Apache & NodeJS Express = how use same 404 page - node.js

I'm using proxy on Apache to proxypass subfolder of domain to Node.js Express app on local port, but is there a way from Express side, somehow to pass purely a status in a way, so Apache uses own error page? (I want them to look the same).
As far as I know I may either use absolute path on server to that page etc, but that may not be consistent if I change the Apache settings. Is there any way to tell Apache over proxy request response, to show his error page, whatever it has been set to?
Maybe there is no such way, I just wonder if there is some way. The best I came up so far is to redirect to same URL but starting with /e/ which would work, but remains /e/ in URL - not bad, but maybe someone give a better hint.


Flask-Security force SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW to use HTTPS

I've run into an issue where the post-login redirect in Flask-Security is not keeping to HTTPS and is instead making an HTTP request. In some instances this is causing an error.
Ideally my nginx config would redirect all requests on :80 to :443 automatically, but apparently this is problematic as well. While I sort out the nginx issue I would really like to force Flask Security to always use HTTPS.
My current var for this is just:
The documentation says an endpoint name can be used as well, but it does not say what the format for that is. Do you just provide the endpoint name or is it wrapped in a url_for()?
Is there a way to force Flask Security to always use HTTPS, either in this particular instance or as a whole?
I have the same issue before. In fact, because of this limitation. I started to use flask-jwt instead of flask-security. Here is the link to the project https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-JWT/
I don't have an answer about Flask-Security itself, but you can force all HTTP traffic to redirect to HTTPS with Google's Flask-Talisman. That will fix the problem no matter what library you're using.
An old but important questions. I spent too much time working through this but here goes:
The answer is that Flask's url_for() is returning a relative url such as '/logged-in'.
werkzeug by default (via its autocorrect_location_header = True Response option) creates a fully qualified URL.
Where does it get the scheme and server?
It gets it by calling wsgi.get_current_url() -
which for scheme uses: environ["wsgi.url_scheme”]
Assuming you are using uwsgi https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - it seems to look at the variables
UWSGI_SCHEME and HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO and if neither are set then look at the variable HTTPS, else set wsgi.url_scheme=“http”
Most examples of setting up uwsgi+python say to place this (and others) in your
uwsgi_params file that is included in your nginx config:
uwsgi_param HTTPS $https if_not_empty;
I believe that simply setting:
uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCHEME https;
in your nginx config would force flask to believe the request was https regardless.
I use AWS ALB which seems to set all the relevant X-FORWARDED-xxx headers so
things just work.
If you need to handle both http and https and your LB doesn’t set
the headers - then the werkzeug folks have an answer - https://werkzeug.palletsprojects.com/en/0.15.x/middleware/proxy_fix
Endpoint name is the name of the view function.
Basically, if your desired route is decorating the show_home function,
app.config['SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW'] = 'show_home'
def show_home():
PS: I am not sure what was the situation when the question was posted, but I describe the situation for Flask-security-too==4.0

Connect from WordPress webpage to a Node.js backend server

Being new to WordPress, I've been doing some research and yet I don't seem to be able to pinpoint a solution for my need.
In short, I would like to allow a WordPress page to access a Node.js backend, the goal is ultimatly to get access to MongoDB via Node.js, retrieve some data and return a dynamically generated webpage to the website.
I was checking WordPress Rest API but all it seems to do is frontend handling of a WordPress website, creating and editing post, etc.
Unless there's a better way of doing it, I was thinking I might just send a get/post request from the WP page (like, with a form's action) and use Express.js to listen to that request, do the whole workflow on Node.js, then maybe use some npm wordpress API (like this one) to create a wordpress client and add a page or post with the DB extracted content.
I would appreciate some guidance, if any, as to how could one connect from WordPress to a Node.js backend.
Thanks a bunch!
There are a lot of ways to do it.
If you only need Node for a particular page then you can use your web server (NGINX/Apache) to reverse proxy a particular path to the Node server.
If you had to you could always use an HTML iframe as well but for some reason I feel like that's bad advise.
The method you described would work too. I was considering using GET/POST requests with Express running on a different port for a project I'm working on that uses Wordpress. I decided to go with the solution linked below.
This is probably the method you're looking for based on your description. Skip to solution three if you have to use Wordpress.
Node JS Reverse Proxy (with Apache)
You can find how to do it with NGINX with a quick search.

