Terraform count length of variables - azure

we have a standard naming convention within azure, but in order to sometimes be able to make an exception, it must be possible to provide a name yourself when calling the module
How can be indicated within count which variable Var.Log Name or Local.ComponetName should be used and how can we pass this to the name of the resource
resource "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" "LOG" {
count = length(var.LOG_Name) == "" ? length(local.ComponentNames) : null
name = var.LOG_Name[count.index] == "" ? local.ComponentNames[count.index] : null
resource_group_name = element(var.resourcegroup_name[*], count.index)
location = var.location
sku = var.LOG_Sku
retention_in_days = var.LOG_RetentionPeriod

What you are actually looking for are loops. Within loops you can reference the name of the resource and in case there is no such resource available it won't create them, which seems to be what you tried to indicate when mentioning null.
Here is a great link regarding loops in terraform that thoroughly explains the different types of loops and how to use them: https://blog.gruntwork.io/terraform-tips-tricks-loops-if-statements-and-gotchas-f739bbae55f9


Is there a condition in terraform same as CloudFormation?

I see people using count to block resource creation in terraform. I want to create some resources if a condition is set to true. Is there such a thing same as in CloudFormation?
You answered yourself, the most similar thing is the count
You can use it combined with a conditional expression, like
resource "x" "y"{
count = var.tag == "to_deploy" ? 1 : 0
But this is just a stupid example, you can put everything, also use functions
count = max(var.array) >= 3 ? 1 : 0
And if you need to put a condition on something more complex, you can evaluate to use a locals block where do all elaboration you need, and just use some bool, or what you want, resultant from that in conditional expression.
I would like to help you more, but I should know your specific case, what are the conditions you would have.
In CloudFormation a "condition" is a top-level object type alongside resources, outputs, mappings, etc.
The Terraform language takes a slightly more general approach of just having values of various data types, combining and transforming them using expressions. Therefore there isn't a concept exactly equivalent to CloudFormation's "conditions", but you can achieve a similar effect in other ways using Terraform.
For example, if you want to encode the decision rule in only a single place and then refer to it many times then you can define a Local Value of boolean type and then refer to that from multiple resource blocks. A local value of boolean type is essentially equivalent to a condition object in CloudFormation. The CloudFormation documentation page you linked to has, at the time of writing, an example titled "Simple condition" and the following is a roughly-equivalent version of that example in the Terraform language:
variable "environment_type" {
type = string
validation {
condition = contains(["prod", "test"], var.environment_type)
error_message = "Must be either 'prod' or 'test'."
locals {
create_prod_resources = (var.environment_type == "prod")
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
ami = "ami-0ff8a91507f77f867"
instance_type = "..."
resource "aws_ebs_volume" "example" {
count = local.create_prod_resources ? 1 : 0
availability_zone = aws_instance.example.availability_zone
resource "aws_volume_attachment" "example" {
count = local.create_prod_resources ? 1 : 0
volume_id = aws_ebs_volume.example[count.index].id
instance_id = aws_instance.example.id
device = "/dev/sdh"
Two different resource blocks can both refer to local.create_prod_resources, in the same way that the two resources MountPoint and NewVolume can refer to the shared condition CreateProdResources in the CloudFormation example.

