Haskell Reader monad and argument passing - haskell

I was following this tutorial https://blog.ssanj.net/posts/2014-09-23-A-Simple-Reader-Monad-Example.html
It has tree functions that is embarrassing to me
tom :: Reader String String
tom = do
env <- ask
return (env ++ " This is tom.")
jerry :: Reader String String
jerry = do
env <- ask
return (env ++ " This is Jerry.")
tomAndJerry :: Reader String String
tomAndJerry = do
t <- tom
j <- jerry
return (t ++ "\n" ++ j)
runJerryRun :: String
runJerryRun = (runReader tomAndJerry) "Who is this?"
These functions receive no arguments but still they access the reader monad, what magic is happening here? What is the intuition behind this?
I reader monad a kind of global?

Each of the first two functions returns its own instance of a Reader monad. Then, you can compose them together (in the third function).
For the sake of the argument, let's replace Reader with IO and do something similar, with none of these functions receiving any argument:
getIntFromFile :: IO Int
getIntFromFile = do
x <- readFile "myfile.txt"
pure $ read x :: Int
getIntFromStdin :: IO Int
getIntFromStdin = do
x <- getLine
pure $ read x :: Int
As you can see, both use the IO monad but they don't share anything in common. However, since they both use the IO monad, you can (and that's the beauty of it) compose them together as follows:
-- | the equivalent of your `tomAndJerry` function
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- getIntFromFile
y <- getIntFromStdin
print $ x + y
This is exactly the same logic at play with the example from the tutorial, except with Reader instead of IO.

I think one important misunderstanding was addressed by Daniel Wagner in a comment. The Reader is (well, wraps) a function, so it does take arguments. In light of this, I guess your final question
I reader monad a kind of global?
has an answer: yes, in the sense that the reader monad gives you a way to pass an immutable state/environment through chained computations; so it kind of reads the same value everytime it's invoked (via ask) along the chain.
Which in the case of your code means that the two asks (or, equivalently, tom and jerry) both read the same environment, represented by the string "Who is this?".
Imho, this becomes a bit clearer by desugaring the dos:
tom :: Reader String String
tom = ask >>= \env -> return (env ++ " This is Tom.")
jerry :: Reader String String
jerry = ask >>= \env -> return (env ++ " This is Jerry.")
tomAndJerry :: Reader String String
tomAndJerry = tom >>= \t -> jerry >>= \j -> return (t ++ "\n" ++ j)
Here >>= expects a function that returns a monad, but you don't have it, you have the "ordinary" function (e.g. \env -> env ++ " This is Tom."), so you have to use return to wrap the result back into the monad. Then instead of using >>= and return . f, why don't we use fmap f, since we only have to apply a function inside the monad?
Which means that we can go further and simplify by using Functor for tom and jerry and Applicative for tomAndJerry.
tom :: Reader String String
tom = fmap (++ " This is Tom.") ask
jerry :: Reader String String
jerry = fmap (++ " This is Jerry.") ask
tomAndJerry :: Reader String String
tomAndJerry = (\t j -> t ++ "\n" ++ j) <$> tom <*> jerry
Both tom and jerry are asking for the environment, and each of them applies a function to it. Then tomAndJerry is just a way of composing them via a binary function, as pointed out in the accepted answer.
By the way, the language server tells me of asks, which allows to write
tom :: Reader String String
tom = asks (++ " This is Tom.")


