmpty()) {
selectWhere.and("email", "%" + email + "%"));
if (!firstName.isEmpty()) {
selectWhere.and("first_name", "%" + firstName + "%"));
//Note: User will provide either email or first_name or both.
However, the above custom query will need to manually map the Rows to the object which I find too tedious:
ResultSet rs = cassandraClient.getApplicationSession().execute( select );
return rs.all().stream().map(row -> row.getString("first_name")).collect( Collectors.toList() );
Is there a way where I can use a Query annotation like below, so it will return the entity directly?
#Query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE email LIKE :email AND first_name LIKE :firstName")
Employee search(#Param(value="email" String email, #Param(value="firstName" String firstName)
I tried passing an empty parameter value, but I am getting the following error:
LIKE value can't be empty.


Pass a list of string's in IN clause in DocumentDb Query

This query works when i try to fetch records using IN and multiple Email Id's:
var families = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<Restraunt>(_documentCollection.SelfLink,
"Select Restraunt.RestrauntId from Restraunt join Rest in Restraunt.Emails where Emails.Email IN ('','') ").AsEnumerable().ToList();
I want to know how can i pass a list of Email id's as a string in the query?
I tried passing the list of strings directly but is unable to resolve that. Is there any way out to do that?
Let's say i have
List<string> elist=new List<string>{"",""}
How can i pass elist in the query?
You have to change your query to use ARRAY_CONTAINS instead, i.e. like this:
Select Restraunt.RestrauntId
from Restraunt
join Rest in Restraunt.Emails
where ARRAY_CONTAINS(['',''], Emails.Email)
Then you can parameterize that query, and send the array of emails as a parameter.
You can try this:
List<string> elist=new List<string>{"",""};
string emails = string.Empty;
if (eList!= null)
emails = "'" + string.Join("','", eList.Select(x => x != String.Empty? x :"").Distinct().ToArray()) + "'";
emails = emails.Replace("','','", "','");
var families = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<Restraunt>(_documentCollection.SelfLink,
"Select Restraunt.RestrauntId FROM Restraunt join Rest in Restraunt.Emails
WHERE Emails.Email IN (" + emails + ") ").AsEnumerable().ToList();

How to make case sensitive query with nodejs + pg

How to make case sensitive query with nodejs + pg
I want to select column content == '',
but it seems become select column == ''?
[error: column "" does not exist]
var userEmail = '';
var query = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = "'+userEmail+'")';
dbClient.query(query, function(error, result) {
For use binding parameters you must number it begining with $1 (then $2 and so), then put the parameters in an Array:
var query = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = $1)';
dbClient.query(query, [userEmail], function(error, result) {
Always pass the parameters in an array. Is most secure.
Remember do not pass a function to query if you have a very big table unless you want to read all the table before returns the control to de function. Else you can use the "on" event or use a promise way (like
This doesn't have anything to do with case. The problem is that you're putting the email address in double-quotes, and in (most varieties of) SQL double-quotes indicate a column name or table name. That's why the error message says column "" does not exist.
Use single-quotes around values:
var userEmail = '';
var query = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = \'' + userEmail + '\')';
Ideally, though, you should just use parameter binding so you don't have to worry about quoting values at all. When you use string concatenation to build SQL queries you very often open yourself up to SQL injection attacks.

ServiceStack SelectLazy<long> System.NullReferenceException

using (IDbConnection db = dbFactory.OpenDbConnection()) {
List<long> x = db.SelectLazy<long>(
"SELECT Id FROM MyTable").ToList();
Why is x null?
It works when I use Select instead of SelectLazy, or when I use SelectLazy on the entire row and not just the Id.
In OrmLite you use different API's to match the results you're after, e.g:
Select* API's for returning a List<MyTable>
Column* API's for returning a column of field values, e.g List<long>
Single* API's for returning a Single Row, e.g Table
Scalar* API's for returning a Single field value, e.g long
So to select a column as a List of fields you use db.Column, e.g:
var results = db.Column<long>(db.From<MyTable>().Select(x => x.Id));
These also have Raw Sql* equivalents, e.g:
var results = db.SqlColumn<long>("SELECT Id FROM MyTable");

