Azure Task Group deployment through release - How to get Azure Function App deployment output url 'AppServiceApplicationUrl' for later smoke test task - azure

I've created a task group which deploys an Azure Function App which normally in a normal release pipeline (not a task group), it gives you the option of naming this variable on the panel which opens on the right hand side:
output variable
But when an azure function app task is contained within a task group, it gives you no option to create an output variable.
I was wondering if theres a way I can capture that output variable so I can later use it as a variable in a later task within the same task group?

You will find your variable but under slightly different name.
Assuming you have one FunctionApp in yout ask group you will get it via this variable
To be sure please display all env variables. For Ubuntu you can add bash script with this command
env | sort
For more information please check this GitHub issue.


In azure devops: how can I inject my pipeline variables as appsettings when deploying a docker container to azure?

I'm having trouble setting my appsettings in a deployed docker container on azure.
My setup:
I have a .NET core app
My build pipeline builds a docker image and pushes it to my container registry on azure.
My release pipeline pulls the image based on a tag and deploys it to an azure web app.
I need to deploy the image to multiple environments. Every environment has different appsettings. I defined the variables in my pipeline "variables tab":
And I need to send these to my azure so they can be used.
When I manually add them it works, but i want to extract them from my variables, so I only have to add them once. (see screenshot 1)
Edit: The screenshot above works. But this is not what I'm looking for. As I'd have to edit the appsettings pipeline each time I add or remove a new appsetting. Also I believe that removing an appsetting here will just leave it on the deployed environment.
I'm deploying an existing docker image, so i'm unable to edit the appsetting.json file. I also won't make different docker files for each environment.
Is there a way to achieve this? How can I extract / list the variables defined in my pipeline as docker variables or appsettings?
You can define pipeline variables in your pipeline and have them attached to a specific scope (read stage) or the release scope (applied to all stages).
E.g. I have a variable defined as EnvironmentConnectionString which is defined in two scopes:
Scope Test: "EnvironmentConnectionString = server=test-db; ...."
Scope QA: "EnvironmentConnectionString = server=qa-db;..."
Score Release: "logging_flag=enabled"
Then you can set this up in your "Application and Configuration Settings" like
- ConnectionString $(EnvironmentConnectionString)
- Logging $(logging_flag)
Note the $(variable name) syntax for using these variables
When the different stages of the pipeline run, they automatically pick up the values specific to the stage and apply to azure app settings.
You can have different variable groups for different stages. These Variable Groups should have same variables defined with different values.
For example: The Dev Variable Group and Release group both have variables Port, RequestTimeout... The Port in Dev is 4999 while the Port in Release could be 5000. We can link these groups to specific Stage scope, Dev variable group for Dev stage and Release group for Release stage.
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Make sure all your stages have same settings like this, and then the variables with be replaced with correspondings values for different scopes.
Each stage in the pipeline is independent, they represent different environments. So we have to define the settings of stage or settings of the tasks within the stages one by one. We have to define the appsettings input one by one.

Release Azure Functions and file transformations

I have a lot of Azure Functions projects to deploy on Azure. I set build and pipeline for them. For example, this is one Release for an Azure Function.
Under Variables I defined all variables for the environments (one for dev, one for stage and one for production).
There is only one step for deploying the Azure Functions on Azure. I want to add/replace in the local.settings.json the right settings for an environment. I'm not be able to find how to configure that.
In other project, if I use Azure App Service Deploy, there is a section File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options.
How can I do the same in the release of an Azure Functions? What is the correct strategy or best practice?
Update and Solution
I thought it was much straightforward. I think this is the solution. In the App settings under Application and Configuration Settings, I have to specified each variable and its value using the ... in that line.
I can type or copy in this field. The syntax is
-variableName "$(variablename)"
I'm using quotes because if in the value there is any space (for example in the connection string you have Initial Catalog) DevOps raises an error. For array, I'm still using :.
Another way is to use File Transform task to substitute the variables in local.settings.json file with pipeline variables. See here for more information.
With File Transform task, you donot have to specify each variable and its value in App settings of deploy Azure Functions task.
You can add a File Transform task before the deploy Azure Functions task. Then define the variables(eg. KeyVaultSettings.ClientId) in your pipeline variables.
Then set the Package or folder, file format and Target files in File Transform task. See below:
This is what I've done in my Azure Functions pipeline (it's yaml, but you'll get the idea).
Create one stage per environment in your pipeline
Create your pipelines variables and asign a different value based on scope (stage)
Create a configuration entry (see picture) in your pipeline and asign the variable value.
Consume the configuration entry in your Azure Function (in my case I use Environmental Variables for that)
Use pipeline environment in your azure function configuration

Unable to use output variables from a PowerShell script in the Override Parameters of a Resource Group deployment task in Azure DevOPS

