Android java get wav file frames - audio

I need to get waveform data from the wav file,but my code returns not right waveform (i compare my results with waveform from fl studio)
This is my code:
path = "/storage/emulated/0/FLM User
Files/My Samples/808 (16).wav";
waveb = FileUtil.readFile(path);
waveb = waveb.substring((int) (waveb.indexOf("data") + 4), (int)(waveb.length()));
byte[] b = waveb.getBytes();
for(int i= 0; i < (int)(b.length/4); i++) {
map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("value", String.valueOf((long)((b[i*4] & 0xFF) +
((b[i*4+1] & 0xFF) << 8))));
map.put("byte", String.valueOf((long)(b[i*4])));
( (BaseAdapter)listview1.getAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged();
My results:
Fl studio mobile results:

I'm not sure I can help, given what I know off of the top of my head, but perhaps this will trigger some ideas in your search for a solution.
It looks to me like you are assuming the sound file is 16-bit stereo, little-endian, and that you are only attempting to inspect one track of the stereo frame. Can you confirm this?
There's at least one way this plan could go awry: the .wav header may be an odd number of bytes in length, and you might not be properly parsing frame boundaries as a result. As an experiment, maybe try adding a different increment when you reference the b[] array? For example b[i4 + 1] and b[i4 + 2] instead of b[i4] and b[i4 + 1]. This won't solve the general problem of parsing .wav headers, but it could at least get you closer to understanding the situation.
It sure looks like Java's AudioInputStream is not accessible in Android, and all searches that I have that ask if there is an Android equivalent are turning up unanswered.
I've used AudioTrack for the playback of raw PCM, but I don't know an Android equivalent for reading wav files. The AudioRecord class and read() methods look interesting as the read methods store PCM data in a short array, but I've never used them, and they seem to be hard-coded to the microphone for input.
There used to be a Google Group: IDK if it is still around. I used to go there and occasionally ask about things.
Maybe there is code you can use from Oboe or libGDX? The latter makes use of OpenAL and is for cross-platform development, with Android as one of the target platforms. I have not looked into either for this question.
If you do find the answer, it would be great to post it as a solution. This seems to be a matter that many have tried to solve and given up on.


How to select random .wav/.mp3 file from folder with Garry's mod?

I've recently started Coding a program that will replace sound effects from a default directory, in the Source-Engine Game, Garry's Mod.
This is the current code:
function GM:PlayerFootstep( ply, pos, foot, sound, volume, rf )
return true
I want to emit multiple .wav Sound effects, without them overlapping, and being selected at random.
I have not found any Source helpful enough on the Internet to assist, so i resorted to Stack Overflow.
I would appreciate assistance with the topic.
You'll want to look at the file.Find function for this.
I'd recommend having a custom folder such as sound/customsteps/ where you can put all your custom sounds. I would also recommend using the .wav format for the sound files, but some others do work (.mp3 and .ogg if I recall correctly).
In your code, simply call local snds=file.Find( "sound/customsteps/*", "GAME" ) which gives you a table, then you can simply choose a random one from the list using local snd=snds[math.random(1,#snds)] and play it as you do in your above code - ply:EmitSound(snd).
Make sure you create the table of sounds outside of the GM:PlayerFootstep function, so that it only runs once. I would also recommend precaching all the sounds. You can do this by looping through the table and calling util.PrecacheSound(path) on them, like so:
for k,v in pairs(snds) do
So, with all that in mind - your final code should look something like this:
local snds=file.Find( "sound/customsteps/*", "GAME" )
for k,v in pairs(snds) do
function GM:PlayerFootstep( ply, pos, foot, sound, volume, rf )
return true
Source: personal experience