Interpreting the Teletype free monad in the RWS monad

I'm currently learning about free monads and I was toying with probably the simplest and most common example out there – Teletype:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad.Free
data TeletypeF a = Put String a
| Get (String -> a)
deriving Functor
type Teletype = Free TeletypeF
Many tutorials interpret Teletype programs in the IO monad. For example:
-- Utilities
get = liftF $ Get id
put s = liftF $ Put s ()
-- Sample programs
echo :: Teletype ()
echo = do word <- get
if word == "\04" -- Ctrl-D
then return ()
else put word >> echo
hello :: Teletype ()
hello = do put "What is your name?"
name <- get
put "What is your age?"
age <- get
put ("Hello, " ++ name ++ "!")
put ("You are " ++ age ++ " years old!")
-- Interpret to IO
interpIO :: Teletype a -> IO a
interpIO = foldFree lift
lift (Put s a) = putStrLn s >> return a
lift (Get f) = getLine >>= return . f
I was trying to interpret it in a different monad, namely the RWS monad.
This idea was motivated by the last exercise from this assignment.
I'm using the RWS datatype to fetch input from the Reader part and accumulate output in the State part.
But, unfortunately, I'm not able to get it working. Here is my attempt so far:
import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy hiding (get, put)
type TeletypeRWS = RWS [String] () [String]
-- Interpret to TeletypeRWS
interpRWS :: Teletype a -> TeletypeRWS a
interpRWS = foldFree lift
lift (Put s a) = state (\t -> ((), t ++ [s])) >> return a
lift (Get f) = reader head >>= local tail . return . f -- This is wrong
mockConsole :: Teletype a -> [String] -> (a, [String])
mockConsole p inp = (a, s)
(a, s, _) = runRWS (interpRWS p) inp []
When running the TeletypeRWS "programs", the first value in the environment is not removed:
*Main> mockConsole hello ["john", "18"]
((),["What is your name?","What is your age?","Hello, john!","You are john years old!"])
I am a bit uneasy about updating the Reader, but I don't know how else I can access the next value in the list. The type of TeletypeRWS was chosen based on the exercise mentioned above – so I assume it should be possible to implement interpRWS.
We can't use foldFree: it needs to be parametric in the continuation, so we can't apply local there. In contrast, iterM explicitly gives us the actual continuation without generalization, so this will work.
interpRWS = iterM lift where
lift (Put s a) = modify (\t -> t ++ [s]) >> a
lift (Get f) = reader head >>= local tail . f

