Is there a way to bulk process customer data in Stripe? - stripe-payments

I have a long list of old customers (>10K) in Stripe for which I would like to give a new trial period. Is there a way to bulk process those or we have to do that manually one by one?

I guess this depends entirely on what exactly you mean by 'new trial'. Do these customers have pre-existing Stripe subscriptions?
There's really no way to do this via the dashboard. However if there are no pre-existing subscriptions, you could programmatically create subscriptions for each customer object accordingly. You can specify the trial period on the price or on a per subscription basis.
As there are no batch endpoints for these operations, please be wary of the rate limiting if working with the API in this way


I want to deduct payment on the basis of request used in previously subscribed subscription when user upgrades in stripe?

I am working on stripe subscriptions and have 2 packages basic(400 requests)/month and premium(800 requests)/month and charges 10$ and 20$ respectively. when a user upgrades a subscription, I want to charge a user on the basis of request used. but stripe provides prorated approach and without prorated approach. in prorated approach it calculates payment on the basis of time spent in previously subscribed subscription and remaining time in newly subscribed subscription. but I want to calculate amount to be deducted from my own calculation because it might be possible that the user used only 2 requests in the first 15 days and then upgraded the package. however, I can use usage based pricing model but in this case I have to tell stripe each time that the user requested so increment the count and also stripe has rate limiting per second. how can I achieve it? thanks
I have tried to implement it with stripe schedules
Your best bet is the Usage based pricing model indeed. Read its Doc carefully or the Pricing Model Doc. Avoid Proration in your case, and make sure to report usage to Stripe.
Rate limiting is a different problem and you would need to deal with it regardless of APIs you are calling.

Stripe customer integration

have some question about Stripe integration.
Recently, I've had a problem with the paymentmethod limit.
One user had already reached the limit of 400 records.
Temporary, there is the solution to delete payment methods for expired records. This approach has to be more automatic.
So, also there are bunch of repeating paymentmethods. By meaning of repeating is now we have same records repeat themselves more then 2 times.
Probably the logic is not right here, to attach payment methods in this way.
For now this is the solution i figured out. Is it correcnt in this way to make it or not?
Also, I've been pondering about making some new customers if the customer has already reached the pm limit. Here is the question, is there any customer limit for the Stripe account?
There is no limit for customers in a Stripe account (though it's best to confirm with Stripe Support), but removing expired PaymentMethod sounds like a better approach than having multiple customers representing the same individual.

Stripe - Any way to migrate off older Charges API (Subscriptions) without creating a Customer beforehand?

I am updating my billing page which used Stripe JS V2 tokens and the Charges API (Subscriptions). The new(er) Payment Element looks slick from a future proofing standpoint, but am I understanding it correctly that the Customer object must be created prior to populating the payment form?
I only create the Customer once the payment token is obtained and a user has a clear intent to purchase after evaluating during a trial period. Otherwise my Stripe Dashboard is overrun with "empty" trial users that never sign up (I only have around a 10% signup rate from account creation). I guess this is mostly just a personal peeve, but I also just don't like to share user data and figured this way I would only be sharing with a third party once they become actual customers of mine.
Since a Subscription cannot be created without providing a Customer as part of the required parameters, am I stuck using the Card Element and the older Charges API if I don't create a Customer for every user in my system?
You really should just create a Customer up front. It will be required if you want to use trials with Subscriptions and will be cleaner in the long run.
For a workaround, which I would not overall recommend, you could use a SetupIntent with Payment Element to collect the customer's payment method without actually creating a Customer object. Then you can later create the Customer object and attach the PaymentMethod that was previously collected and then create the Subscription.

Allow for different customer to pay for a Stripe Subscription

I am working with Stripe to manage subscriptions. I would like to delegate payment of a subscription to another customer.
Specifically, I want the customer of the subscription to reap the benefits of a subscription, but assign another customer to pay for it.
Is that possible? If not, what are the possible workarounds? Thanks.
Once a subscription is created, an invoice is automatically generated and is not editable according to what I have tried previously
I would like to keep as close to the usual subscription flows as possible, as I don't want to lose out on things such as being able to pro-rate an invoice (which becomes messy if I have to manually craft invoices myself)

Does stripe allow to charge multiple customers in on api call?

I want to create a job that runs once a month and charges customers for different fees.
Is it possible to charge multiple customers in one api call ?
If not, what is the rate limit of the api ?
There is no way to charge multiple customers in one API call. You'd need to create one charge for each customer. As for the rate limit of the API, it's not published officially and you'd need to contact Stripe's support directly about this here.
