Model Derivative API revit to dwg - revit-api

I wanted to convert the Revit file to DWG file, so I created a job using the Model Derivative API, When I check the Manifest, Progress will succeed at 0%.
The following json was used to create the job
"input" : {
"urn" : "****************************"
"output" : {
"formats" : [
"type" : "dwg"


How to add/update data at nested level in existing Index using Logstash mutate plugin

I have multiple logstash pipelines set up on server that feeds data in Index. Every pipelines adds bunch of fields at the first level of Index along with their nested level.
I already have kpi1 and kpi2 values inside Metrics => data with Metrics being nested array. And I have a requirement to add a new pipeline that will feed the value of kpi3. Here is my filter section in the new pipeline that I created:
filter {
ruby {
code => "
event.set('kpi3', event.get('scoreinvitation'))
mutate {
# Rename the properties according to the document schema.
rename => {"kpi3" => "[metrics][data][kpi3]"}
It overwrites the Metrics section ( may be because it is an array??). Here is my mapping :
"metrics" : {
"type" : "nested",
"properties" : {
"data" : {
"properties" : {
"kpi1" : {
"name" : {
"type" : "text",
How can I keep the existing fields (and values) and still add the new fields inside Metrics => Data ? Any help is appeciated.
The Logstash pipeline looks good, however your mapping doesn't make much sense to me if I'm understanding your requirement correctly.
The metrics property doesn't have to be of type nested. In fact, the metrics property is just a json namespace that contains sub-fields / -objects.
Try the following mapping instead
"metrics": {
"properties": {
"data": {
"properties": {
"kpi1": {
# if you want to assign a value to the kpi1 field, it must have a type
"name": {
"type": "text"

How to search on array and select the element in logic app

In logic app I have parse json data one of field is 'content' which is array of objects.
"content" : [ {
"type" : "substitution",
"name" : "start_time",
"value" : "4:00 p.m. PDT"
}, {
"type" : "substitution",
"name" : "app_type",
"value" : "virtual"
}, {
"type" : "substitution",
"name" : "end_time",
"value" : "4:15 p.m. PDT"
}, {
"type" : "substitution",
"name" : "organization_name",
"value" : "vivendo habitasse doctus harum platea"
}, {
"type" : "substitution",
"name" : "start_date",
"value" : "Wednesday, October 7, 2020"
} ]
Now I want to search in array with name and return the value if is present else empty.
e.g search by name "start_time" it should return value "4:00 p.m. PDT"
How Can I achieve this in logic app ? Is there any pre defined functions that lets you search
As far as I know, there is no pre defined functions for us to implement this requirement. But we can implement it by writing code, please refer to my logic app below:
Prerequisites: You need to create an integration account and associate it with your logic app. You can refer to this document.(I think free pricing tier for integration account is enough)
1. Initialize a variable named inputName to store the input name (here I store app_type for test).
2. Then initialize another variable named datasource to store the same json as yours.
3. User "Parse JSON" action to parse datasource.
4. After that, use JS inline code to do the search.
var content = workflowContext.actions.Parse_JSON.outputs.body.content;
var inputName = "" + workflowContext.actions.Initialize_variable.inputs.variables[0].value;
var result = "";
if( == inputName){
result = item.value;
return result;
5. Running the logic app, it retrieve the value virtual (which its name is app_type).