Terraform: Conditional creation of a resource based on a variable in .tfvars

I have resources defined in .tf files that are generic to several applications. I populate many of the fields via a .tfvars file. I need to omit some of the resources entirely based on variables in the .tfvars.
For example if I have a resource like:
resource "cloudflare_record" "record" {
zone_id = "${data.cloudflare_zones.domain.zones[0].id}"
name = "${var.subdomain}"
value = "${var.origin_server}"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = 1
proxied = true
But then I declare something like cloudflare = false in my .tfvars file I'd like to be able to do something like this:
if var.cloudflare {
resource "cloudflare_record" "record" {
zone_id = "${data.cloudflare_zones.domain.zones[0].id}"
name = "${var.subdomain}"
value = "${var.origin_server}"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = 1
proxied = true
I've looked at dynamic blocks but that looks like you can only use those to edit fields and blocks within a resource. I need to be able to ignore an entire resource.
Add a count parameter with a ternary conditional using the variable declared in .tfvars like this:
resource "cloudflare_record" "record" {
count = var.cloudflare ? 1 : 0
zone_id = "${data.cloudflare_zones.domain.zones[0].id}"
name = "${var.subdomain}"
value = "${var.origin_server}"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = 1
proxied = true
In this example var.cloudflare is a boolean declared in the .tfvars file. If it is true a count of 1 record will be created. If it is false a count of 0 record will be created.
After the count apply the resource becomes a group, so later in the reference use 0-index of the group:
Expanding on #Joel Guerra's answer, after you use count to determine whether to deploy the resource or not, you can use the one() function to refer to the resource without an index (i.e. without having to use [0]).
For example, after defining the resource like below
resource "cloudflare_record" "record" {
count = var.cloudflare ? 1 : 0
Define a local variable like below
locals {
cloudflare_record_somefield = one(cloudflare_record.record[*].some_field)
Now instead of cloudflare_record.record[0].some_field, you can use
If the count is 0 (e.g. var.cloudflare is false and the resource wasn't created) then local.cloudflare_record_somefield would return null (instead of returning an error when indexing using [0]).
Reference: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/functions/one
An issue i'm seeing this with is if the resource your trying to create is already using a for_each then you can't use both count and for_each in the resource. I'm still trying to find an answer on this will update if I find something better.

Terraform looking local vars that are calculated using mapping when using count to create multiple resources

I’m using mapped variables in order to create local vars based on longer variable names, I'm using them where we would have abbreviations or where the resource wants a sanitized or shortened version of a value used elsewhere.
variable "env-short" {
description = "create a shortened version of the name of use in resource naming"
type = "map"
default = {
"Proof Of Concept" = "poc"
"User Acceptance Testing" = "uat"
"Production" = "prd"
variable "org-short" {
description = "create a shortened version of the name of use in resource naming"
type = map(string)
default = {
"My Big Company" = "MBC"
"My Little Company" = "MLC"
variable "loc-short" {
description = "create a shortened version of the name of use in resource naming"
type = map(string)
default = {
"UK South" = "UKS"
"UK West" = "UKW"
"North Europe" = "NEU"
"West Europe" = "WEU"
And use corresponding variables for their full length mapping equiverlants.
Now I could use as is within a resource block by something like
Name = “${lower(“${var.loc-short[$var.location]}”)-${lower(“${var.org-short[$var.organisation]}”)-${lower(“${var.env-short[$var.environment]}”)-myresource”
But like all good coders I like to keep things neat and readable by declaring local variables that I can then refer to.
locals {
org-short = "${lower("${var.org-short["${var.organisation}"]}")}"
loc-short = "${lower("${var.loc-short["${var.location}"]}")}"
env-short = "${lower("${var.env-short["${var.environment}"]}")}"
# I also create additional for commonly used configurations of them
name-prefix = "${lower("${var.org-short["${var.organisation}"]}")}-${lower("${var.loc-short["${var.location}"]}")}"
name-prefix-storage = "${lower("${var.org-short["${var.organisation}"]}")}${lower("${var.loc-short["${var.location}"]}")}"
This works really great and keeps things neat tidy and readable.
resource "provisioner_example" "test" {
location = var.location
name = “${local.loc-short}-${local.env-short}-my resource”
I would like however to be able to use this format when I start creating multiple resources using the count functionality.
resource "provisioner_example" "test" {
count = length(var.location)
location = var.location[count.index]
name = “${local.loc-short[count.index]}-${local.env-short}-my resource”
Terraform then complains that the index is invalid in the locals lookup, varlocation is tuple with 2 elements,| var.loc-short is map of string with 4 elements. The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: string required.
Now I know I can work around this by getting rid of the locals variables andincluding the variable calculation directly
name =”${lower("${var.loc-short["${var.locations[count.index]}"]}")}-${local.env-short}-my resource"
But to me it then makes the code seem more messy and less structured.
Any ideas on how I can pass the count index value to the map lookup?