Refactoring Haskell when adding IO

I have a concern regarding how far the introduction of IO trickles through a program. Say a function deep within my program is altered to include some IO; how do I isolate this change to not have to also change every function in the path to IO as well?
For instance, in a simplified example:
a :: String -> String
a s = (b s) ++ "!"
b :: String -> String
b s = '!':(fetch s)
fetch :: String -> String
fetch s = reverse s
main = putStrLn $ a "hello"
(fetch here could more realistically be reading a value from a static Map to give as its result)
But say if due to some business logic change, I needed to lookup the value returned by fetch in some database (which I can exemplify here with a call to getLine):
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
So my question is, how to prevent having to rewrite every function call in this chain?
a :: String -> IO String
a s = fmap (\x -> x ++ "!") (b s)
b :: String -> IO String
b s = fmap (\x -> '!':x) (fetch s)
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
main = a "hello" >>= putStrLn
I can see that refactoring this would be much simpler if the functions themselves did not depend on each other. That is fine for a simple example:
a :: String -> String
a s = s ++ "!"
b :: String -> String
b s = '!':s
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
doit :: String -> IO String
doit s = fmap (a . b) (fetch s)
main = doit "hello" >>= putStrLn
but I don't know if that is necessarily practical in more complicated programs.
The only way I've found thus far to really isolate an IO addition like this is to use unsafePerformIO, but, by its very name, I don't want to do that if I can help it. Is there some other way to isolate this change? If the refactoring is substantial, I would start to feel inclined to avoid having to do it (especially under deadlines, etc).
Thanks for any advice!
Here are a few methods I use.
Reduce dependencies on effects by inverting control. (One of the methods you described in your question.) That is, execute the effects outside and pass the results (or functions with those results partially applied) into pure code. Instead of having main → a → b → fetch, have main → fetch and then main → a → b:
a :: String -> String
a f = b f ++ "!"
b :: String -> String
b f = '!' : f
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
main = do
f <- fetch "hello"
putStrLn $ a f
For more complex cases of this, where you need to thread an argument to do this sort of “dependency injection” through many levels, Reader/ReaderT lets you abstract over the boilerplate.
Write pure code that you expect might need effects in monadic style from the start. (Polymorphic over the choice of monad.) Then if you do eventually need effects in that code, you don’t need to change the implementation, only the signature.
a :: (Monad m) => String -> m String
a s = (++ "!") <$> b s
b :: (Monad m) => String -> m String
b s = ('!' :) <$> fetch s
fetch :: (Monad m) => String -> m String
fetch s = pure (reverse s)
Since this code works for any m with a Monad instance (or in fact just Applicative), you can run it directly in IO, or purely with the “dummy” monad Identity:
main = putStrLn =<< a "hello"
main = putStrLn $ runIdentity $ a "hello"
Then as you need more effects, you can use “mtl style” (as #dfeuer’s answer describes) to enable effects on an as-needed basis, or if you’re using the same monad stack everywhere, just replace m with that concrete type, e.g.:
newtype Fetch a = Fetch { unFetch :: IO a }
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
a :: String -> Fetch String
a s = pure (b s ++ "!")
b :: String -> Fetch String
b s = ('!' :) <$> fetch s
fetch :: String -> Fetch String
fetch s = do
x <- liftIO getLine
return $ s ++ x
main = putStrLn =<< unFetch (a "hello")
The advantage of mtl style is that you can have multiple different implementations of your effects. That makes things like testing & mocking easy, since you can reuse the logic but run it with different “handlers” for production & testing. In fact, you can get even more flexibility (at the cost of some runtime performance) using an algebraic effects library such as freer-effects, which not only lets the caller change how each effect is handled, but also the order in which they’re handled.
Roll up your sleeves and do the refactoring. The compiler will tell you everywhere that needs to be updated anyway. After enough times doing this, you’ll naturally end up recognising when you’re writing code that will require this refactoring later, so you’ll consider effects from the beginning and not run into the problem.
You’re quite right to doubt unsafePerformIO! It’s not just unsafe because it breaks referential transparency, it’s unsafe because it can break type, memory, and concurrency safety as well—you can use it to coerce any type to any other, cause a segfault, or cause deadlocks and concurrency errors that would ordinarily be impossible. You’re telling the compiler that some code is pure, so it’s going to assume it can do all the transformations it does with pure code—such as duplicating, reordering, or even dropping it, which may completely change the correctness and performance of your code.
The main legitimate use cases for unsafePerformIO are things like using the FFI to wrap foreign code (that you know is pure), or doing GHC-specific performance hacks; stay away from it otherwise, since it’s not meant as an “escape hatch” for ordinary code.
First off, the refactoring doesn't tend to be as bad as you might imagine. Once you make the first change, the type checker will point you to the next few, and so on. But suppose you have a reason to suspect from the start that you might need some extra capability to make a function go. A common way to do this (called mtl-style, after the monad transformer library) is to express your needs in a constraint.
class Monad m => MonadFetch m where
fetch :: String -> m String
a :: MonadFetch m => String -> m String
a s = fmap (\x -> x ++ "!") (b s)
b :: MonadFetch m => String -> m String
b s = fmap (\x -> '!':x) (fetch s)
instance MonadFetch IO where
-- fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
instance MonadFetch Identity where
-- fetch :: String -> Identity String
fetch = Identity . reverse
You're no longer tied to a particular monad: you just need one that can fetch. Code operating on an arbitrary MonadFetch instance is pure, except that it can fetch.