Get current URL in XPages with an reverse proxy

i have a simple XPage and i access it through an reverse proxy.
My problem is now to get the correct URL on server side.
XSPContext xspContext = new ServletXSPContextFactory().getXSPContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
XSPUrl xspUrl = xspContext.getUrl();
return xspUrl.toString();
did not work correct.
For example:
URL in the Browser is https://myip/db.nsf
But the SSJS function as well as the Java function returns just http://myip/db.nsf
When i try this without a reverse proxy, everything work fine.
Is there a way to get location.href on server side?
Unless you want to send out links to other places, you don't need the protocol part. If you are on the same browser //someserver/somepage will link to a different server using the currently used protocol. Other than that the proxy probably set a header.
You can use the following code to create the URL manually:
var path = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getContextPath()
var url = "https://" + path
This will return the path to your nsf-file with the https prefix
Hmm... this may be an administrative setting: with an internet site document you can additionally create a website rule (type = substitution) to automatically compute the whole URL by the incoming pattern. Have a look at the IBM Domino administration help on how to setup a site document as well as a web site rule.
The goal is to get both URLs to have the same scheme so that XSP computation will result in correct values dynamically.
I believe what you want is to set the $WSIS header from the reverse proxy to Domino to True. Much like the other WebSphere connector headers, this should cause Domino to think that the incoming protocol is HTTPS in all situations. Note that this also has the unfortunate side effect of causing Domino to revert to its behavior of only using one Site document per IP; if you've been taking advantage of the reverse proxy to avoid this bug, you will have to find another route, such as looking for an X-SSL header from the proxy.

Host multiple site with node.js

I'm currently learning node.js and loving it. I noticing, however, that it seems that's it's really only fit for one site. So it's great for hosting mydomain.com, but what if I want to build an actual full web server with it. In other words, I would like to host mydomain.com, example.com, yourdomain.com and so on. What solutions (modules) are available for this? I was thinking of simply parsing the url from the request object and simply reading from the appropriate directory. For example if I get a request for example.com then read from the example_com directory or if I get a request from mydomain.com read from the mydomain_com directory. The issue here is I don't know how this will affect performance and scalability.
I've looked into Multi-node but I don't fully follow the idea of processes yet (I'm a node beginner).
Any suggestions are welcome.
You can do this a few different ways. One way is to write it directly into your web application by checking what domain the request was made to and then route within your application but unless your application is very basic this can make it fairly bloated and can get messy. A good time to do something like this might be if you're writing a blogging platform where everything is pretty much the same across all your domains. The key difference might be how you query your data to display the right data.
In this case you'd probably use the request to see which blog is being accessed.
If you want to just host a few different domains on the same server all using port 80 (like most websites do) you will want to proxy each request off to a different process. You can do this with nginx or even with node itself. It all comes down to what best fits your needs. bouncy is a quick way to get setup doing this as its a nodejs module and has some pretty impressive benchmarks. nginx (proxy with nginx) is probably the most wildly used method though, as a lot of nodejs servers use nginx to serve static content anyways.
You can use connect's vhost middleware (which is also available in express) to dispatch requests to separate request handlers based on the Host: header. This assumes that everything is being handled by the same node process on the same port; if you really need separate processes, then the suggestion about using nginx as a reverse proxy is probably the way to go.

Using IIS as secure reverse proxy in front of less secure HTTP server?

I have a CppCMS based application and I cant use IIS's FastCGI connector as
it is broken for my use thus I want to try to
use the internal HTTP server designed for debug purposes behind IIS.
I it is quite simple web server for an application that handles basic HTTP/1.0 requests
and does not care too much about security like DoS, file serving and more.
So I'd like to know if it is possible to use IIS in front of such application such that
it would:
Sanitize all requests - ensure that they are proper HTTP
Handle all DoS issues like timeouts
Serve the static files.
Is this something that can be configured and done at all?
I would suggest this is the wrong way of doing this. I would use a web server like Nginx to proxy the requests through to backend server. It is very configurable and you will find a lot of articles with doing it to Apache.
We just did something like this. You want the URL Rewriter module. You can use it to sanitize the URLs, however, it isn't going to sanitize the payload. Which is to say, you can make sure that the URLs that hit your box are very specific ones, e.g. not attempts to hits CGI, but you can't use it to make sure that the contents of an upload are safe.
ModSecurity is out for IIS now, it can handle lots of the security related issues.