proper way to use nested variables in terraform

In my terraform script, I have
resource "azuread_application" "main" {
count = "${length(var.sp_names)}"
name = "${sp_prefix}-${var.sp_names[count.index]}"
available_to_other_tenants = false
resource "azuread_service_principal" "main" {
count = "${length(var.sp_names)}"
application_id = "${azuread_application.main.["${sp_prefix}"-"${var.sp_names[count.index]}"].application_id}"
when I ran terraform init I get the following error:
An attribute name is required after a dot.
what is the right way to use nested variables and a list object?
In order for a resource to be represented as a map of instances rather than a list of instances, you need to use for_each instead of count:
resource "azuread_application" "main" {
for_each = { for n in var.sp_names : n => "${var.sp_prefix}-${n}" }
name = each.value
available_to_other_tenants = false
The for_each expression above is a for expression that transforms your list or set of names into a mapping from the given names to the prefixed names. In the other expressions in that block, each.key would therefore produce the original given name and each.value the prefixed name.
You can then similarly use for_each to declare the intent "create one service principal per application" by using the application resource's map itself as the for_each expression for the service principal resource:
resource "azuread_service_principal" "main" {
for_each = azuread_application.main
application_id = each.value.application_id
In this case, the azuread_application.main value is a map from unprefixed names to objects representing each of the declared applications. Therefore each.key in this block is the unprefixed name again, but each.value is the corresponding application object from which we can access the application_id value.
If your var.sp_names had a string "example" in it, then Terraform would interpret the above as a request to create two objects named azuread_application.main["example"] and azuread_service_principal.main["example"], identifying these instances by the var.sp_names values. This is different to count where the instances would have addresses like azuread_application.main[0] and azuread_service_principal.main[0]. By using for_each, we ensure that adding and removing items from var.sp_names will add and remove corresponding instances from those resources, rather than updating existing ones that happen to share the same numeric indices.
I am assuming you are using a version older that 0.12.x. If not the answer from Martin is the best one.
You need to leverage the splatting.
resource "azuread_service_principal" "main" {
count = "${length(var.sp_names)}"
application_id = "${azuread_application.main.*.application_id}"

Creating two VMs in the same resource group without Terraform wanting to destoy the first one

I'm trying to deploy two virtual machines within the same resource group to our Azure platform with Terraform. After successfully creating the first one Terraform then wants to destroy the first one to create the second one after I've changed the second VM name and Azure tag.
I've been following the Terraform guide: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/r/virtual_machine.html
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "main" {
location = "${var.location}"
name = "${var.vm_name}"
network_interface_ids = ["${azurerm_network_interface.main.id}"]
resource_group_name = "${var.resourcegroup_vm}"
vm_size = "${var.vm_size}"
tags {
application = "${var.tag}"
I expected Terraform to just create the second VM after changing its variable name and tag. Not wanting to destory the first one because of the name and tag change.
Terraform is based on HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language), which is the format *.tf files are written in. It is a declarative language (as opposed to imperative), which means that you describe the desired state you want your infrastructure to be and Terraform will figure out what changes are needed to take it to that point.
If you first create an instance and then change its name you are telling Terraform that you no longer want your instance to have the old name but the new one.
To deploy a number of instances you can use the count attribute. You could then use interpolation to get names and tags based in the counter, something similar to this:
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "main" {
location = "${var.location}"
name = "${var.vm_name}-${count.index + 1}"
network_interface_ids = ["${azurerm_network_interface.main.id}"]
resource_group_name = "${var.resourcegroup_vm}"
vm_size = "${var.vm_size}"
tags {
application = "${var.tag}-${count.index + 1}"
count = 2
Note the attached -${count.index + 1} to name and the application tag.