Reader Monad - explanation of trivial case

I have been trying to get to grips with the reader monad and came across this tutorial. In it, the author presents this example:
example2 :: String -> String
example2 context = runReader (greet "James" >>= end) context
greet :: String -> Reader String String
greet name = do
greeting <- ask
return $ greeting ++ ", " ++ name
end :: String -> Reader String String
end input = do
isHello <- asks (== "Hello")
return $ input ++ if isHello then "!" else "."
I know that this is a trivial example that shows the mechanics, but I am trying to figure out why it would be better than doing something like:
example3 :: String -> String
example3 = end <*> (greet "James")
greet name input = input ++ ", " ++ name
end input = if input == "Hello" then (++ "!") else (++ ".")
Reader isn't often used by itself in real code. As you have observed, it's not really better than just passing an extra argument to your functions. However, as part of a monad transformer it is an excellent way to pass configuration parameters through your application. Usually this is done by adding a MonadReader constraint to any function that needs access to configuration.
Here's an attempt at a more real-world example:
data Config = Config
{ databaseConnection :: Connection
, ... other configuration stuff
getUser :: (MonadReader Config m, MonadIO m) => UserKey -> m User
getUser x = do
db <- asks databaseConnection
.... fetch user from database using the connection
then your main would look something like:
main :: IO ()
main = do
config <- .... create the configuration
user <- runReaderT (getUser (UserKey 42)) config
print user
dfeuer, chi and user2297560 are right in that "Reader isn't often used by itself in real code". It is worth noting, though, that there is next to no essential difference between what you do in the second snippet in the question and actually using Reader as a monad: the function functor is just Reader without the wrappers, and the Monad and Applicative instances for both of them are equivalent. By the way, outside of highly polymorphic code1, the typical motivation for using the function Applicative is making code more pointfree. In that case, moderation is highly advisable. For instance, as far as my own taste goes, this...
(&&) <$> isFoo <*> isBar
... is fine (and sometimes it might even read nicer than the pointful spelling), while this...
end <*> greet "James"
... is just confusing.
For instance, as Carl points out in a comment, it and the related instances can be useful in...
[...] places where you have code that's polymorphic in a type constructor and your use case is passing an argument in. This can come up when using the polymorphic types offered by lenses, for instance.

How can monads determine ordering if their information is lost upon normalization?