H264 HW accelerated decoding in Android using stagefright library

I`m trying to decode h264 video using HW with Stagefright library.
i have used an example in here. Im getting decoded data in MedaBuffer. For rendering MediaBuffer->data() i tried AwesomeLocalRenderer in AwesomePlayer.cpp.
but picture in screen are distorted
Here is The Link of original and crashed picture.
And also tried this in example`
sp<MetaData> metaData = mVideoBuffer->meta_data();
int64_t timeUs = 0;
metaData->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs);
native_window_set_buffers_timestamp(mNativeWindow.get(), timeUs * 1000);
err = mNativeWindow->queueBuffer(mNativeWindow.get(),
mVideoBuffer->graphicBuffer().get(), -1);`
But my native code crashes. I can`t get real picture its or corrupted or it black screen.
Thanks in Advance.
If you are using a HW accelerated decoder, then the allocation on the output port of your component would have been based on a Native Window. In other words, the output buffer is basically a gralloc handle which has been passed by the Stagefright framework. (Ref: OMXCodec::allocateOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow). Hence, the MediaBuffer being returned shouldn't be interpreted as a plain YUV buffer.
In case of AwesomeLocalRenderer, the framework performs a software color conversion when mTarget->render is invoked as shown here. If you trace the code flow, you will find that the MediaBuffer content is directly interpreted as YUV buffer.
For HW accelerated codecs, you should be employing AwesomeNativeWindowRenderer. If you have any special conditions for employing AwesomeLocalRenderer, please do highlight the same. I can refine this response appropriately.
P.S: For debug purposes, you could also refer to this question which captured the methods to dump the YUV data and analyze the same.

OpenCV store image in Object (OOP)

I'm programming in C++ using OpenCV in an object oriented approach. Basically I have an array of object called People[8]. For each array, I want to allocate an image to it by taking a picture using webcam. I did something like this:
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
cvWaitKey(0); //wait for input then take picture
Mat grabbed = cam1.CamCapture();
imshow("picture", grabbed);
I face 2 problems here:
1) The imshow does not display the 'latest' image captured, it display the image previously taken i.e (i-1) instead of i.
2) When I display all the images together, 8 windows appear and all of them are displaying the last image captured on the camera.
I do not have any clue what is wrong, could anyone please advice? Thank you in advance.
"all of them are displaying the last image captured on the camera."
the images you get from the capture point to driver memory. so the former image gets overwritten by the latter.
you need to store a clone() of the mat you get, like:
People[i].setImage( grabbed.clone() );
I have not worked with OpenCV for a while but I would move around cvWaitKey( 1 ), I also would not have 2 calls to it, from what I remember it is similar to glFlush(). Also I would change 1 to 10. For some reason I remember 1 not working.

libsox split multichannel wav to mono channels

I want to split a Multichannel (2,8 or 16) wav file into its channels and save every channel in another wav-File.
So far I've accomplished to get libsox up and running in my c++, objective c++ project.
Libsox isnt well documented and there aren many examples on how to do it :(
I started by first openning the Inputfile
sox_format_t * in, * out;
assert(sox_init() == SOX_SUCCESS);
assert(in = sox_open_read((const char*)filename.c_str(),NULL,NULL,NULL));
Now I must find a way to get the number of channels of this file. Then I have to create the same amount of out-files and save every channel itself inside them.
How to do?
I think I will do it the old fashioned way.
Determine the channel count of the file.
Determine the length of the Data block.
Length of Data block / channelCount = Size of each channelBlock
Channels are saved like that inside a WavFile-Datablock (for 4Channel WavFile)
CH1/Ch2/Ch3/Ch4 CH1/Ch2/Ch3/Ch4.
I run through the datablock extract the channels and put them into a mono-wav-file

How can I save OpenGL draw with OpenGL?

I draw a screen with OpenGL commands. And I must save this screen to .bmp or .png format. But I can't do it. I am using glReadpixels but I can't do continue. How can I save this drawing in c++ with OpenGL?
Here it comes! you must include WinGDI.h (which i think the GL will do it!)
void SaveAsBMP(const char *fileName)
FILE *file;
unsigned long imageSize;
GLbyte *data=NULL;
GLint viewPort[4];
GLenum lastBuffer;
Unless you're feeling particularly ambitious (or perhaps masochistic) you probably want to use a library like DevIL that already supports this. The current version can load and/or save in both PNG and BMP formats, along with a few dozen others.
Compared to something like IJG, this is oriented much more heavily toward working with OpenGL or DirectX (e.g., it can load a file fairly directly into an texture or vice versa).
I know you're asking for raster formats, but an indirect way would be to first output vector graphics through gl2ps ( Examples of usage are provided with the package and on the site (
Then, the vector output can be converted to the format of your choice using another tool (Inkscape, Image/GraphicsMagick, etc.) or library. An added benefit is you can convert to bitmaps of any resolution in the future.
One thing need to be fixed at:
bmih.biXPelsPerMeter = bmih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
Otherwise, some picture edit can not open correctly.