how to retrieve multiple properties using #NameLookup in lotus notes

I am using #NameLookUp formula to retrieve internet address by giving a search key and it is working fine.But now i want to retrive not only the internet address but also some other properties like FirstName and LastName.
Here is the formula i am using to #Namelookup internet address by giving search string.
Vector vec=m_session.evaluate("#NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"InternetAddress\")");
//username is the String variable(Search Criteria)
Can anyone please help how to retrieve multiple properties(like firstName and lastName along with InternetAddress) by evaluate the formula only once. If it cant be done using #Namelookup is there any other way..?
This is a typical example when using evaluate() to call a Formula is not a good idea.
What you want to do is to get the NotesDocument class and read values from it.
Something like this (disclaimer, I am not a Java developer):
// Open Domino Directory on specified server
Database db = session.getDatabase("YourServer/Domain", "names.nsf");
// Get a view with user name is sorted first column
View view = db.getView("($Users)");
// Get the person document for specified user
Document doc = view.getDocumentByKey(userName, true);
if (doc != null) {
// Get text values from Notes document
String emailAddress = doc.getItemValueString("InternetAddress");
String officePhone = doc.getItemValueString("OfficeNumber");
String officeAddress = doc.getItemValueString("OfficeStreetAddress");
I believe this would be faster than multiple lookups using evaluate(), and you also have the added benefit of full error handling, and all being native code.
#NameLookup only returns the value of one item per call.
Assuming your goal is to only have one Evaluate statement, you could chain the calls together and return an array of values in a certain order:
Vector vec=m_session.evaluate("FirstName := #NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"FirstName\"); LastName:= #NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"LastName\"); InternetAddress :=#NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"InternetAddress\"); FirstName:LastName:InternetAddress");
Or possibly:
String firstName = m_session.evaluate("#NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"FirstName\")");
String lastName = m_session.evaluate("#NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"LastName\")");
String internetAddress = m_session.evaluate("#NameLookup([NoUpdate];\""+ userName + "\"; \"InternetAddress\")");
And then add those three strings in any order into your Vector.
Another approach is to use the DirectoryNavigator class. I believe it's been available since Notes/Domino 8.5 (perhaps even before that). DirectoryNavigator uses some of the same core logic as #NameLookup, so it should perform well.
Here's some sample code. I haven't tested this exact code, but I adapted it from production code that does a similar lookup:
String firstName = null;
String lastName = null;
String inetAddress = null;
Vector<String> lookupItems = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> vName = new Vector<String>();
Directory dir = session.getDirectory();
DirectoryNavigator dirNav = dir.lookupNames("($Users)", vName, lookupItems, true);
if( dirNav != null && dirNav.getCurrentMatches() != 0 ) {
// Digest the results of the lookup
Vector<String> value = null;
value = dirNav.getFirstItemValue();
firstName = value.elementAt(0);
value = dirNav.getNextItemValue();
lastName = value.elementAt(0);
value = dirNav.getNextItemValue();
inetAddress = value.elementAt(0);

Using string in place of property name (LINQ)

I have been able to get the values from tables using linq.
var q=(from app in context.Applicant
where app.ApplicantName=="")
Now what I want is this:
var q=(from app in context.Applicant
where app.stringIhave =="") // so instead of column name I have string which has same name as column.
Is it possible to specify string in Select as this is not sure what I will get in each case, I need different data all the time.
Is it possible to do so?
If no, then I will figure out something else.
I have a GlobalString, which holds the column name of a table.
So when I query that table, I only specify from string which column value I want to get:
var q=(from app in context.Applicants
where app.ID==1013
select GlobalString //which is specifying that I want to get value from which column, as column name is not fixed.
//where GlobalString can have values like: etc
var q = context.Applicants.Select("new(it.ApplicantFirstName as FirstName, it.ApplicantLastName as LastName)");
Error Message:
The query syntax is not valid. Near keyword 'AS'
You can use Dynamic Linq (available from NuGet) for that:
var q = context.Applicant.Where(app.stringIhave + " = #0", "");
for select you can try something like this
var q = context.Applicant.Select("new(it.FirstName as FirstName, it.LastName as LastName)");
so you only need construct string for that format