If I understood correctly, a monad is just the implementation of a bind >>= and a return operator following certain rules which basically compose 2 functions of different return types together. So, for example, those are equivalent:
putStrLn "What is your name?"
>>= (\_ -> getLine)
>>= (\name -> putStrLn ("Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!"))
(bind (putStrLn "What is your name?")
(\_ -> getLine)
(\name -> putStrLn ("Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!"))))
But if we strongly normalize this expression, the final result will be just:
(putStrLn ("Welcome, " ++ getline ++ "!"))
The first statement (putStrLn "What is your name?") is completely lost. Also, getLine looks like a function with no arguments, which is nonsense. So how does this work, and what is the actual definition of the >>= and return functions?
Your logical misstep is that you assume certain reduction rules hold which do not. In particular, you appear to be using
f >>= (\x -> g x) ==== g f
If that held then, yes, monads would be pretty silly: (>>=) would just be flip ($). But it doesn't, in general, hold at all. In fact, the very reason it doesn't hold is what provides monads an opportunity to be interesting.
For a little bit of further exploration, here's the one monad where (>>=) == flip ($) (basically) holds.
newtype Identity a = Identity { unIdentity :: a }
To make our equations work out, we'll have to use that Identity a ~ a. This isn't strictly true, obviously, but let's pretend. In particular, Identity . unIdentity and unIdentity . Identity are both identities, no-ops, and we can freely apply Identity or unIdentity however we like to make types match
instance Functor Identity where
fmap f (Identity a) = Identity (f a)
instance Monad Identity where
return a = Identity a -- this is a no-op
ida >>= f = f (unIdentity ida)
Now, in particular, we want to examine
ida :: Identity a
f :: a -> b
ida >>= Identity . f :: Identity b
Identity (f (unIdentity ida)) :: Identity b
and if we throw away the Identity/unIdentity noise and thus produce the knowledge that ida = Identity a for some a
Identity (f (unIdentity ida)) :: Identity b
Identity (f a) :: Identity b
=== ~
f a :: b
So, while (>>=) == flip ($) forms a certain basis of intuition about (>>=)... in any circumstance more interesting than the Identity monad (and all other monads are) it doesn't hold exactly.
Seems to be a misunderstanding of how evaluation in IO proceeds in Haskell. If you look at the type signature for (>>=):
λ: :t (>>=)
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
It takes a monadic value parameterized by a type a, and a function which accepts a type of the same type and applies it inside the function body yielding a monadic value of type b.
The IO monad itself is a rather degenerate monad since it has special status in Haskell's implementation. A type of IO a stands for a potentially impure computation which, when performed, does some IO before returning a value of type a.
The first statement (putStrLn "What is your name?") is completely
The misunderstanding about this statement is that the value of putStrLn :: String -> IO () does in fact lose it's value in some sense, or more precisely it just yields the unit type () to the bound function after performing the IO action of printing a string to the outside world.
But if we strongly normalize this expression, the final result will be
just: (putStrLn ("Welcome, " ++ getline ++ "!"))
It's best to think of getLine :: IO String as being a computation yielding a value instead of a value itself. In this case as well the function getLine is not itself substituted in but the result of the computation it performs is, which behaves like you expect it to: getting a value from stdin and printing it back out.
It has been so long til I asked that question! The simple answer is that, no, the term I posted does not reduce to putStrLn ("Welcome, " ++ getline ++ "!"). Instead, its normal form will have the shape bind foo (\ _ -> bind bar (\ _ -> ...)), i.e., a chain of lambdas, which holds the ordering information I was worried about.
[...] what are the actual definitions for the (>>=) and return functions?
From section 6.1.7 (page 75) of the Haskell 2010 report:
The IO type serves as a tag for operations (actions) that interact with the outside world. The IO type is abstract: no constructors are visible to the user. IO is an instance of the Monad and Functor classes.
the crucial point being:
The IO type is abstract: no constructors are visible to the user.
There are no actual (written in idiomatic Haskell) definitions - it's the implementors' choice as to which model to use: state-threading, continuations, direct effects, etc. (This wasn't always the case - I provide more details here :-) We also benefit, as we're able to choose the most convenient model for the investigation being made.
So how does this work [...]?
I will choose the direct-effect model, based on examples from Philip Wadler's How to Declare an Imperative:
(* page 26, modified *)
type 'a io = oi -> 'a
infix >>=
val >>= : 'a io * ('a -> 'b io) -> 'b io
fun m >>= k = fn Oblige => let
val x = m Oblige
val y = k x Oblige
val return : 'a -> 'a io
fun return x = fn Oblige => x
val putc : char -> unit io
fun putc c = fn Oblige => putcML c
val getc : char io
val getc = fn Oblige => getcML ()
I'm using a new type:
datatype oi = Oblige
to reserve the unit type and its value () for the usual purpose of vacuous
results, for clarity.
(Yes - that's Standard ML: just imagine it's 1997, and you're writing a
prototype Haskell implementation ;-)
With the help of some extra definitions:
val gets : (char list) io
val putsl : char list -> unit io
that Haskell code sample, modified slightly:
putStrLn "What is your name?" >>=
(\_ -> getLine >>=
(\name -> putStrLn (greet name)))
greet :: String -> String
greet name = "Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!"
translates to:
putsl "What is your name?"
>>= (fn _ => gets
>>= (fn name => putsl (greet name))
val greet : char list -> char list
fun greet name = List.concat (String.explode "Welcome, "::name::[#"!"])
All going well, the sample should simplify down to:
fun Oblige => let
val x = putsl "What is your name?" Oblige
val name = gets Oblige
val y = putsl (greet name) Oblige
Even though x isn't used it's still evaluated in Standard ML, which causes the prompt "What is your name?" to be displayed.
Now for a guess at the next question...Standard ML and Haskell are both functional languages - could all that oi stuff be transferred across to Haskell?
I was wrong? Meh; I'll answer it anyway - sort of; you can read about what I devised over here. If that was just too abominable to contemplate...well, here are those extra Standard ML definitions:
(* from pages 25-26, verbatim *)
val putcML : char -> unit
fun putcML c = TextIO.output1(TextIO.stdOut,c);
val getcML : unit -> char
fun getcML () = valOf(TextIO.input1(TextIO.stdIn));
(* Caution: work of SML novice... *)
val gets = fn Oblige => let
val c = getc Oblige
if c = #"\n" then
val cs = gets Oblige
fun putsl cs = fn Oblige => let
val _ = putsl cs Oblige
val _ = putc #"\n" Oblige
val puts : char list -> unit io
fun puts cs = fn Oblige => case cs of
[] => ()
| (c::cs) => let val _ = putc c Oblige in
puts cs Oblige