I have a PowerShell script where I have multiple output variables generated with the following syntax :
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=appObjectId;issecret=false]"+$appObjectId)
In the PowerShell task in Azure DevOPS, I have set the Output variables as follow:
Then, I use my output variables in an Azure Resource Group deployment as follow:
Unfortunately, when I look into the deployment details in Azure, I can see that the parameters of my ARM are not filled out with the value of the output parameters but with the name of it:
Important information: the ARM deployment task is done inside a task group. My PowerShell script is in the pipeline, just before the call to the Task Group. I tried to put the script inside the Task Group but I have the exact same issue.
I found the root cause: I need to enclose the parameter "$(myParam)" in the tasks where I need to use it. Otherwise, it is not computed.
I think you might have gotten the format wrong for defining the output variable from your Powershell script, this should work -
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=appObjectId;isOutput=true]$appObjectId"
Also add is isoutput=true, the defaults to false.
Cause you are not set the variable to appObjectId correctly. There is not AADApplication.appClientid. Then Azure DevOps treat this to string. That's why the parameters of my ARM are not filled out with the value of the output parameters but with the name of it.
No need to use () to include the follow set variable command.
SetVariable: Initialize or modify the value of a variable
You should use the following syntax :
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=appClientID;issecret=false;isoutput=true]value"
More details please refer our official doc here.

How do i identify my AzureDevOps id for a pipeline in ADO Pipelines?

So I am attempting to create a downstream project trying to use an artifact stored in azure pipeline artifact to build. I am using the task
It talks about the need for a pipelineId, not really sure where to find out the id for my other pipeline. Is there any easy way, its supposed to be a ~4 digit number according the documentation.
Go to the target pipeline you want -> Edit.
Check the URL. There you have the pipeline id.
I'm sorry I could not find a proper way to refer this without hardcoding.
There is an existing open issues on the pipeline ID.
The doc which you mentioned doesn't provide much information about pipelineID.
As per microsoft
pipelineId appears to be BuildId, and not the build definition id. It
needs the actual instance id of where the artifact is associated. I
was able to make this work by referencing a release variable tied to
the artifact alias. My alias is named "artifacts" and using
$(RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_ARTIFACTS_BUILDID) did the trick. So the format
If you were trying to consume in a build and not a release pipeline
you would need to somehow get the value of $(Build.BuildId)
I hope as this matures there are plans to make pipeline artifacts
published from a build automatically in release, just like they are
when using the old Build Artifacts. Currently for me that is not
happening so I am forced to manually add this step to my release
pipeline and associate it with the build pipeline.
I was facing the same problem in my azure devops pipelines, I don't know if it applies the same way for you, but here is my solution to do it :
There is the function az pipeline show that gives you the id of a pipeline with its name:
pipelineInfo=$(az pipelines show --name "$Pipeline_to_find")
id=$(echo "$pipelineInfo" | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['id'])")
#export this var to be used in any other task of your pipeline
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=id;]$id"
You can get pipeline ID from a pipeline directly from portal.
Go Azure Pipeline
Now select the pipeline you want the ID from and choose “Edit”
Once in EDIT PIPELINE mode, click the dotted menu and select “TRIGGERS”
Now, click on “variables” tab
Here you will see a variable — system.definitionId which is aka PipelineId
There are two IDs you may need to know in Azure Pipelines.
Build Pipeline ID / Definition ID: This is the ID of the Pipeline not a particular run of the pipeline. You can get it via System.DefinitionId
Build Record ID / Build ID: This is the ID for a particular run/record of your pipeline run. You can access it in your pipeline as Build.BuildId
In your case, you will need to use the Build.BuildId since you are trying to get the artifact from a particular run of a pipeline.
Reference: Predefined Azure Pipeline Variables
The following command uses Azure CLI (with DevOps extension) and jq to get the pipeline id in Bash shell:
az pipelines show --name <PIPELINE_NAME> | jq -r .id
If you want to use this inside an Azure Pipeline, you need to use an Azure CLI task and probably install jq on the run agent.
See ultimatom's answer for how to set the id as a variable in the pipeline.

What does the App Service Url under output in VSTS mean and do?

I'm trying to understand what the App Service Url part of the Output Section of a VSTS Deployment is.
When you hover over the (i) it says:
Specify a name for the output variable that is generated for the URL
of the Azure App Service. The variable can be consumed in subsequent
This gives me the impression that I am putting the name of a variable I want the Url of the app service assigned to.
Looking at other websites, they are putting the url of the website in.
I'm not sure how to be using it in subsequent steps. Can anyone help?
This variable is used for exactly what you think it would be used for. When you deploy to your App Service, you may want to use the App Service URL for a subsequent release task step.
You should create a variable as similar to hold the output URL:
You can then use it in a subsequent release step as shown below. (Note: I am simply using the Command Line release task to simulate how to use the output variable).
Here I have used the output URL of my Azure App Service as a command line argument in a subsequent release step.