Firebase Database: Get only one child node, out of many child nodes

I am using firebase real-time database. I don't want to get all child nodes for a particular parent node, I am concerned this with a particular node, not the sibling nodes. Fetching all the sibling nodes increases my billing in firebase as extra XXX MB of data is fetched. I am using NodeJs admin library for fetching this.
Adding a sample JSON
"phone" : {
"shsjsj" : {
"battery" : {
"isCharging" : true,
"level" : 0.25999999046325684,
"updatedAt" : "2018-05-15 12:45:29"
"details" : {
"deviceCodeName" : "sailfish",
"deviceManufacturer" : "Google",
"deviceName" : "Google Pixel",
"downloadFiles" : {
"7bfb21ff683f8652ea390cd3a380ef53" : {
"uploadedAt" : 1526141772270,
"token" : "cgcGiH9Orbs:APA91bHDT3mI5L3N62hqUT2LojqsC0IhwntirCd6x0zz1CmVBz6CqkrbC",
"uploadServer" : {
"createdAt" : 1526221336542,
"hshssjjs" : {
"battery" : {
"isCharging" : true,
"level" : 0.25999999046325684,
"updatedAt" : "2018-05-15 12:45:29"
"details" : {
"deviceCodeName" : "sailfish",
"deviceManufacturer" : "Google",
"deviceName" : "Google Pixel",
"downloadFiles" : {
"7bfb21ff683f8652ea390cd3a380ef53" : {
"uploadedAt" : 1526141772270,
"token" : "cgcGiH9Orbs:APA91bH_oC18U56xct4dRuyw9qhI5L3N62hqUT2LojqsC0IhwntirCd6x0zz1CmVBz6CqkrbC",
"uploadServer" : {
"createdAt" : 1526221336542,
In the above sample JSON file, i want to fetch all phone->$deviceId->token. Currently, I am fetching the whole phone object, then I iterate over all the phone ID's to fetch the token. This spikes my database download usage and increases billing. I am only concerned with the token of all the devices. Siblings of the token is unnecessary.
All queries to Realtime Database fetch everything under the location requested. There is no way to limit to certain children under that location. If you want only certain children at a location, but not everything under that location, you'll have to query for each one of them separately. Or, you can restructure or duplicate your data to support the specific queries you want to perform - duplication is common for nosql type databases.

Mongo text search with AND operation for multiple words partially enered

TypeList" : [
"TypeName" : "Carrier"
"TypeName" : "Not a Channel Member"
"TypeName" : "Service Provider"
Question :"text", {search:"\"chann\" \"mem\""})
For above query I want display :
TypeName" : "Not a Channel Member"
But I am unable to get my result.
What are changes I have to do in query .
Please help me.
The below query will return your desired result.[
{$project:{_id:0, TypeName:"$TypeList.TypeName"}}
If you can accept to get an output like this:
"TypeList" : [
"TypeName" : "Not a Channel Member"
then you can get around using the aggregation framework which generally helps performance by running the following query:
"TypeList.TypeName": /chann.*mem/i
{ // project the list in the following way
"_id": 0, // do not include the "_id" field in the output
"TypeList": { // only include the items from the TypeList array...
$elemMatch: { //... where
"TypeName": /chann.*mem/i // the "TypeName" field matches the regular expression
Also see this link: Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection

Analyzing apache access logs with elasticsearch Watcher

I am using the ELK Stack to analyze logs and I need to analyze and detect anomalies of apache access logs. What can I analyze with apache access logs and how should I give the conditions with curl -XPUT to Watcher?
If you haven't found it already, there's a decent tutorial at It provides a basic example of creating a log watch.
You can analyze/watch anything that you can query in Elasticsearch. It's just a matter of formatting the query with the correct JSON syntax. The guide for crafting the conditions is at
You'll also want to look at to get an idea of the possible actions Watcher can take when a query meets a condition.
As far as the post to Watcher, each watch is essentially a JSON object. Because they can get pretty elaborate, I have found that it's best to create a file for each watch you want to create, and post them like this:
curl -XPUT http://my_elasticsearch:9200/_watcher/watch/my_watch_name -d #/path/to/my_watch_name.json
my_watch_name.json should have these basic elements (as described in the first link above):
"trigger" : { ... },
"input" : { ... },
"condition" : { ... },
"actions" : { ... }
The actions section is going to be specific to your use case, but here's a basic example of the other sections that I'm using successfully:
"trigger" : {
"schedule" : { "interval" : "5m" }
"input" : {
"search" : {
"request" : {
"indices" : [ "logstash" ],
"body" : {
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : {
"match" : { "message" : "error" }
"filter" : {
"range" : { "#timestamp" : { "gte" : "now-5m" } }
"condition" : {
"compare" : { "" : { "gt" : 0 } }
"actions" : {