How to use the Reader Monad when traversing an Abstract Syntax Tree

I have an abstract syntax tree in haskell made from Parsec. I want to be able to query its structure while traversing it at the same time in order to translate it into intermediate code. For example, I need to know how many parameters any given function of my AST takes in order to make this translation. What I am currently doing is passing in the AST to every single function so I can call it whenever I need to do a lookup and I have helper functions in another file to do the lookups for me. This is polluting my type signatures. Especially when I begin to add more things like an accumulator.
Instead of passing in the AST to every function I've heard this would be a good job for the Reader Monad (for state that doesn't change, the AST) and the State Monad (for state that does change, the accumulator).
How can I take the ast out of the IO monad (gulp) and use it in a Reader Monad to do global lookups?
main = do
putStrLn "Please enter the name of your jack file (i.e. Main)"
fileName <- getLine
file <- readFile (fileName++".jack")
let ast = parseString file
writeFile (fileName++".xml") (toClass ast) --I need to query this globally
putStrLn $ "Completed Parsing, " ++ fileName ++ ".vm created..."
type VM = String
toClass :: Jack -> VM
toClass c = case c of
(Class ident decs) ->
toDecs decs
toDecs ::[Declaration] -> VM -- I don't want to add the ast in every function arg...
toDecs [] = ""
toDecs (x:xs) = case x of
(SubDec keyword typ subname params subbody) ->
case keyword of
"constructor" -> --use the above ast to query the # of local variables here...
toSubBody subbody ++
toDecs xs
otherwise -> []
UPDATE on Reader Monad progress:
I have transformed the above example into something like this: (see below). But now I'm wondering due to all this accumulation of string output, should I use a writer Monad as well? And if so, how should I go about composing the two? Should ReaderT encapsulate writer? or vice versa? Should I make a type that just accepts a Reader and a Writer without attempting to compose them as a Monad Transformer?
main = do
putStrLn "Please enter the name of your jack file (i.e. Main)"
fileName <- getLine
file <- readFile (fileName++".jack")
writeFile (fileName++".xml") (runReader toClass $ parseString file)
putStrLn $ "Completed Parsing, " ++ fileName ++ ".xml created..."
toClass = do
env <- ask
case env of Class ident decs -> return $ toDecs decs env
toDecs [] = return ""
toDecs ((SubDec keyword typ subname params subbody):xs) = do
env <- ask
res <- (case keyword of
"method" -> do return "push this 0\n"
"constructor" -> do return "pop pointer 0\nMemory.alloc 1\n"
otherwise -> do return "")
return $ res ++ toSubBody subbody env ++ toDecs xs env
toDecs (_:xs) = do
decs <- ask
return $ toDecs xs decs
toSubBody (SubBodyStatement states) = do
return $ toStatement states
toSubBody (SubBody _ states) = do
return $ toStatement states
http://hpaste.org/83595 --for declarations
Without knowing a bit more about the Jack and Declaration types it's hard to see how to transform it into a Reader monad. If the idea is to perform a "map" or a "fold" over something while having the ast :: Jack object in scope, you might write
f :: [Declaration] -> Reader Jack [Something]
f decls = mapM go decls where
go :: Declaration -> Reader Jack Something
go (SubDec keyword typ subname params subbody) =
case keyword of
"constructor" -> do
ast <- ask
return (doSomething subbody ast)
and then execute it in context with your ast as runReader (f decls) ast.
